Chapter 7

Our Fated Connection (Strings)

A while later, your body alarm woke you up even though you were still exhausted. You got up and walked over to your wardrobe with your eyes barely open. Miraculously you didn’t trip or stumble everywhere, and managed to pull on your uniform.

You could tell that Changmin was worn out from lack of sleep, so you decided not to wake him up and let him have a good rest...Even though you might have to suffer the consequences of not waking him up, later.

You crept around the house to avoid making any unnecessary noise, and retrieved all your needed textbooks and shoved them in your school bag. You were just about to set off when you took a glance in the mirror and noticed your appearance. You pulled a face.


You headed back upstairs to quickly slap on some light makeup to add some colour to your face and finished off with some tinted lip balm to hide your pale lips. 

“Aish! I’m going to be late,” you cursed under your breath. You pulled your shoes on as fast as possible, grabbed your jacket and headed out to school.

“Argh, why is school so far away?!” you moaned as you took a look at your watch ten minutes later, and quickened your steps.

The sky suddenly darkened and a low, distant rumble reached your ears. You raised your eyes and noticed the dark, gloomy clouds that were heading towards you. “Yah! Don’t you dare rain on me! I don’t have an umbrella!” you threatened at the sky, as if it could hear you.

Of course, it started to rain.

You sighed. “It must be my unlucky day...” You pulled your hood over your head, held onto your coat tighter and continued walking, wishing you had your car with you, but you were underage and not supposed to be able to drive...


“_____-ah!” A voice came from behind.

You turned around and squinted your eyes against the rain to see who it was in the car.

“Oh!” you exclaimed in surprise, “Yunho oppa!”

“What are you doing in the rain? Get in quickly!” He called out to you.

You grinned happily and rushed inside the car, away from the coldness of the rain.

“Thank you! Hello, Yoochun oppa,” you greeted the person sat on the front passenger seat. He replied to your greeting with a bright eye smile.

“Where’s Changmin?” Yunho asked as he sped up.

“Oh, he’s not feeling too well today, so I made him stay home.”

Yoochun chuckled at your response, and said “I really wonder who the older one is between you two. You seem to be always nagging and bossing him around.”

“But he listens to me, so it’s all fine~”

“Hahaa...I wish I had a little sister to nag me around...” Yunho’s voice trailed off.

You noticed slight awkward silence in the air and said, “Just treat me like your sister then...but I suppose you already do.”

“Yeah...I don’t know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing that you never nag at me, the way you do to Changmin,” he said with a teasing smile.

“Well you’re not exactly the type that requires people to nag though...Once you get started on something, you have to finish it,” Yoochun argued jokingly.

“I guess...”

A few minutes later, you arrived outside your school gates.

“Thank you so much for giving me a ride! I would be completely soaked if it wasn’t for you~ thank you!!” you said.

“No worries, it’s my responsibility to look after our little one right? I didn’t want you to catch a cold.”


“Anyway, we’d better be off to our lectures, don’t want to be late,” he said. “If it continues to rain, I’ll see if I can pick you up after school. I’ll call later okay? Have a good day!”

“See you later! Thank you once again!” You opened the door and hurried to the school building. 


So~! There's Yoochun and Yunho for you ^^

Aigoo you're being loved by so many people~

Decided to do an update because of your lovely comments :3 ...I should be revising though....I've read through this a few times, I haven't spotted any spelling mistakes, but if there is, please tell me and I'll correct it ^__^


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Update please!!!
tichiharahara #2
update please!!! awesome storyyyy!!! hwaiting author-nim!!!! ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ
amanda13 #3
Omaigod , poor girl , it's a really good story !!!! Keep it up!!!
amanda13 #4
it is really interesting !!
omg. poor girl. accidently killing an innocent girl :(

but please update soon D: this is my favorite fanfic so far :)
omg. poor girl. accidently killing an innocent girl :(

but please update soon D: this is my favorite fanfic so far :)
minniepotter #7
she must be feel so guilty to that little girl .. poor her .. :( .. i wonder .. what changmin frightened is ..
oh btw .. i agree with changdeer .. i wish i can be changmin lover ^^
minniepotter #8
wooooowww .. finally update .. thank u author~sshi and welcome back ^^
i'll read later since my office homework is still killing me ^^
I wish Changmin was my y gorgeous lover and not brother.
Oh my god...she kill that little girl..T_T..
Poor her..
Where is jae?
I miss him..n when they revealed their identity?
Thanks for update^^
Ow..btw congratulation for ur graduate^^
Ow..poor u..get well soo neh..