
I'm his Beautiful target, He's My Handsome Target

DaEun's POV

This is no ordinary day, my parents decided It is best to move me in a boarding school just because they dont have time for me. That is not completely true! I remember the last time we bonded, we went to the park and... Okay I dont remember the last time me and my parents had a proper conversation, the last time I remember having a proper conversation was six months ago! Can you believe that? Im amazed myself, I coped with this for nearly my whole life and speaking of coping I have to cope with my annoying little brother too. Even when we have dinner, we dont get a proper conversation, my parents are always on their phone taking care of their business...Shin Couple to the rescue!!!
I heard my brother complaining to my parents about moving to the boarding school, wow he never changed, I dont think he will, such a cry baby. I mean look at me? Im just here, laying on my bed listening to music and well thinking about this, why bother argueing with Omma and Appa if you dont have a choice? My brother when will he use his common sence.


"OMMA!! I dont want to be stuck at a boarding school, i..it's just not me, you know how I get homesick" my brother whined, he is stomping his foot on the carpeted floor outside my bedroom

"Minho! Enough with the whining already, listen to you Mother at once" Appa snapped at him. I feel bad for Minho though, he has a hard time finding friends at school and it would be harder for him without Omma and Appa's support when we leave, but I can support him as the big sister I would get him to make friends.

"You should be more like your sister Minho, for twins both of you has opposite traits." Omma replied, I could tell she was really annoyed at Minho's whining, but it's not right comparing us...where Identical at blood and traits no matter what, the only difference is only the gender.
A thought came to me, I will stand up for my brother right now! Cos he is my twin and twins never let the other half get compared with stupid traits. I opened the door quietly and spoke above my brother's voice.


"Omma can you stop comparing Minho to me? It's not right, Thats offending to Minho you know? He's a boy, I'm a girl. You should stop expecting to get a perfect son or daughter cos we arent perfect" I said and clinged on Minho's arm hugging it so he knows I got his back, "now if you'll excuse us, me and Minho has some packing to do." I politely spoke and pulled Minho to my room.

"what was that for?" he said giving me a look of disbelief

"You should stop what you just did a while ago, you know there is no chance of changing their mind. They're our controllers." I said rolling my eyes while folding my clothes in a neat pile.

Minho scoffed and laughed," why are you laughing?" I asked

"See that's what's wrong with you, you let them control your life! And me? There is no way in hell I will let them control me, I have a choice of my own DaEun, and you do too." he argued.

I guess he is right, we have a choice too and our parents are controlling our lives even though they are too busy at work.
"For a little brother you have a lot to say" I smiled at him


"are you serious right now? Stop calling me your little brother, we were born on the same date, same time" he grunted, but I love calling him my little brother

"I was a minute older" I stuck my tounge out as I tease

"what's the difference, no way in hell I would call you my Noona" he decided for himself, how stubborn, but I love him anyway.

I decided to push him out of my room so he could pack his things and we could go to that bording school tomorrow.
I've texted all my friends the news about me moving to the bording school tomorrow and starting tomorrow. I am a bit nervouse but excited at the same time, this is something new for me and I bet Minho would get use to it, I think he would love it more since no one will be controlling his 'life' I should have told him that! Maybe I will next time he conplains about moving tomorrow. He really has a bad relationship with Omma and Appa, I feel bad for him.


I wish people there are nice and specially the girls or boy, My friends told me that guys who learn from bording schools are spicy hot! Ugh...here I go again with guys, but seriously, I wish they are hot.
I also wish I could get a boyfriend! That's only a wish, Im not expecting to get one instantly that's over rated. I bet my brother is hot, ew! What am I saying? Eww I just called Minho hot, bleh.

Jinyoung's POV
Don't I just love being a Kingka of this school...I run this school, getting all the girls fall head over heels with me, except for one girl Mina, my ex, she knows she loves me, she loves playing hard to get, one day she will give in and fall in my arms once again.
This class is boring, it makes me wanna fall to sleep every time, and everytime I enter this this classroom, BOOM! Fatigue gets to me.


I saw one of Sooyun's best friends staring, I gave her friend a wink and she started giggling non-stop...hhaaaa, I'm like an angel amde from heaven. What more could a girl want hey? All the other guys in this school got nothing on me mot even my friends, I am just awesome, awesome face, body...awesome eveything, I dont care if I sound conceited, I Jinyoung is telling the truth about myself.
For one hour of suffer in math, the bell finally rings interrupting the teacher from what she was discussing, I owe the school bell a lot.


As i'm walking, I heard Gongchan calling my name,"HYUNG!!" I turned to him using my heels with a cold expression on my face.

"whoa...why the long face?" He backled away from me a bit

"nothing" I start turning myself around since he isn't getting to the point on telling any news

"yah! Wait up...did you know there's going to be two new students" he jumped beside me cheerfully.

"...well that's none of my concern" I responded with an eye roll, "look i need to get to class, just tell if the new student is a girl and hot" I shrugged in a cheeky way and entered my classroom.
It's empty, so i decided to just walk towards my seat and chill while there's no other students messing around the hell hole.
I threw my head back groaning since we had a lot of project dues next month, I am in deep . After a minute of waiting, people are still not coming, what the hell? What am I missing here? I felt warm hands snaking around my chest.


"Afternoon Oppa" she say seductively

" Well Hi there" i replied with the same tune, it's Sooyun, what does she want now..., she walks in front of me and then sat ln my lap facing me," I was thinking since we're still alone in this classroom, I was thinking we could...you know" she whispered, as she took controll of my hands and she placed it on her chest, oh my hormomnes are kicking in. I seriously dont want to do anyone right now.
She slapped her lips on mine, hungry on my lower lip, this girl is trying to eat my head, I pushed her off me making her land on the floor, I didn't care, i dont need her at the moment, i grabbed my bag holding on to its hook thing at the back and left it hanging on my fingers.


"YAH!!! Jinyoung-ah! Come back!!" she screamed behind me and I slammed the door on her. s, I can't believe i used to date that girl, nothing but a low life.
As I wonder around the empty school halls, I saw Mina, perfect.


"Mina! Mina!!" I shouted, as soon as she saw me she starts to walk faster than her normal walking pace. Aigh this girl...
I start to run to her and grabs her wrist," can we talk?" i asked


"leave me alone Jinyoung" she tried to pull her wrist off my grip then she sighed," Look you can talk to me when you've changed to you old self, cos I hate the Jinyoung i'm with right now" I let go of her wrists and now she looks at me.

"Well no can do babe, People loves the new me" I winked at her and pinned her on the locker.

"Not every Jinyoung! Im not one of them, I regret being your girlfiend...im so happy I dumped you, now that's something I dont regret" she smirked, ohh you think that hurts my feelings? Well think again.

"liar, you still love me, you know deep inside you want me back" I leaned my forehead on her.

"get over youself Jinyoung, I have a boyfriend, which happens to be Sandeul, you go find youself someone's heart you can play with, cos it wont be mine this time" she scoffed and pushed me harshly, leaving me alone in the empty halls.
Just wait Mina...I will find that one girl who will make you jealous you'll come crawling back to me. You just wait and see.

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UPDATE UPDATE!♥ NYAAAAAAA MinRin♥ I wonder if DaYoung will become a reality. CANT WAIT♥
To be continued in the exciting moment!!!
Update soon!!
Kyyyyyyyyyah Minho's romance~ SO sweet. I really liked it. "don't want to kiss random girls" *snap*
What's up with Jin? Did he really changed? I'm so confused~ Don't know if I'd rather like DaEun with JinYoung or GongChan... T_T (or YoungMin? Or L.Joe? haha)
ur name is juz like my friends name...hahax....
Long update. :D
At first, I was pissed at Gongchan. I wanted to strangle him. D:< Needs to dump Sohyun.
Thank you soooo much for this loooong update (and even a preview!! haha)
Please DaEun make up with GongChan now. (of course he should dump this y SoHyun first =_=)
Poor Daeun.. I'll cry hard of I be her..
maybe move school?
Kkk~ update soon!! ~^O^~
finanlly an update and it sure was a long one, anyway what the hell is wrong with jinjin?? And ps. Update soon~
new reader here ! Love your story, thanks for update ! :) gongchan <3
Chynna #10
Pls pls pls update soon!