What Is Love*

The Notes Of Love

The song is by EXO. You can watch/listen to the lyrics here.


Kai’s P.O.V

Oh. My. Gosh. Is that really… the legendary Sunny from SM High School? I heard only extremely gifted students get in that school, and she’s one of the top 10 best female students when it comes to music and dance. Lots of guys would chop off their right hand just to get a simple,” Hi” from her. Including myself. 

So, if she’s really Sunny, why is she in this convenience store? Look, Kai, that’s none of your business. She’s a goddess, why would they have anything to do with humans? Just focus on getting snacks for Xiumin and get candy for Luhan and Sehun. Oh, right, get Baekhyun to stop flirting with the cashier, and then let’s go. The guys will be waiting for you.

No One’s P.O.V

Kai turned abruptly, still carrying snacks and lollipops, and crashed smack into the “legendary” Sunny. Both of them fell back in shock, and Kai rushed to gather the abundance of packaged food, hoping that she wouldn’t think he was a fatty for buying all this food. He stood, and noticed Xiumin’s favourite chips still lying on the ground, right next to Sunny, who was still picking up items that dropped from her purse. He contemplated picking them up or not, since Xiumin would be really mad if Kai didn’t buy them for the always hungry shikshin. But doing so would mean reaching over, and possibly coming in contact with the “goddess.”

 Kai decided against getting the chips, after all, Xiumin was gaining some weight. He should dance some more, instead of stuffing his face all day. Kai danced as much as he could, so he wasn’t chubby in the slightest. Xiumin was really quite cute though…

Kai muttered a small sorry to Sunny, who was picking up her signature pink lipstick. She looked up, and nodded once. He blushed at the small action, and walked over to the cashier, giving Baekhyun, who was currently winking at the pretty lady behind the cash register, a hard slap on the back of his head. That boy needed to learn that even though his winks were amazing, not everybody could handle them.

He gave the snacks to the girl, and she rang them up. He reached in his pocket for his wallet, but was stopped when he saw a white hand holding a bag of chips in his face. His eyes widened as he slowly looked up. Lee Sunny, of SM High School was looking at him. For more than 3, no, now it’s 4 seconds. Kai stuttered a bit, and snatched the bag from her hands.

“Thanks,” he managed to get out.

“No problem,” she replied. She turned to leave; after all, she had already paid for her gum, but just one word from that strangely mesmerizing boy with the ridiculous amount of snacks made her turn again. He told her to wait. So she faced him, and marveled at how strange she was feeling. She attended a school full of the most beautiful people you could imagine, truly, they seemed to be not human. But this one person in a 24 hour convenience shop with beautiful eyes made her rethink her decision of having no men in her life.

“I’m Kim JongIn, I mean; I’m Byun Bacon, no wait… just wait. The first one. I’m Kim JongIn, or Kai, and I already know who you are because you’re famous. Well, at my school, you are, because you and the other Top 10 girls are super famous at my school. You’re my favorite, I mean… well, you are, but I don’t mean it that was, I just…” Kai blabbered out of shock that Sunny actually paid attention to him, and he ranted on and on about how pretty she was, and how much he liked her voice, and all the things he probably shouldn’t have been doing. Lucky for him, Sunny thought it was cute.

“Listen, JongIn” Sunny interrupted, “you seem a bit preoccupied with all the snacks, but if you want can make it to the SM showcase next week, then I’d be glad to talk to you then. Just tell the guy that you’re here to see GG, and he should let you in.”

Sunny ce more to leave, but Kai stopped her again. He was kind of pushing it, but he lost his mind the second he laid his dark eyes upon that pretty face. So, abandoning his pride, he asked one more request.

“Can I bring some friends? I mean, it’s just that I’m definitely telling the guys that I saw you, and they’d never forgive me if I didn’t bring them.”

Shyly, Sunny nodded, and they both went on their way, both shocked, both falling fast into the depths of love.

“So, who was that?” asked Baekhyun, catching up to Kai. He had spent a couple more minutes persuading the cashier to give him her number, and was fairly pleased with himself.

“Hmm? Oh, that was SM’s Sunny,” Kai replied, still slightly stunned.

“WHAT? You mean… I missed a goddess, an ANGEL, for her? Argh!” Angrily, he threw the napkin with the cashier’s phone number to the ground.

“See? You can’t just look at one girl, you have to look at all of them, and in full detail,” Kai said, rather smug.

“That makes you sound kind of like a -”

“I know. Shut up. And don’t tell Sunny.”


The next week passed rather slow for both Kai and Sunny, who were both anxious for the Showcase for similar reasons. They both wanted to see the other, even though all they really knew about each other were their names, their ages (they had googled it) and that they were going to see the other at the SM showcase.

Let me explain about the SM showcase. It was a huge deal, even in a city like Seoul, where there are constant attractions made specifically for a target audience. Only, the thing was, the showcase wasn’t targeted to anyone specifically, it was made for everyone. It was when the best of SM High School performed their talents, whether it is dance, rap, singing, whatever could be enjoyed by a crowd. If you had a buck, you could purchase a ticket, and with only an additional 10 dollars, you could get a full meal, including drinks, chips and candies for 3 people. So, naturally, with the tempting thought of a practically free meal and amazing entertainment, many people would try and get a ticket. However, it was extremely hard to get a ticket. Each of the performers had 10 tickets to give away to whomever they chose, so it was obvious family members and close friends would be invited every time. But for everyone else, it was a free-for-all. The tickets would only be sold on the day of, and it was common to see tents in front of the auditorium, with people inside of them waiting for the tickets to be sold. It was a bit like a new iPhone had been released, actually.

“So, let’s hear our game plan,” Luhan said. He was excited to see the girls, even though Sunny was pretty much taken by Kai. He had heard enough to know that Kai really liked Sunny, and if any of the guys made a move on her, Kai would almost definitely bite their head off. Luhan wasn’t risking having his pretty head bitten off.

“Okay,” said Suho, the self-proclaimed leader of the group. “Chanyeol, you, Baekhyun, Sehun, Chen, and Tao need to be there when the ticket office opens. Seriously, I don’t care if you need to camp out for 48 hours before it opens, as long as you are among the first 10 people in line. Carry your cell phones with you at all times, and synchronize your watches with ours. You’re buying all our tickets, okay? Each one of you carry the $12 with you at all times, because we’ll need a backup plan should anything happen to anyone of you. Oh,” he paused for a moment, and then proceeded to say, “Be careful. The people there are vicious, back-stabbing creature, okay? Stay together.”

The mentioned team nodded, took their equipment, including three black tents, five night vision goggles, three duffel bags filled with candy (for the maknaes) and of course, their good looks. They left in a black jeep and rode to the ticket booth, where they set up all their gear. They were ready.

“Now, it’s the next team’s turn,” said Kris, who was probably the true leader of the group. He may not have been the oldest, but he sure as hell was the most intimidating. Suho could say whatever he wanted about being the leader and not being scared of Kris, but when Kris ever wanted something from Suho, Kris always got what he wanted. Even cheesecake.

“Luhan, I want you to lead this team, alright? This plan is only if the other team fails. We’ll know at noon if the other team failed to secure the tickets. I’ll call you if it doesn’t work out, if you don’t get a call at exactly noon, then go on ahead with your plan. Okay, take Kai, Lay, and Xiumin, since you guys are the best physically. And no, that doesn’t mean you need a six-pack, okay Xiumin. We all know you don’t have one anyways. I mean that you guys can do more than those other weaklings, even though Xiumin eats like a pig. You need to wait the SM auditorium for any official to walk past, preferably a janitor. Those people never get noticed. Kidnap him. And you’ll know what to do after that.”

“Woah, wait a second. Kidnap someone? Don’t you think that’s going a bit too far?” Lay timidly asked. He was probably one of the only sane ones in the entire group.

“You’re right,” Kris admitted, “If we get arrested we couldn’t see the concert. So, just stuff him in a sack for a while. Or take off all his clothes and hide them! Yeah, do that one, and then he won’t be able to get out of that sack you’re going to put him in because of the embarrassment…”

“Yeah, that’s the thing you’re worried about. Not being able to see the concert. What about our parents? If I get arrested I’d lose my scholarship, and then my mom would kill me!” Kai muttered, unknowingly interrupting Kris.

“Hey! Do you not want to go to the concert? We can make arrangements for that, okay!” Suho yelled from a corner. He was trying to look mysterious, but when everyone in the room knew that he still slept with a teddy bear, looking mysterious isn’t going to work as well as it would with, say, Chanyeol. Surprisingly, he was one of the most mysterious out of them all.

The group ignored Suho, and dragged their equipment into a black van, identical to the one that had just left a few minutes ago. They drove off, heading for SM High School’s auditorium. They awaited the small beep from their watches that would signal that it was 12:00 PM, the time that the janitor would walk right out through that door, and…


It’s go time.


Every employee at the SM auditorium was lucky to be there. They were volunteers, handpicked from every school in South Korea, and had travelled from all over just to be here on this special day. It was now noon, and everyone had something to do.

Costumes. Sets. Backdrops. Makeup. Lighting. Props. Sounds Effects. Speakers. There was no end to the constancy of things needed to be done.

This was why the boys had snuck in so easily.

Like Kris and Suho had instructed them to do, they stripped the janitor of his clothing and put him in a sack. By the time he had gotten out and found his clothes, the “physical team” had gotten in the building through the unlocked back door. They counted on everyone being too busy to notice them, but their calculations were, of course, slightly off. There was one person, who unlike all the busy staff and the hardworking performers, wasn’t occupied with anything but her own worries. Worries about whether Kai, that interestingly dark eyed boy was going to come.

This was why she was wandering the halls, and crashed into Kai, who was looking for her.

It was a romantic moment, until Lay butted in.

“Wow, is that SM’s Sunny? She’s way prettier than Kai said he was, he would not shut up about her ever since he got back from the store, he went there everyday to see if she was there for a week, what a stalker, huh? And he also-”

Thankfully, Lay was shut up by Xiumin, who, unlike Lay, wasn’t a complete idiot. He hissed in Lay’s ear that he may have just ruined Kai’s chances with Sunny, but lucky for Kai, Sunny just found it kind of funny.

She led Kai off with a slight smile, and gave him and his friends a first class seat to see the show. They were in heaven

It had been two months since Kai and Sunny had agreed to give their relationship a try. It was working out well, until Today came along. Stupid Today. Always had to come in and ruin Yesterday, but Tomorrow always came and made things right.

But Tomorrow wasn’t coming fast enough for Kai. He had told Sunny he loved her, and for some unknown reason, she bristled.

“What? You love me? No, you don’t, Kai. Explain to me this, love you feel,” she said, her voice dripping with contempt.

Kai had been taken aback at the hurt he heard in her voice. Like someone had hurt her before, badly. He tried to explain what he felt, but nothing came out. Love couldn’t just be explained in words, and both of them knew that. Sunny just didn’t want to accept it. \

Kai finally had the courage to say what he wanted to, timidly saying, “I can’t quite explain it. Most emotions are hard to, you know. And Love, I’m sure it is Love, right Sunny? Well, Love is the hardest to explain because I can’t live without my love to you, Lee Sunny, the most beautiful person to walk upon the face of the Earth.”

Sunny smiled, and hugged Kai.

“I’m sorry for overreacting,” she whispered in his ear.

“No, it’s fine. Do you want to tell me about it?”

“I’d love to. And I love you too, Kim Jongin.”





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Yes, I ship Hoya and Sunny together. There's nothing wrong with that, okay? Both are too amazing for words...


But that's just the current crackship I like, next month, it will be someone different. :/


By the way, I've noticed that some people requested things like SuperSunny, all 13 members, or EXOSun, with all the members. I CAN'T DO THAT! It will take so much time... So, those people that chose those pairings, I love you, I like those pairings too, but please choose an easier one? If you don't, I can choose one for you.


Thanks, I love you all. Comment and subscribe?

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What song should i do next? Comment please!


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Chapter 14: Hey author!
Please make a story from this following songs:
1.Finally now by Sunny
2.First kiss by Sunny
3.Miracle in December(EXO)
4.Its love by SunTae(SNSD)
5.Best Luck by Chen(EXO M)
6.Baby don't cry(EXO)
And you know the song"COOKING!COOKING?"by super junior?I really like the lyrics so please make it as your story.

GOMAWO author!!^^
chanxiuhan #2
Chapter 12: two-faced myungsoo? or does he do a bad thing to sunny unconciously? :o
chanxiuhan #3
Chapter 11: i like this chapter ;-; what did she have done to baekhyun? ;-;
Chapter 1: I didn't think it was as bad as you thought it was. I think it was pretty good for the most part! I like that you added in who you did. :D
zarawrshi #5
Chapter 11: omg. this is. idk. i love this too much.
the feel ;u;
naringgit #6
Chapter 12: oh god,,this 2 chapters are both beautiful but sad and heart breaking
is sunny going suicide because she love baekhyun too much?
did myungsoo have a double personality?
whoa sunny :Q
Sounds interesting so far, keep that up:)
zarawrshi #8
Chapter 8: omg this is so sweet~ xD
naringgit #9
Chapter 10: hahahahahha..this is sweet,,,and somehow how they meet is funny..thank god sunny use her high pitch voice to call him :DD
this is sunny in her earlier-genie era,,still the cute medium-haired girl with aegyo all over the place..did that caught his eyes?definitely,hehe