Another Day

Love to Hate You (discontinued)


“Get outta my way KWON!”

“Your way?! It’s public way JUNG!”

“I don’t care; just get out of my way!”

Being the stubborn as she always does, Yuri stood still in front of the door

“What do you want from me Kwon?!”



“You heard me Jung… apologize”

“Why the would I do that”

“Well, you being a to me since… forever”

“What’s your damage Kwon?? Get the out of the way”

Yuri sigh heavily “Why are you so mad at me Sica-chu?”

Jessica stops, she closes her eyes. Yuri still remember her nickname. Duh! Of course she remember she’s the one gave her that nick name. Jessica mentally slap her face

“Stop it Yul… just… please get out of the way. I’m already late for my next class”

Yuri gave up and leans slightly to the right side of the door so the letter could walk pass her




“Miss Jung… you’re late”

“So sorry Mr. Sheffield, I got caught up in the library. It won’t happen again, I promise you.”

“Okay than, take a sit”


“Where have you been?”


Tiffany eyed her friend for a while. Jessica show no sign of telling anything, so she shrugs it off




Knock! Knock!

Seohyun startled a bit

“Hey babe, can I come in?”

The door opens a bit, revealing YoonA who is making her way towards the other girl’s bed. Seohyun who’s lying on her stomach with pillow stuffed on her face, trying to cover up her flushed face after she cried.

She feels soft hand her hair, and top of it kisses on her temple.

“Baby… you gotta stop this, it’s unhealthy”

Seohyun sobs “I can’t help it Yoong… it’s too much”

“I know… it’s for all of us… but, it’s unhealthy… I don’t want you to get sick Seo”


Seohyun gets up, YoonA pull her closer wrapping her arms around the girl

“There is nothing to be sorry for okay? If you need to anything, talk to me kay… don’t cry your heart out like this” YoonA feel the other girl nodded against her chest

After a while, the younger girl pulls out of her comforter. YoonA wipes her tears away and smiles at the adorable girl in front of her.

“Not to be rude or anything, but what are you doing here?”

“Aunt Park calls me, she’s worried about you… you didn’t pick up her call, or any call for that matter. I was going to visit you a few days ago, but I got caught up with photo shoot and stuff… and sorry for that. So I clear up my schedule for today and head to your house straight away”

“You don’t have to Yoong”

“But I wanted to, I miss you. Beside we barely see each other for the past few months and I really hate that… and for today, I’ll turn off my blackberry, my phone, i-pad or i-pod for that matter, so no one would disturb us”

“I miss you too” Seohyun genuinely smiles

“Soo, what do you wanna do today?”

“Before we do anything, what if Uee calls you?”

“That would narrow down than the possibility of… 1 out of million chances”

“Babe, you’re exaggerating”

YoonA gives her what-do-expect look

“Okay, that might be slightly true”

“So, princess… where are we heading after this?”

“Can we just stay in, watch movie or something?”

“Yes we can, but later… because I know sappy chick flick would definitely makes you moped around more, and I don’t want that okay? For now, I want you to dress well, because honey you look like an to me”

Seohyun playfully smack her arms “Meenie”



[D & G]




The elevator opens Uee steps out

“Morning Betty” she greet the familiar geeky secretary as known as one of her friend here at D & G 

“Morning, uh, oh yah Uee, the boss wants to see you, she’s been dreading to talk to you this morning, and don’t ask me why, it’s still is a mysterious to me too”

“Is it ‘see-kinda-bad’ or ‘bad-kinda-bad’ thingy?”

“Beats me, shush… go now, she’s been waiting”

Uee takes a deep breath and makes her way towards the office

Knock! Knock!

“You wanted to see me?”

The blonde boss swings her chair, her expression were unreadable

“Yes, please do take a seat SooJin”

Okay… she’s calling me by my full name, this isn’t good… not good at all

“Do you know why I wanted to see you Uee?”

“Uh… no, did I do something wrong?”

“What do you think?”

Uee look at her boss skeptically “Uhuh… not that I know of…”

Miryo, her boss, breaks off the serious expression and she form a smile, okay not exactly a smile but, more of a smirk… and evil smirk to be precise 

“You didn’t tell me that you’re gay”

“Uh… I didn’t think it was important… is it a crime or something?”

“No, it’s not a crime and just so you know… it IS important when you, my beloved employee are dating one of the most powerful people in fashion industry. I mean… hello? Co founder of SingleTake Company… one of the best photographers in the world”

“Uh… okay…”

“Uh, okay… is that all you can say?”


“Our company has been dreading, wanting her to photo shoot our 50th D&G magazine Anniversary, you know that, right Uee?”

“Ooo… did the board mean YoonA…The one that they wanted so much?”

“Yes, of course darling… wouldn’t want our first cover shoot by Nigel Barker or Gil Bensimon, we’re tired of using and having the same photographer every single issue, and we are getting tired of this. We want new faces, new ideas, new perspective… new flow… new… everything… and darling, YoonA is the one we want. She’s fresh, intelligent, dynamic, and unique and… bombshell”

“Okay, we need YoonA?”

“Darling… darling… darling… I want to ask you, would you like to take part in our 50th Anniversary issue team?”

Uee was taken aback by the sudden offer. She was beyond ecstatic

“But, honey, before that, i have a favor to ask you”

“What kinda favor?’

“You see… making an appointment with YoonA, feels like making n appointment with the Queen of England. So, this is where I needed your help. If you can convince YoonA to accept our proposal, you would be automatically made yourself into the dream team, so… what do you say?”


[Back at her table]


 “Your such a bad friend Uee, like seriously” Eunhyuk pout

“And why is that?”

“You my dear, didn’t tell us that you’re DATING IM YOONA ?? I mean like… for real”

“It’s no big deal Marky”

“It is big deal, I mean look at her, and she’s famous, rich and…”

“Deliciously Hot” Hyuna continues with the dreamy look on her face

“Oh… kay, Hyuna darling, you do realize that YoonA is Uee’s girlfriend, and Uee is practically standing and listening to you right?”

“Hyukkie, I have a crush on YoonA ever since I didn’t know who she is to Uee, beside, I talk about her almost every day at Uee, and she didn’t seems to mind”

Eunhyuk eyed the other girl suspiciously “You’re supposed to be madly overly jealousy about this, but you calmed… which is very weird”

“Hyukkie, believe me, when your significant other is famous or one of the fashion photographer icon in history… and when people started to talk about em, go crazy of em… you’ll get used to it”

“Why are you so sure?”

“Because she’s YoonA, my girlfriend… I never see her as pop sensational star, I just see her what she’s like when I met her the very first time in college, she’s the same, and she hasn’t change a bit”

”Well, hate to break it to you honey but season’s are changing. People would end up to, whether baby steps or simply big leap changed, and when that happen, you might regret it. So maybe, it’s the same with YoonA, in your eyes, she might be the same old Im YoonA, but with a blink of your eyes… she’ll changed”




After ungodly hours of shopping spree, the duo decided to have their lunch at the nearby pizza shack

“I’m beat”

Seohyun sniggers at YoonA who seems to slump herself on the chair “Well, u ask for it”

“Hardy-har-har you’re funny”

“I’m always funny, I have sense of humor”

“Anyway, your firm, how is it going?”

“If anything settle down straight away, we’ll have our grand opening by next month”

“Congratulation, anyway, I’ve heard that couple of client already booked you… wow… you haven’t open up your own firm yet, yet people are swarming to booked you… you must be good”

“Thank you… I guess. So, what about you?”

“Same-o, same-o… nothing interesting yet, to pop into my career”

“How bout your love life department?”

YoonA sigh “I dunno… we barely see each other for the past weeks… like always. The last time we had together was, when her mom force us to come by”

“Yoong… just hold on okay, maybe, she’ll come around”

“That would be very unlikely…”

“So, when are you going to propose to her again?”

“I dunno, I don’t think there’s be another proposal from me soon”

“Keep faith in her, believe in your love Yoong, that’s all that matter”

“I do seo, but… it’s hard. I don’t think she’s in love with me anymore… maybe, it just started to fade away, you know. The Uee I used to know is gone… nor did the love we had”

“Soo, you’re just going to give up on her? Just like that?”

“I’m not giving up… but, I can’t keep chasing her”

“Fight for her”

“I’m not going to fight a losing battle… Seo, can we not talk about this? Right now… I mean, I wanted to spend my time with you, without having me thinking of anything”

Seohyun reaches her hand and mouth sorry, that’s made the other girl smile and gives a sweet kiss on her temple.

“Can we watch movie after this?”

“Sure… anything for you princess” holding out her hand at Seohyun so the bubbly girl takes it

“It’s official… I’m gonna name today, ‘Seo Juhyun’s Princess Day out’…how’s that?”

YoonA chuckles, nodding her head nevertheless. Even though, Seohyun is 23 years old, she still manages to keep her personality younger than that. She’s the same old bubbly, adorable, kind hearted, honest Seohyun that she met few years ago. Nothing changed about the other girl, except for her appearance from cute little ball of sunshine to drop-dead gorgeous young lady. People might mistaken her from a high school student (which Seohyun finds it utterly annoying), people might not expect that model-look- alike Seohyun would be some kick- lawyer in England or Italy for that matter.

“Why are you smiling like that?”

“You’re beautiful you know that” YoonA uttered the statement with sincerity within her voice, causing the letter blushing hard

“Do you ever consider being a model?”

“Okay, model? So not my scene, beside who wanna to see me become a model anyway?”

“Might be not your scene but you, my dear, are drop-dead gorgeous… many people wanted to see pretty girl like you, even blind people could see it”

“Okay, enough with the compliment and stuff, don’t wanna died of embarrassment. So, please let us go home”

 Unbeknownst by them, there was pair of eyes, watching them “Gotcha”

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cooljags #1
Chapter 40: DUDE UPDATE SOON..I AM REALLY REALLY CURIOUST ON WHAT HAPPENED TO YULSIC. Please don't give up on this story. This story is nowhere to complete. Plz plz plz plz update
cooljags #2
Chapter 40: DUDE UPDATE SOON..I AM REALLY REALLY CURIOUST ON WHAT HAPPENED TO YULSIC. Please don't give up on this story. This story is nowhere to complete. Plz plz plz plz update
Chapter 40: Please update new chapters! I love to read this, especially yoonhyun and yulsic..
Chapter 40: Omygawd!~ :D Who is Fuji Mina, and what is she going to do in this story?! :3 I'm guessing she's going to put up some spice in this fic~
Ooh and Sulli and the 'mystery girl'~ my guess should be right :D
I love TaeNy's relationship xD though they're kinda quarreling, I find them cute haha...
Yoona and Uee should really break up xD I said it a lot of times already, and I'm going to continue until they break up hahaha :P
Thanks for the update!!
Chapter 40: oh my gawd! pls make it yulsic.. whats happening to you two.. hard headed girls.. hahaha!

whats happening to mina also? why she don't want to be hurt again? hmm.. sorry work is all over me that I don't really focus on the story. kekeke! update fast my friend..

thanks a lot!
Chapter 40: c'mon why there's no yulsic >< lol
update soon
Chapter 40: busy with something UNIMPORTANT huh, conceited old man..
Urghh, there's no YulSic yet.. TaeNy's still on bad terms.. Like not really good yet..
Sulli's crush? Krystal? Ice and stuff, just like her sis..
Chapter 39: asdfghjkl what's up YulSic? U no want to end together? Aigoooo... xD
I saw a lil bit of YulTi up there huh? :3 hehehe~
YulSic needs time to talk and clear things out, in that way I may have my hope up again for them <3 :D

Thanks for the update! ^_^