Call Me Maybe*

The Notes Of Love

The song is by Carly Rae Jepsen. You can see the lyrics here.


Sunny's P. O. V

Today, my friends and I were at a park, trying to enjoy an extremely nice day, probably one of the last we would be having in a while. It was nice that even in December, the sun was still shining as bright as it would in July. But, even though the sun was shining doesn't mean that it wasn't a little chilly. I was dressed in a hoodie, jeans, and boots that went up to my knees that were lined with a soft and warm fur. I sat on a park bench with Tiffany,one of my friends, and I sighed, letting my breath fog the air, and enjoying the patterns it would make. Tiffany gasped suddenly, and I turned quickly to see what was wrong, when she burst out laughing her head off. Looking aound for the cause of her laughter, 'cause it definitely wasn't me, I saw an extremely crazy andunusual  sight.

A very good-looking guy was wearing, in this weather, nothing but cut up jeans and some sneakers, which revealed his well-built upper body.  On any other day, I would have been thrilled, and would shyly stare at him from afar, gossiping about him with my friends. But this was different. The weather for starters, and also when I saw him, I was filled with a ridiculous sense of happiness. I wasn't really the type to, well, you know, be "filled with a ridiculous sense of happiness." But when I saw this guy, it felt as though I've been missing something my entire life and now I've found it.

This wasn't normal. I tried to forget about him, so I walked up to the wishing well and dropped a coin. A dollar, why not? I closed my eyes, and waited for a wish to come to my head. Usually, it was something stupid, like money, or a thousand more wishes. But today I found that the wish that came first into my mind was that the boy without a shirt would talk to me.

"What did you wish for?" A voice appeared out of the blue.

"Woah!" I tripped on my own two feet and nearly fell into the well. A hand caught me, and brought me back. A set of twinkling caramel eyes stared into my own, and I found myself devoid of all thoughts and words. Then I remembered. It was the person without a shirt!

"Ah, well. That, ummm... It's a secret."

"Oh, it it now? Can't a secret be between two people?" He asked, his smile tinted with mischief.

"Yeah, but, if I tell you, the wish won't come true! Don't you know that?" I exclaimed, wide-eyed.

He shivered, and I saw that he was tinted blue with cold. I exclaimed loudly, then shrugged off my sweater and wrapped it around him. He accpeted it with a little protest, then sighed into its welcome warmth.

"Just wondering, but why aren't you wearing a shirt? It probably wasn't the smartest idea with the fact that it's the middle of winter right now. It's supposed to snow tomorrow you know," I asked him curiously.

"Well, it's a bet. Apparently I couldn't get a girl to feel sorry for me and give me her sweater. My friends were ranting about how girls don't let the guys go first, or how they aren't expected to be polite to the opposite gender, and all that. I thought a guy should do everything, and one of my friends, his name is Heechul, said if a guy should do everything, then I should experience the girls point of view. I didn't expect this. I'm pretty sure they just hate me."

I laughed, and said now that the bet was over, did he want to have some coffee? I kind of surprised myself, I wasn't ever this forward with a guy. With my friends, sure, but usually all guys would make me shy.

"Sure," he agreed, "and by the way, my name's Donghae."

We went out for coffee that day and after an exchange of numbers, he called me. 741 852 9630, I still remember today. I also remember him saying the cutest thing whe he gave me his number. "Call me maybe?" he had asked with a shy smile. I loved him for it.




















It's now our 1 year anniversary. We went out to an cheap meal with just some burger and fries, yet it's the best thing I've ever tasted. He kneeled down, and asked me to marry him. I said the most meaningful thing in my entire life: YES!





















Today we'll get married. Tiffany's my maid of honour. Heechul almost wasn't invited, until I reminded Donghae that he technically set us up. Donghae looks handsome in his suit. And to think, all of this started with a phone-call and some coffee. Also a shirtless, handsome dude who's waiting to accpet me in marriage right now.


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What song should i do next? Comment please!


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Chapter 14: Hey author!
Please make a story from this following songs:
1.Finally now by Sunny
2.First kiss by Sunny
3.Miracle in December(EXO)
4.Its love by SunTae(SNSD)
5.Best Luck by Chen(EXO M)
6.Baby don't cry(EXO)
And you know the song"COOKING!COOKING?"by super junior?I really like the lyrics so please make it as your story.

GOMAWO author!!^^
chanxiuhan #2
Chapter 12: two-faced myungsoo? or does he do a bad thing to sunny unconciously? :o
chanxiuhan #3
Chapter 11: i like this chapter ;-; what did she have done to baekhyun? ;-;
Chapter 1: I didn't think it was as bad as you thought it was. I think it was pretty good for the most part! I like that you added in who you did. :D
zarawrshi #5
Chapter 11: omg. this is. idk. i love this too much.
the feel ;u;
naringgit #6
Chapter 12: oh god,,this 2 chapters are both beautiful but sad and heart breaking
is sunny going suicide because she love baekhyun too much?
did myungsoo have a double personality?
whoa sunny :Q
Sounds interesting so far, keep that up:)
zarawrshi #8
Chapter 8: omg this is so sweet~ xD
naringgit #9
Chapter 10: hahahahahha..this is sweet,,,and somehow how they meet is funny..thank god sunny use her high pitch voice to call him :DD
this is sunny in her earlier-genie era,,still the cute medium-haired girl with aegyo all over the place..did that caught his eyes?definitely,hehe