Nightmares and Strangers

I'm his Beautiful target, He's My Handsome Target

"Yah! Jinyoung Oppa! Wait up" Sohyun chased after me before I go to lunch.

"What now? Because you of you I've hurt a girl! Get away from me! You telling me what Daeun did doesnt make me grateful to you" I harshly pushed her away from me causing her to stumble down due to her high heels

"B..but Jinyoungie" she whined, Oh gawd girls and their dramas.

I scoffed and left her on the floor woth her tantrum, what a child, I cant believe I killed my spare time with her, what was I thinking? Now she's an overly obsessed ex girlfriend. I havent been in the mood to meet up with a girl, It's been a while, maybe I'll flirt with that Minji girl later, she looks like a nice victim, Daeun wont mind right? Since they're friends and I might ruin their frien- Did I think that? Why should I care if she gets hurt if she likes me she got like lots of boys to choose from anyway.
Out of the blue Baro and Sandeul blocked me way, I stepped to my right and they copied then stepped to my left and they copied again with their stupid poker faces.

"Yah! Cut it out, unless you want to be my dinner for tonight" I threatened, and rolled my eyes tapping my foot impatiently

"That quote of yours is old Jin, I'm not scared of it anymore" Sandeul replied having a blank expression, what is up with these two?

"Now, since your the only person with Daeun when you left class, you must've seen you injured her" Baro raised his brows.

"I dont know what you guys are talking about" I pushed in between them but then I got smashed at a random locker.

"Who. Did. It. To. Daeun?" Baro held my collar with his intimidating tone and stare, which doesn't scare me

"Why are you so protective over a girl you just met last week huh?" I smirked making him angrier, I pushed him off for it was getting crowded.

"Get back here you wuss!" Baro shouted while Sandeul tries to stop him by hugging him from behind

"Dont hurt yourself big boy, Head Master might see you acting so aggressive" I laughed and walked off, aish They are blind over that stupid girl.

-Sandeul's Pov-
"CALM DOWN BARO! You dont want to get caught by the principal now do you? Calm down you squirrel!" I stopped him from coming after Jinyoung.

"Dont, call me squirrel hyung." he stopped fighting my grip, so I let go of him and he dusted himself

"Doesn't mean he was the last one with Daeun he's the one who caused it, it could be some random jealous girl, now come on, let's go back to the clinic before Jinyoung shows up again" I asissisted Baro to the clinic where the rest of our gang was.

Minji, Haerin,Mina, Minho, Cnu, Gongchan, Baro and two guys that look a like and me are in the clinic with Daeun, she hasn't wake up yet and I am...Everyone is startting to worry. Since Mina is here I cannot show her that I show a lot of concern to Daeun, I know she still likes me but who is the guy that made her change her mind about me? Someone's phone vibrated and it's Mina's she smiled unknowingly at the text she received from someone.

She looked at me with disappointed eyes then looked at the others,"I have to go meet Jonghyun, I promised  him I'll spend lunch with him" she smiled weakly and left without saying a word.

"Is she going to be alright?" the blonde hair boy with a twin said

"Yes! She's a strong girl, it's not like she has cancer!" the dark haired one said

"i know, but she can also break her skull from hitting her head!" the blonde argued and the dark haired boy rolled his eyes.

"Um excuse me but, who are you guys?" I asked them

"Oh we're her childhood friends" they said in unison,"We're the Jo brothers" again they said in unison

"Im Youngmin and this is my twin Kwangmin" the blonde one introduced, oh! I recognise them now, their from the group That call themselves Boyfriend...our friend/rivals.

"Im surprised that she grew friendship with you guys" Kwangmin said rudely and Youngmin knudged his side,"Mian"

"I cant believe someone would want to hurt her! She's nice to everyone...are you guys sure theres no witness?" Haerin added worriedly

"I...I am" Minji stammered and gulped,"All I saw was she was hugging a guy crying and begging him to believe her she didnt I dont know what but then she told the guy she likes him but the guy said he hated her and pushed her on the locker's sharp edge and that's pretty much it, I didnt have time to help Daeun for a teacher caught me eavesdropping. Oh and by the way, the guy has red hair, but his face was a blur for me" she explained.

"Jinyoung.." Cnu and Baro unconcously said together

"What?" Minho asked,"Why would he do that to my sister?"

"He said that she spread rumors about him, but I didn't get any rumors around about him" Gongchan said his opinion, Minho balled his hand,"Now Now calm down! I bet this is a set up, you guys know that she was getting close with Jin hyung and some girls might plan to ruin their friendship...wait, Daeun likes Jinyoung?" he said while his brows knitted each other.

"Sorry, but I cant see her like this, Look at Daeun her eyes are starting to bruise because of that!" I stormed out in search of that person who tried to provoke Jinyoung so he could do this to Daeun.

Im walking around asking people if they heard bad rumors about Jinyoung, i asked first years up to the college levels, but 99% said No, Gongchan is right this was all a set up, why does he have to be so smart? Who can be the one that wants this to happen, why cant they do it themselves instead of using Jinyoung. I entered the cafeteria which is filled with of course girls who adores the Ducky Deul but NO!! I must focus on my Daeun.
I took a chair and dragged it in the middle of the cafeteria, as soon as I stepped on the chair fully all of the friends that was in the clinic rushed in.

"Who hates Daeun being with Jinyoung?" I spoke loud and clear and eyes are on me now, they started whispering to each other and pointed at one girl who is overly obsessed with Jinyoung," well, well, why am I not surprised? Do you know what you caused huh?" I rushed to her and held her against the wall by her collar,"You are going to explain to my hyung what you said was fake, and you're going to apologize to Daeun."

"Me, apologize? To her, not in a million year granpa" She scoffed, wow she and Jinyoung suite each other truly

"I will hit you if I have to Sohyun, I dont care if you're a girl, You've injured the girl I care about!" I shouted, then realized that I said what Im feeling in the whole school.

"Hah! Looks like Jnyoung will be mine after all!" she smirked

"not in a million dare mess with Daeun, say her name, talk about her or even think of her, dont you do those cos you dont want to be a fried Sohyun for dinner" I dropped her on the ground which made her lose her balance, I just sounded like Jinyoung a while ago.

Cnu hyung patted my back as we head out to the clinic again to stay with Daeun, I cant believe I've let myself turn into a monster like Jin, I cant belive I sounded like him?! But that brat deserved to be spoken that way. I feel a bit great admitting to the whole school suddenly, aish this will be in the school magazine tomorrow.

We entered the room and saw a smiling Daeun all awake now, this girl is something how can she smile when someone had did her wrong? She's so down to earth but I never know what she feels Inside.

--Daeun's POV--
I opened my eyes but my vision is a complete blur, where am I? Why is the floor so comfortable all of a sudden? I tried to sit up but it gave me a huge headache, how did I get in the clinic? Did Jinyoung come back for, he hates me why would he. I looked around and no one's here, Im all alone like always. I heard someone open the door so I pretended to sleep, I layed there with my eyes closed, trying to figure out who the person is by recognising he/she's moves but the person is a he, I can smell his manly perfume which smells so familiar, but I cant open my eyes now I must pretend until he leaves.
I felt him sit on the side of my bed and leaned kiss my forehead! Not a loving kiss but more like a comforting one.

"I know you're awake...but get well soon" he kissed my forehead again and left me...speechless, what am I saying? I've been speechless throughout my nap, lets just call it nap. I wonder who that boy is, His voice, his smell both are familliar to me but I cant figure it out who is it? I opened my eyes and sit up leaning on the bed frame. A couple of minutes later the door opened showing Sandeul and the guys behind him.

"DAEUNNIE You're awake!!" Baro ran to me and gave me a comforting embrace

"Who..who are you? Where am I? Who am I" I pretended to not recognize any one and acted scared.

"Hyung, I think she got amnesia" Baro started tearing up, what is up with this guy he is so cute, tough but has a super sensitive side.

"You're not going to cry are you HamBaro?" I poked his arm and he hugged me again

"DONT do that again, I hate you, you made me cry a bit" He wiped his tears with my shirt...aish this guy,"how can you manage to pull a joke huh? When you're in a condition like this"

"Well, I dont hold grudges, I'd like to not show you Im not okay cos you'll worry. By the way do any of you guys seen a guy coming out here on your way? Cos he went out anf you guys went in after he exited the room"

"No Daeun we didn't, why?" Gongchan asked," maybe he's a ghost" he wiggled his hands

"Oh wow, Ghosts arent real" I said coldly then the bell did its job again,"I think I'll stay here, you guys can head of to class, Im going to wait for that 'ghost' Gongchan's telling me about." I said and they started saying goodbyes then left the room. I wonder who the boy was? How did he know I was awake, that voice though I cant get it off of my head the way he spoke to me it was so warm and loving... I know you're awake...but get well soon, keeps repeating in my mind. After I closed my eyes the nurse came to check on me, she said it was alright if I wanted to stay just in case. I'll just catch up tomorrow then, I hope the classes didnt do a lot.

~Daeun's dream~

"L.Joe? Is that you?" I ran after him and turned him to face me with a blank expression on his face, the surroundings was foggy and white, we were wearing white as well making his pink hair stand out.

"I miss you" he said not making eye contact with me, i smiled to hear him say that, he's been my crush since elementary to highschool but Jinyoung changed my mind. He confessed to me he feels the same too but I didn't say yes to him, we stayed in, in mutual understanding, I really wanted to say yes, I do but he only confessed three months before we moved and I am scared of distant relationships,"Don't you miss me too?" he held my hand.

"I...don't know" I looked down then looked up again but all if a sudden, I'm in the woods, I looked around me it was nearly dark. I saw L.Joe running and looking back to see five more boys chasing after him, I followed them but I got left behind. I saw one of the boys tackle L.Joe from far away as I get closer...they were beating him up, he helplessly laid there on the ground while the five boys kick him until he spits blood out.

"Nooo!!! Get away from him!" I punched the guy but my hands went through him, I punched him again and again until my arms are sore but my hands keep on going through him.

"That's what you get for talking to my girl" the guy gave him another big kick on the stomach, he grabbed him by the collar of his uniform and slammed him hard on the tree, he punched him every where, I wish I can do something, I cant watch this, after they were done hurting him they all ran away leaving poor L.Joe alone in the woods, hurt, injured.

"Omg, L.Joe...stay with me, look at me L.Joe, dont you dare close your eyes, or Ill..Ill not be your friend anymore" I bend down on him trying to hold my tears that was forming on the bottom of my eyes, I couldn't touch L.Joe too so I just sat there,"LEE BYUNGHUN Dont give in. You're strong remember? You're the one who teached me how to be strong, now dont bail on me! Stay...stay here please" then my tears fell.


I felt someone shaking me vigorously, I woke up gasping and with wet cheecks from that nightmare I had, Why did he appear in my dream and why does it have to be a nightmare. This injury of mine really caused a lot to mess up my brain, I hope this nightmare wont last forever though, I wont get to focus on school properly and next week is exam week then after that the holidays which sadly we have to stay here and some lucky students will go back home for three weeks so not fair.

"Are you okay Daeun, you were sweating and crying in your sleep, did you have a nightmare?" The nurse asked warmly

"Oh I'm okay, dont worry about me, its just a nightmare, they dont come true" I gave her a sly smile, she nodded her head and went back in her office.

The wind suddenly felt cold, I checked for an open window to see where the cold wind came from but all the windows are closed,the doors are closed everythings closed, how could their be cold wind? Maybe they the air conditioner? I walked to the Nurses's office to ask them to turn off the air conditioner but they told me it was off, they showed me too it was off. They checked my temperature to see if it was normal, and it is I dont have a fever butbhow come I feel so cold?

I went back outside to lay down on the bed when I saw a boy sitting there, red hair, wrong uniform, Jinyoung, I got scared and hid on the corner, is he here to make my life hell again? What do I do? And why is he out of class hours. Man up Daeun, L.Joe thought you how to be stong and fearless do it in honour of him since he was a great friend to you.
I cleared my throat and Jinyoung, turned his head,"oh you're awake"

"Oh no, Im sleeping right now, Im sleep walking. What are you doing here?" I sarcastically said crossing my arms

"No need to get cheeky, Come here sit" he patted on the space beside him, I stepped back a bit

"what? You going to smash my head again?" I suddenly felt anger in me

"I said sit" he demended in a cold way which scared me so I sat beside him,"Now that was easy wasn't it?"

"You didnt answer my question, why are you here? You should be in class" I scooted away from him and he scooted closer

"The more you scoot the more Ill get close to you" he smirked,"and this is called wagging in other words skipping classes" He placed his arm on my shoulders

"Well I dont need you here so, go away" I turned my back on him and removed his arm which was around my shoulder,"and from all the places that you can go to why here?"

"I want to ask you something....I want you to be my girlfriend, since Sohyun wont leave me alone" I felt a smirk in his words.

"What?! Are you crazy? No way, I dont like you anymore for what you did to me" I rubbed my head and remembering those words he said to me, be strong Daeun dont cry.

"Did I ask you? No right? So which means I demand And I dont care if you dont cos I dont like you, Im just here to make your life hell" he spat

"Well in that case no" I disagreed

"You know we can do this the easy way or the hard way, and I swear to you you wouldn't want to take the hard path" He climbed on top of me and gave me his demonish glare.

"O..okay" I said defeated

"Good," he pecked me on the lips," you better act like a good girlfriend arraseo?" he glared and I nodded so he patted my head and left.

'Hell starts from the minute I step out of this room' I whispered to myself.

'You sure about that?' someone said leaning against the wall smirking at me

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UPDATE UPDATE!♥ NYAAAAAAA MinRin♥ I wonder if DaYoung will become a reality. CANT WAIT♥
To be continued in the exciting moment!!!
Update soon!!
Kyyyyyyyyyah Minho's romance~ SO sweet. I really liked it. "don't want to kiss random girls" *snap*
What's up with Jin? Did he really changed? I'm so confused~ Don't know if I'd rather like DaEun with JinYoung or GongChan... T_T (or YoungMin? Or L.Joe? haha)
ur name is juz like my friends name...hahax....
Long update. :D
At first, I was pissed at Gongchan. I wanted to strangle him. D:< Needs to dump Sohyun.
Thank you soooo much for this loooong update (and even a preview!! haha)
Please DaEun make up with GongChan now. (of course he should dump this y SoHyun first =_=)
Poor Daeun.. I'll cry hard of I be her..
maybe move school?
Kkk~ update soon!! ~^O^~
finanlly an update and it sure was a long one, anyway what the hell is wrong with jinjin?? And ps. Update soon~
new reader here ! Love your story, thanks for update ! :) gongchan <3
Chynna #10
Pls pls pls update soon!