A smile and a heartbreak

Love to Hate You (discontinued)


First and foremost, I would want to give my deepest apology to you guys, for the delay update. Totally not my fault. *smile innocently* I got caught up with tons…and tons of assignments. My relationship problem does not help me at all. Christine and I have been distant lately, and that makes me sad. See I’m rambling. For those who subscribe this story and my other story “Who says archeology is lame” and “Melodies for you”… I love you guys soo much! And please do drop by any comments. I would love to hear your thought or opinion about them ^^.


[a short update ahead]







From a far, there were bunch of people ogling on a certain duo, who has hand loosely clutching to each other. The sounds of murmuring and flashes of devices fill the space. The taller of them, pull the other into the familiar restaurant, wanting to get rid of the un-wanted voices of people that keen to get a scoop out of them.

They took their seat at one of the furthest table on the left side of the place. The older of them took of her jacket and follows by her other half.

Both women did not utter a single word, even after the waitress took their order. They were THE couple during college days. One of the most popular and loving relationship of all time as what people deems them to be. What happen to them??

The young photographer was in daze, she didn’t have the slightest idea as to what she should be feeling right now. It’s been a week since she last saw her significant other. But one thing for sure, she misses her a lot. Out of the blue, the letter called her, wanting to have breakfast together.

“IM Yoona!”

The sudden voice startles her, as she broke from her trance.

“What? What?”

UEE arch an eyebrow “I’ve been calling you for the past minutes. What is wrong with you?”

“Uh, sorry, I was just thinking about work. Do you want anything?”

“No. I’m asking you about your day”

YoonA smiles “It was good I guess. There’s not much of a difference form any other day. How was yours?”

UEE shrugs “I have been really busy nowadays. Since I got into the designing team, everything was just chaotic. And, speaking of working, don’t forget that you have meeting with the board next Monday”

YoonA nodded “Yah, I won’t forget. What’s the theme anyway?”

“Celebrating our anniversary that’s for sure, and perhaps we add some of the wedding spree shots”

YoonA ears perk by the sudden word


UEE nodded, “yah, the designing team, has comes up with stunning dresses to be feature in the magazine for the anniversary”

“I bet it would nice. Do you any by chance designing those dresses too?” YoonA asks

UEE beams by the question and she nodded “Yes! Not much but… it’s something right?”

YoonA nodded, smiling at the sight of the eager looking woman in front of her. UEE is super adorable with that round cheeks and big dark eyes. “You will get there, I’m sure of that. Who knows in few years times, you’ll be the one who actually sits behind the table, sketching another fashion trends”

“You think so?” UEE couldn’t help but smile. Its what she always wanted In her life. To be recognized as a designer. To be able to share her ideas throughout the globe, and YoonA admires her girlfriend for that.

As the puffy cheeks woman was still dreaming about being a great designer, YoonA ponders about UEE perspective of marriage. Does the letter wants to get married anytime soon? If she does, what kind of wedding that she dream about?

The thought of marrying the designer intern resurface. YoonA propped her elbow on the table, scrutinizing her lover’s feature.

“Hey, babe. Can I ask you something?”  YoonA smiles from ear to ear

“yah, what’s up?”

“What do you think about marriage?”

UEE smiles almost immediately, that causes YoonA to smile too, as she thought that the letter was very keen about marriage like any other human being would do.

“I LOVE wedding. Who wouldn’t I mean, it’s the highlight of your life”

YoonA chuckles at her lover who seems giddy by the topic.

“Soo, what kind of wedding would you like then?”

“I want a very elegant wedding, I don’t  really opt for simple. It’s a once in a life time thing. Soo, I would really want a memorable wedding day, later on I would show pictures of the wedding to my children one day”

A wedding, Having children… and all the things that YoonA ever wanted was right there. Her girlfriend mentions all of it. She was beyond ecstatic.

As she was about to open , UEE beats her


“But, I don’t want to get married now. It can wait. What is important to me, at this moment is my career”

The silence in YoonA’s mind and heart was deafening. She could hear her heart fall to pieces and her stomach churn in displease.

“you… don’t want to get married?”








The woman who’s lying on the white bed, slowly making an effort to move, her face scrunches in pain, as she tries to open her eyes, After a few second, she manages to open it, half lidded.

Her brown orbs scan the room, but all she could see was white walls.

“Jessi! You’re awake!”

The familiar loud voice hits her eardrum

“Fany ah… not so loud” she manage to muster with the hoarse voice coming out from .

“What happen?” She asks,

“You passed out. Seriously, you should’ve told me that you’re NOT that well Jess. You scare the crap out of me” Tiffany pouts

“Sorry, it’s not like I wanted to faint anyway”

“Thank Goodness Yuri was there to help us, It would have taken me more than 5 seconds to actually react” Tiffany pour water into the cup and help Jessica to sits properly

“Yuri?” Jessica perplex.  Then, the memory immediately coming back to her. ‘Where is she?”

“She needed to see the doctor about her ankle. So she have to leave soon.”

Jessica nooded, thinking that Yuri still care.

She care.

And that makes Jessica smiles. 

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cooljags #1
Chapter 40: DUDE UPDATE SOON..I AM REALLY REALLY CURIOUST ON WHAT HAPPENED TO YULSIC. Please don't give up on this story. This story is nowhere to complete. Plz plz plz plz update
cooljags #2
Chapter 40: DUDE UPDATE SOON..I AM REALLY REALLY CURIOUST ON WHAT HAPPENED TO YULSIC. Please don't give up on this story. This story is nowhere to complete. Plz plz plz plz update
Chapter 40: Please update new chapters! I love to read this, especially yoonhyun and yulsic..
Chapter 40: Omygawd!~ :D Who is Fuji Mina, and what is she going to do in this story?! :3 I'm guessing she's going to put up some spice in this fic~
Ooh and Sulli and the 'mystery girl'~ my guess should be right :D
I love TaeNy's relationship xD though they're kinda quarreling, I find them cute haha...
Yoona and Uee should really break up xD I said it a lot of times already, and I'm going to continue until they break up hahaha :P
Thanks for the update!!
Chapter 40: oh my gawd! pls make it yulsic.. whats happening to you two.. hard headed girls.. hahaha!

whats happening to mina also? why she don't want to be hurt again? hmm.. sorry work is all over me that I don't really focus on the story. kekeke! update fast my friend..

thanks a lot!
Chapter 40: c'mon why there's no yulsic >< lol
update soon
Chapter 40: busy with something UNIMPORTANT huh, conceited old man..
Urghh, there's no YulSic yet.. TaeNy's still on bad terms.. Like not really good yet..
Sulli's crush? Krystal? Ice and stuff, just like her sis..
Chapter 39: asdfghjkl what's up YulSic? U no want to end together? Aigoooo... xD
I saw a lil bit of YulTi up there huh? :3 hehehe~
YulSic needs time to talk and clear things out, in that way I may have my hope up again for them <3 :D

Thanks for the update! ^_^