Chapter 3

Our Fated Connection (Strings)

A long day at school had ended at last. You stood by the school gate waiting for Changmin to head home together and prepare for tonight. You looked up and saw his tall figure approaching you. Neither of you uttered a single word to each other as you made your way home. You weren’t bothered by this. You knew he was also thinking about tonight as well.

You both dumped your school bags, and had changed out of your uniforms before heading off into your car to drive to the hideout a few miles away. You drove, while Changmin sat in the backseat sorting his computer equipments out. That was his speciality. His talent. You were trained to combat, to fight, to kill. You had the instinct to spontaneously plan out your moves when you got into a difficult situation. Your own body knew how to react to threats without your brain even thinking about it. But Changmin, being the brainier one, had absolutely mastered everything about technology. He could hack into anything with a few taps of the keyboard; he could give you the password or pin of highly protected locks under a few seconds. There’s no such thing as ‘privacy’ when he wanted to open it. He practically owned privacy.

A while later, after you had packed the car and had trekked through some thick vegetation, you had reached your destination. You two sat down and quickly discussed the plan- you’ve both had plenty of experiences before, so the talking didn’t last long. You went and changed into something easier to camouflage in whilst Changmin linked up an earpiece and a small mike for you. This provided you with a two way interaction system so he could warn you if something or someone unexpected was hiding on a corner.

You were dressed head to toe in black. You peered outside and found that night had already fallen. You walked over to a hidden cupboard and armed yourself with two small, yet deadly pistols and stored them inside your holster hidden away underneath your jacket.

“Here’s the earpiece and the mike...Is it working? Testing, testing,” Changmin said into the small black device.

“I can hear you just fine oppa~”


You gave him a firm nod. You opened a leather clad hand and he dropped a set of keys into your palm.

“Okay, technology, check. Bike, check...” he muttered through his checklist, before turning back to you, “we’re all set.”

You both headed out once again to your vehicles. Only this time he would be taking the car, and you’d be on your motorbike. You both agreed that having separate vehicles would decrease the chance of getting both of you caught, if you should ever be caught. Taking as much as precaution as possible would ensure both of you a peaceful mind during a mission.

Soon, the vegetation thinned and Changmin climbed into the car as he reached it whilst you went to retrieve the bike from its hiding spot. You put the helmet on, and closed the tinted screen. You climbed onto the bike and revved the engine to life. Changmin’s car drove off before you.

“Mission start.”


Yahhh~ I had originally planned to post this and the next chapter together..But I ended up writing a bit more in when I was tying this up :3

Not much dialogue in this, but I wanted to get across the tension...did you feel tension!? Keke~

Hope you've enjoyed ;)

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Update please!!!
tichiharahara #2
update please!!! awesome storyyyy!!! hwaiting author-nim!!!! ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ
amanda13 #3
Omaigod , poor girl , it's a really good story !!!! Keep it up!!!
amanda13 #4
it is really interesting !!
omg. poor girl. accidently killing an innocent girl :(

but please update soon D: this is my favorite fanfic so far :)
omg. poor girl. accidently killing an innocent girl :(

but please update soon D: this is my favorite fanfic so far :)
minniepotter #7
she must be feel so guilty to that little girl .. poor her .. :( .. i wonder .. what changmin frightened is ..
oh btw .. i agree with changdeer .. i wish i can be changmin lover ^^
minniepotter #8
wooooowww .. finally update .. thank u author~sshi and welcome back ^^
i'll read later since my office homework is still killing me ^^
I wish Changmin was my y gorgeous lover and not brother.
Oh my god...she kill that little girl..T_T..
Poor her..
Where is jae?
I miss him..n when they revealed their identity?
Thanks for update^^
Ow..btw congratulation for ur graduate^^
Ow..poor u..get well soo neh..