It's Just About to Start

I'm his Beautiful target, He's My Handsome Target

I can't believe myself, I let Jinyoung boss me around, what happened to not letting him crack me? AND WHY IS EVERYONE LOOKING AT ME WEIRDLY?! I didnt spread any rumor I swear! Im not even that popular in school,I am known in our own grade but not the whole school and I bet people wont believe me since they almost show that they worship Jinyoung. Aish I have to tell someone about this. I am not letting him ruin my life by pretending to be his girlfriend.

                                                                                                                     Jinyoung: Meet me at the rooftop after this last period.

                                                                                                    Daeun: Dont tell me, you're going to push me off a building? -__-

                                                                                                     Jinyoung: I might as well, If you dont stop being such a smartass.

I didnt reply to his text, why is he like that? Some babies are dropped but Jinyoung was clearly thrown across the room, yeah That's his problem...I guess I dont have a choice but to just do as he please. I felt a tap from behind, I turned around and she was pointing to Jinyoung who did an 'I am watching you, gesture' Aish! Wait until I tell my brother on you, he is pretty good at taekwando!
I flipped my notebook's page until I finally reached the back, I wrote the F U word but in full for Jinyoung. I turned around and he was luckily looking at me and read my message and in responce? He gave me a smirk and mouth 'I know' my mouth dropped fully,  God, This guy is irritating. I flipped to another page and wrote 'Not In A Million Years' and turned around again sticking my tounge out.
He flipped at the back of his book as well, I waited for him to finish writing since he was taking so long, I bet he doesn't even have a reply but then he showed me what he wrote 'We'll see about that....Girlfriend ;)' and then smirked. I scratched my head because he was irritating me so much, my phone kept on vibrating in my pocket too, I know it was just Jinyoung so I didn't dare look at the text, I will get you back someday Jinyoung.

The class ended and I hurried away to the Girl's toilet, where Jinyoung couldn't follow me, luckily it was no one was it but this creepy aura in the room it just couldn't be ignored, I feel like someone is watching me while I stare at myself using the mirror. I bit my lip with a sigh, I look so pale and stressed all because of one person? How can Gongchan and the guys survive with him around?

"Are you trying to escape me?" Jinyoung suddenly appeared behind me.

"YAH! What the hell are you doing in the girl's toilet! Are you nuts? GET OUT, GET OUT" I slapped his arm

He chuckled,"You think I'd let you get away? I will follow you everywhere and anywhere I dont care if I have to go in here or even when you take a dump!" he smirked

"Wow, you are nuts" I laughed sheepishly with a creeped out tone.

"Nuts is Baro's middle name so dont compare me with him. From now on I will be watching you and following you, making sure you flirt with no other guy or talk to guys other than me. And if I have to I will not blink during my sleep!" He came closer to me, then we heard a bunch of girls about to enter the toilet.

", I cant be seen with you, Hide, hide!!" I pushed him in with me in one of the stalls then locked the door,"Stand up on the toilet seat" I whispered

"WHAT?!" he whispered back

"Just do it! They might notice theres four legs in here! Just do it" I nagged and he did as I told him but then the clumsy Jinyoung slipped one foot in the toilet bowl accidentally which made a loud Ploop sound. I tried holding in my laugh, oh i hate holding in laughters

"Did you hear that?" one of the girls asked her friend

"Yeah, it's coming from that stall" another responded, I have to respond they're like coming closer,"is someone there"

"Umm yes" I made a pushing sound,"make another splashing sound" I whispered quietly to Jinyoung he shook his head and I pinched him, he winced quietly and did as I told AGAIN,"Ooop haha thats a big one" I laughed sheepishly.

"EWWWW, Come on girls let's get out of here" the girl said and left, I slowly unlocked the door double checking if they were really gone, I wiped my forehead with my wrists, I looked over to Jinyoung who still has his other foot inside the bowl, then I couldn't help it anymore, my laughter filled the empty room while Jinyoung gave me death glares, if looks could kill I think I'll be dead by now but Right now I think Im going to die because of laughter. I wiped my tears of joy and paused the laughing fit then looked at Jinyoung again and did my daily laughing cycle.

"YAH! Help me you egg! Dont just stand there! This is your fault!" he blamed.

"No it's not, it's yours, if you arent such a clutch this wouldn't have had happened, this is the funniest thing I've expierienced ever since I arrived here HAHAHAHA"

"Look if you help me, I'll make your life less horrible" he said, ohh bargaining now I see.

"hhmmm I dont know, maybe I'll help you if you let me take a picture of you xD" I beamed.

"What?! No way, you wish" he stuck his toung out at me, why am I the evil one? I guess this is just his karma

"Okay then, have fun thinking about an excuse why your foot is stuck in the toilet the...the girl's toilet pwuahaha" I snorted and covered my mouth, Jinyoung laughed at my actions.

"Haha you're a pig" he teased,"Now hurry up and get me out of here!"

"You shouldn't have had followed me in here on the first place you piece of tomato, now first let me take a picture" I giggle as I pulled out my phone and took a picture,"there, now I can help you" I walked towards him and grab hold of his long legs

"Youre so going to pay for this" he murmered something.



Once we finally got his foot out of the toilet bowl, I hurried to the rooftop with him, I wonder why, he is such a weird person but he can be a demon sometimes really, I'd prefer the weird Jinyoung. Its going to take me a while before I can get over the toilet incident but for his sake, like he said I cant tell anyone not even my brother or his friends. I crossed me arms as I in haled the fresh air blowing across my face, I spread my arms wide. Jinyoung popped my bubble, he glared at me for no reason, is the mean Jinyoung back? Aish does he hate me that much?
He came closer to my body and inches away from my face, he held the nape of my neck scanning my face up and down, my breaths got heavier, my heart was pounding fast and might blow up any minute, my eyes widened then he let go and laughed his off, I pinched my brows together showing him that Im confused why he is laughing when nothing is even funny, this guy needs to go to mental...seriously.

"You really thought I was going to kiss you" he laughed,"You wish in you life I would, I'd rather kiss a toilet seat"

"Yeah, you should've done that when we were back there" I rolled my eyes, I walked towards the door bumping onto his shoulders.

"You dare answer me back?" he grabbed my wrists and squeezed it tight, oh here goes mean Jinyoung, Hello new bruise! I harshly pulled my arm away from his grip and walked out of the door. I jumped three levels from the ground and went in the canteen to search for Minji and Haerin, Aish too crowded how am I suppose to find them here now?

'Looking for someone?' he appeared again, strartling me on pupose, what is his problem?

'Awk please can you not do that? Youre giving me a heart attack'

'Right...sorry' he laughed sheepishly

"Daeun-Ah? Who are you talking to?" CNU's face appeared infront of me, how do I explain this? Aish so complicated.

'You sure about that?' someone said leaning against the wall smirking at me. I jumped at the sudden appearance of this person, he was wearing the school uniform and had had pink hair.

'L.Joe?' my eyes widened when my eyes arrived from his toe to head, what the heck is he doing here? How did he get here?

'Who's that? Girl you must've got me confused with some one, I am nameless' he pointed at himself.

'oh...hi nameless' I waved my hands awkwardly and he shook his head in annoyance,'What you said you're nameless'

"Daeun-ah! Who are you talking to?" The nurse asked me looking around to see who I was talking to, I raised my brows, she cant see this guy? The guy who claims himself as Nameless.

"oh uh I was just singing" I laughed then sang what I said to nameless, she looked at me suspiciously and left me again alone with this guy,"why cant she see you? And I can?"

'Im a ghost geeze...why are you so slow?' he narrowed his eyes

"Why are you so nameless? I knew that geeze" I copied him.

Instead of answer Cnu, I smiled at himand changed the subject," have you seen Haerin and Minji?"

Cnu scratched his head before answering me,"yeah they're over there, see them? There beside the water fountain, and who were you talki-"

"thanks CNU, I owe you one!" I skipped to the table where my two friends are and Not so surprisingly Mina is missing as always, I wonder whats up. I sat down beside Minji who was opposite to Haerin, they were busy eating their lunch so I just bkended in and said no words what so ever. I got a text from Jinyoung.

                                                                                                                                                          Jinyoung: YAH! WHERE ARE YOU?!

Aish this guy, I hope he doesnt see me where ever he is, Im stressed because of him and now he wants to make my life horrible then i realized I only like Jinyoung due to his handsome looks but not by his personality, who would like him? He has a rotten personality, someone needs to change him Asap but I bet that's going to be hard work for that person. Jinyoung caught my eyes as he entered the canteen, I hid under the table Ninja speed hoping he wont see me. I left the two friends of mine wondering why I was hiding under the table. Minji bended down while still sitting and asked me what the hell was I doing hiding under the table. I didnt have time to explain now since she gave away to Jinyoung where I was. He pulled me up and hitting my head slightly, I rubbed it with my hands as he pulled me out the canteen.

"Where are you taking her? She's not going anywhere" Gongchan stopped our tracks and grabbed on the my spare arms soon enough They were playing a game of tug of war fighting about who I belonged to,"Let go! She doesn't want to go with you!" Gongchan pulled

"No! You can't make me, Get lost you!" Jinyoung pulled me back.

"I promised myself to protect her from you Hyung! And thats what Im doing so you get lost because I am not giving up now!" Gongchan pulled and Jinyoung let go of me causing me and Gongchan to stumble down and I landed on top of him.

"We arent done yet!" Jin pointed at me and disappeared.

"you okay?" Gongchan asked me, I nodded as I stood up dusting myself,"Dont worry about that guy, he is nice guy in the inside once he warms up to you" he pinched my cheecks and held my hand which lead me to their table surprisingly my brother wasn't present. He probably has that piano lesson with Ms. Lucy. She is such I nice teacher. I watched the four guys eat as they watch me watch them eat while they watch me, haha omg Im fooling myself. Baro who act like he hasnt been fed doesnt have the patience to even chew his food. Sandeul takes a big bite and stuffs it inside his mouth, the slower eater then Gongchan, who was chewing so fast as if he was in an eating marathon and last but not least Cnu, he was eating like a normal person would eat but he had a lot of sauce around his mouth.

"You're hair is eating too Cnu" I laughed and removed a piece of rice from his hair.

"Fsthanks" he mumbled with food in his mouth,"You're brother is hanging out with BOYFRIEND today, by the way"

"oh really? Okay, thanks for telling me, I thought he had piano lesson today" I thanked him then he gave me a nod.

"Daeun-ah, why dont we go for a walk?" Gongchan suggested, I nodded and got up with him, he smirked at his friends who was giving him a dirty look.

We went to the school garden where not a lot of people went to since I heard it was boring here, but to me it's not this garden is such a cool place perfect for spending time with the guy you admire...did I just say that?
Gongchan sighed, and sat on the marble bench and intertwined his own hands while look up at me. He patted the seat next to him so I obeyed and sat beside him.

"So, how are you?" he weakly smiled at me, making me nervous, why am I so nervous when Im around this boy? Is it because he stole my first kiss? Or am I just nervous because it's normal.

"Im good what about you?"

" to explain why you're letting him boss you around?" he balled his fist.

"I knew you'd ask and I cant tell you...He'll...Im sorry I cant tell you that either" I sighed

"Why? Why cant you tell me?" He gave me a puzzled look.

"I...just cant" I looked down.

"I saved your back then! Telling me would be a nice payback, who dont know what he can do to you!" I flinched at his sudden shouting.

"Well if I tell you and he found out, since you're protecting me, he would treat me worse, he hasnt even started yet!" I replied

"So youre waiting? Youre something Daeun, Why wont you let me protect you? Huh? Im here? you and you know that! Dont tell me your letting him do this to you just because you like the damn guy! Well let me tell you news Daeun, he wont like you cause he likes Mina!"

"THAT'S NOT TRUE AND...AND I DONT CARE" I shouted and stormed off, why am I angry? Could he be telling the truth? Am I doing this because I like Jinyoung even though I dont have a chance with him?

The school times went by so fast if you dont look at the clock. Yes! I get to escape that mean Jinyoung, I've had enough of him for one day, seriously, he wont leave me alone, he even got me a detention for blaming me that I Was distracting him but clearly he was the one distracting me. Mum and Dad is not going to be happy about this and it's all Jinyoung's fault! He never seemed to leave my mind now, Im worried about what he's going to do and how will he make my life Miserable. I was twirling my pen around my fingers as I waited for the bell impatiently, some of my classmates were doing the same thing as me, some were falling as sleep and some...totally having a staring contest with the wall clock. It was two fifty-eight as said to my phone. I watched the moving hand of the clock go round, the sound of the tick tock entered my ears, it landed on twelve now there only one more minute, I yawned and felt my phone vibrate, I bet it's Jinyoung again Aaaiiish! He is a turn off now seriously I dont like him anymore. I stared at the clock again waiting for the hand to hit twelve.
5...4...3...2...1, i whispered and the bell rang when it hit twelve, I shoved my books in my back without arranging it because Im lazy and closed it as fast as I could, I ran towards the door but as soon as I opened stalker welcomed me out. He smiled sweetly at me and grabbed me hands showing people that we're an item which is obviously now true! I tried to pull my hands of his hands and he squeezed it tightly making me wince in pain. Girls that we walked passed to whispered and gave me an envious look, some gave us a shocking look as I smile at them sheepishly.
I saw the queenka and her group from far away and she doesn't look happy about this, I could imagine her breathing out fire from her nose, as we get closer, Jinyoung started babbling about how I look beautiful, how he's the luckiest guy on earth as we walk to Sohyun's group I could feel her watching every songle move I did and I dont have a good feeling about this.

"Yah! Jinyoung Oppa! Why are you with this girl" Sohyun block our way and gave me a disgusted look, I looked down on the ground to avoid her death stare.

"She's my girlfriend! Got a problem?" he snapped.

"You expect me to belive that? You nearly cracked her head, there is no way she will say yes to you, Im not as dumb as you think I am you know!" she scoffed as chewed on her gum.

"Why bother asking? If youre not going to believe," he looked at me,"Let's go jagiya" he caressed my hands, making my body stiff as he pulled me away with him, why is he doing this, I know he's ruining my life but cant he think of a better plan.

"Jinyoung, if you're planning to ruin my life, please make it good because your plan is really...not ruining my life to be honest" I shrugged boringly

He scoffed," Oh Baby, It's just about to start and Im not the major part in ruining your life so dont worry about me...Worry about Sohyun"

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UPDATE UPDATE!♥ NYAAAAAAA MinRin♥ I wonder if DaYoung will become a reality. CANT WAIT♥
To be continued in the exciting moment!!!
Update soon!!
Kyyyyyyyyyah Minho's romance~ SO sweet. I really liked it. "don't want to kiss random girls" *snap*
What's up with Jin? Did he really changed? I'm so confused~ Don't know if I'd rather like DaEun with JinYoung or GongChan... T_T (or YoungMin? Or L.Joe? haha)
ur name is juz like my friends name...hahax....
Long update. :D
At first, I was pissed at Gongchan. I wanted to strangle him. D:< Needs to dump Sohyun.
Thank you soooo much for this loooong update (and even a preview!! haha)
Please DaEun make up with GongChan now. (of course he should dump this y SoHyun first =_=)
Poor Daeun.. I'll cry hard of I be her..
maybe move school?
Kkk~ update soon!! ~^O^~
finanlly an update and it sure was a long one, anyway what the hell is wrong with jinjin?? And ps. Update soon~
new reader here ! Love your story, thanks for update ! :) gongchan <3
Chynna #10
Pls pls pls update soon!