Accidentally in Love*

The Notes Of Love


This song is by Counting Crows. You can see the lyrics here. 



Honestly, I was never one for those cliche, over the top, "I didn't know I was in love with you" kind of crap. I mean, really? You don't know whether or not you freaking love somebody? If you're not sure, then isn't it pretty obvious you are not actually in love? I always thought being in love was like a direct science. You either are, or you aren't. 

Boy, was I wrong. 

Sunny was always a really great friend of mine. We went to the same high school, and due to her brother and I being in the same university, we managed to stay in touch. But I never thought of her that way. Never. But, you know, stuff happens. Which , but at the same time it's pretty goddamn awesome.

Sunny was a law major, which I heard was full of partying, but still disturbingly challenging. I don't know how she managed to keep up with the partying and the studying and the test. . .ing. Is that even a word? Anyways, Sunny was pretty smart. Mostly book smarts though, her common sense would fail her time and time again. She was really quite gullible, Her brother and I enjoyed teasing her when we were in high school together. 

Kwanghee was really different from Sunny. He was. . . flamboyant. To say the least. He majored first in art, then in drama, then in English, French, Philosophy, and so on. He couldn't really decide. So far, he's working at a fro-yo stand that is quite famous around here. Not going to university. But somehow, still partying. I don't know how, Kwanghee still manages to party no matter what. When the world ends, Kwanghee is going to go down partying.

I'm a physics major. Not as hard as law, but still difficult in some ways. It's actually fun, I get to do stuff I enjoy, and perhaps make a career out of it. The only thing I'm worried about is when I'm 40, will I still wake up happy with my life? Or will I regret the decision I was forced to make at such a young age? I can't worry about that stuff now, though. I have things to do. Important things. 

So basically, I got confusedon April 17, 2013. I remember. I don't know, that day, I must have looked sick or soemthing. We must have done something weird in class again. But afterwards, when we all met up for lunch, Sunny just kind of looked at me and asked if I was okay. I just nodded, and she held my face in both of her hands and really looked at me. Like, really looked at me. I think that was the first time I really saw her, too. But she asked me, "What's your problem?" And I didn't really have an answer, except for the fact that her eyes were awfully big, and why didn't I notice that before? Also her lips were pretty much perfect, and I kind of noticed that, but I didn't notice how good she smelled and how much I wanted to see if those lips looked as soft as they looked. 

It's December now. I remember that day still, and I think about it whenever I get the chance. It would be easier if I could just forget about it. Whenever I smell flowers, I think of her. Whenever I see roses, i think of her lips. Whenever I see the stars, I think of her eyes. 

So yeah. Basically I don't ever stop thinking of her. 

She's the strawberry ice cream that melts down my wrist as I try and it away. She's the snow outside right now, falling and icing the pavement. She's the greyness of the sky, complimenting the snow-covered braches perfectly. She's the spring, peeking and waiting patiently for winter to leave, so that she can grace the world with the freshnes of life. She's everything.

Her whisper, is insane. Like, just by looking at her, you wouldn't think her voice is like it is. When I first met her, I actually thought, "Please don't let me be friends with her, she's going to have such an annoying voice." But she doesn't. It's rich and low, and full of energy. Her whisper sends chills down my spine. 

I wouldn't say I'm accidentally in love. If this is how love makes you feel, well, I'm loving it. But all I can say is that when I see her, I also see the world just a little brighter. And I'm perfectly fine with that. 



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What song should i do next? Comment please!


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Chapter 14: Hey author!
Please make a story from this following songs:
1.Finally now by Sunny
2.First kiss by Sunny
3.Miracle in December(EXO)
4.Its love by SunTae(SNSD)
5.Best Luck by Chen(EXO M)
6.Baby don't cry(EXO)
And you know the song"COOKING!COOKING?"by super junior?I really like the lyrics so please make it as your story.

GOMAWO author!!^^
chanxiuhan #2
Chapter 12: two-faced myungsoo? or does he do a bad thing to sunny unconciously? :o
chanxiuhan #3
Chapter 11: i like this chapter ;-; what did she have done to baekhyun? ;-;
Chapter 1: I didn't think it was as bad as you thought it was. I think it was pretty good for the most part! I like that you added in who you did. :D
zarawrshi #5
Chapter 11: omg. this is. idk. i love this too much.
the feel ;u;
naringgit #6
Chapter 12: oh god,,this 2 chapters are both beautiful but sad and heart breaking
is sunny going suicide because she love baekhyun too much?
did myungsoo have a double personality?
whoa sunny :Q
Sounds interesting so far, keep that up:)
zarawrshi #8
Chapter 8: omg this is so sweet~ xD
naringgit #9
Chapter 10: hahahahahha..this is sweet,,,and somehow how they meet is funny..thank god sunny use her high pitch voice to call him :DD
this is sunny in her earlier-genie era,,still the cute medium-haired girl with aegyo all over the place..did that caught his eyes?definitely,hehe