Chapter 10 - Those Lips that Whispered Love

Whenever You Play that Song...

This title TOTALLY doesn't fit the chapter but I wanted to use a Infinite song line plus I was getting tired of one-worded chapter names. XD Enjoy chapter 10! Guess who FINALLY makes an appearance?? The YADONG COUPLE! Except they're not a couple in the story. Sorry :( I totally abandoned the Woogyu couple didn't I? *sigh* I need to have a chapter and have them re-appear. Sorry Woogyu couple! You WILL have your moment.



Sunggyu: Awww...we haven't appeared in awhile...YAY WE GET TO APPEAR SOON THOUGH RIGHT?!



It’s been days since I last saw the sun let alone Sungyeol. Tears started to fall when I remembered Sungyeol trying to reach for me and the last kiss we had. My heart aches and I don’t know if I can take it anymore. I wish I could turn back, I would’ve told Sungyeol the truth as soon as possible. Now…I lost that chance. I never even got to show him his present. Now I am here…in this hell hole and I’m probably gonna rot.

The jail I am staying in is old and dirty; very unpleasant if anything. Everyone was rough and if you even brushed shoulders with them…they would kill you. A bell rang, signaling us we can eat and as the other inmates got up; I stayed in bed. One of them yelled, “Hey L! Are you coming?!” I didn’t respond and one of them; I think Dongwoo was his name said,”Just leave him if he doesn’t want to eat let him starve himself. That boy hasn’t left his bed ever since he first got here. He’s trying to commit a slow suicide we shouldn’t interrupt it. I will enjoy his suffering.” The other one said, “Dongwoo…that’s too much he’s just a kid.” Dongwoo laughed. “I don’t care. Why do you think I’m here? I enjoy people’s pain. Now let’s go before the food is all gone.” Soon they left and the cell got quiet; just how I like it. I started to recite the lines from the song I wrote for Sungyeol:

“I followed that song onto the street and walked

That familiar song that is playing from somewhere

I closed my eyes and blankly stood there and opened my ears

It was that song that we used to listen to together…”(Whenever You Play that Song – Huh Gak)

As I sang, tears fell from my eyes and I knew this depression will only get worse. Before I could finish singing the rest; the inmates came back and were laughing obnoxiously. Dongwoo laughed and I heard his footsteps come close towards me. He whispered in my ear, “Hey baby, how would you feel to get a taste of one of us?” I turned and stared at him with a glare that would make anyone cringe. “Get the hell away from me. I am not interested.” Dongwoo looked at me surprised then pushed me against the wall. “I don’t think you wanna refuse…you should be glad I was willing enough not to force you.” I lunged forward and punched him. Soon his friends grabbed me and pinned me to the wall. Dongwoo started punching me starting from my face then aimed for my stomach. He grabbed my hair and forced me to look at him. “You bastard! All you had to do was be willing! Now I have to ruin that pretty face of yours.” He punched me in the face again and I saw drops of blood fall to the ground. My vision started to blur and Dongwoo raised his fist again until someone grabbed his arm. Who is it? Soon the other inmates dropped me and put their arms up and I fell to the ground; coughing blood. The unknown person started to yell, “Gwenchanha?! Hey! Gwenchanha?!” I lost all consciousness and fell to the cold ground.

A few hours later…

I woke up and the first thing I saw was a bright light above me. As my vision came back, I looked up to see that I was in the infirmary ward. I tried to sit up but my wrists were tied down; probably to make sure I don’t leave. I rolled my eyes then heard someone cough next to me and noticed an officer.  He looks young but buff; I definitely don’t wanna mess with him. He asked, “Gwenchanha?” I nodded cautiously and he laughed. “Don’t worry I won’t hurt you. I’m not a e or anything. Anyways, why exactly did you pick a fight with one of the strongest gang leaders in Korea? You’re lucky he didn’t beat you to a pulp.” I sighed and really did thank the lord for letting me live. “He tried to…seduce me and I got pissed off so I punched him. Aish! If someone told me he was the strongest gang leader I wouldn’t have challenged him!” The young officer laughed and said, “You’re funny despite being in pain. My name Lee Howon but please call me Hoya. I hate being called my original name.” Hoya reached his hand out and took mine; in a slight hand shake. I said, “My name is Myungsoo…you probably know that already. L was my alias when I was in hiding. You can call me that if you want.” Hoya smiled and said, “L it why L? You could’ve picked many other names and you chose L?” I shrugged. “I like Death Note.” Hoya laughed loudly. “That explains it. So…you wanna tell me your life story? We’re gonna be in here awhile. They’re moving Dongwoo and his buddies to another cell so it’s gonna be awhile. Plus I don’t suggest getting up just yet.” I sighed. “In exchange to hear mine, tell me yours first.” Hoya shifted in his chair; put one leg over the other and leaned back in his chair. “That’s fair. Well…I didn’t want to become a police officer let alone a prison officer. I was just a normal guy going to school and went to school. If anything, I was just plain. I didn’t really care for luxurious things; just to know my family is okay I am okay. One day I was coming back from school and noticed something wrong. My umma wasn’t watering her garden like usual and the door was open and my parents always close it for safety reasons obviously. I walk in…I see my family all dead on the floor and everything in my house gone. I found out these robbers sneaked in and killed everyone then just ran off; taking most of our furniture for money. They didn’t make it far and the police found their location. They’re probably rotting in their cells if anything.

“Then I realized something…there are horrible people in this world and we have to keep them in line. So far, a few weeks of getting through my depression, I decided to go back to school and pursue criminology. I decided to become a prison officer. If anyone is gonna keep these bastards in might as well be me.”

I stared at him surprised; I thought I had it bad but Hoya lost all his family. I don’t even know how I would live if I knew my whole family was gone. He literally has no one to turn to. I said, “I’m sorry. Though I can understand your pain…I came home from practice one day to find my umma killed so we’re the same...almost. Anyways, it was horrifying and all I saw was my appa standing over my umma with a gun. I cried for days; the guilt I felt for not coming home in time. ‘I could’ve saved her’ was all I kept thinking. My appa framed me for something I didn’t do. I witnessed him shoot her but the police believe his alibi! Yeah sure, no one would believe a child over an adult.” Hoya stared at me with huge eyes and asked, “So you are trying to tell me…you didn’t kill your umma and that your appa killed her?” I nodded to him slowly; I knew he wouldn’t believe me. I knew I shouldn’t have trusted him. “If you told this story to someone else, do you think they would believe you?” I lowered my head in my disappointment. “Aniyo.” Hoya started to laugh. “Good thing I am not someone else. Now what’s your plan?” I looked at him confused. “What plan?” He tilted his head to the side. “Ya know, to escape?” I asked, “How did you know I wanted to escape?” He smiled. “What criminal doesn’t want to escape?” I looked at him surprised. “You’re going to help me?” Hoya nodded and started to untie my wrists from the hospital bed. As he helped me stand up, I asked, “Why did you believe me? I could’ve given you just some random sob story so you could help me escape but you believed me anyways?” He patted my head. “Just a hunch.” I didn’t question him after that, if he is willing to help me get out of this hell hole and see Sungyeol again…I will accept it. 


Yay!! Chapter 10!!! :D Hope you guys liked it! Leave your lovely comments and new readers? Please subscribe! ♥

Even though Sungyeol wasn't in this chapter period. I want a GIF of him:


Gotta show off Hoya's badass muscles!


Hoya as a police man *shivers*



Dongwoo as a naughty criminal. *shivers*

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I am too lazy to write the fluffy chapter now but I am post it up tomorrow! Don't worry folks!


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CasShwaolB2uty #1
Chapter 18: waa~ finally I finish it.. That was great!! :D
It was an interesting and catchy story.. I read it all in a shot -nods-
..the only things that had me offside(? was that Myungsoo cannot prove his innocence :|
I mean, maybe something simple like Sungyeol recording his talk with Myungsoo's Dad and then sending it to the police(? or something else.. but despite that, I totally liked it ^^
(ps: sorry for not commented before, I usually don't when the fic is finished (and sorry for my bad english too(? .-.
Chapter 5: I just realized that alot of inspirits had an bias at first who wasnt sungyeol but started to love him later. Kya~ great story !!
SarahRiich #3
//sobs\\ why does it have to end here!!!!~ wae ummah wae!???
I lived the story and especially the "oh my god friggin cute" A/Ns!!~
Will be waiting for more MYUNGbabyYEOL!
go_haneul #4
your part is so HOT! i mean, i got the heat from reading your chapter here. kyaa~
make more myungyeol in the future please><
rain_sound #5
Why did they have to get caught!! Poor them! LOL!! Sungyeol's umma calling daeyeol and sungjong angels?? XD
awwwww no ;AAAAAAAA;
glad they are finally happy together, and sungjongie with daeyeol xDDD
thanks for making this amazing story.
looking forward for you to make another stories (i want myungyeol story somemore tbh) xDD
it's over? its over? really? omo~ NICE FANFIC. and GOOD AUTHOR (y)
Yaaa~ myungsoo is the one here kkkkkkkk
i love the ending but tbh, i thought you would make a scene lol :p
rain_sound #9
lol!! Myungsoo is a one dude!! XD
The ending is great! I love it! Sungyeol's umma really made me worried! I'm glad she's okay with myungsoo. I'm sad though that it has to end here but i do understand how it feels when we're running out of idea =="
All in all, your story is great!!!