Dear Diary

Try Smiling


Three weeks later

Dear Diary,

I know it’s been so very long since I’ve wrote anything here. Well I only found it under my after hours of cleaning. I was looking through you at all the secrets I’ve ever put in here. The only real reason I stopped was because I found people who would respond to my problems. Bom, CL, Dara, and Minzy are always there for me but now I feel this is something I can’t tell them .It’s nothing too extreme but I’m so confused. And of course my dear diary this is mega boy drama. 

Right now my boyfriend Minho just blew off another one of our dates. He’s been acting really strange lately. Ever since the new students came to school. Oh I should explain that.

The first new student we had was Daesung, I call him Dae most of the time, and he’s another factor in my boy drama. I’ll get back to him in a second. The second new student was Im Yoona. She’s a senior like me, Daesung and Minho. But when I first met her I could immediately tell she hated me and I still don’t know why.

Whenever I tried to talk to her and be nice she would snap at me and at any of the other girls in 2NE1. But whenever Minho or BIGBANG was around was she was acting all full of aeygo and it made me sick. She obviously likes them but she is getting to touchy feely on Minho and I don’t like that. I have to get her to back off of him every two seconds.

Minho is not the only one she obviously likes. She also really likes Daesung the other new student. Now let me explain why that’s a problem.

Daesung is sweet a sweet guy in such a y body. He was the talk of the school as soon as he walked onto the campus. Girls fell over him like they fell over the rest of BIGBANG. He was immediately given a spot in the group. Since he became a part of BIGBANG we hung out a lot and got so much closer.

We have secret conversations in front of everybody because we accidently switch to English and no one else would understand what we were saying. If I wasn’t with Minho, which wasn’t very often, I was with Daesung. I swear some people thought I was cheating on Minho with Daesung but my group of friends knew better. I was faithful and would never ever cheat on Minho.  

Well now I think Minho is sneaking around with Yoona. Just today he told me he had something important but as I was walking home with Bom and Taeyang, who live in my neighborhood, I saw Minho walking in the other direction with a small girl who looked just like Yoona. But I didn’t know because she was wear sunglasses and her hair was all under her hat. They looked like they were holding hands but I couldn’t tell from where I was walking.
I thought it was just me being paranoid but when I called him he didn’t pick up. Was I just being naïve? Was Minho cheating on me in front of my face and was just overlooking it? I’m afraid to ask him about it because he would just bring up Daesung in my face. I knew he was jealous of Daesung but I was trying to avoid him to make Minho happy but it wasn’t working. He still seemed extremely jealous and distant. And whenever Yoona looked at me she was smug like she had something I didn’t. I hate to jump to conclusions without asking for Minho’s point of view. I think I’ll do that today yeah I’ll do it today. I’ll straighten everything out and we will go back to being a happy couple.

I really do love Minho. I really hope he loves me too. I never drew up to courage to tell him yet, but our one year anniversary is coming up next week and I think I’ll tell him then. I’ll make his favorite dish of Bibimbap and we will have dinner at the beach. I love planning out things like this for him.   

Well wish me luck. I’ll really need it. Bye for diary.


Jordan Taylor             

I put my pen down and closed the small book back. I carefully wrapped the long piece of ribbon back around it and placed it carefully between the two mattresses of my bed.

Just as I readjusted the top mattress my phone started to ring. I had one of those ringtone that when you heard it you just had to dance to it, and that required people to call me twice for me to actually pick up. As it rang the second time I pushed accept and put it on speaker. “UNNIE!!!!” Dara, Minzy and CL yelled through the line.

“Yah you guys are going to burst my eardrums.” I complain putting my phone down on the dresser. “Mianhe” they apologized before hopping back to their subject for calling.

“We must coordinate for the Homecoming dance on Friday” Bom stated. I could hear the distant sounds of cooking in the background. Figures Bom would be eating. She had an amazing body for someone who eats as much as she does. “First let’s pick a color.” Dara squealed delighted at the idea of dressing us up. I rolled my eyes and flopped onto my bed.

Before I knew it three hours had gone by and I had to go to bed. “Good night everyone” I said flipping my phone closed.

I curled up on my bed with my favorite teddy bears scattered around my bed. I hated to be lonely when I sleep so I have a bunch of stuffed animals in my room. They are sometimes better than pillows because I can imagine them to be people to talk to.

Tonight I was hugging a bear that Mino gave me a while ago. It is white and at the time he was giving it to me holding a small jar of skittles my all time favorite candy. I smiled and rested my head on the bear’s chest. But tonight it felt different. The bear’s fur was irritating my skin and making my cry.

After a while I couldn’t take it anymore. I put the bear on my night stand and curled up with a different one. It was the one Daesung gave me for my birthday. The soft fur of this bear was much more comforting and lulled me to sleep in the middle of planning my surprise for Minho.

Well that's the next chapter I hope you guys enjoyed it. I would really appreciate it if you guys would comment a little more. And to say thank you to my first four subscribers. I'm so happy to have four (even though i would like more) then to have none and feel like this story was a failure. So yeah bye for now :)   

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Almost finished with the story Chapter 9 is up


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Chapter 9: GD must love his crown LOL!!! :)
aww i liked your story it was so nice! i smiled every time you wrote about Daesung smiling^^
garagarago #3
Update soon please! I love your story!! ^-^
WHOOO :D SO GOOD :D I'm glad you wrote it!! Update, and dont quit writing !!!
MsKitten #5
Can't wait to read more! Plus I love Crystal Kay's music!