Good Morning Loves

Try Smiling


“Get out of bed already! We’re going to be late to school Jordan unni” My girl CL yelled shaking me roughly. I was still half asleep and not planning on getting up for another 3 hours.

“Go without me. I’m sleepy.” I mumbled rolling myself up in my blanket again. Once again she started to unwrap my body and complain

“We are not leaving you here now get out of bed.” She said pulling all of the sheets away from my bed.

“YAH!!” I yell in utter frustration as I sit up straight. “Fine I’m getting up” I swing my legs over the edge almost kicking CL. 

“Aish watch were your swinging your legs of steel.” CL complained referring to my firm and toned legs. My mother is a kick boxing instructor and I work out with her to keep in shape.

“Stay out of my way if you don’t want to get kicked.” I responded standing up stretching my limbs and rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

“Where are the others?” I ask looking around my now empty room. “They’re downstairs it was my day to wake you up.” She smiled her cute eye smile as she followed me down the steps into the kitchen. “Morning loves” I smile at the three other girls sitting at my kitchen table. “Ah I see CL finally got you out of bed Unni, I think that’s a new record. Seven minutes forty three seconds.” Dara chuckled looking at the clock on the wall above my head. “You guys are getting really annoying with that” I grumble joining them sitting between CL and Bom.

These girls are my closet knit of friends. At school we are known as 2NE1 the Queens of YG High. We were a close knit group and I grew up closely with Bom and CL. If I had any problem at all they were the first ones I go to. Dara and Minzy are people who came into our group later on. Dara when I was a freshmen and Minzy last year when I saved her from a bully. We were all gathered at my house for our monthly sleep over. This month it was my house.

“Well you are getting more stubborn every morning.” CL complained pushing her eggs around on her plate.

“I’m sorry I will try to get better at waking up. Please don’t be mad at me.” I beg resting my head lightly on her shoulder pouting cutely. She tried to look away and keep being mad at me but that didn’t work.

“Ok fine I forgive you.” She sighed pushing my head off her. I smile victoriously as the others laugh at us. We kept talking to each other about our sleep over until I looked us over.

“Yah, why are we still in our pjs? We have to be at school soon.” We look at ourselves and jump up from the table. We dump our dishes in the sink and run back upstairs to get dressed.

“Can I borrow a top Bommie unni? I can’t find mine.” Dara asked looking through her duffle bag of stuff. “Yeah you can take this.” Bom said tossing the shirt at Dara. We were all changing in my room and I walked past my full sized mirror saying “Ew I still look like I just woke up.” I complain pressing the skin below my eyes to make them seem less puffy.

“Oh shut up unni you wake up looking like a model” Minzy grumbled adjusting her bra under her shirt. They always told me that but I didn’t see it. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. When I went back to my room they were dressed and doing their makeup and picking accessories.


I quickly got dressed and put on light makeup just lip gloss and mascara.“We ready to go?” I asked as we reassembled in the living room. My house was empty except for us because my parents went to visit my grandparents for the weekend. They should be back by tonight and I wanted to clean up the house before they got back.

“I guess so” CL said looking us over. We grabbed our school bags and go out to the two cars parked in the drive way. Bom climbs into her car and I climb into mine. CL and Minzy are riding with me while the unrelated Park sisters ride in Bom’s car. 

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Almost finished with the story Chapter 9 is up


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Chapter 9: GD must love his crown LOL!!! :)
aww i liked your story it was so nice! i smiled every time you wrote about Daesung smiling^^
garagarago #3
Update soon please! I love your story!! ^-^
WHOOO :D SO GOOD :D I'm glad you wrote it!! Update, and dont quit writing !!!
MsKitten #5
Can't wait to read more! Plus I love Crystal Kay's music!