Epilogue: Many New Surprises

Try Smiling


A few years later

The sun streamed through the open window and aroused me from my peaceful slumber. I rolled over in bed and felt the spot next to me. It was empty. I sat up and looked around the empty room.

“Daesung?” I called out the evidence of sleep still very evident in my voice.

“What’s wrong Baby?” I heard him call from downstairs.

“Oh nothing just wondering where you were.” I call back falling back into bed. I’m about dozed off again when the sound of him coming upstairs and into our room wakes me up again.

“Are you awake, Jordan?” He asked softly. I roll over to smile at him but I’m taken by surprise. He made me breakfast in bed.

“Omo you made me food?” I inquire sitting up in bed. He just smiles cutely as he places the tray of food in front of me. I pick up the strawberry and happily pop it into my mouth.

“Is there some special date I forgot that you are making me breakfast?” I ask pulling him down to sit next to me. He shook his head still smiling like an idiot.

“So why are you so happy this morning?” I ask leaning my body onto him as I continued to eat.

“I’m still remembering the day you agreed to marry me. Even though it was a few years ago it was the happiest day of my life.” He slowly placed soft kissed down my neck and across my shoulder.

I shiver at his touch, amazed that it still brought chills down my spine. I moved the tray of food off my lap and pulled him all the way onto the bed. I pushed myself up and brought my legs around to straddle his waist.

“It was the happiest day of my life too. I got to become your wife, Kang-Taylor Jordan. I can’t be happier. I love you so much Kang Daesung.” I beamed and brought my lips down onto his.

Our lips moved in sync until I nibbled softly on his bottom lip. He opened his lips and I slipped my tongue into his mouth. Our tongues danced together playfully until I pulled back for air. That didn’t stop him from trailing kisses down my neck and collarbone. His hands were wrapped around my hips tightly pulling me down into his well-built body. I moaned as his hands wandered to the bottom of my tank top. He slipped a hand underneath the thin fabric and started to move it up. Just then the phone rang.

I heard Daesung groan in annoyance as I pulled away from him.

“Don’t answer it.” He complained trying to pull me back down onto the bed.

At first I complied and was about to kiss him again when the phone rang again. This time it was me who was annoyed. I reached over and snapped my phone open.

“What do you want?” I asked harshly knowing damn well who was on the line.

“Is that any way to greet someone so early in the morning?” Bom asked laughing.

“It is when you’re interrupting something.” I moan slightly as Daesung trailed kissed up and down my neck.

“Oh and what might I be interrupting?” She asked sarcastically.

“I’m trying to screw my husband if you don’t mind.” I gasp as he pulled me up to straddle his waist again. His lips went to work again trying to get me to moan, kissing across my upper chest getting lower and lower every time.

“Why did you call me Bom?” I let out a shaky breath while Daesung continued his assault of my body. Now his hands were hiking farther up by bare thigh towards my shorts.

“I just wanted to remind you that we changed the time of our meeting to 1:30 instead of 12:00” I could hear her smirking on the other end of the line but I didn’t even care right now. I just wanted to jump on Daesung and stay locked in our room for another hour or so.

“Yeah whatever, tell big tempo and little tempo I said hi. Bye Bom” I hang up and throw my phone across the room.

“Now where were we?”

2 Hours later

“You may come in now Mrs. Kang” The nurse smiled and bowed politely. I smiled back and walked into the small examination room. “Hello Doctor, anything new you have to tell me? I have to go meet up with my friends and my husband gets antsy waiting in the waiting room.”

“Yes Mrs. Kang there is something I have to tell you and your husband might want to be in here to hear this too.” She told me looking over my chart as she sat in her swivel chair. I was surprised but called Daesung in anyway.

He held my hand tightly. “What’s wrong?” He asked peering over at the doctor.

“I don’t know she’s going to tell me now.”

“Well congratulations Mrs. Kang you are pregnant.”  She beamed putting down my chart.

“I’m pregnant?” I asked thinking I miss heard her. She nodded and launched into a speech about staying health and body changes and finding doctors to help my pregnancy along.

“I’ll give you two sometime to think about everything.” She stood and left the room closing the door behind us.

“Daesung are you alright?” I asked my husband who had been awfully quiet. I turn to look at him carefully. The first thing I noticed was that his face was set and showing no emotion at all.

“Baby are you alright?” I ask touching his face lightly. He turned to me and slowly his eyes were disappearing into the adorable small crescents I loved so much.

“We’re having a baby.” He breathed astonished.

I didn’t think his smile could get any bigger but it kept growing. Smiling happily I pulled him for a long kiss. He dropped to his knees and hugged my waist kissing my stomach lightly. “How did we not notice before?” He asked looking up at me.

“Morning sickness and strange cravings don’t run in my family. I wouldn’t have noticed until I started getting fat.” I ran my fingers lightly through his hair chuckling as he rose to his feet again.

“I’m so happy, I can’t believe it.” He continued to murmur into my hair kissing my lips every now and again in between. The doctor stuck her head back into the room.

“I hope I’m not interrupting, but here are some recommendations for obstetricians and gynecologists. You should set up an appointment soon for a more thorough check-up. Congratulations once again.” She smiled as we left.

“I guess we should tell the others. They would be so upset with us if we wait to long.”

An hour later

We were sitting at the same park in which I preformed handed down my crown seemingly so many years ago. Daesung and I were sitting at a park bench watching the world go on around us. I unconsciously smiled at the parents following their young children around the park as the climbed, jumped, and swung off of everything they could. All while making new friends in the process.

“One day that is going to be us.” I lifted my head off Daesung’s to smile at him. His hand was resting on my stomach lightly rubbing it.

“I can’t wait. You’re going to be such an amazing mom.” He smiled his huge adorable smile as he kissed me slowly.

“I love you baby.” I whisper.

“I love you too baby, and you too other baby.” He made a goofy face at my stomach.

“Hey I love you too!!” Little tempo, Bom and TOP’s son came charging towards us with open arms. I smiled and scooped him up in my arms.

“Hey there little beat” I pass him to Daesung as I hug Bom who was trailing behind her son.

“Hey sweetie, how are you?”

“We have an announcement for you all, well when everyone gets here.” I beam brightly.

In half an hour’s time everyone was gathered together. TOP and Bom sat on the ground together by the base of the large oak tree shading all of us while their son ran off to play with his friends, CL and Ji Yong were sitting next to them looking at their cell phones. They were both CEOs of huge companies in Korea, and because of that they were often extremely busy but whenever they could make time they would for us. Dara and Taeyang sat at the picnic bench discussing new music they heard in the car ride over. Minzy and Seungri were standing together, Seungri was leaning on the tree and Minzy was leaning on Seungri. They were still dating even after all these years.

“So what’s so important that you had to wait till everyone was here?” TOP asked looking up from his wife.

“Well I went to the doctor today and she told me I’m pregnant” I smile and put my hand over my stomach. There were a few blurs of movement before Daesung was no longer next to me but in his spot was CL. Bom was right in front of my face, Minzy on my left and Dara was coming up behind me. “CONGRATULATIONS!” They shriek throw their arms around me at once. I chuckle softly as they took turns rubbing my stomach cooing happily at it. Once they were done molesting my tummy I returned to Daesung who eagerly opened his arms for me.

“Any other exciting announcements that anyone would like to say to try and top ours?” I ask looking around at my friends. They were all looking at each other expectantly. Seungri raised his hand slowly.

“You better not pregnant?” I glared. The others laughed at Seungri while he turned red. “Ugh how did you find out before everyone else?” he joked back before standing up. He grabbed Minzy’s hand and pulled her up.
We watched as Seungri pulled a small velvet box from his pocket and dropped to one knee. Minzy’s faced show the utmost shock and I was pretty sure all of us had the same expression.

“Minzy you are the one true love of my life. I’ve known since I first laid eyes on you. You’re funny smart bubbly energetic and the most wonderful beautiful person I’ve ever met in my life. I’ve never had a girlfriend like you and I want to have a wife just as perfect as you are. Will you do the honor of marrying me?” AWWWWW!! THAT WAS SO BEAUTIFUL! I DIDN’T KNOW SEUNGRI WAS GOOD WITH WORDS!

Minzy had tears running down her face. She tearfully replied “Yes of course I’ll marry you!” Seungri slipped the delicate ring onto her finger bringing her into a tight embrace. “Aw congratulations you two” We chorus. Everything is happening so fast. All of us are starting families and getting so high in life they might never come down.  But no matter what we always had each other.

I turn to my smiling husband and ask "Do you remember back in high school how you told me to try smiling?" He nods diligently. "That that help me keep  my head up during almost every problem I've had since then. It was all thanks to you. I really love you because of that." He beams brightly and pulls me in for a kiss.

"You know our baby is going to be a smiler." I shout "He gets it from his dad"  

YAYAY!!  I finished Try Smiling after a very long time. I hope you all enjoyed the ending. Just so you know GD, CL, Dara and Taeyang aren't with each other. I thought that would be to much. Here is a set I made with Jordan, Daesung and their son when he's a little older. I hope you enjoyed this and soon I am going to hopefully put  up another story. Well by for now :)                                   

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Almost finished with the story Chapter 9 is up


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Chapter 9: GD must love his crown LOL!!! :)
aww i liked your story it was so nice! i smiled every time you wrote about Daesung smiling^^
garagarago #3
Update soon please! I love your story!! ^-^
WHOOO :D SO GOOD :D I'm glad you wrote it!! Update, and dont quit writing !!!
MsKitten #5
Can't wait to read more! Plus I love Crystal Kay's music!