Chapter 8

Our Fated Connection (Strings)

Pita pata pita pata...

The sound of the rain against the windows of the classroom calmed you. Yet by the end of the day, the sky was still pouring down. You waited under the roof of the school and half glared at the dark sky for preventing you from getting home.

“Maybe Yunho oppa can still pick me up...”you thought hopefully.

And not a second too soon, his customized ringtone emitted out of your blazer pocket.


You grinned and quickly picked up his call, “Oppa, hello~”

“____-ah, I’m really sorry, something came up just now so I won’t be able to pick you up. But I’ve asked Jaejoong and it doesn’t seem like he’s got any more lectures today so I think he’ll be there to pick you and Junsu up in a moment!” He said in a hurry. You heard a distance rumble of a car engine being brought to life and Yoochun’s voice in the background.

“Oh no, it’s okay! Thank you for being so considerate! I’m not going to hold you up, so talk to you later!”

“Get home safely! Oppa’s hanging up okay?”


“______-ah!” A squeaky voice reached you as soon as you hanged up.

You turned and found Junsu approaching you with his usual cheery smile on his face.

“Hi, hi~” you greeted him as he came beside you, “I think I’ll be hitching a ride with you and Jaejoong oppa today~”

“Oh cool, how was your day?”

You didn’t have a chance to answer his question when his phone suddenly beeped. He reached inside his pocket and scanned his message, then looked up at you.

“Hyung’s waiting for us by the gate now. Get ready to get soaked,” he joked. “Let’s dash it!”

He leapt into the wetness; a hand raised over his head to prevent being drenched by the rain and made a bee line to the school gates. You smiled at his cute action and followed him into the rain.

“Phew.” Both you and Junsu let out a breath of relieve when the warmth of the car enveloped your wet bodies.

“Hey you two, how was school?” Jaejoong greeted as he turned the car engine on and stepped on the accelerate pedal.

“Oppa, you sound like a mother,” you as you ran your fingers through your hair to allow your hair to dry quicker.

“Yah, I can’t help but to love my cute babies, okay?”

“...Who’s the baby, pretty boy?” You retaliated jokingly.

“Aish this kid...” he muttered to himself. “How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that?”

“Obviously, not enough times.” Junsu injected, with a wink towards you.

You grinned. Teasing Jaejoong was definitely one of your favourite hobbies. You know exactly which buttons to press, and precisely what to say when you wanted him to do something for you. This doesn’t only apply to Jaejoong, but to Yoochun, Junsu and Yunho as well. Since you are the youngest out of the six, they know that you like to kid around and look for attention. To be honest, they like giving you that attention.

As the car smoothly drove on, the warmth of the air made you drowsy, plus the constant throbbing of your shoulder drained you even more. You had hardly eaten anything today because your appetite was just not having it. You stared outside and urged yourself to stay composed, but you could feel your temperature rising and the goose bumps on the surface of your skin as you broke out a cold sweat.

“Come on ____!! Almost home...Just don’t pass out...”you encouraged yourself. You closed your eyes and focused on evening out your breathing.

Unknown to you, you had eventually drifted off. Jaejoong stopped the car outside your home and was about to call you when he took a glance in the mirror and noticed your sleeping figure. A mischievous smirk formed on his face and he fished out his phone from his pocket.

Junsu noticed. “Hyung! You’re not...?”

“I am.”

“Hyung, she’ll eat you alive!!”

“Junsu-yah, learn how to take revenge. The last time, she took pictures of me sleeping and sent it to every contact on her contact list! This is a must!”

Jaejoong twisted around on his seat and bit down on his lips as he focused his camera phone to take the pictures.

Your senses informed you that you were being violated and your eyes snapped open. The back of a phone filled your vision.

“What the-?!”

You glanced to Junsu and he flashed an apologetic smile. “Sorry...I tried to stop him...”

Your brains clogged on.

“Jaejoong oppa...Were you perhaps...taking pictures of me sleeping...?”

“No,” he denied, his phone still blatantly pointed towards you.


“Yah- OW!” Without thinking, you had tried to snatch his phone with your injured shoulder. Two pairs of eyes stared at you. You give a nervous giggle and said, “I slept on my arm last night, it hurts.”

“Idiot~” Jaejoong shot at you. You, being the mature person that you are, replied to his retort with a loud raspberry.

“Anyway, thank you for taking me home! I’d better be off and see how Oppa’s coping without me~”

“Tell him we said hi,” Junsu chanted.

“Will do!” You opened the door, and the sharp, cold rain droplets hit your fevered skin mercilessly. You turned and waved goodbye before opening the home door...

...And coming face to face with a monster that was in the form of your brother.

“You...” Changmin began dangerously, obviously angry with your actions.

Your cheery facade dropped as you closed the door behind you. Your head was spinning and your knees felt as if they were going to give up on you any moment now.

“Oppa please, there’s no need for a lecture. I went to school today. There’s no harm done. Stop worrying over me so easily, I can look after myself,” you said as once. Your vision was blurring out of focus, and you were using all your energy to stay upright. “I need to change out of these clothes, I’ll be right back.”

You gently pushed pass Changmin and scrambled up to your room. You closed your door and darkness overcame you as you collapsed on the bed.

Changmin stood outside your door and heard your mattress groan.

He sighed and shook his head. “What a bad liar...”

He went into his room and fetched his phone on the table and dialled a number.

“Hello?” A husky voice came.

“Is he there?” Changmin replied simply.

“No, boss’s out today. Why?”

“Tell him not to send any more things to _____. She’s injured. She needs rest.” Changmin said curtly, not wanting to spend much time talking about you behind your back.

“Ehahahaa,” the man laughed down the phone, “only your Appa will decide what to do with that brat, not you.”

“You bastar-“

“I’ll pass on the message. You just pray that he’s having a good day and may consider it. Tell her I said get better soon.” The voice ended the call sarcastically.

Changmin snapped close the phone and breathed in deeply. His hands trembled with angry and hatred.


“Changmin, from now on, you are the girl’s brother. Got it? Don’t ask why, just do as I say. Don’t tell her that you’re my son. You breathe a word to her about anything and both of you are dead. Understood?”

A barely 6 years old Changmin looked up at his father, eyes filled with tears. He nodded.

“Now, get out of my sight and go practice. If you don’t make any improvements by the time I’m back, you’re guaranteed a beating.”

Changmin bit on his tongue and quietly left the room, holding back the tears that were threatening to escape.


Long chapter~ you've finally met Junsu and Jaejoong ^^

Loooool~ I can imagine coming home and facing an angry Changmin with his arms crossed and glaring at you as if he's got lasers coming out of his eyes XD

Ooooooh~~~ So Changmin's not actually your brother?! O.o

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Update please!!!
tichiharahara #2
update please!!! awesome storyyyy!!! hwaiting author-nim!!!! ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ
amanda13 #3
Omaigod , poor girl , it's a really good story !!!! Keep it up!!!
amanda13 #4
it is really interesting !!
omg. poor girl. accidently killing an innocent girl :(

but please update soon D: this is my favorite fanfic so far :)
omg. poor girl. accidently killing an innocent girl :(

but please update soon D: this is my favorite fanfic so far :)
minniepotter #7
she must be feel so guilty to that little girl .. poor her .. :( .. i wonder .. what changmin frightened is ..
oh btw .. i agree with changdeer .. i wish i can be changmin lover ^^
minniepotter #8
wooooowww .. finally update .. thank u author~sshi and welcome back ^^
i'll read later since my office homework is still killing me ^^
I wish Changmin was my y gorgeous lover and not brother.
Oh my god...she kill that little girl..T_T..
Poor her..
Where is jae?
I miss him..n when they revealed their identity?
Thanks for update^^
Ow..btw congratulation for ur graduate^^
Ow..poor u..get well soo neh..