Parade of Tears

Try Smiling


The final bell for school just rang and I’m walking with Minzy and some for her sophomore friends towards the others. From the corner of my eye I could see Minho disappearing behind the school building.

“Oh I’ll be right back guys” I told them stalking off after him. I made my way up the hill and I saw the tail end of his jacket disappear behind the building. I snuck up quietly behind him wanting to surprise him.

I pulled a small stuffed cat from my bag.

I saw it in the story a few days ago and it reminded me of him so I bought it. I crept up to the edge of the building and stepped out. I wasn’t prepared for what I saw.

Minho was there but not alone. No he was sticking his tongue down Yoona’s throat. His arms were wound tightly around her small waist and her arms were wrapped around his neck her hands running through his hair. They didn’t notice me at first and I was too in shock to make my presence known. I just didn’t know what to do, I was just frozen in my place clutching the small stuffed animal. After what felt like forever they pulled apart and loving looked into each other’s eyes. I must have caught Minho’s eye because he jumped and turned to face me.

I was now slowly gathering my wits and dropped the poor kitten from my strangle hold on it. I turned around and tried to run away.

“Jordan” I knew I shouldn’t have stopped but I couldn’t help but stop. He had a hold over me, he always did. I could never say no to him and right now was no different. “Jordan let me explain.” He said grabbing my arm slightly.

I felt the shock of reality hit me and I yanked myself away. I turned to face him my anger bubbling up my body show much I felt like I was shaking, “Explain what? Why you’re here sneaking around with this behind my back? How long you have been cheating on me? Or are you going to just blow me off without a second thought? You don’t care for me at all.” He looked surprised by what is said even though he should have seen it coming.

But he seemed to not be too surprised. “Why am I cheating? What about you and your American play toy Dae? You’ve been awfully close to him. You cheated on me in front of my face and now you’re mad I decided to do the same thing.” That really hurt. I felt the anger boil down and become replaced with a wave of sadness.

I felt hot tears prick the back of my eyes threatening to parade down my cheek at any moment. When I found my voice again it was small and cracked. “I would never cheat on you, in front of your face or behind your back. I loved you so much but you never cared or even noticed all the things I’ve done for you. I always put my all out for you but you just take it and run and expect me to be alright with it. But I guess it doesn’t matter now. You have Yoona now and I hope you two can rot in hell together.” I turned away from them trying to keep my head up but it seemed like the hardest thing to do right now.

The weight of everything was on my shoulders making my knees feel like they would give out at any time. I knew when I walked out alone and they walked out together everyone would know what happened. The Queen Jordan Taylor was dumped by her boyfriend for the new girl. I knew rumors would spread and people would stare when I walked by but I couldn’t let that faze me. I had to stay strong. 

When I walked back down the hill everyone seemed to be too wrapped up in their own worlds to notice me come over. Everyone except Daesung. He looked up from his book to smile at me but his face immediately turned to worry when he saw me. Daesung quickly stood and came over to me. “Jordan are you crying?” He asked.

I touched my cheek and felt the dampness. I immediately wiped my eyes and said “No I’m not crying”. I waked past him towards my car. I could hear Daesung tell someone I was crying. There was a pause in conversation before I heard footsteps coming after me. I stopped knowing I wouldn’t be able to outrun the girls.

Bom grabbed my arms and forcefully turned me to face her “Jordan why are you crying?” She asked. I couldn’t bring myself to tell her because if I did I knew I would really start to cry and fully lose my cool and I couldn’t lose my composure here. This time Minzy asked a little bit softer “Unni why are you crying? You’re really worrying us.” She said as CL handed me some tissues. The others nodded in agreement with Minzy. I glanced back up to the school building.

I regretted it instantly. I pointed at the building and when they turned they immediately understood my tears. Standing in front of the building in clear view of everybody was Yoona with a triumphant smug expression holding my ex-boyfriend’s hand. He looked fine, like we didn’t just argue and break up.

I felt a harsh tug on my arm as I was put into the backseat of my own car. Dara was sitting at the wheel and CL was in the back with me. I put my head on her shoulder and she hugged me tightly. “Don’t worry Jordan Unni we still love you no matter what. You can just cry to us.” And as soon as I was in the comfort on my room with them that’s exactly what I did.   

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Almost finished with the story Chapter 9 is up


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Chapter 9: GD must love his crown LOL!!! :)
aww i liked your story it was so nice! i smiled every time you wrote about Daesung smiling^^
garagarago #3
Update soon please! I love your story!! ^-^
WHOOO :D SO GOOD :D I'm glad you wrote it!! Update, and dont quit writing !!!
MsKitten #5
Can't wait to read more! Plus I love Crystal Kay's music!