Try Smiling for Me

Try Smiling


Three hours later I was pouting in the back of my car with Dara driving and Minzy is sitting next to me in the back. CL and Bom are in the other car. I quietly fidget with the sparkly diamond necklace delicately resting around my neck. I didn’t want to wear much jewelry, I just wore this and the matching dangling earrings. The girls kept telling me it would go perfect with the Homecoming Queen crown.

“But I didn’t sign up to run.” I complained as we were getting dressed.

“You were nominated and you had more than enough votes to get your name on the ballot. Unless there is some kind of divine trolling from high up above you’re going to win.” I smiled and chuckled at Dara’s comment.

“What if I’m not as loved as you think?” I asked them standing in front of the full length mirror. 

We did each other’s nails, hair, and makeup and when we got downstairs got gushed over by my mother. She was such a teenager at heart and my friends love her because of it. When people mistake her for my sister it’s not to flatter her, but because the person really thought she was my sister. 

As we pulled up to the dance we parked and walked inside. The photographer stopped us asking to take a picture. We posed hugging each other and smiling. As we went inside the dance was in full swing and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. We made our way to the dance floor and danced for a few minutes before dispersing to socialize.

We may be popular but we don’t think we are higher than anyone else in school and we had many friends outside of our group. I was talking to my friend Lee Hyori and Choi Dong-Wook but people called him se7en.

“So who else is running for Homecoming Queen?” I asked them curious as to who my competitors were.

“I don’t know all of their names but I know that Yoona is running.” Hyori said scrunching up her face and the mention of her name.

 Yoona was not liked by many females at my school but that was beside the point. “It doesn’t matter, people in general like you so much better than any other Queen at the school before. You are guaranteed to win” She smiled. I smiled back and thanked her. “Hey there are your friends” Se7en said jabbing his chin in the direction of the spot where BIGBANG and 2NE1 had gathered on the other side of the room. “Oh thank you, I hope you guys enjoy the dance” I smiled hugging and kissing them on their cheeks.

I slowly made my way through the crowd to them. The first thing I noticed when I got there was Daesung. He was looking really good in his blue suit and his bright blonde hair combed neatly over his face.As he turned to look at me.... 

 (I saw this and had to find a way to add it)

I smiled at him and he smiled back coming over to hug me. “You look really beautiful tonight” He murrmed into my hair. I smiled up at him “Thank you, you don’t look so bad yourself” I reply stepping back to look at him again. “I try” he struck a funny pose and I laughed. It’s the first time I’ve done that in a while.

After a while of talking all of us moved to the dance floor. One thing you may not know about us is that we are a huge group of performers. Everyone’s really good at something from Minzy and Taeyang dancing to T.O.P., GD, and CL rapping. Me I was just the behind the scenes person who can do it all but would rather help others. Some days at lunch they would put on random performances and talent competitions.

So all of that basically meant we took over the dance floor. People moved out of the way for us for a couple of songs but when the music changed to some real bump and grind music we invited everyone back onto the dance floor and everyone was in a hot sweaty circle dancing with whoever was close.

I felt someone’s warm muscular arms snake around my waist and the person’s breath was hot on my neck. I turned my head slightly to see the person and smiled when I saw who it was. I hooked my arm around his neck and moved my hips to the beat of the song pulsing from the speakers.I could feel him moving with me as we danced and at that moment I didn’t care what anyone else thought or what my ex was doing. All that mattered to me was Daesung’s arms around me as we danced to the music.

But all too soon my bliss ended and the song cut off and it turned into more of a ‘slow dance with the person you love’ type of song. I turned and wrapped my arms around Daesung’s neck. “This was fun we should do it again sometime.” I whispered hugging him tightly before leading us away from the dance floor.

He smiled as I walked away but this smile seemed different, almost forced. Why isn’t he happy? I wonder to myself as I make my way to the punch bowl. Looking around the beautifully decorated room longingly my eyes stop at the same heart wrenching sight.

Minho and Yoona intertwined with each other swaying around like Prince Charming and Cinderella. I felt like the ugly step sister who was casted to the side because she had an evil uncaring heart. While Yoona got to dance with my prince charming I was left in the dark confused and hurt. He left me without a second thought like I never meant to him what he meant to me.

I could feel the hot tears of all the sudden rush of emotions that I had been trying to push down building up behind my eyes. Quickly snapping them shut to prevent the sudden flow of rivers down my face I walked out of the room into the cold dark hallway. I could feel a single tear parade down my cheek as I lean on the nearby wall. I press my back to the cold stone and slowly slide down as more tears follow the path of the first small droplet.

I couldn’t hear the person’s approaching footsteps as I was too caught in my salty tears. I felt a familiar hand grab my arm and pull me up from my unsightly heap on the ground. I was pulled into his muscled chest and I felt my tears rub off on the front of his shirt.

“Don’t cry for him, he doesn’t deserve your tears.” Daesung’s deep voice cut through the sounds of my soft sobs. His voice sounded almost as broken as I felt. But I didn’t get to really think about it as he kept talking “Your face is way to pretty to have dried tear stains for a guy who doesn’t love you back. You shouldn’t feel such hurt and pain for him, there are other people who will treat you like the beautiful Queen you are. Please try smiling for me.” He whispered the last part so low I almost didn’t hear him.

I took a deep breath dragging in the scent of his cologne was becoming a familiar and welcomed part of my every day. Daesung always had a way of making me feel special and loved in a way that Minho never could.

I took a step back and looked at Daesung. I noticed all the little things about him that I loved like the way his smile made his eyes disappear, the way his blonde hair would always fall into the right place whether it was in front of his face or not, I preferred it not, and the way he made me feel safe in his arms. My heart was yelling at me, telling me I was fell in love with him so long ago and that I should do something about it but my brain told me to be careful because the last time I trusted my heart I got hurt.

“You’re really sweet Daesung. I’m so glad you are here for me.” I kiss his cheek lightly before going off to the girl’s bathroom. I couldn’t bear to look at his face right now or I might break out into another round of tears.  

I stepped in front of the mirror and stared hard at myself. My tears were gone but my eyes were still slightly red from crying. I tried to convince myself that I didn’t care that Minho didn’t care for me anymore as I dab my eyes my a wet cold paper towel. I reapplied mascara and lip gloss and looked in the mirror again. I did try smiling again and as soon as I did I felt slightly better.

BANG “THERE YOU ARE JORDAN! WE’VE BEEN LOOKING EVERYWHERE FOR YOU!” Bom yelled coming into the bathroom with CL on her heels. “Oh sorry Unni I was touching up my make up.” I tell them fluffing up my hair for good measure. “Well hurry up there about to announce Homecoming Queen.” CL said taking my by the wrist to lead me out. As soon as we stepped in our ears perked up. The principal Mr. YG was on the stage with the card on the name of the winner in his hand. “And this year’s homecoming Queen is…”

Talk about a troll ending. That seems like something Papa YG would really do, just stop in the middle of the line and leaveyou in suppense. Well that was is it for now. Jordan is really tore up about Minho. She doesn't even realise all the people that really do love her.

Did you guys see that picture of Daesung?!?!?!  I Love tumblr for reasons like that ^^^^ I was going to find a way to add it even if it was just put at the bottom. But yeah it's there and it's amazing. ^.^

So yeah Comment, subcribe, tell your friends, Love Daesung <3 you know all that stuff :D

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Almost finished with the story Chapter 9 is up


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Chapter 9: GD must love his crown LOL!!! :)
aww i liked your story it was so nice! i smiled every time you wrote about Daesung smiling^^
garagarago #3
Update soon please! I love your story!! ^-^
WHOOO :D SO GOOD :D I'm glad you wrote it!! Update, and dont quit writing !!!
MsKitten #5
Can't wait to read more! Plus I love Crystal Kay's music!