Bigbang's world tour concert

Dreams do come true


it has been three hours until now, and I'm still crying at the corner of my room while listening to Bigbang's song.. Blue.

I have waited for long, that they will come to my country. but, when they come, I couldn't see them. 

It's all because my father, he is too over protective of me. and he is not allowing me to come to my idol's concert, Bigbang. Yeah, they're my idol. I was very happy, when the promotor said that my country, is chosen to be one of the alive world tour destination.

I was too happy that day. It was like dream came true.

But when I asked my father, he refused to answer.

Yeah, actually, I kinda hate him, but, he still my father, so what should I do?


-Earlier in the school-

“Arinnn!!!” I was too busy reading fan fics in my phone, when my friends suddenly called me and disturbing my concentrate.

“What’s up?”

“Do you know that.... that.. that!?”

“I don’t know, you haven’t told anything yet” I said with my annoyed face.

“Bigbang!!!!” My face turn from sad one become crazy one, and a wide smile creep on my face, I always be so happy if anyone talk about Bigbang.

“WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM?!!” I said with my anthusiasm tone.

“They will...........”

“Will what???????” Aish... this friends, she is good with making people curious.

“They will held alive world tour concert!!!! And on October they will arrive in our country!!!!!”

“Jjinjaaaa?!! AAHHH!!!” I can’t help but scream so loud. I was so happy, that the times will come, I will watch their concert and meet them! Ahhhh! I can’t wait!!!!

Wait. But, I’ve a little bit doubt.

“Hm, but are you sure? How did you know?” I asked her, with my sad tone.

“You know big daddy? The promotor who invite lady gaga? They inform it in the twitter!”

“Okay, I believe you now. AHHH!! I can’t wait!!” I said.

But, I’m so sure that my father will say no for this, Absolutely...


In the house.

“Mom, I want to ask you about something” I immediately pull my mother’s wrist, as soon as my mother arrived at home.

“What happened darling?” she asked my motherly

“Mom......Can I ....come to bigbang’s concert?” I said slowly.

Her smiles suddenly gone. This is what I afraid to happend.

“Hm. Darling, actually I’m okay with it. But, I’m not sure about your father. You know, I can’t do anything if he didn’t allow you” She said.

Yeah, I knew it, it will turn this way. I have to asked my father. I know that he never say yes to something not important like watch concert. BUT, Bigbang is important for me!. What should I do?!


Suddenly, *Ddunn Ddunn* My father’s car horn! OH NO! My nightmare will come for a few minutes more. Okay, I’m panicking now! WHAT SHOULD I DO?!

“Dad is home” he shout when he open the door. Oh no!!! Okay! Relax! Clean your mind. He is your father, why I must be scared?

“Daadd!!” I called him and hive him a hug.

“Oh, Sweety” He said to me.

“dad, uhm, Can I talk to you about something?”

“What it is?”

“Uhm, dad, can I go watch bigbang’sconcert? It’s on october” I said to him directly.

“Hm, you know me right? I don’t like about that stuff. And you must listen to me” He said. Okay I Failed!

“But, dad. They rarely want to come to our country, can I watch them? Besides, I never watch any concert before. Just once... please dad. I really want to watch them” I beg him, with my puffy eyes. But, it never turn success-_-

“No, once I said no, it is no!” He said a little bit yelling.


“No more but, go to your room” He cut my words, but I can’t do anything, so I just obey what his said.

Now, I will never can watch Bigbang’s concert. What must I do now?!

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saraifranceska28 #1
Chapter 10: plss!!! update i really like the too bad boy seungri thing and the humble gd i just wish was her!!
DesignIsVip #2
do you have a brother? i mean, any of the two authors? kkk
i want to have a brother.. and this fic has. i wish i was her~
1. bumped by GD
2. hated by VI
(HAHA the 2nd was.. idunno, but atleast ^^)

aigoo. hope she brought her friend at the venue .. :))))
Omo!! X_x jiyoong~~ please update soon!(y) I'm so curious what will happen next>,<
DesignIsVip #4
i envy her .. yes her .
oahh ~ i want to go to their concert also here in our country, i think i dont make it T-T
and yeah, i also want to study in korea~
im gonna loving this fic~
hope this really do come true in my life .
this made me smile :)