
I'm his Beautiful target, He's My Handsome Target

Me and Baro have arrived at the shop called  Rocky Road. Me and Baro waited in a small line because the shop was packed with couples students and other people, I sighed because of boredom and I saw Baro gulped, might be worrying that Im not enjoying his company but to start of with I am not...no offence.
I decided to look at him and give him a sly smile so he'd stop fidgeting, What's up with him anyway? Baro was always an outgoing, noisy boy, now can somebody tell me who's standing beside me?

"Annyeong! Where you you like to eat" She asked in a timid tone yet her voice was still cheerful, the girl has her hair in a bun and her bangs are eyebrow length, she was wearing heavy make up nearly looking like a dorito.

"In the kitchen, We waited here to eat in the kitchen" Baro the jocker said,"or maybe on the floor...table for 2 please" he said in a firm voice...yup this is the Baro I met, sarcastic and full of well sarcasm.

The waitress rolled her eyes,"Follow me Sir and Miss" she smiled at me when she greeted me and the opposite to Baro, she escoreted us in a cusion sit Yaaay! Jut as I wanted, me and Baro was right beside the window though.

"So, May I take your order?" She pulled out a pen and a little note book from the pocket of her apron and patiently waited for our responce.

"No, we're going to wait ourselves" Baro the dry joker said, now it was actually rude and I kicked him underneath the table, widening my eyes to him,"Im just joking I'll have a Strawberry, vanilla and chocolate ice cream sandwiches please" He said to the menu in front of him as the waitress list it down then looked over to me.

"I think I'll have a...."I trailed off and narrowed my eyes on the menu, all of these looks delish, how can I choose?,"i think I'll have....Coffee-Toffee Ice Cream Cupcakes" I grinned and smiled sweetly to her, I looked at her name tag..Hyemi,"Thanks Hyemi!" i thanked her and I wish she takes it as an apology for what Baro did earlier, she gave me a weak smile and stormed of to the kitchen.

"Baro! You're so Rude!" I gently slap his arm across the table while laughing

"Haha, sorry about that, dont worry about her, I do that to her all the time, she doesnt seem to mind though, so I continue" Baro smiked and shruggs his shoulder, I gave him a suspicious look,"what?" he blurted

"Do you like her?" I winked,"I can get her number for you if you wanna haha" I teased, he gave me a death glare and stuck his tounge out.

"As a matter of fact, No I do not like her, I got my eye on someone inside our school, thank you very much" he in formed me, oooh who could be the girl is it Minji? I saw them talking before I went in class with Jin.

"Ooh who is it?" I narrowed my eye rubbing my chin as if I had a beard hanging around, Baro laughed at my immatureness and ruffled my hair

"Im not going to tell you" he stuck his tounge out, aish it's not like Im going to tell other people he likes someone gee, I am a trust worthy person and I keep my promise especially if its a pinky promise.

"Aww dont be a buzz kill!" I slapped his hand away from my head

"Not really, I's be a buzz kill if I told you, where's the excitement on that?" he scoffed and crossed his arms giving me a disgusted like look...but that doesnt mean he is disgusted.

"Fair enough" I sighed then gasped making Baro jump off his crossed arms, I covered my mouth in shock,"Is it me?!?" I pretended, oh how I loving making fun of people
Baro jumped up and completely panicked.

"Wha..What? NO! NO...of course not, I only met you today, do you think I would have a crush on you just like that? PAH! Theres no such a thing as love at first sight" he stated.
Baro's POV
"Fair enough" she sighed then gasped making Me  jump off my own bubble, then suddenly she looked at me in shock okay what is up?,"Is it me?!?" she half shouted, aw , how? come on Sunwoo think, think, think of a way to make her not believe what she just said.

"Wha..What? NO! NO...of course not, I only met you today, do you think I would have a crush on you just like that? PAH! Theres no such a thing as love at first sight" I said to her making a ridiculous face, way to go Baro like that would make her believe me. But of course I lied, I believe at love at first sight, thats me right now.

"hahaha Im only kidding HamBaro" she grinned and ruffled my hair, I could feel my face heating up from the nickname she gave me and while she patted my head, wow this girl is something she's not like the other girls I've dated or met. But I made a promise to my self not to fall to hard on her, I might hurt Channie and Cnu, if only it was easy to admit such a thing, admitting to her is going to be hard since there are two more guys behind my back ready to pull me off her.

"HamBaro? Why?" I chuckled and she did that thing with the beard again, Aigo, she is such a cute girl, how can I not fall hard on her? That is just a hard thing to do, I cannot control my heart and especially I cannot control love itself, of anyone was to control it I'd call them a legend since that is hard work.

"Because you're as cute as a hamster..." she paused and stared at me," Meeeh, youre probably cuter than a hamster" she leaned across the table and pinched my cheecks mocing my head slowly lef to right. I am actually blushing now but thanks to her cheeck pinching it wasnt that obvious.

"haha thanks, Hey Daeun, when is your birthday?" I asked while playing on the tissue container

"It's on the 25th of April, why?" she smiled cutely, Aish no can resist this girl, I cant even resist her like looking at her face, and looking straight into her eyes and talking to her, I cant resist those things, If only Gongchan didnt make a move on her I wouldve...woulve. Arrrgh, Hambaro what are you saying...wait did I just call myself HamBaro?

"Baro? You still there?" Daeun was waving her hands at me, I took it and intertwined it with mine looking in her eyes and her cheecks which is slightly turning pink, does she like me?
I finally snapped out of it before I do something stupid,"I...I'm sorry, I didnt know what came over me."

"Sorry for the interruption, but here are your orders" Hyemi spoke out of no where, I let go of Daeun's hands as Hyemi put down our ice creams on the table,"Huh, never thought I'd see Baro with a girl, he never brings girls here, I think your the first, looks like Baro is finally paying interest on someone" Hyemi winked at Daeun who is now looking down blushing. I glared at Hyemi who was smirking because she totally made it obvious I like Daeun as pay back.

Eating ice cream with Daeun became quiet now, all because of annoying orange, you know who Im talking about right? Aissh I need to start a conversation this silence is killing me, but what do I say? Talking to her might lead me to confessing to her and I do not want that, it's too early to confess or maybe I should just wait until one of us confesses to her, Haha I doubt Daeun would take any interest on CNU, that korean harry potter. His looks doesnt fit Daeun, he looks more like a good boy to me and probably more than just me.  But when Shinwoo(CNU) hyung starts to love he is hella romantic.

"Yo Baro, I need your advise" he swung his arm around my shoulders, pressing his lips together, I waited for his continuation but he just stayed silent, I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"My silence means you can go on hyung" I pouted and waited for him to continue

"Okay, how do I say this? Can you teach me how to slow dance, I'm scared I might step on my girlfriend's foot" he sheepishly laughed, and I looked at him with. Ridiculous face,"what? I aint a Mum, Im not always perfect" he shrugged.

"Aish fine...Ill teach you, but in one condition" I pursed my lips while nodding at my own word,"you have to give me half of your pocket money for a week" I smiled evily, I know he wont turn this condition down

"What are you crazy?! I cant do that no, you have enough money for me" He pushed himself off me

"okaay then, goodluck with dancing with her, hope she doesn't come to school on wheelchair" I snorted a laugh and started walking away slowly while he stood there thinking about it

"Wait!" He shouted,I turned around using the heel of my foor smoothly

"Yes??"I smiled cheekoly giving him beautiful eyes

"Its a deal just teach me please! i am desperate" he stomped his left foot on the ground , i walked towards him.

"okay, Ill be the girl and youll be you, so first thing you want to do is place your hand on my waist" I placed his arms around my waist,"oh god this is awkward, look, hyung I cant to this, I am not a he/she" I pushed him off me

"aww come on Bro...okay then you wont get half of my pocket money" he shrugged is he black mailing me with my condition?

"Aish fine! But do not! I MEAN do not ask me to teach you stuff that involves skinship EVER EVEREVEREVER!!!!" I scrunched my nose.

Then we continued, i placed his hands around my waist and I placed my hand on his shoulders, we slow danced outside the corridors of the dormroom, he stepped on my feet a couple of times and Id groaned in pain and glare at him. I teached him how to twirl a girl around and how to like carry a girl while still standing tch, like the girl is  in your arms and youre like keeping her of the floor?
Well we are on that part and me and CNU's face are inches away, this is really awkward, and come to think of it, it was kind of Comfy...UGH what am I saying, Shinwoo closed his eyes and I hesitated his face was getting closer to mine and so does our lips, i hid my lips like how I would avoid no so good looking food I hid my lips in  and rolled off his arms to I fell on the floor.

"Far out hyung? WTF?" i pulled myself up,"Are you gay! Or something? " I half shouted dusting myself

"Shush! Yu might wake people up! And Mianhae, I got carried away woth my thoughts, Im thinking about her too much." he pouted like a little kid

"Arrgh this isgoing to give me nightmares...great, night hyung" I said goodbye to him as I enter my dormroom.
~end of flashback~

Remembering that memory made me flinch, aish why do I have to remember that? That was just awkward, we nearly kissed, disgusting. I noticed that Daeun what nearly done eating her Ice cream, am I that slow? Or is it just me and my effin thought? Me thinkinh things through too long.

"Hey Baro...Why is Jin like that?" Daeun asked while playing with her unfinished food, I gave her a 'what do you mean look',"I mean why is he like, making out with different girl like, i've seen him with someone like a millionth time in one day"

"oh, this jerkiness, well, I dont know whay to tell you, It's a secret kept between us five, all I can sat is tat he had his heart broken" I held her soft hands that was laying still on the table, it was cold but then it got warmer.

"oh okay, poor Jin" she pouted, I laughed at het cuteness and finished up my food.

"why do you ask that all of a sudden?"I was curious, I will not let this girl fall into Jin's traps not this time, I think his traps has enough innocent poot girl and s in there, and this girl for sure doesnt deserve it, she deserves better than Jinyoung, if she got Me, Gongchan and Cnu head over heels in love with her well she sure is worth it.

" um nothing just curious, he seems like a nice guy, I thought there would be a reason why he acts so much for a jerk"She frowned, oh on here comes a disappointed look, its obvious shes interested at him.

"do you like him?"I asked straight away not wasting time, she looked at me with a surprise look on her face and nodded slowly, ! I shouldve known," well dont go on any further, he will only break your heart, trust me, He's been our friend since elementary, I know every move he makes or what he is about to do, and I am telling you, he is worse than what he is from back then" I convinced her not to fall

"People can change Baro" she replied, I've heard this statement a billionth time.

"I know...it's just that you're not the only one who said that before." I gritted my teeth, oh please dont fall for him

"I dont care, I know he will eventually change Baro, I promise not to fall too hard" She gave me a pinky...what is this? No way

"No! Listen please, dont dare fall into his traps" I slapped the table, she startled slightly on my sudden out burts

"Fine, For you" she sighed and pouted

"Good, now come on let's go" I gestured my head out and left the bill on the little tray.
Walking back to her dorm was quiet just like at the ice cream shop, she better keep her word on not falling for Jinyoung, Im tired of comforting the hearts of girls he broke, yes that is right, every girl he play either approaches me, Shinwoo,Sandeul or Gongchan...I can tell they are sick of it too, That's why Sandeul hyung got Mina...he likes Mina, he does but not as a lover though, I have no clue what so ever on how he can stay with a girl he barely loves, its just ridiculously...stupid.

I stopped Daeun in front of her door,"So, I guess I'll see you some other time?" I smiled shyly

"Yes, I'd love to repeat today" she clapped queitly, she checked her watch,"wow, its already 6.30, see yah....Hambaro" she giggled and winked, she tiptoed and kissed me on my right cheeck before sliding her card to unlock the door.

Aish! This girl making me fall hard on her, but It did made my night she kissed me on the cheeck! Fck what Gongchan says Atleast shes noy going too fast to me. Shall I invite her tomorrow? Psshh nah, I'll just spend my day bragging about her kissing me on the cheeck, Huh take that! Im scoring on Daeun already but I know I still have a lot to catch up on when it comes to Channie and Jinyoung.

I ran through the almost empty dorm corridors,"WOOHOO!!" I jumped.

'Ugh, shut up' A guy mumbled while walking me, I turned around acting all tough

"What did you say?" I grabbed the dude's shoulders to turn him around, then when I saw his face my jaw dropped... It was Mr Lee," aw Sir, sorry if I caused you a disrespec-"

"No, it's okay, I just dont get why you teenagers act to hyper just because of a cheeck kiss" he rolled his eyes, pft, if he werent older than him I wouldve bashed him already.

"Its because I like her, Sir" I replied respectfully, I cant believe Im confessing to him

He scoffed,"Yah! Dont confess to me, confess to her"

"Why? i just met her today, dont you think that's a bit early?" I suggested, raising my eyebrows why does he care so much any way? Old man advise maybe lol.

"Me too" he murmered to himself, geeze this teacher has got some problems, he suites Maths perfectly.

"Well then, I have to go now Sir, I'll see you later" I waved my hands and ran down to the 3rd floor to me and Sandeul hyung's dorm.

This has been a long day today, so much stuff going on, I've totally lost interest on others the first time I saw Daeun's back, yes her back, I got a thing for girls who look good when they are facing the back but of course the looks counts too.
As I'm daydreaming here on the top of my bunk bed, I heard Sandeul hyung walk in!

"Yes, Yes, Yes Man!!" he shouted and it startled me a littled bit, I hid myself under the covers and breath as still as I could," Woohoo!! I'm single single single, la la la la, single and ready to mingle, arent I the luckiest boy on earth? Baro stop hiding under you coVERSSS" he sang from low pitch to high pitch.

"Tch... Is it just me or youre happy your single....Why?" My face twitched as I waited for the answer, my hyung is weird, before he was taken he complained about being single but now he is rejoicing about it? What a world I live into.
Sandeul's POV

"Sandeul we need to talk" Mina let go of my hands and stopped in front of me

"What is it Mina? What's wrong?" I grabbed her hands but she rejected it, I pretended to look worried about what she is going to say, Ooooh I feel the smell single is nearby, come here single and embrace me! I missed you, Im sorry I replaced you with taken.

"Sandeul...ugh how do I say this, " she hesitated for a bit, come on girl! Say it, say the majic word so I can open sesami to the single's world,"We cant be together any more, I've found some one else who understands me an-"

"Really? ME TOO!...High five" I was about to high five her but she gave me a serious look,"oh uh, I mean, What? How could you do this to me? I thought you loved me?" I created my mini drama in front of her

"Wow, You're something Sandeul, go take drama classes or something, but anyways thanks for the time keeping me occupied" she said coldly and left me with a huge smile on my face! PAH! I couldnt thank you more Mina you just made my life more easier to get to her.
~End of flashback~

"Yes I am happy Im single, now I can get confess to Daeun, I dont care if im way too fast" I shrugged and Baro kept quiet I turned around and he wasnt there anymore but he did left the door open, I followed him outside to see him running upstairs, Oh No No No!
I ran as fast as I could and caught up with Baro half way to the stairs, I jumped onto him giving him a head lock.
He elbowed my stomach which made me let go of him so he can continue his journey up the stairs, but I must act fast, Before taking another step up, I jump and held on to Baro ankle, and he struggled to pull me up.

"YAH!! Let go!" He wiggled his ankle, I held on tighter to it, then he started doing that kicking motion, I gritted my teeth as he struggle to pull me up.

"Hell No Baro" I climbed my hands higher to his legs so I can get up then he started laughing.

"Ahaha, stop, ahaha that tickles ahaha" he wiggled his leg,"ahaha seriously hyung stop it ahaha" he laughed as he hold on to the rails then he tried to make my hands let go, he held on to my arm pushing me while I pull, its like playing tug of war, now we're like fighting for his leg, not once we left this spot until...

"What are you boys doing?" I look up to see who said that...it was Chundoong.

"We...uh I mean My hyung tripped and I was kinda helping him up" Baro laughed sheepishly

"Chundoong Wait up! You left your wallet in my room" A girl shouted which turned out to be Daeun...what is going on?"Oh..hi Baro and Um Sandeul" she waved at us then she handed Chundoong his wallet.

"Hi!" Me and Baro said in unison and on the same tone.

"What are you doing with...him" Baro said coldly

"oh we were practising our short drama performance" She giggled,"and oh yeah! I need to go have a talk with Minho, see you guys later" She waved and skipped away back to her dorm, as soon as she disappeared me and Baro turned our heads to Chundoong and gave him a deathly glare.

"Why are you guys looking at me like that?" he pushed us aside

"Oh nothing, I just want you to remember this face of mine, remember this face." we kept giving him a deathly glare

"and what is that glare suppose to mean huh?" he chuckled and raised his brows

"it mean Back Off Park, I dont care if your Noona is the student president for this year." Baro said.

"w..what are you guys on about? Are yous drunk?" He half shouted getting annoyed with our actions then he realized,"You guys have something for her aye?" we kept quiet
"Aish! You shouldve said so, Dont worry, she not my type" he patted Baro's shoulders and mine too and then walked through between us running downstairs.

"why was he in Daeun's dorm room?" Baro said worrily

"Forget it Baro, he said she's not his type" I patted his back and headed back to our dorm, there's this tiny worry in my stomach, I hope what Park says is true.

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UPDATE UPDATE!♥ NYAAAAAAA MinRin♥ I wonder if DaYoung will become a reality. CANT WAIT♥
To be continued in the exciting moment!!!
Update soon!!
Kyyyyyyyyyah Minho's romance~ SO sweet. I really liked it. "don't want to kiss random girls" *snap*
What's up with Jin? Did he really changed? I'm so confused~ Don't know if I'd rather like DaEun with JinYoung or GongChan... T_T (or YoungMin? Or L.Joe? haha)
ur name is juz like my friends name...hahax....
Long update. :D
At first, I was pissed at Gongchan. I wanted to strangle him. D:< Needs to dump Sohyun.
Thank you soooo much for this loooong update (and even a preview!! haha)
Please DaEun make up with GongChan now. (of course he should dump this y SoHyun first =_=)
Poor Daeun.. I'll cry hard of I be her..
maybe move school?
Kkk~ update soon!! ~^O^~
finanlly an update and it sure was a long one, anyway what the hell is wrong with jinjin?? And ps. Update soon~
new reader here ! Love your story, thanks for update ! :) gongchan <3
Chynna #10
Pls pls pls update soon!