
A Collection of Super Junior One Shots
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Happy Birthday, emilina96~!!! I hope that this Kyuhyuk fic is a decent enough birthday present for you ^^ I worked hard on it, though there may still be some silly mistakes that I haven't caught yet D:
Anyway, I hope your birthday has been absolutely wonderful, dear~!!! <3

Also, if anyone could suggest a title, I would be so grateful .u. I'm horrible with titles, and I couldn't think of a fitting one Dx I'll give you credit for it if you help me out with this~ xD;;


As Eunhyuk lie back against the mattress, he reached a hand up towards the ceiling. His long fingers curled, spread, moved as he willed them to. As he commanded them to. Just as they should.
A sigh escaped him.
"At least I can control /something/." He muttered, bringing the hand back down to his side and returning his gaze to the patternless, snowy, patch above him.
Thoughts swirled, all too quickly, as the maknae entered his mind.

The /evil/ maknae.

His antics. His taunting words. The endless teasing. He really was a brat, if truth were to be told. But something about him... no... everything about him, left Eunhyuk's heart racing. He'd never meant for this to happen, and now these emotions were beginning to take on a life of their own, spiraling out of control, destined to crash and burn, he was sure.

His eyes slipped shut, and he searched for sleep, only for it to evade him for another night. It was Kyuhyun's fault. The younger should never have let his lips linger so threateningly close...

Morning came, and though he'd only slept for, at most, an hour, Eunhyuk was up and ready to take on the world. Or, at least, he was acting like it. On the inside, he felt drained, both physically and emotionally, not to mention the mental toll that the one torturous moment, between himself and Kyuhyun, had had on him. That moment that never left his mind. That moment when he and Kyuhyun had almost kissed...
"Hyung!" The voice, familiar to his ears but not yet to his mind, rang out, "Monkey, you look tired."
Eunhyuk shifted his gaze in the direction of the speaker, almost immediately greeted by a long finger jabbing him in the forehead.

"Aish! Kyuhyun, stop it!" He grumbled, pushing the hand away from himself, "And don't call me monkey! Speak formally!"

"But I did." Kyuhyun stated, giving a childish grin, "I called you Hyung first. I was calling you "Hyung Monkey"... or something like that."
Eunhyuk scoffed, keeping his blush away as best as he could. But it was awfully difficult when Kyuhyun was so insistent on leaning in closer.

"Are you mad at me, /hyung/?" Kyuhyun pouted, though kept the mischievous tone that always seemed to accompany his words, closing the gap between himself and the other just a bit more.

Of course, Eunhyuk stood his ground for as long as possible before shoving Kyuhyun away lightly, giving a little huff in mock annoyance. He had meant for it to sound real, and it would have, if Kyuhyun weren't so damned difficult to fool.

"I'm sorry..." The younger murmured, taking on a slightly seductive tone as he moved closer again, capturing Eunhyuk's bottom lip between his teeth, a smirk coming to rest on his devilish features as he slowly tortured the other, fingers gliding under fabric and up thin, delicate, sides. And the older didn't know how to react. Every muscle in his body begged him to drag Kyuhyun away and ravish him, to make those beautiful lips part in a long, drawn out, moan, but his mind told him otherwise.

Somewhat hesitantly, he pushed Kyuhyun away from himself, turning to walk back towards his bedroom. Even though Ryeowook was cooking breakfast (and damn, was that boy a wonderful chef), the idea of eating didn't appeal to him. Neither did leaving this room. Were it up to him, he'd just lock himself away and sleep for an eternity, hoping to forget about the small incidents with Kyuhyun.

After all, Kyuhyun was simply trying to bother him. That's all. And he couldn't give in.

But the time came, only a couple of hours later, for them to leave for dance rehearsals, forcing the man to leave the small room that confined him so safely.

Sungmin and Ryeowook laughed lightly together off to one side, Yesung standing close by with his eyes locked on the smaller of the two boys, but never disturbing their conversation. Siwon had his arms wrapped happily around Donghae, again, while Leeteuk, Shindong, and Heechul were conversing at a small table in the corner.
And then there was Kyuhyun... Kyuhyun was leaning back against the wall across the room from Eunhyuk. He stared, lustfully, at the blonde, only needing that smirk to be the most seductive creature that the elder had ever seen.
Rehearsals were over for the night, but they would have to be back in the morning, and, though Eunhyuk didn't want to admit it, that idea scared him a bit. Because there had hardly been a moment that Kyuhyun /wasn't/ staring at him. When they danced, 10 bodies moving in perfect unison as they had so often, he could feel the other's gaze. When they took a short break to drink or to cool down, he could see the way the boy watched him. And it bothered Eunhyuk. It made him angry. It made him scared. And, mostly, if made him hot. It warmed up his insides, like fire whisking through his body, destroying him from the inside.

"Hyukie~" Donghae called, Siwon still clinging to his back as he tried to wiggle free of him, "You and I should go somewhere! Are you hungry? We should eat!"

Eunhyuk had once loved Donghae, but this man was some one that he had learned he could never have. And, in time, the heartache that accompanied that knowledge settled, leaving the two to continue their lives as close friends. But Siwon... Siwon was lucky to have somebody as sweet as Donghae to dote on him.

Without realizing it, Eunhyuk's thoughts lead him to Kyuhyun, again. Kyuhyun wouldn't be the kind to dote, that was obvious, but what kind of boyfriend /would/ he be? Would his attitude change from that bratty, evil, side to something much more tender? Or would he still be just a cruel as always? And what would it feel like to properly hold him? When nobody else was around, the lights dim, the night having settled in hours ago. What would it feel like to share a delicate kiss with him, rather than the teasing one of before?

Quickly, he shook his head, both to clear his mind and to respond to Donghae, "I'm not really that hungry. I'll just go

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Please take note of the fact that I won't be posting one shots in this "story" anymore. They'll be posted individually, so please look forward to them~! ^^


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Chapter 2: I love this chapter!! So fluffy and cute :D
Kyuhyun prepared so well!!
Chapter 6: this is so sad, i'm gonna dieeee! DX
but it's true, is not as beautiful as fiction..
Chapter 13: oh! i like this one..
it really did happened right??
wishful thinking..
God this made me so anxious...
it was beautifully written, made me feel like I was really watching someone unraveling in front of me.
Feeling of urgency, and panic totally freaked me out!
Seriously, this was perfection...
Great job!
-sighs- oh my wookie... let's punish kyuhyun ne?
wow, i think i just triggered my own panic/anxiety attack. it was very good and well written. makes me think of myself when i;m at the mall during no tax weekends. god so many ppl
gah, nicely written