Goodbye Italy

Love to Hate You (discontinued)


It’s been 6 month after the Death of Park Hyomin, Jiyeon who has difficulties adjusting her life trying to move on. Lucky for her, The other Park’s family and her families helping her every single steps towards finding new life.

“Honey, if you’d finish packing your things, do come down and have a breakfast okay?” Mrs. Park uttered to Jiyeon

“Yah, be right down in a min kay”

She zipped her LV bag, everything were ready. Jiyeon sit still on the bed. Her eyes fixed on something that rested on her finger; it is a Tiffany’s blue diamond ring. The ring that Hyomin bought for her. Tears falling down her cheeks. Her minnie was going to proposed her, she had planned the whole thing for her, she gather both families for her birthday party and as well as the proposal. Hyomin was going to proposed her in front of their families. That was everything she had asked for. She traced the ring with her finger “You promise me…” she barely whisper to herself


[Back In Manhattan]


“What time would her flight depart?”

“3 hour from now”

“Soo, how she’s holding up Tae?”

“She’s… getting better I guess… better than last month” Taeyeon sigh “But… she’s change Kayy, she’s not the quirky, cousin that I’ve grown up with. I hate seeing her like that”

“She’ll come around Tae, don’t ya stress too much about it a’ight?”


[Greystone’s mansion]


“I’m tired…” Jessica scoff

“Tired of what? Shopping spree tired?”

“Shut it~ Where’s Jung Ah?”

“She’s going out for a while”

“And you let her?”

“Well, yah” Kahi shrugs confuse

“You do realize that you’re wife is pregnant right?”

“Of course I do Chant, and you do realize that Jung Ah tends to turn herself to Mrs. Hyde right?”

“Whipped” Jessica smile

“Am not! It just happen that I love my wife so much, and I don’t want her to strained herself”

“Meh! Admit it Unnie, you’re afraid of her”




“A cup of cappuccino please”

“Soo, how do u feel now Jung Ah?”

“Peachy” Jung Ah scoffed

The smaller blonde girl chuckles, she reached her hand till it meets the brunette one

“Seriously, how are you?”

“Fine I guess, it’s hard you know” she gave her a bitter smile

“I know”

“I miss her Bekah… I miss her soo…soo much”

“I know B… I know” Bekah caresses her hand with her thumb.

“I love her… I still do, I can’t keep my mind off her. It takes me hard times dealing with Kahi and her”

Bekah sighs a little. She knows how much Jung Ah love Hyomin, she knows even though they’d broken up, but that doesn’t stop Jung Ah from loving her. The only things that she done were dating Kahi to get her mind off Hyomin.

After a few minutes, Jung Ah regains her breathe

“I look awful huh?”

“I was gonna say u look like , but hey… awful is good” with that she received a playful smack from the brunette.

“Ha-ha… I can’t believe that I forget how much funny u are Bekah”

“Heh~ I’ve known worse than that, so why bother” smiling

“How’s the love life?”

“Just so you know I’m not getting any for some time now”

“What! Ewe… Bekah, spare the details”

“Kidding… Nope, haven’t got time to get down to that the department yet”

“Owh… come on, you’re one of the best designer around, how could you possibly havin a hard time finding out the love of your life yet?”

“Hmm… guess I’m a dork and no one wants me”

“Don’t be silly, anyone who’d be fool to not wanting you, plus you have this badass going on in you”

Bekah sniggers “yah right… this so-call-badasses look drive people away B”

“ Hey… everybody’s loves a bad girl”

“Ha-ha… cute, so how’s ur baby?”

“Clearly changing the subject, but I let you off the hook for once, my baby is fine, 4 months to go before off she/he go”

“She or he? You haven’t have your sonogram yet?”

“Next week I guess”


[4.00 PM]

Taeyeon waits patiently in the airport. Looking around , and then she spotted one familiar brunette


“Hey tae”

Jiyeon were a bit thin than her usual self, she’s still in her fabulous style, but no one would not notice the dead look in her eyes, the pain and sorrow that portrays her feelings.

“Are you okay Jiyeonnie?”

She gives her cousin a bitter smile “Still holding up Tae, still holding up…”

“You know you can talk to me about anything right?”

Taeyeon nodded 


p/s: Sorry for the crappy chapter ^^


numbernine: Sad to say, but yes. She died in this story T_T 


For Hyomins' fans... please don't kill me. Thank you ^^

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cooljags #1
Chapter 40: DUDE UPDATE SOON..I AM REALLY REALLY CURIOUST ON WHAT HAPPENED TO YULSIC. Please don't give up on this story. This story is nowhere to complete. Plz plz plz plz update
cooljags #2
Chapter 40: DUDE UPDATE SOON..I AM REALLY REALLY CURIOUST ON WHAT HAPPENED TO YULSIC. Please don't give up on this story. This story is nowhere to complete. Plz plz plz plz update
Chapter 40: Please update new chapters! I love to read this, especially yoonhyun and yulsic..
Chapter 40: Omygawd!~ :D Who is Fuji Mina, and what is she going to do in this story?! :3 I'm guessing she's going to put up some spice in this fic~
Ooh and Sulli and the 'mystery girl'~ my guess should be right :D
I love TaeNy's relationship xD though they're kinda quarreling, I find them cute haha...
Yoona and Uee should really break up xD I said it a lot of times already, and I'm going to continue until they break up hahaha :P
Thanks for the update!!
Chapter 40: oh my gawd! pls make it yulsic.. whats happening to you two.. hard headed girls.. hahaha!

whats happening to mina also? why she don't want to be hurt again? hmm.. sorry work is all over me that I don't really focus on the story. kekeke! update fast my friend..

thanks a lot!
Chapter 40: c'mon why there's no yulsic >< lol
update soon
Chapter 40: busy with something UNIMPORTANT huh, conceited old man..
Urghh, there's no YulSic yet.. TaeNy's still on bad terms.. Like not really good yet..
Sulli's crush? Krystal? Ice and stuff, just like her sis..
Chapter 39: asdfghjkl what's up YulSic? U no want to end together? Aigoooo... xD
I saw a lil bit of YulTi up there huh? :3 hehehe~
YulSic needs time to talk and clear things out, in that way I may have my hope up again for them <3 :D

Thanks for the update! ^_^