Chapter 33: A foretaste of a shattered Promises [Part 1]

Love to Hate You (discontinued)

Chapter 27 : A foretaste of a shattered Promises [Part 1]




“Where in the world is the Monolo Blahnik’s heels! BETTY!!”

“Get me the Dress! HYUNA get your here right now!”

“Which one??!”

“People!! Miss Im needs new lighting! This one has weird bulb!”

“Chop! Chop! We need to get this done!! MARK?”

“Where the heck is the models, UEE!! WHERE IN THE WORLD ARE YOU!!”


The puffy cheeks woman and her three musketeers, namely, Hyuna, Marky @ Eunhyuk and the ever so-loyal Betty runs like the winds to get their job done. That is, if it’s even possible.

The frantic workers never cease to amuse one particular photographer, who has been eyeing her girlfriend from afar.

Uee, as if knowing YoonA was staring at her, turns her head. She smiles at her respective other, before preceding her tasks. 

“You must be Miss Im Yoona”

The masculine voice breaks the letter from her trance, she turns her back, and welcome by the sight of a muscular fair skin guy. The letter was obviously from Asia, just by the look of his features.

“Yes, I’ am… and you are?” YoonA smiles a little

“Oh, pardon for my rudeness” the male model offers a handshake “I’m Chansung, I’m one of the male models for today’s photo shoot”

“Ah, which scene that you’re involve in?”

“Ah, the third and the fifth sections, by the way, I’m glad that we’ll be working together. I’m honored really, I admire you a lot” The male model named Chansung flashes his charming smile.

Which causes the young photographer’s face scrunches a little bit. She chuckles awkwardly “Ah, yes, Thank you. Urm, you better get ready”



After an hour of non-stop working, the photographer decides to take a 15 minutes break, whilst giving the fashion workers to re-do any of their costumes and as well as giving the CEO the chance to go through the taken pictures.

Lea, offers the letter a cup of coffee which the young girl gratefully receives.

She lets her eyes wonders around once again, wanting to see what her girlfriend is up to. After a while, seeing no sight of the letter, YoonA lets out a light sighs, “She’s probably off fixing those costumes anyway” she mutters under her breathe.

As she was about to check her beloved camera, her eyes caught on one familiar male model. YoonA arch her eyebrow, as she tilts her head aside.

Her eyes widen almost immediately.

Chansung was obviously flirting with none other than her girlfriend. Her blood boils almost instantly. Before she could do anything, she notices that her girlfriend wasn’t that pleased either. Uee shook her head and lightly pushes the model aside.

The sight of Uee rejecting whatever the model name Chansung has to offer put a big smile on YoonA’s face.

Now, her feeling was put into ease, she was glad that she wouldn’t have to worry about any guys or probably girls hitting on her girlfriend.

“What’s with the smile boss?”

“Oh nothing” YoonA smiles




“You have very pretty eyes. Have anyone ever told you that?”

“Do you wear contact lenses? Cause your eyes shines, compared to anyone that I have ever known”

“Pardon me, but I really like your legs. Are you an athlete before?”

“You know what, you and I should go out sometime”

Uee sighs lightly, she clutches the black fabric book in her arms tightly “Listen, Mr. Chansung, I don’t want to be rude or anything but…I really don’t think it’s a good time right now”

“Oh, I understand, how about tomorrow then, or whenever you’re free?” Chansung clearly determine

Uee smiles a little, she couldn’t deny that the male model was cute to say the least. As she was about to say anything, one familiar voice echoed.

“Excuse me, can you steps aside. She said no didn’t she?”

The tall model guy raises an eyebrow by the sudden interruption “What is in it to you anyway? Let the girl says what she wants okay?”

YoonA steps forward “Obviously, you need to back off man”

“Who are you? Her bestfriend? Seriously, sis, let loose the over protectiveness okay? I think Miss. Uee here capable of making her own decisions”

“Dude, I’m not her best friend. And what part of her saying NO that you don’t understand?”

YoonA clench her fist, not amused by the stupid smirk on Chansung’s face.

“YoonA, just let it go” Uee sternly says, keeping a hold on the letter’s forearms.

“Yah, listen to your sister or cousin, or whoever you are, and stay away from Uee’s private life for goodness sake” chansung added

YoonA had just had it, she pushes the guy by the shoulder, which caught everyone off guard. Well, probably not everyone. They were practically located not near many workers at the studio.

“Dude, what’s your problem?!”

“My problem? My problem is your hitting on my girlfriend!” YoonA was definitely ticks off

Uee pulls YoonA aside, not wanting cost any commotion “Seriously YoonA, knock it off”

“Yah… YOONA.. knock it off will ya?” Chansung repeats, not leaving the smug on his face

“hey! This is ‘A’ and ‘B’ ‘s conversation, so, ‘C’ yourself out of here” YoonA spats with hatred laced in her voice.

“Feisty” Chansung had his arm akimbo, trying to cover up his embarrassment “It’s a shame that you two,,,”

Before the male model finishes his words, one slender hand clutches their grips on his collar, causes him to stumble back a little.  

“You better watch that mouth little boy, before i…” The young photographer glares

“YoonA!” Uee raises her voice, pulling the letter’s hand away from Chansung.

Without any warning, Uee drags YoonA into secluded area in the studio. Uee huffed in anger as she shuts the door with a bang, leaving the dumfounded guy behind.

“What’s with the attitude?!” Uee yells

“Why are you yelling at me?!” YoonA lets out a frustration, not really grasping as to why is she the one who gets yell.

“How can I not, when you’re acting stupid like this!”

“I’m acting stupid?! Why the hell are you saying that!”

“You’re acting like a child! Who apparently looks like someone just stole your candy!”

“WHAT?! How the am I supposed to react, when some cheap b*stard hitting on my girlfriend!” YoonA yells

“There’s nothing going on between me and him! Cheap b*stard?! Now you’re thinking that everyone is lower than you are?? Is that it?!” the letter yells back

“WHATT??!! What in the world are you talking about? Why are you turning this against me?? For sake, I did not say anything like that! We’re talking about some guy hitting on you!”

“This is your problem, you always think highly of yourself and you never consider everyone’s feeling, especially me. And second of all, stop those stupid jealousy! Because it ain’t cute anymore, it’s getting pretty much annoying!”

“My stupid jealousy?? MY STUPID JEALOUSY?? So tell me, what the heck am I supposed to do, what the heck am I supposed to react, when someone’s hitting on you?? Just ask me to ignore it? Rather, let them harass you??”

“He’s nowhere near harassing me!”

“Why are you so defensive of him?! Am I not that important in your life!”

Uee takes a deep breathe, and walks closer to her girlfriend, not missing to give her infamous glares “You know what! I ‘m tired okay? So, Stop being childish, and grow up for sake”

With the famous last words, she steps outside the confined janitor’s closet and leaves the door open.

YoonA on the other hand stood still. She was still gob smack with their argument, her mind was still hazy. She didn’t understand why Uee was soo worked up with her jealousy. She have the friggin right to be jealous right? She was her girlfriend, and nobody has the sanity to hold back their emotions and thought if there were ever third party in their relationship right?

YoonA’s heart falls to pieces when everything she did seems wrong in front of Uee’s eyes, everything she says irritates Uee, every little move she make displeased her girlfriend.

“Am I that childish?” YoonA mutters under her breathe.




After hours of composing herself, and practically meditate herself, Yoona went out of her apartment, with one thought in her mind.

Apologizing to her beloved girlfriend for all the childish antics and unnecessary jealousy.

YoonA feel guilty for making her girl feels like she was not worthy enough for the young photographer.

YoonA feels guilty for making her girl feels like she wasn’t considering her girl’s feeling all this while.

YoonA feels guilty for almost breaking hers and Uee’s promises when it comes to tolerating and not doubting each other’s feeling.

“YoonA, why are you soo dumb. Uee is the love of your life, she was right about everything” YoonA gives herself a pep talk, whilst making her way to a florist, wanting to get flowers and maybe invitation for a date as a sign of apologizing “Uee is not going to cheat on you, that’s one hundred percent sure”

The slender girl chuckles, face palming herself for over thinking things that going on between Uee and the dumb model namely Chansung.

“She doesn’t even like him, I should have trust Uee when she said there’s nothing going on”

Reaching the familiar flower’s vendor along the cobbler street of Italy, she puts on a brightest smile, as she manage to spots Uee’s favourite flower, red roses.

“Buonasera, signorina” says the florist (Good Evening, Miss)

“Buonasera, signora” (Good Evening, Madam).

“Come posso auitarla?” (how can I help you?)

“Sto cercando un fiore speciale” (I’ am looking for a special flower)

“Per una persona speciale persumo?” (For a special person I assume?)

YoonA chuckles “Si, Si. La mia ragazza e io, aveva una lotta” (Yes, yes, my girlfriend and I, had a fight)

The old florist smile, and help YoonA to rearrange the perfect roses for Uee. Whilst making her payment, YoonA eyes caught onto some familiar figure.

She squints in order to get a clear view. YoonA took the bouquet in her hand, and walks closer at the nearest lamp post, opposite a fine looking café.

 As she finally gets the clear scenery, her eyes stops blinking, feels dry, and everything around her falls into slow motion and then….
























The time stops.

















In the café, sits Uee.























Playing around….












And all sorts of things that she hasn’t been doing for the past years…










And all that happens,

















Happens with someone else, that obviously wasn’t her.

















What hurt the most was, Uee was with Chansung.










F*kcing bloody male model name Chansung.
















The bouquet falls slowly from her shaking hand, and so were her tears.










[Other part of the world; Manhattan]


“I’m dead beat!” Gyul plops herself on the comfy couch in one of the cafés inside of the shopping complex.

Another blonde girl follows suit, after rearranging her shopping bags neatly underneath the coffee table.

She smiles at her long time best friend who seemingly exaggerates her tiredness after long hours of shopping spree.

This is one of the time that she hang out with Gyuri, and they love to call it, as one of their “Mallpisode”, which means, episodes where le bestfriends went out to shop till their drop.

“So, want to tell me what’s been bothering you these days?” Jessica asks, while looking through the menu.

Gyuri scratches her unitchy forehead. “I feel like Hara is seeing someone”

With the sudden revelation, Jessica kinks an eyebrow “Why do you assume that she’s two timing you?”

“She has all the signs!” Gyuri sighs heavily “She didn’t texts me as much, she didn’t even call me as always, she always missing in actions and she always cancel out on our date. Doesn’t it seem suspicious to you?”

“She’s probably busy with all her assignments you know, she’s a junior, and you and I both knows that Junior years was one of the most hectic years ever”

“I know that Jessie, but the fact that she didn’t even had the decency to tell me, pisses me off”

“Have you talked to her?” Jessica asks

Gyuri shook her head, leaning her body against the edge of the table “She’s probably going to deny that anyway”

“Hey, you should give her a chance to tell you what’s going on, don’t assume things. Probably there isn’t any that you should be worry about” Jessica added “People deserves chances don’t you think so?”

“So, why didn’t you give Yul a chance?”

The smiley face that Jessica puts on the entire conversation regarding Hara goes down the drain. “We’re talking about you and Hara here”

“Well, I’m done talking about me and Hara, now, I’m changing the subject. You said that people deserves chances, but I never see you gives any chances to Yul before… up until now” Gyuri outsmart Jessica.

“Why is that? What happen to you guys?” the older one asks “Why do you hate her soo much?”

Jessica takes a deep breathe, turning her gaze upon what was happening outside. A comfortable silence falls in between. After a few, Jessica sighs once again.

“I don’t hate her”

“then, why won’t you talk to her? Did she do something wrong to you?” Gyuri pry

“she didn’t do anything”

The answer was simple yet frustrates Gyuri down to the core.

“then, why Jessie?”

“It was never the question ‘why?’, it was ‘how?” Jessica chuckles bitterly.

She was reminiscing things that she wishes to forget. Gyuri’s questions hit the vulnerable switch in her that she couldn’t stop it from flicking in her brain.

Gyuri on the other hand was utterly in the dark “I’m confused… can you just tell me what’s going on between you guys? To be kept in the dark was never a pleasing feeling and not knowing what’s happening between my best friends after years, literally kills me”

Jessica turns her gaze upon Gyuri with unreadable look on her face

“there is nothing worthy to know about Gyul”

“Don’t Gyul me Jessie, I just had enough of this. Please, please help me to understand for whatever reason you are. You guys used to have this beautiful friendship, even as your best friend, I envy about the bond that connects you guys like a golden bridge… tell me, tell me that is not something worth losing over things or reasons that put you guys in this situation now”

Jessica looks into Gyuri pleading eyes. On the other hand, Gyuri could sense that Jessica was contemplating, she has no idea as to why, but she pray that the golden haired girl finally tell her what has been going on and kept after all this years.

“No need for that Gyul…. Our bridge has burn down. It’s over now”.







Hi guys :) lazy author namely, bedofnails is here ^^

Here's another lousy update from meeeee... and sorry for all the grammatical errors that could be found here and there. haha 

This is part one, i have to separates it into to parts, -.- my drafted story was toooo long... or so i think

Anyway, hope you guys would like it.... in a way, :)

You know the drill, drop any comments that you have in mind, be it short nor looongggg. I won't mind. Cause i'd now that there are people still reading this despite my inveitable laziness :)




P/s: this isnt proofread, and never were since the start LOL

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cooljags #1
Chapter 40: DUDE UPDATE SOON..I AM REALLY REALLY CURIOUST ON WHAT HAPPENED TO YULSIC. Please don't give up on this story. This story is nowhere to complete. Plz plz plz plz update
cooljags #2
Chapter 40: DUDE UPDATE SOON..I AM REALLY REALLY CURIOUST ON WHAT HAPPENED TO YULSIC. Please don't give up on this story. This story is nowhere to complete. Plz plz plz plz update
Chapter 40: Please update new chapters! I love to read this, especially yoonhyun and yulsic..
Chapter 40: Omygawd!~ :D Who is Fuji Mina, and what is she going to do in this story?! :3 I'm guessing she's going to put up some spice in this fic~
Ooh and Sulli and the 'mystery girl'~ my guess should be right :D
I love TaeNy's relationship xD though they're kinda quarreling, I find them cute haha...
Yoona and Uee should really break up xD I said it a lot of times already, and I'm going to continue until they break up hahaha :P
Thanks for the update!!
Chapter 40: oh my gawd! pls make it yulsic.. whats happening to you two.. hard headed girls.. hahaha!

whats happening to mina also? why she don't want to be hurt again? hmm.. sorry work is all over me that I don't really focus on the story. kekeke! update fast my friend..

thanks a lot!
Chapter 40: c'mon why there's no yulsic >< lol
update soon
Chapter 40: busy with something UNIMPORTANT huh, conceited old man..
Urghh, there's no YulSic yet.. TaeNy's still on bad terms.. Like not really good yet..
Sulli's crush? Krystal? Ice and stuff, just like her sis..
Chapter 39: asdfghjkl what's up YulSic? U no want to end together? Aigoooo... xD
I saw a lil bit of YulTi up there huh? :3 hehehe~
YulSic needs time to talk and clear things out, in that way I may have my hope up again for them <3 :D

Thanks for the update! ^_^