Just Give Me A Reason*

The Notes Of Love

The song is by P!NK and Nate Ruess. You can see the lyrics here.






Sunny smiled, while walking down her favourite path in her favourite park. It was her routine. Every day, strolling here, but never with someone else. It was something for her only, and to share it would be to reveal her soul. It wasn’t anything special, really, but it was to her. And that was what mattered.


As she turned the final corner, she stopped, and looked very close at a man dressed in all black, for he was creeping up on an unsuspecting lady. Sunny didn’t say a word. She just stood there, and watched as he took her bright red purse and stuck it under his jacket. To anyone else, it would have looked weird. There was no one else, however.



But Sunny had seen some very disgusting things, in this dirty world of ours. This was nothing.



But that didn’t mean she was okay about it all. She still ran after him, and pulled the purse away, screaming that he was a thief. Well, that’s what she would have done. If that accursed man hadn’t looked up and met her eyes. To both of them, that was the end. Boom, explosion, loud noises, and all that. It was the end of the world, and they knew it.



Falling in love means that your world has come to an end, and a new one begins. One where everything is about the other and the other is your everything.



That ordinary fall day, when the leaves where falling around them, Sunny fell in love with a thief named Myungsoo. He called himself L, the one who thieved. She was happy about it all, even when she kind of figured out that he, being a thief, stole her heart. She was a willing victim, handing it over and not calling the police. She didn’t even scream.



But, in love, things go wrong. And it definitely happened for these two. Sunny never liked the thieving Myungsoo, that was L. She preferred the one who would hold her head in his lap, and softly her hair while she read a book. Or the one that would stand next to her, and hold her hand when she was tired, and let her head rest on his shoulder. Or even the one that would whisper in her ear so that it tickled, and when she giggled and looked up at him, he would kiss her. So sweet, and simple. That was the charm of Myungsoo, and it wasn’t present in L.



L was the cold one. He would push her away when they were cuddling, and get ready for work. He’d then steal something that someone else held dear to their hearts, and sell it. Sell it for money that they didn’t really need. He was the one that would make her wait alone in a line up while he got to sit down and look at other girls. He’d even talk to them, or meet up again. And he was the one who told her things at night.



He’d say things. Like how he was tired of her. How she was being clingy, and how he had enough of it and wanted out. It broke her heart when he said that to her at night. It wasn’t even really him. It was just his subconscious, just him sleep talking. What his deepest secrets were, that he didn’t love her anymore.



She wondered why. What was the reason for her not being enough anymore? Was there another girl? Was she too ugly? Was she too mean? Just one reason would be enough, but he hadn’t given her anything. This was it.



Both of them had been through heartache with others, pain beyond imagine, but together, they were whole. Broken, bruised, bent, but they were one. No matter how much they went through, they could always learn to love again.















Ever since he met Sunny, Myungsoo knew there wasn’t anything else he needed. He was complete. When her eyes met his, there was a spark. The end of the world. Everything about her, the way she moved, spoke, and God, that laugh! Her eyes crinkled, and she threw her head back, simply enjoying life. That was when all he wanted to do was kiss her.



But lately, she had been throwing accusations at him, saying he didn’t love her anymore. He didn’t know where this was coming from. He had always been sure to be careful with her, treating her special, even asking other people to look at her, because that was his girl. He was so proud to have her.



But what was this? How did she even get this idea? Was she just imagining it? After all those previous heartbreaks, she was bound to have some insecurity about herself. But it seemed like more than that, it went deeper than that. It was as if she got this idea from him, but he would never let that happen. He always loved her, and that thought never wavered or shook in his mind. It would be forever.
















It was fate that this couple would be together. Only Sunny, with her gentle smile and soft hands could have caressed the hate that Myungsoo carried in his heart, and replaced it with something warmer. And only Myungsoo with his tough exterior and strength could have ever convinced Sunny that she was loved and protected. The gods wrote in the stars, that this couple’s destiny lay with each other. And their scars, on their hearts and souls, if you traced them, you would read their future. And it would always say, no matter how many times you ran your finger over the lines, that these two were meant to be together.



But that doesn’t mean that Myungsoo wouldn’t have some beer after work to think about Sunny, and that Sunny would believe just how much she was loved by Myungsoo. That doesn’t mean that being broken could be fixed. Taped together, stitched, Velcro, that all doesn’t do anything. They needed healing, and found it in each other.













Hey, guys, you guys do know that you can request, right? On the foreword, where the link is, you guys can request there. Please comment what you think and upvote please!








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What song should i do next? Comment please!


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Chapter 14: Hey author!
Please make a story from this following songs:
1.Finally now by Sunny
2.First kiss by Sunny
3.Miracle in December(EXO)
4.Its love by SunTae(SNSD)
5.Best Luck by Chen(EXO M)
6.Baby don't cry(EXO)
And you know the song"COOKING!COOKING?"by super junior?I really like the lyrics so please make it as your story.

GOMAWO author!!^^
chanxiuhan #2
Chapter 12: two-faced myungsoo? or does he do a bad thing to sunny unconciously? :o
chanxiuhan #3
Chapter 11: i like this chapter ;-; what did she have done to baekhyun? ;-;
Chapter 1: I didn't think it was as bad as you thought it was. I think it was pretty good for the most part! I like that you added in who you did. :D
zarawrshi #5
Chapter 11: omg. this is. idk. i love this too much.
the feel ;u;
naringgit #6
Chapter 12: oh god,,this 2 chapters are both beautiful but sad and heart breaking
is sunny going suicide because she love baekhyun too much?
did myungsoo have a double personality?
whoa sunny :Q
Sounds interesting so far, keep that up:)
zarawrshi #8
Chapter 8: omg this is so sweet~ xD
naringgit #9
Chapter 10: hahahahahha..this is sweet,,,and somehow how they meet is funny..thank god sunny use her high pitch voice to call him :DD
this is sunny in her earlier-genie era,,still the cute medium-haired girl with aegyo all over the place..did that caught his eyes?definitely,hehe