
Love to Hate You (discontinued)





That’s a wrap!

YoonA unwrap the camera strap around her neck and delicately put it on the table, rubbing her temple slightly.

“You’re okay?” Lea asks

“I’m just super tired”

“You have been working non-stop for the past week… luckily you’re going to have your day off tomorrow. So better sleep well”

YoonA smiles “I have better plan”


“All done!” Seohyun lets a relieve sigh after she manage to ped her luggage.

She look around her apartment, feeling sad knowing tomorrow would be her last stay in Italy, her homeland. This is the second time she would leave Italy for the same reason as the first when she went to England and this time it’s for good. At some point in her life, she feels like there are no reasons for her to run away… run? Is she running? All she has been doing is running… is it worth it?

“For once, why can’t I be happy?” she said quietly to herself.


When she opens her door, revealing a taller girl, with long hair, wearing her signature plain white tee, dark skinny jeans and her H&M black jacket.

“Hey babe” the other girl flash a winsome smile.

“You look tired,” Seohyun uttered

“Yes, non-stop shooting for one week does that to me.”

“You look horrible” Seohyun smiles as she pulls the other girl into her apartment.

“You’ve done with the packing?” YoonA took asks

Seohyun nodded “That’s my last luggage” She look at the letter as she realize that the other girl look sad. She bit her lower lips, trying so hard to compose herself not to cry.

“So, babe, have u had your dinner yet?” Seohyun tries to lighten up the mood

Luckily, it works “I’m hungry” YoonA pouted

The younger girl chuckles in amusement “I don’t have anything left to cook, you want to eat out?”

“Yes, please” the older one once more shows her signature smile.

I smile back. I love her smile, just from smiling she manages to make my knees goes weak.




“Buona sera signorina, come posso aiutarla due belle signore?” ask a petite girl while eyeing the younger one

YoonA frown, feeling the uneasiness of the waitress gaze upon Seohyun while the letter just being herself smiling sweetly.

“Ebbene, quali sono le migliori menu tuo ristorante ha da offrire?” Seo asks

“Sì, vorrei suggerire che la nostra famosa cotoletta di pollo e forse la nostra insalata famosi” the waitress smirk

“Hmm… what do you want?” Seo look at The older girl.

“I want fish” YoonA blurt

She looks at YoonA weirdly “Okay… urmm… Mi scusi, avete menù di pesce? In realtà, mi sento troppo pesce”

The waiter who looks utterly annoyed about YoonA’s behavior turns to look at Seohyun once more

“Naturalmente, per la mia signora, abbiamo tutto”

Okay that’s it.* YoonA thought

“Mi scusi, posso avere il vostro miglior vino? Oggi è il mio bambino e mi anniversario” YoonA grabs Seo’s hand across the table and gives it a light kiss.

Seohyun clearly taken aback by the sudden outburst only manages to smile. On the other hand, YoonA smirks and glare at the waitress.

The waitress annoyed by the affection, just nodded.

“What was that?” Seohyun amused

“She annoys me, I hate her” YoonA spat

“You don’t even know her Yoong” The younger girl smile

“Yah, well, I don’t like the way she smile at you, it’s pathetic”

“Hmm” Seohyun practically smiling crazily on the inside



“Okay, I’m a bit jealous… you’re way off her league”

“Oh really?”

“yes, you’re pretty… you’re hot… you’re nice, humble, you’re gentle… you’re the perfect woman while HER… she’s a ert”

Seohyun were blushing furiously “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover Yoong, who knows that she’s the princess after my heart”


“Jealous much?”

“Yes, I’m veryyyyy jealous… sometime I feel like I’m the only person who suits you”

Seo’s heart flutter by the honest statement from YoonA “You feel like…?”

The older girl looks at her once again “You’re right, I’m the only one who’s suitable for you”

“You are so full of yourself”

“Meh” YoonA shrugs while smiling

“You look really tired, after this go back and have a rest okay?”

“Can I sleep over?”

“Huh? You want to sleep over?”





YoonA steps out from the bathroom, drying her hair. She looks at herself in front of the mirror.


“Yes?” Seo tilts her head from the living room looking at the letter

“I feel like I want to dye my hair”


YoonA goes out from the room wearing short pants a black tank top “How’s red?”

“Red head?” Seohyun kink an eyebrow

“Haley William’s red, how’s that?”

“No way… that doesn’t suits your eyes”


Seohyun glares at her “No, blue?”

“It was just a suggestion babe” YoonA plops herself beside Seo

“Highlight with pink?” She added

“Avril much?”


“No” Seohyun ignores her while keep on reading her files




“Baby…” the smaller girl moan in anticipation

The other girl gives her butterfly kisses on her neck “Uee…” she whispers her lover’s name

She pushes her lover gently on the bed, caressing her face “You’re beautiful you know that”

“C…” Uee whisper breathlessly

The pleasure keeps on building in her stomach when the other woman starts to caress her inner thigh while and her earlobe. Uee grabs the letter’s face, giving her hard kiss.

“Babyy…” she utters once more


“Make love to me” Uee starts to the letter’s shirt





[NEXT morning]

Seohyun slowly opens her eyes as the sun shone through her room. It was a typical comfortable morning, suddenly she feels someone’s breathe hitting the back of her neck. She turns around, only to find out YoonA sleeping soundly. She gulp hard when she realize how close they are with each other. Seo’s lips practically feels the letter’s breathe. Her heart were thumping fast, before she ought to do something stupid, she wiggle herself from the smaller girl grips around her waist. Much to her dismay, the photographer tightens her arms and snuggles closer as Seo actually grazes her lips if she moves even just an inch. Her face was in crimson red.

“B-b-bring the boys out” - The boys by Girls Generation blaring on her lamp table

The sound causes the photographer to release her grips on turns to the other side of the bed.

“Hello?” Seo whispers softly

“Good morning darling”

“Aunt Park? Good Morning”

“Sorry to disturb you early in the morning darling, I wanted to ask when would be your flight to New York”

“I took the last flight tonight Aunty”

“Oh, okay…please drop by this morning kay? Me and your uncle wanted to have breakfast with you”

“Will do Aunty, be there in 2 hours kay”

“Uh, Seo??”


“Why are you whispering?”

Seohyun chuckles “Sorry, Yoong is still sleeping, I don’t want to wake her up”

The older woman eyes widened by the sudden statement “Really??!!” she cannot hold but to shriek

“Shushhh… Mom”

Both women were in silence “Sorry Aunty, I was just… I was…”

Unbeknownst by Seohyun, tears fall down on her cheek. She misses her mother who had died when she was still in her high school days. Aunt Park shriek reminds her so much of her mother’s shriek.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Park mind’s wonders on Hyomin, she misses someone calling her that. Hyomin is her only child, and at this age she is not going to have other child anymore.

“Seohyun… can you do me a favor?”


“Call me Mom, please”

Seo was taken aback “Mom” she’s smiling through the phone crying.

Mrs. Park try to hold her tears “Okay, good… now u r my daughter, okay? No more tears darling, wake ur lover up and have breakfast with us”

“Mommmm” Seo whines “She is not my lover…”

“whatever you say darling” Aunt Park smiles “Okay, see you later than”

After Seohyun hung up her phone, she lay her-self comfortably on the bed, suddenly she feel that someone’s arm wraps around her waist

“Hyunnie, who’s on the phone” YoonA still has her eyes closed

Seo smiles “It’s mom”

That completely wake the other girl “Wait, what?!” She sits still and put her hand Seo’s forehead “You’re okay? Fever? Headache?”

The younger girl laugh and swat YoonA’s hand “I’m fine silly”

“But, but you said Mom, and your…”

“I meant Aunt Park…”

“Oh okay… okay… I’m sorry”

Seohyun caress her hand “No need to be sorry… by the way, Mom wants us to have breakfast at her house”

“Okay.. what do you want to do today?”

“I have no idea, might as well lock myself in the house” the younger one shrugs

‘Why would you do that?” YoonA kinks an eyebrow

“To feel homey for the last time”

“Oh, come on… I have a better idea”




Ding Dong!

Roman smiles as he look at both women standing in front of him

“Miss. Im… Miss. Seo, welcome”

YoonA nodded while Seohyun plasters a smile on her face

“Morning Sunshine” Uncle Park gives a kiss on Seo’s cheeks while YoonA receives a hug

Uncle Park smile at Seohyun, remembering his conversation with his wife regarding her call with the younger woman in front of him this morning.

“How my daughter’s doing?” the question cause Seo to grin

“Never been better… dad”

“Hey, how come she can call Aunty and Uncle, mom and dad, while I can’t?” YoonA whines

“She’s our daughter, of course she’ll call us that” Aunt Park smiles

“Soo, I’m not?”

“You can be, but then you have to marry Seo first, be our daughter-in-law then you can call us that”

Seohyun blush “Dad… please”

“Uncle, she’s practically my wife already”

Aunt Park smirk “Really?” stealing glances at Seohyun who has her head down

“Ah… good to hear, good to hear, now you are officially my daughter-in-law” Uncle Park laugh




“So, what are we going to do today YoonA?” As both woman step out from The Park’s mansion.

“We’re going to take a stroll around the city”


“Soo that you would always remember that when you move to New York… Italy would be missing you”

“Argghh… I miss it already”

“The place or the people” YoonA smirks

“Definitely… the place”

The letter pouted “Whattt?? You’re supposed to say ‘the people’… and specifically ME”

“Meh… what for?”

“Tell me that you’ll miss me?” YoonA smiles

Seohyun eyes lock with another one. “Nope” then, she opens the car door and sits inside, leaving the other girl who has an exaggerating expression on her face.


“All my life I've made excuses

 Pushing you away

Saying that you're not for me

All my life I’ve ran from you,


 I tried everything

In the end it was you

In the end, in the end it was you

(Kat- In the End)




Seo grabs her coat and holds it tightly in her arms. She looks around her bedroom for the last time.

She walks towards the living room, only to find the other girl staring at four walls around her.


The other girl turns her back “You’re done?”

She nodded whilst YoonA gives her a weak smile.




At the airport

“You take care of yourself okay? Your dad and I are not there to take care of you” Aunt Park whimpers

Seohyun nodded, trying to hold her tears.

Uncle Park pat her head “I’m so proud of you, good luck okay? Come and visit us whenever you have the time”

YoonA stood still, looking at the scenery in front of her. It was heart breaking. As The Park bids Seohyun goodbye, she turn to YoonA, biting her lips. “Yoong”

YoonA walks towards her and stop in front of her. After a few second, Seo engulfs her with a tight hug, as if her life were depending on it. Seo’s arms encircle her waist while she buried her face in the crook of YoonA’s neck. The older one tightens her hug as Seo starts to cry, she buried her face in the other girl’s lock.

“Don’t… you ever forget about me” Seo whimpers

YoonA shook her head

“Don’t go flirt around when you’re in New York okay?”

Seohyun chuckles. She closes her eyes, trying to savors the moments.

“I love you,” Seohyun utters breathlessly

YoonA pulls herself a bit from the letter hug. Looking at Seo’s face, she smiles. She kiss her forehead and let it lingers for a while before she hugs her again. “I love you too




author's rambling

Sorry for the delay update.. i havent been feeling well lately. Plus i have failed one of my assignments, so nowadays i have been working on it. It suks like major . 

Sorry for the crappy chapter. Hope you guys still stick around and give comments okay. 



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cooljags #1
Chapter 40: DUDE UPDATE SOON..I AM REALLY REALLY CURIOUST ON WHAT HAPPENED TO YULSIC. Please don't give up on this story. This story is nowhere to complete. Plz plz plz plz update
cooljags #2
Chapter 40: DUDE UPDATE SOON..I AM REALLY REALLY CURIOUST ON WHAT HAPPENED TO YULSIC. Please don't give up on this story. This story is nowhere to complete. Plz plz plz plz update
Chapter 40: Please update new chapters! I love to read this, especially yoonhyun and yulsic..
Chapter 40: Omygawd!~ :D Who is Fuji Mina, and what is she going to do in this story?! :3 I'm guessing she's going to put up some spice in this fic~
Ooh and Sulli and the 'mystery girl'~ my guess should be right :D
I love TaeNy's relationship xD though they're kinda quarreling, I find them cute haha...
Yoona and Uee should really break up xD I said it a lot of times already, and I'm going to continue until they break up hahaha :P
Thanks for the update!!
Chapter 40: oh my gawd! pls make it yulsic.. whats happening to you two.. hard headed girls.. hahaha!

whats happening to mina also? why she don't want to be hurt again? hmm.. sorry work is all over me that I don't really focus on the story. kekeke! update fast my friend..

thanks a lot!
Chapter 40: c'mon why there's no yulsic >< lol
update soon
Chapter 40: busy with something UNIMPORTANT huh, conceited old man..
Urghh, there's no YulSic yet.. TaeNy's still on bad terms.. Like not really good yet..
Sulli's crush? Krystal? Ice and stuff, just like her sis..
Chapter 39: asdfghjkl what's up YulSic? U no want to end together? Aigoooo... xD
I saw a lil bit of YulTi up there huh? :3 hehehe~
YulSic needs time to talk and clear things out, in that way I may have my hope up again for them <3 :D

Thanks for the update! ^_^