Chapter 9

Our Fated Connection (Strings)

Yunho had found a new trail: new information about his past; about his late parents; about his missing brother.

He needed the information, and he needed it fast.

Aside from his university work, he was spending most of his free time searching about his mysterious family.

What happened? Why was he sent to America when he was just 7 years old? Most importantly, what happened to his brother?

All he had managed to find up until now was that both of his parents are dead. His mother had apparently married twice, and had two kids- he being one, and his brother being the other. He only knew his mother’s first name: Maeli. Anything else, he had no idea.


He could not remember anything when he had reached America. He was confused and yet didn’t know why he was confused. When he finally became aware of his surroundings, he realized that he was no longer in the familiar streets of his hometown, but was on a busy, foreign street filled with foreign looking people who shot him with strange stares.

He didn’t move. He didn’t know how to move. His brain was fuzzy, and nothing made sense to him.

“Hey little boy, are you okay?”

Yunho raised his head and saw an Asian lady smiling down at him. Behind her was a small boy, who stared at him shamelessly with curiosity.  

Yunho stared at the lady, not understanding what she just said to him.

“Umma, I don’t think he understands,” the little boy spoke to his mother in Korean.

“Hmmm...I wonder which part of Asia he’s from...” the mother replied softly to the boy in her native tongue.

“Korea,” Yunho blurted out.

Two pairs of brown eyes looked at him.

“I’m...from Korea.”

“Ah! Good!” The mother clapped in delight, “At least we can communicate! Now then, tell aunty where your parents are, and then we’ll take you home, okay?”

Yunho filtered his brain for information. Nothing came up. Absolutely nothing. “I...don’t know.”

“Oh,” the smile disappeared from the mother’s face and was replaced by concern and worry. “Erm...Let’s take you to the police, I’m sure they’ll be able to find your parents.”

After hours of waiting, the police had neither found Yunho’s identity nor any information about his parents. Nothing came up on the citizen database when they typed in his name. It was like he had never existed.

The police was ready to call up for an orphanage when the mother spoke up. “If it’s possible, he can live with me. I can look after him, and if his parents look for him, they can contact me.”

After the appropriate paperwork had been completed, Yunho found himself in the car next to the child, who eyed him interestingly.

“What’s your name? I’m Yoochun,” the boy asked with an eye smile.

Yunho looked at him and blinked. “Yunho. Jung Yunho.”

Yoochun’s mother soon arrived at their destination. She parked and helped the two boys out.

Yunho raised his head to look at the big house.

“Come on dear, let’s get you inside.”

Then his new life started.

Although it took him a while to start talking, the family members were very encouraging and loving. Their love and support nurtured both Yoochun and Yunho to excel in everything they did.

At 18, when Yunho had developed into a mature and caring man, did he raise the idea to head back to Korea for university and to search for his family. Yoochun’s mother agreed and to his surprise also asked Yoochun to go with him too- to gain more independence.

So after graduating from high school, he came back to Korea to investigate in his past. But this time, he was not alone. He had his non-related brother at his side, who gave him support and encouraging words when he felt like giving up. Yunho was happy and confident that he would find out the truth.

Both Yunho and Yoochun enrolled in Seoul University. He became friends with Jaejoong, and then through Jaejoong’s brother, Junsu, he came to know you and Changmin. The six of you were practically inseparable when you all came together. If anyone had a problem, the rest would always be there to help. Yunho was at his happiest when you’re all together.

Tonight, if he’s in luck, he might just be able to learn about his father’s name. He was excited to hopefully fill another piece of this puzzle.

He pressed his body lower on his motorbike and accelerated to his destination.


Gwaaaaaa >___< I'm so sorry about not updating recently...I just had, what I can say as the busiest week of my schoo life T__T

So tiring...Anyway, a little history about Yunho~! (Damn Yunho on a bike...*droooooool*)

Keep the comments coming in!! I love reading all of them!!

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Update please!!!
tichiharahara #2
update please!!! awesome storyyyy!!! hwaiting author-nim!!!! ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ
amanda13 #3
Omaigod , poor girl , it's a really good story !!!! Keep it up!!!
amanda13 #4
it is really interesting !!
omg. poor girl. accidently killing an innocent girl :(

but please update soon D: this is my favorite fanfic so far :)
omg. poor girl. accidently killing an innocent girl :(

but please update soon D: this is my favorite fanfic so far :)
minniepotter #7
she must be feel so guilty to that little girl .. poor her .. :( .. i wonder .. what changmin frightened is ..
oh btw .. i agree with changdeer .. i wish i can be changmin lover ^^
minniepotter #8
wooooowww .. finally update .. thank u author~sshi and welcome back ^^
i'll read later since my office homework is still killing me ^^
I wish Changmin was my y gorgeous lover and not brother.
Oh my god...she kill that little girl..T_T..
Poor her..
Where is jae?
I miss him..n when they revealed their identity?
Thanks for update^^
Ow..btw congratulation for ur graduate^^
Ow..poor u..get well soo neh..