New Romance

I'm his Beautiful target, He's My Handsome Target

Daeun's POV

Another week starts again before the mid term holidays! Yay! I feel so childish right now. I am so curious about what will happen tomorrow, I can predict that, boys will throw paper balls on my head and Mina would be running around and trying to beat them up. I haven't seen Haerin and Minji around for quite a while now, They've been so busy about the council stuff but apart from that they text me which is a good thing. Jinyoung on the other hands is acting weird all of a sudden, he's nice to me quite often and I never get to see his mean side...a change of heart? Maybe kekeke. I heard Gongchan broke up with Sohyun since they were both just messing around. That reminds me, Gongchan broke the promise of him protecting me to the bad people, but whatever, when I come in my classroom, I will be turning back to my old self tough and well my old self no more crying and stuff.

I've been receiving box of chocolates, roses and cute teddy bears recently, someone would knock on our door and leave those cute things on the floor, they would write me a letter too but he wont say who he is. That's another reason why I am curious about being at school tomorrow.

"Daeun! Get changed! We're going to the park with my friends...go text Mina, Haerin and Minji if you want them to join" Minho who was all dressed up and ready to go joined me in bed.

"Okay, hang on, I'll get changed"

I stood up and opened my wardrobe, took some clothes and went inside the bathroom. I unlocked my phone, while putting on my shirt and then put on my fish-net stockings while texting the three girls.

Daeun: Yoo! Let's hang in the park today! :D
Mina: can't hanging out with Jonhyun :/ sowwie
Haerin: ummm sure? Now?
Minji: cant sorry Dae:o
Daeun-Haerin: YAY!!! Yes right now :D

I got out of the bathroom to see, B1A4 boys and BOYFRIEND, all in our living room. Awh...reunion again? Didn't we have that like two weeks ago? I shyly walked passed them to get my shoes as I wait for Haerin to knock.

"You look beautiful Daeun" Youngmin complimented me. I'm not sure if he noticed but B1A4 glared at him...especially Jinyoung.

"Thanks!" I beamed and sat beside him on the couch.

"So Daeun, are any of your friends coming?" Minho asked opening a can of cola.

"Yes!" I nodded then got a text.

Haerin: Yah! Open up police In front of your door haha

I laughed at her text and ran to the door revealing a very pretty Haerin wearing green skinny jeans and a purple Adidas hoodie, simple yet so pretty. I took her hand and led her in the living room where every one was. Introduced her to the boys and last but not least my brother and guess what I noticed, he looked at her really stunned. Oh! I see a crush forming here, I will later mwahaha.

"I..I'm Minho!" he gave his hand for Haerin to shake, and when Haerin shook his hand, Minho's face turned into a tomato.

I took my phone put of my pockets and texted Minho about how he looks like right now.

Daeun: Tomato head!!!! Ahaha.

As soon as Minho received his message, he looked at me mouthing me to shut up so I gave him a wink. I looked around the room and these boys in here are looking handsome, no wonder they are like kingkas in the school. Wait a second, I havent been introduced to Youngmin's friends not fair.

"Okay, since everyone is here, lets go to the park!" Minho announced and Gestured us to go out first since we're the ladies and they followed us behind.

"Minho? We going to the bus stop?" I asked, while walking backwards.

"Yea! The bus stop on the right okay?" He shouted.

I links arms with Haerin and not talking to each other. We just listened to the boys who was making such loud noise in the corridor, what is so special about going to the park? Maybe I would be this noisy if we were to go to an amusement park. They sound so happy, lucky Haerin was free because of she didnt come I will be totally out of place and teased. Me and Haerin at the front, we had to wait for the boys since their mocking around is keeping them back.

"YAH! DO YOU WANT TO GET TO THE PARK OR NOT!?" I scolded the boys.

"Sorry Mum" Minho smirked.

I rolled my eyes and kept on going with Haerin.

"Dude, is your girlfriend pms-ing?" I heard Minho ask Jinyoung and the boys laughed.

"She's your sister Minho, plus I respect her Girly personal stuff" Jinyoung chuckled.

Well said i thought. Jinyoung has a future with acting. As we got near the bus stop the boys got quieter and quieter by a meter. I stopped in front of the time table and we had five more minutes to wait. Me and Haerin sat on the bench quietly ignoring the rackets the boys are making once again. Who knew boys can be louder than girls outside of school?

"Noona, how many more minutes?" Minho sat beside me not leaning fully so that he can take a good look of Haerin, what a creep.

"Dont call me Noona, geez. And we have like around four minutes"

"Minho! How many minutes?" the boys asked.

"Four!" Minho turned to me, "DAEUN, why dont you introduce yourself to the boys? I'm sure they'll like you!" he suggested emphasizing my name. I looked at him suspiciously.

"Creep Haerin away and Im having you for dessert!" I whispered to him before I left, "Haerin! Im just going to introduce myself with the boys okay? Minho will keep you company!"

"O...okaay" She looked down on her lap.

I squeezed myself in the group of boys who was forming a circle around Baro, he was playing a game on his iPhone
and the boys was betting whether he will lose or not. I secretly peeked at Haerin and Minho who was getting along really well, so I smiled to myself hoping that they will be together someday. I joined the boys with the cheering but sadly Baro lost since the bus arrived but we continued it on the way to the park Minho was going to take us to. When we got inside the bus, the order was.

Me, Jinyoung.        Baro, Sandeul
Haerin, Minho        Youngmin, Kwangmin
CNU, Gonghchan   Jeongmin, Minwoo
Donghyun, Hyunseong

Since Jinyoung didn't want me to join in with the cheering he forced me to sit by the window while he cheers for Baro too...meanie. I stared outside the window watching us pass by trees and houses and cars. It kind of made me feel relaxed and safe. I didn't want to hang on what happened to the last couple of days, it's makes me depressed. I still need to figure out why is Jinyoung acting so weird around me lately, starting when he helped look for me when I buried myself under the mud.


After I was done washing myself, I got dressed in the bathroom. I went outside while drying my hair with my hello kitty towel. Suddenly I got a hug from Jinyoung, my ears were pressed on his chest and I could hear his heartbeat, but sadly it wasn't beating as fast as mine.

"Dont run off like that again okay?" He whispered and kissed my forehead.

"Daeun! You alright?" Jinyoung asked sweetly intertwining my hands with his.

"Yeah, just thinking about stuff..."

"Stuff like what?" he placed a strand of hair behind my ear.

"What's been happening in my life" I chuckled lightly.

"Well, Dont think about the past okay?" he kissed my nose, "Daeun, I'm sorry for-"

"Turning my life into a living hell?" I smirked, "It's okay...You said dont think about the past right?"

"yes but still, Im sorry, I hate myself for that" He looked down in shame.

"'s fine just forget everything, that happened in the past okay Jin?" I beamed, lifting his head up so he can look straight into my eyes. When his eyes landed on mine he stole a peck on my lips, "YAH!" i slapped his arm as he laughed.

We got off the bus and to the park! We took the largest picnic table there is before another group of teenagers steals it. Me, Jinyoung, Gongchan, Youngmin and Baro was left to guard the table while the others buy food and drinks. I wonder who planned all this, or maybe it was a coincident that everyone was free today. Stupid Minho stealing Haerin from me! Friend stealer!

It was rather quiet when Minho and the others weren't around, it was awkward....very awkward. Especially when people who you've had a tiny fight with is with you, you know who Im talking about right? It's Gongchan. He was staring at nothing and didn't have the guts to even talk to me about us. Baro on the other hand was playing away on his iPhone and sooner or later his thumbs will turn in to a squirrel sumo wrestlers. Last but not least, I Shin Da Eun, is sandwiched between my fake boyfriend and my childhood friend Youngmin. I sighed boringly and the guys seemed to notice that I was bored.

"Daeun, you look pretty today" Youngmin complimented me.

Baro looked up from his phone, "No, she looks stunning today!" he winked.

"Aish, no she looks gorgeous today!" Gongchan rolled his eyes still not making eye contact with me.

The three boys turned their attention to Jinyoung who was lost in his own thoughts but in no time he noticed the stares of his friends and looked confused and lost as to what was happening.

Jinyoung scoffed, "You guys are a bunch of pathetics, she always look Pretty, stunning and gorgeous, not just today but everyday" he swung his arms around my shoulders.

The three boys made faces and mocked Jinyoung who was grinning like an idiot. See what i mean? He is acting so weird, he wouldn't even have the guts to do this in front of others. I smell something fishy here but I'll just ignore it because I like it even though this is all fake, might as well make the most out of it. Wait what the hell am I saying? I cant like Jinyoung, we are just faking this I cant, I still like Gongchan even though he is kind of dead to me.

"Daeun, can we talk alone?" Gongchan finally cracked, "If that's okay with hyung of course"

"Yeah, take care of her" Jinyoung removed his arm from my shoulders.

Gongchan stood up and walked towards the playground so I followed him. Im getting nervous, my heart aint beating normally now, I wish I went with Minho and Haerin. But let's look on the bright side! He is going to talk to me! Me and Gongchan arrived in the big tree a hundrend meters away from our picnic table. Gongchan sat at the bottom of the tree and patted on the space beside him, giving me the sign to sit beside him. I sat beside him close enough our skin would touch and just stared at the sky blue sky.

"So, you look happy with Jinyoung" he started off.

"Oh uh...yeah" I chuckled mixed with a sigh.

"I just wanted to tell you that I am sorry, I broke my promise and let my anger take over, whatever Sohyun said to you wasn't true except for the part when she said we were together, I did it to get revenge on you. Im such a jealous ..."

"Gongchan, did you and it?"

"Do what? Do..ohh! That, dont believe anything she says that has something to do with sleeping with people. Im reserving myself for the right one" He flashed a weak smile, "I just wanted to say sorry before we have fun today so it wouldn't be awkward between us"

"You didn't need to say sorry Gongchan, I've already forgiven you because I want you to stay in my life, after all you stole my first kiss" I giggled and poked his side.

"Yah! That tickles! And thank you Daeun!" Gongchan literally hugged me making us both  lay flat on the ground, " I like you Daeun not Sohyun." he confessed.

"Shin Da Eun you !" I heard Sohyun's irritating voice, why does she have to ruin a very sweet moment? Any one have popcorn? Drama about to commence.

I pushed Gongchan off of me and sat up staring back at Sohyun who didn't look happy about me and Gongchan being friends again. She gritted her teeth and pulled me up by my hair. Aish not this again. I held onto her wrist trying hard to make her loosen up the grip on my hair and since it wont budge I kicked her on the stomach. I heard shriek on pain as she held onto her stomach. I am not going to embarrass myself in public especially not when Youngmin can see it. Sohyun, surprisingly recovered quickly and slapped me on the face. I touched the part where she slapped me because it stung like hell, this girl has a lot of practice.

"Oh no you did not just do that" Gongchan slapped her back instead of me. OMO! Gongchan slapped a girl.

"O...Oppa" Sohyun stared at Gongchan in shock, " You said you can never hit a girl"

“I might’ve said I don’t hit girls in the past but I clearly did not say I dont hit es like you, who deserves to get slapped."

After the incident, Gongchan didnt let Sohyun waste another breath so he dragged be back to where the guys were and said nothing about what happened even though, I knew Jinyoung was looking at us suspiciously as if he knows what we're hiding. I knew sooner or later, Jinyoung would flood me with questions. Us both need to have a talk, a long serious talk when we're alone and no one is around, I just need to learn not to get my nervousness take over me. The other arrived with a lot of food and drinks. I helped out Jeongmin place the plastic plates, sporks and cups on the table, and then helped CNU to set the different food they brought somewhere around here. Since there wasn't enough seats for the rest of us, I was forced to sit on Jin's lap and some of the guys fooled around on the grass playing pranks on each other laughing and talking with their mouths full and still managed not to choke without drinking water. Jinyoung insisted that he would feed me since he wasn't that hungry, he insisted we'll just share. Jinyoung would treat me like a baby and telling me to say 'Aahhh' when he has a spoonful of rice, then after he shoves it in my mouth he would shove food in his mouth.

The park itself was pretty big, it had a lot of trees around it, there was a basketball court, kid's playground, and there was a pond near the entrance of the park. After we finished our food we cleared up all our mess...which took a while because pranksters wouldn't be satisfied without leaving a mess! Instead of helping. Baro, The Jo twins, Jinyoung, Jeongmin, Hyunseong, Minho and Minwoo decided to use one of the unused plastic plates as a frisbee, but the failed anyway since the plate didn't want to co-operate with them.

"Kwangmin, your idea stinks" Minho complained.

"Yea like you!" He and the boys chuckled at Minho.

"Yah! Shush, you're embarrassing me in front of Haerin" Minho shushed the guys.

I watched Haerin shook her head at the boy's immatureness. Minho is obviously making it obvious for Haerin that he likes her, I know that he is doing that in purpose. Boys these days, making it so obvious that they like a girl. Not that Im talking about Minho but he used to be bad with charming girls but now...I have no Idea what happened, I bet those girls who turned him down in our old school regret what they did when we come for a tiny visit, I cant wait already. That reminds me of something, Minho didn't like it when I call him little brother but I remember a time when he called me noona...and then I told him it makes me feels old, did we swap perspectives or something? Aish Let's look on the bright side this boy finally knows who's older.

I felt arms wrap around my waist making me nearly jump out of my skin. I turned my head and the guy who was obviously Jinyoung leaned to rest his head on my shoulder but since I turned my head, our heads hit each other giving us headaches.

"Ow!" "Ouch "

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" Jinyoung comforted the spot with his hand where it hurts the most.

"No! What is wrong with you? Sneaking up on me like that is uncool!"

"WELL! Sorry for trying to be sweet and thank you for ruining the moment by head butting me!"

I rolled my eyes at him, I smell something fishy, like two weeks ago he was all evil and making me cry and stuff now he is acting like us being a couple is a usual thing. To be honest I'd be lying if I said this was comfortable, it totally wasnt. I love this side of Jinyoung but theres a part of me that wants his bad boy personality around. Is the relationship even fake? But enough with the rants, I want to have fun with this Jinyoung standing in front of me. Suddenly, two warm hands covered my eyes making me jump a bit.

"Guess who"

I bit my lower lip, I am sure I know this voice, I can feel it in my bones. Obviously the person was not a girl, the boy's voice was deep and smooth for the ears when you hear it, in other words angelic.

"Give up?"

He said again with a chuckle, I touched the back of his hand feeling his soft skin, "Youngmin Oppa" I heard him sigh in defeat while he removed his hands which was over my eyes. Youngmin is always full of surprises ever since we met when we were children. Youngmin would usually ding-dong ditch and leave presents for me and those presents, I still have. When Mum had the idea of selling Youngmin's presents to charity because I dont even touch them anymore, I wouldn't let her, It was special to me small things matter to me too, especially its from my best friend during childhood.

"May I steal your Girlfriend for just a tiny moment Jinyoung?" Youngmin asked, and Jinyoung had this poker face.

"Go for it"

He sounded a but angry but I'll just let that slip. Youngmin grabbed my forearm and linking it with his, my second walk around the park yay! But this time he was leading me to the docks. The wood creaked as we walked further to the dead end. We sat at the end, swinging my legs which was almost touching the water. Youngmin on the other hand was leaning back his hands supporting his upper body. It was pretty awkward, last time I remember we never ran out of stuff to talk about, what is happening now? I watched the birds fly across and ducklings following their mother. Then Jinyoung entered my mind once again, Im not falling in love with again right? I cant, I might've forgiven him but I dont think I have the guts to trust him, not even a tiny bit, he is not trustworthy. For some reason though, I feel happy when he is there even though he treated me badly, I know he will miss this once I give this thing up.

"What are you thinking about?" Youngmin interrupted my thoughts.

"N-Nothing...dont worry"

"Liar, well whatever it is, it looks serious"

"It is..." I muttered.

"Why are you going out with that Jinyoung dude anyway? Last time I checked he was one of the school's notorious bully, I thought your Ideal type of men was cute, gentle, not a bully, for short a Nice guy, you don't suite each other Daeun, I know he is just playing with you, He's- "

"Hey! Dont talk about Jinyoung that way Oppa, cant you see he is changing?"

"I know you smell something fishy about this and you're not the only one" he sat up leaning closer to me.

I was about to defend Jinyoung until CNU interrupted. He looked like he ran a marathon, "Guys, you dont want to miss the game, oh yeah! We invited a few random girls to join in...if you dont mind"

"Nope" "WHAT?!" Me and Youngmin said in unison.

"Dont worry Daeun, its nothing serious" he winked and ran back to our group.

As me and Youngmin got closer to our table, we saw this unfamiliar girl forcing herself to be all over Jinyoung...aish . Youngmin nudged my side and then giving me a ' see what I mean' type of look. I felt a hint of jealousy since Jinyoung never smiles like that when Im with him like his smile with this girl can almost reach the heavens, but this is only fake so I will let him do whatever he wants when it comes to other girls. When Jinyoung noticed me, he quickly pushed the girl off of him and smiled at me sheepishly, should I ignore him? Yeah. I ignored his smile and went over to Gongchan, Sandeul and Baro while Youngmin joined the other guys who was seated in a circle on the grass. I hugged the three guys one by one but only a friendly one of course, they seemed stunned though except for Baro who placed his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him.

"Okay Baro, enough touching and you four just join in so the game can start geez." Jinyoung scolded us.

"Yes Grumpy" Baro stuck his tounge out while we sat down in the circle, Im having a bad feeling with these unknown girls.

"Okay, we brought pocky sticks, pretty obvious what we're going to play now aye?" CNU grinned and took the 4 pocky boxes and threw it in the middle of the circle.

The stranger teen girls gasp in anticipation knowing that they might get to kiss one of the hot guys with me and Haerin. Speaking of Haerin, she looked rather worried about playing the pocky game, it was pretty obvious since she was gulping and playing with her fingers and her eyes kept on going to the pocky game and away from it. I stared at Haerin who was across me, I mouthed if she was okay and she shook her head, I silently sighed. When Haerin looked at me again, I shrugged my shoulder along with my hands mouthing her why? And in reply, Haerin placed her index on her lips and waved her hands as a sign of no. I furrowed my eyebrows trying to figure out what she meant by that...THAT'S IT. She didnt get her first kiss yet, Omg, what do we do?

"Okay let's start!" CNU spun the bottle in the middle.

I have to do something, Im not going to let Haerin kiss someone she does not admire. I crawled in the middle and stopped the bottle from spinning, I heard groans and whines from the guy and girls. And the girls are now giving me death glares, I just died a thousand times in their mind...woohoo!

"Mian, Its just my best friend doesn't want to play so we will both quit and take a walk around the park"

Haerin smiled at me and stood up without any hesitations, "Thanks Daeun" she whispered.

I nodded once as a sign of appreciation. Before we could take another step away from the group, Minho stopped us.

"Wait! Daeun, Ill go with Haerin, I dont want to be kissed by a random girl" he ran towards me and Haerin.

"That was harsh" I laughed.

"Yeah, yeah. Now go sig back with Baro and Sandeul, they look devastated you had to leave."

Minho's POV

Kwangmin was knuding my side non-stop telling me to take Daeun's place since it was the perfect opportunity to get to know each other. Aish I dont know, I dont really like her that much, I just find her cute. And these assuming friends of mine thinks I like her. Should I take Daeun's place or should I stay here and take a chance since theres a lot of possibilities I'd kiss a random girl. Looking again to their direction, I saw Haerin looking back at the group. Kwangmin was whispering in my ear non-stop, repeating the sentence 'Your losing the opportunity'

Just to stop Irritating Kwangmin, I will give him what he wants,"Wait! Daeun, Ill go with Haerin," i looked at the other girls, "I dont want to be kissed by a random girl"

I ran toward Daeun and Haerin who had a shocked impression. Then a grin formed on Daeun's face. I knew she was one of assumers.

"That was harsh" she laughed.

"Yeah, Yeah. Now go back with Baro and Sandeul hyung, they look devastated you had to leave."

I pulled Daeun away from Haerin then pushed her to hurry up since the group was losing their patience. I turned my attention to Haerin who was looking down on the ground, she couldnt figure out where to look actually. We stood on one spot not saying anything to each other, maybe I made a wrong choice. Aish but kissing a random girl would be more awkward. What shall I say?

"Want some ice cream?"

What a stupid question... Stupid.


Haerin being all shy, She placed strands of hair behind her ear. I saw an ice cream van a while ago, now it's gone, Such a failure not wonder why I at charming girls back then. Fuuuh, so stupid.

"Minho...are you coming?"

"uhh... Yeah"

When we found that ice cream van, I bought her a chocolate dip and same goes for me. We went to the lake docks and sat at the end of it. She was swinging her legs like a little kid eating ice cream. I noticed that she was wearing doll shoes, how cute. I still cant figure out what to say to this girl, a while ago I was flooding her with questions but now I'm quiet and stuck.

"Oh no" Haerin worriedly said.

"What's wrong?" i stopped my ice cream.

Haerin pointed at her doll shoe which was floating away from us, "Can you hold this for me?" I gave her my ice cream and jumped in the lake. I swam towards the her doll shoes then took it and swam back to her. Since I was in the lake and soaked, I decided to stay in, I gave her, her doll shoes and folded my arm on the dock looking up at her.

" shouldn't have, you're going to get sick now because of me"

I chuckled and shook my head. Haerin had an ice cream mustache so I reached up and removed it with my thumb. Her cheeks turned red.

"Youre blushing" I chuckled.

" I am?"

"Dont worry it's cute....So, do you like anyone?"

"Hmm" she hesitated and avoided eye contact.

"It's okay you know, if you dont want to tell..."

"You regret coming with me dont you? Did you want to kiss those girls back there? I mean not that Im-"

"Why are you so affected?" I smirked.


"Because what?" I jumped out of the water and sat as far away from her so she wont get wet.

"Forget it...." she bowed her head.

We fought about whether she should tell me why and I lost since I think she was getting annoyed. Girls get annoyed quickly, geez. She jumped in the lake with me too just to be fair. There are several amount of people swimming too and they looked at us as if we were freaks just because we werent wearing our swimming suits. Haerin was hanging on my back the whole time we were there since she wasn't a good swimmer, she can swim but she's afraid of the deeper water. Sometimes I would scare her, telling her that I will let go of her and I did actually but before she could even sink an inches deep I would hold on to her. She would hit me at times and I would laugh back. This is not how I expected the day would turn out, I was expecting we would be playing the pocky game with the others not like this separated from our friends having fun alone. I noticed the people who was swimming started to get out of the water, then I looked at the horizon and the sun was setting. Since Haerin the spider monkey was hanging tightly behind me, I turned to the direction where the sun was so she could see it it.

"It's so Beautiful" she sighed dreamingly.

I chuckled at her girly day dreams, but it is beautiful. The sky was orange and it was pink-ish around the sun, "It is isn't it" I smiled to myself and I heard her disappointed sigh.

"I had fun with you today, you weren't so bad than I thought"

"Sure...dont get use to it" I smirked.

"What's that suppose to mean?"

I turned my head so that I could see a bit of her, I removed her arms which was around my body and pulled her in front of me. I hugged her waist so that she wont sink, we were literally close right now. It was making me quite uncomfortable since I've never been this close to a girl except when me and Daeun fights and it turns into a wrestling match.

"Im going to be nicer to you, thats what Im trying to imply." I smiled at her, "You're blushing again"

"I am?"

"Are you?" I teased while sticking my tongue out to her.

"You're so different from Daeun...and Speaking of Daeun, I wonder how she's going" she pouted.

"Dont worry about her, she'll be fine. Haerin?"


"Dont move okay?"

"W-why is there a bug on my head?"

I ignored her question and slowly leaned my head forward, I cant believe Im doing this but I just had a urge on wanting to kiss her when our lips were centimeters away close enough that my nose was touching her cheek, I tilted my head then closing my eyes.....

To be continued....

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UPDATE UPDATE!♥ NYAAAAAAA MinRin♥ I wonder if DaYoung will become a reality. CANT WAIT♥
To be continued in the exciting moment!!!
Update soon!!
Kyyyyyyyyyah Minho's romance~ SO sweet. I really liked it. "don't want to kiss random girls" *snap*
What's up with Jin? Did he really changed? I'm so confused~ Don't know if I'd rather like DaEun with JinYoung or GongChan... T_T (or YoungMin? Or L.Joe? haha)
ur name is juz like my friends name...hahax....
Long update. :D
At first, I was pissed at Gongchan. I wanted to strangle him. D:< Needs to dump Sohyun.
Thank you soooo much for this loooong update (and even a preview!! haha)
Please DaEun make up with GongChan now. (of course he should dump this y SoHyun first =_=)
Poor Daeun.. I'll cry hard of I be her..
maybe move school?
Kkk~ update soon!! ~^O^~
finanlly an update and it sure was a long one, anyway what the hell is wrong with jinjin?? And ps. Update soon~
new reader here ! Love your story, thanks for update ! :) gongchan <3
Chynna #10
Pls pls pls update soon!