Chapter 11

Our Fated Connection (Strings)

The gentle, cool wind brushed through Jaejoong’s hair. Tonight, he had the sudden urge to head out to the seaside and without a second to waste, he grabbed his car keys and headed out. Junsu tagged along too, but Jaejoong didn’t mind. If anything, Junsu’s presence was surprisingly comforting rather than being a disturbance.

The roof of his car was down. He loved the feeling of wind in his hair, as if he was free. Not that he was restrained or had any family problems- far from it. He loved his family to bits. Even though his father was hardly at home, Jaejoong could understand. His father was a busy man, with many important trips to go to, and things to sort out; yet he’d still have time to hunt down a souvenir for both Jaejoong and Junsu.

Jaejoong realized that it might be naive of him to assume that, just by having presents sent back from various places from all over the world, his father was thinking about him. But it wasn’t the presents that mattered. It was the length letters, which would take Jaejoong half an hour to finish reading that mattered. The letter would be often filled with his father’s highlights of the day: where he went and what he did. The phrase “you and Junsu would’ve loved it” would also appear so many times within one paragraph.

His mother, though she wasn’t related to either Jaejoong or Junsu, was always with her husband. When she had free time, a call back home would be guaranteed...and often would result in a brawl between the two brothers over the phone.

Jaejoong admits, there was a time when he resented her. He resented her for replacing his mother; for loving the man that his mother adored; for the increase in photographs of her and his father around the house, smiling happily together. But she never gave up on Jaejoong. She kept trying to talk to him, to know him better and finally, Jaejoong opened up to her.

“Hyung,” Junsu’s voice interrupted his train of thoughts.


“What are you thinking about?”

“How good our family is~”

“Heh, didn’t know you were the sentimental type.”

“Oi you, I can be as sentimental as I like,” Jaejoong joked back.


Jaejoong smiled. Junsu’s cheerfulness was impossible to avoid. When Jaejoong was down, or upset, Junsu has the ability to make him happy again within a matter of minutes.

Just like you.

Your innocence and purity- he could not resist at all. Every time you talk, his eyes would be automatically drawn towards you. You were unlike the other girls he’s met. Some were too shy, or too confident. You were just right. You were beautiful both inside and out. He was caught off guard and impressed when Changmin said that you had arrived home very late one night to help a fellow student. You had once waited in the police station for hours with a lost child until the parents came. You were just the type to sacrifice yourself for other people without a blink of an eye.

It had taken him some time to realise that he had fallen for you. He hadn’t worked up the courage to ask you out- he didn’t know how. After many months of brooding, Jaejoong decided to write you a letter. A letter that was still stored in his bedside table. He told himself that he’d give it to you when the time was right. You were still young and busy with school work. He didn’t want his love to be a burden.

He really hoped that you’d be able to give him a chance. To let him be more than a friend. To be able to rely on each other during the bad times.

You were perfect in his eyes.


Cannot say enough sorrys ;__;

...I'M SORRY!! I feel like I've abandoned this fic so much during the past couple of days >__< I've put up a new fic that I'm working on, and the plot isn't as mindboggling as this one U__U *can only blame myself*

But anyway, new chapter~!!! It's 1am right now..I haven't really checked all the spellings because I'm so tired, so I hope there aren't many mistakes...

Enjoy and comment~!!!

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Update please!!!
tichiharahara #2
update please!!! awesome storyyyy!!! hwaiting author-nim!!!! ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ
amanda13 #3
Omaigod , poor girl , it's a really good story !!!! Keep it up!!!
amanda13 #4
it is really interesting !!
omg. poor girl. accidently killing an innocent girl :(

but please update soon D: this is my favorite fanfic so far :)
omg. poor girl. accidently killing an innocent girl :(

but please update soon D: this is my favorite fanfic so far :)
minniepotter #7
she must be feel so guilty to that little girl .. poor her .. :( .. i wonder .. what changmin frightened is ..
oh btw .. i agree with changdeer .. i wish i can be changmin lover ^^
minniepotter #8
wooooowww .. finally update .. thank u author~sshi and welcome back ^^
i'll read later since my office homework is still killing me ^^
I wish Changmin was my y gorgeous lover and not brother.
Oh my god...she kill that little girl..T_T..
Poor her..
Where is jae?
I miss him..n when they revealed their identity?
Thanks for update^^
Ow..btw congratulation for ur graduate^^
Ow..poor u..get well soo neh..