First day, First Kiss

I'm his Beautiful target, He's My Handsome Target

The day went on good except the fact that the boys wont let me go to class alone especially Sandeul Oppa, he says he's worried that I'd get lost in my first day, I think he is over reacting a bit. I didnt even get a chance to talk to any of the girls trying to communicate with me which is unfair for I want a girl best friend but the boys just wont click to it. They are a bit possesive to be honest, I not really liking it. My lucky brother he has guy friends and me too but ugh whatever, I need to focus right now, Maths is not my best subject and I dont know why Im in Math Extension B it's like the middle class but the highest one in Maths B, Maths A is the lowest thats for people who really ARENT good in solving maths problems...I should be there! Not here, I have a feeling my brain is going to blow next term.
"Ms Shin are you listening? Or are you going to daydream throughout the lesson?" Mr.Lee snapped at me interrupting my conversation to myself, everyone in class was staring at me with blank empressions waah! How embarrassing, this in not a good first impression with my Math teacher.

"Mianhae Mr Lee, this wont happen again" I apologized and stood up giving him a 90 degree bow for respect even though he embarrased me...wait I would not call it that, I embarrased myself.

Mr Lee nodded and continued with the teaching, the class whispered when he has his back to us what is with this school and whispering? They surely have a good relationship, the girls at the front kept on giving me glances, they have a very intimidating smile on their faces and I am not getting a good feeling about this. Should I worry? What if they tell the whole school I got told off by the teacher? What if I get a bad image? AH!! I want to go home.

I looked to the person beside me and he was sleeping, what a lazy head, dont he get enough sleep here? He was wearing a yellow hoodie and his hair was brownish reddish, he was sleeping when I entered the class, why isn't the teacher doing anything? This school is just weird, you arent allowed to daydream but youre allowed to sleep? Is that what it is now?

Mr Lee had to get something from the staff room and my classmates watched the door until its fully close the BAM!! The silent athmosphere transformed into a minie party. I was the most quiet amongst 26 students wait me and the dude sleeping beside me, he seems familiar where have I scene him before? Thats ridiculous...i shaked that thought of him being familiar.

The girls at the front decided to approach me, I glanced at them while they get closer and giving me friendly smiles.

"Hi! Im Minji, Me and my friend here thought that maybe you want to hang out with us at break time?" she touted cheerfully, alas! Two girls finally had the idea to ask me to hang with them.

" I would...Love to!" I smiled at the two of them,"Im DaEun by the way just in case you didnt know" i giggled

"Oh we know! You're like famous already, everyone knows you and your brother's name" The other one behind Minji said

"really? I thought I'd be invisible due to my shyness and lack of self esteem" I answered, with my eyebrows automatically knitting each other.

"yes! Im Haerin by the way! Im the vice of the student council and Minji is the president" Haerin went on, these two girls look like they are keen to be my friend, well they are something, Im not letting the boys take me away from these girls.

"well we better get back before grumpy comes back, too bad Sir is really handsome, he's like in his twenties, I dont get why he acts like a fifty year old teacher, while the teacher in their fifties are super nice!" she pouted not accepting the fact that the teacher is like this

"I agree with Haerin, he is totally datable" she giggle and winked,"well see ya later Daeun!" she bid goodbye and pulled Haerin who gave me a wave. They're nice I wish nothing can go wrong between us three.

The teacher still hasnt come back after the two girls went back on their seats, I wonder that he's doing, must be something really impotant.

I saw Gongchan kept on giving me glances every two minutes...two minutes is a guess i dont really know how many but he kept on giving me one whenever Im not looking but still, I can see him look on the corner of my eyes.
I took the courage to look straight at him until he looks again, and he did, I caught his dark brown eyes and he gave me a sweet smile and I payed him the same thing. He stood up sleving the girl who was obviously into him to go to me.


"Hey...I guess you caught me giving you a glance every two minutes" he said shyly looking down to his feet.
I laughed at him, he is really cute especially when he's shy, but he has a lot of guts to confront a girl in a blink of an eye.


"What's so funny?" he glared at me, his glare was cold maybe he got embarrassed at my sudden reaction, or maybe underestimated him?

"oh its nothing, I just think you look cute" my mouth released all of a sudden, I covered my mouth and I felt heat is taking over my body

"hahaha! Really? I get that a lot" he winked,"I could say the same with you, saying stuff without having a clue you said it, its cute" he pinched my red cheecks which turned redder," its also cute when you turn red" he laughed and left not waiting for my responce. He just pinched my cheecks I placed my hands over the place where he pinched it and screamed inside my mind making me make a silent squeel outside.

"You like Gongchan dont you" The boy beside me suddenly spoke,"I think you deserve better then him" he scoffed, his position was he had his elbow resting on the table and his head on his was Jinyoung! Omo!! Why do I have to sit beside a jaw-dropping, eye-popping, breath-taking looking boy, it makes me more in love with this guy, but you know what comes out of my mouth...meanness

"did i say that? I didn't, didnt I? And if its not Gongchan then who would it be huh?" I growled at him

"nope you didnt but your actions say so...and if its not Gongchan then it can be Me" he smirked making me choke at nothing

"What" I paused and got a bit closer to his face,"Ever" i snapped and turn my back on him, I cant believe he would say that is he feeling the same thing? Did he fall in love with me at first sight too? This first day id too much seriously, I cannot believe this, I cant wait to tell my best friends about this.

Jinyoung chuckled,"whats with girls and their ego these days?"
Ego? What ego He's the one who has a huge ego in this school, who does he think he is.

"who do you think you are? Youree the one with a much bigger ego" I said giving him an irritated look.

"I think i am the Kingka of this school, everyone admires me, girls want me and boys want to be me...including your brother" he

laughed...on second thought Im starting to hate this guy, his laugh is so so...irritating but at the same time its music to my ears.

"How dare you? My brother never wants to be someone else, especially not you! To be honest with you he would make a better Kingka than you!" I spoke calmly at the same time I had a menacing tone.

He grabbed my blazer collar and pulled me harshly close to his face,"You're lucky your a girl or else I would've punched you" he said through his gritted teeth, he scared me a bit maybe I pushed him too far to make him act like this,"no matter how much I'd like to hurt you right now I can't, I dont want to ruin your beautiful face" he spoke much calmer this time, I could feel his warm breath on my damp lips. Once the teacher opened the door he let go of me harshly. I fixed the wrinkles he caused on my uniform, what a jerk, I thought he was different, doesn't he learn anything from his friends? His friends are like a hundred percent Nicer! And he is far from it, yet I cant judge why he is like this maybe someone did him wrong so badly he turned down his nicer self.

The bell's ring is eardrum breaking, finally it's breaktime, I am starving! I stood up and hugged my books on my chest, Jinyoung hurried up and bumped onto me purposely making me fall on my knees while my books dropped on the hard floor, that boy is trying to provoke me but I will show him he cannot crack me, I will not give him what he wants no matter how much I like him.
Haerin, Minji and Gongchan approached me to help me up,"Daeun, gwenchanayo?" Gongchan gave me a hand. I stood up and dusted the dirt of my knees.


"Im alright Channie!" I patted his shoulders as he smiles at me since I gave him a nickname. Haerin and Minji handed me my books,"thanks Gonchan, you can hang with your friends now, I've found myself nice friends" I glanced at the two girls who was gossiping,"See ya, Haerin, Minji let's go" I walked past Gongchan.
"Omo!! Mr Lee is so hot, did you see guys? His abs are like...Omo!! You can see his abs on his..Aaah!!" Haerin squeeled on and on about Mr Lee, wow is she crushing on a teahcer?


"YAH!! Stop fangirling, he's old! Yet I agree to the part he's hot" Minji answered before taking a bite of her ham sandwich.

"how old is Mr Lee exactly?" I asked

"umm 24 I think he's like a new teacher here, he just graduated" Haerin answered with a squeel," his fullname is Lee Changsun...Lee Joon for short" she squeeled again while spazzing her body puposely.

"aish! He is right behind you Haerin" Minji winked at me and I laughed at her, Haerin turned around like a ninja

"LIAR!!! He's not there, nearly gave me a heart attack" Haerin did a pose that she wants to punch Minji
I kept quiet and ate my lunch I brought before we sat here.


"Daeun! Did you see the way Mr Lee leaned before me on my desk when I asked him a question? OMG he smells so nice" Haerin babbled about Mr Lee again.

Minji sighed in annoyance, its because Haerin cannot stop babbling about Mr Lee, like non stop, when we were in line to get our food, while finding our seat and this.

"We know Haerin! You've told us a million times" Minji rolled her eyes,"You know DaEun, shes even worse during the council meeting our super visor is Mr Lee and ugh, she always takes my seat, which is beside Mr Lee!"

"hpm! You dont like him anyway? Why complain?" Haerin stuck her tounge out

"Because you're too obvious that you like him!" Minji half shouted and smirked at me.

"...why are you looking at me like?" I asked suspiciously

"haaay...nothing it's just that Channie Oppa'a group are staring at you" Minji winked, I looked behind me and they were on the other side of the canteen with a group of girls, and my brother is there with them, I hope he doesnt get too close with Jinyoung, I dont like his personality.

"Looks like you're being talked about Daeun" Haerin winked. I looked back again and Jinyoung smirked, you know the irritating smirk right? Well thats the smirk.

"ugh, Jinyoung's smirk is irritating" I complained and rolled my eyes. Haerin and Minji laughed at me,"What so funny?" but they didnt stop,"YAH!! tell me" i hit the table

"Do you even know what that smirk means?" They both said in unison, I shaked my head,"It means he's into you, he's probably mentally undressing you right now" Minji winked

"EW! Thats disgusting" I growled,"He better not even try or else" I smirked

"or else what?" a familiar voice spoke behind me which stopped me from taking spoonful of my food,I looked at Haeron and Minji their eyes are like widened

I scoffed and face Jinyoung,"or else I'll kick you where the sun dont shine" I smirked and heard the crowd went 'OOOHHHHH'

"I'd like to see you try" Jinyoung placed his hands on his pocket looking at me with pride in his eyes.

"are you sure?" I got my knee ready and he stressed a bit...he is not sure

"y..yeh" he smirked, I lifted my knee feeling the hundren pairs of eyes waiting for me to kick Jinyoung but instead I chose to be a buzz kill and just stepped forward to his ears.

"Dont hurt yourself pretty boy" I whispered in his ears and he sighed in relief, I sat back down to my seat, like I said I wont give him what he wants.

"Or maybe your just scared...scardey cat" he mocked.

'Ok' I said to myself and slammed my spoon on my bowl, I stood up and kicked him where the sun dont shine, I heard a lot of gasps and claps from girls. Well he cant blame me he asked for it, he fell on his knees with his hands on his crotch feeling the pain, His friends are in shock and mine too. My brother helped him up and flared at me, it was readable, we are going to have a talk after school.

I sat back down and massaging my temples,"I cant believe I just did that" i said with regret

"OMG!! I cant believe you had the guts to do that! No one in this school even had the guts to confront him like that" Haerin laughed, they arent angry?

"Youre like the girl's hero Daeun!" Minji grinned.
What does she mean Im the hero? Aish! Thats not for me to worry about now Im in deep trouble with my brother, he looks ticked off. He doesnt have that face often this is scary, Ive never seen him like that before, I bet he is going to make me apologize to that jerk.


Aahh?!!! I kicked him where the sun dont shine, the boy of my dreams, I hurted him physically, Daeun! You dumb girl! You dont think things through do you? Now Im scared to sit beside him during maths aish this is scary. I wish Gongchan is not angry at me or any of his friends cause It would kill me to lose friends on my first day.
Haerin and Minji had to go to the council meeting and left me walking alone today, and everywhere I walk girls would thank me for what I did normally I would ask why buti cant be bothered to know, I might find out something undesirable and hurt my feelings. Boy would give me highfives too do they hate Jinyoung that much? Or maybe they just praised me for my bravery.


I feel good doing that at the same time I had regret, Maybe I kicked him too strong? Omg, how do I say sorry to him? What if he hurts me too? Nahh, I think my brother would protect me right? Why does he have to be friends with them? There are a lot of boy groups in this school and he chose to pick them! Ughh he is like in the jerk group. He makes bad choices seriously, he gives me headaches.

Maybe I should give my brother some slack, he didnt have a proper friend back them after all, aish, Whatever he is just my brother its not like he's planning to barbecue me for dinner.
I've never felt like this before, it was obvious for myself that I changed at the minute I stepped in the floor of this school...I changed, Did I? Is it because of Jinyoung? Or maybe Im tired of getting ignore by guys, now that I have a lot of attention why do I suddenly want to be invisible again? I mean its my first day and I act like I've been here for years.


Well at least I dont mind walking alone now, cause no one would tease me that Im a loner, I hate getting teased that way.
I saw Gongchan's face through the crowded corridors, he smiled at me and then decided to approach me, I turned the other way trying to avoid any friends of Jinyoung, I quickened my walking pace just in case he catches up. I looked back to him and he was catching up fast, theres a lot of people blocking my way so thats a disadvantage for both of us I kept repeating the sentence'sorry excuse me,excuse me sorry' so people would get out of my way.


I looked at the back and saw Gongchan getting eaten up by the crowd of students, haha er then I bumped onto someone and we both fell on the floor.

"OW! My " we both said in Unison and looked at each other

"Youngmin?" my eyes widened to see my tennis club partner in this school

"Daeun?" He asked, he stood up like I did and he hugged me,"DAEUN!! Its you"

"yes! Its me, I didnt expect to see you here" I pulled out of the hug

"me too!" he giggled, he was about to say something until I heard Gongchan scream my name

"hey, umm Youngmin this is not a good time, see ya!" I hugged him for a second and jogged away.

I turned to wherever my instincts tells me what direction I should turn to, I jogged and jogged trying to get Gongchan to get lost but what the heck? He's been here for a long time, he might know this school like the back of his hand. But unfortunately my journey around the school ended, My dumb instincts lead me to the deserted part of the school where well, its like old and creepy, there are papers every where and rusted lockers, I panted and heard Gongchan's voice, I walked backwards and leaned on an old classroom door and fell on my back, what is up with falling today? Ugh..
Gongchan's POV
Why is she avoiding me? Did I do something wrong, I just wanted to invite her to eat Ice cream with my after school, as I ran after her the students started to decreased as I get closer to the haunted part of the school, I saw Daeun had turned there.


"oh no no no no" I ran as fast as I could before she sees something, here I am standing in front of the haunted place, There is a lot of old papers ln the ground and As I walked the wood would make a squeeky sound, I gulped down my fear that I might see a ghost, Ghosts arent real..ghosts arent real, I kept ln repeating, I felt cold wind blew behind me and a child-like laugh ran past behind me 'oh god, oh god' I shut my eyes tight praying nothing will come up to me, I tightned my grip ln my bag, I am sweating now, I am scared but I must find Daeun, I dont want her to get hurt by some stupid dead girl. I heard a thud, It must be Daeun, I shouted her name hoping she would respond...then I heard her scream, oh no, she might've seen the ghost, I followed her scream and saw her inside an old class room Iooking terrified at the mirror, I ran to rescue her then the door shuts itself..I pushed it with my body but it wont budge. I wiggled the doorknob but no use I kept on pushing my body on the door with all my might. I heard Daeun scream my name,"hang on Daeun, Ill save you"

"Come on, Come on!" I talked to myself, you stupid ghost wont make my girl crazy..not today . I walked backwards and prepared myself to kick the door, I screamed as I run towards it and it opened! Woohoo, I quickly ran to Daeun who was in a corner hugging her legs and panting really hard, I bent down to her and comforted her,"dont worry Im here now, I wont let any one touch you" then she started laughing I looked at her and it was not...her it was that looney ghost girl," " I screamed in terror and pushed myself off and fell on my

"Channie!" Daeun shouted, I crawled to her to see if she was alright

"you okay?" I hugged her...surprisingly she hugged me back awwww.

"Im okay. Gongchan shes coming towards us" she screamed, I hid her head on my chest while sitting and hugging each other while I had my chin resting on her head, I told her to close her eyes like me, she gripped on my shirt as we felt the presence of the ghost near us giving us goose bumps caused by the cold air. Then it disappeared, I peeked to see if the coast was clear.

"Daeun, you can open your eyes now" I held her on her shoulders,"Are you okay? did she hurt you?"
She looked up to me with scared eyes, oh how cute," im alright Gongchan, thanks" she stood up and dusted herself then started walking away when I pulled her wrist and pulled her to me then kissed her fore head.
Daeun's POV before Gongchan went inside
I decided to rest for a while. I was trying to familiarize myself with the place when I saw a smoke like figure outside the window. I didn't pay attention to it though. I decided to go the next room which was the Store room. There was an antique looking mirror there I decided to take a look of myself and I noticed that my reflection seemed to be not me. It was a whole body figure yet it included my feet and my feet should not have been included in the reflection and aside from that it was giving me a sharp ghostly stare. It made me a bit uneasy to run, My breath kept on getting heavier, The reflection transformed into a bloody girl with a bruised neck I screamed terrified of what I saw, I saw Gongchan outside and he ran towards me and I did too but then the door shut. I screamed and screamed since the girl was right in front of me trying to touch me. I tear escaped my eye, I was terrified I dont know where else to hide or go.
Gongchan's POV


"lets get out of here" I suggested, and carried her bridestyle running back to the brand new part of school. I placed her down facing me and cupped her face while rubbing her face with my thumb,"I suggest we tell no one about what just happed Arraso?" I smiled at her.

She nodded, Her beuty makes me speechless, I can tell Jinyoung likes her from the moment I introduced her, so does my other hyungs, I got a fair bit of competition here, I am going to win this one, I will not let any of my hyungs hurt her feelings especially Jinyoung hyung.

I stared at her face while my hands are still on her face, I started from her forehead then to her eyes then her nose and finally her pink lips, I stared at it for a while and started leaning in, I could feel her hot breath on mine, she closed her eyes, Im guessing thats a yes please kiss me right? But life wont be fun without a little tease.

"theres a dirt on the side of you lip" I whispered and she slapped me on the chest, she seemed embarrassed.

"Yah! i hate you!" she shouted and covered her face with her hands and started to walk away. I pulled her again and spin her around kissing her on the lips straight away.
Daeun's POV
AISH!! Soo embarrassing for a moment there I thougt I was going to lose my first kiss but no! There was just a stupid dirt on my lip


"YAH! i hate you" I shouted covering my face with my hands. I decided to walk away from him, I dont like getting embarrased not in front of a cute boy. Gongchan pulled my wrist once again and spun me around but this time he kissed my right when I landed on his chest, his lips was soft like a pillow his kiss was sweet and tender, He held my chin Pulling my lips closer to his, this is like how I dreamed my first kiss to be like but I was expecting the boy to be my boyfriend. My eyes were wide open at first and then closed it. Gonchan didnt ask to enter my mouth, what a gentle man, Im feeling sparks fly around me and the butterflies in my stomach are going crazy. I smiled through the kiss and Gongchan smiled back.
Gongchan's POV
Her lips are so soft it taste just like cherries, it was sweet and soft and..sweet, Its making me crazy, this is by far the best kiss ever gave to me, I wonder who her first kiss is?


I can feel an uneasy feeling in my stomach, what is this? What is happening? I ve never felt this before when I kiss other girls, I can feel that Daeun is different, I am not letting go of this one, I wont give her up to Jinyoung Hyung or any other hyung...I want her to be mine only.I felt her smile and of course it made me smile too, cos I know she liked it. I opened my eye while still kissing her, I figured that the students would pay attention to us and one of them was my hyungs with an undesirable look on their faces, especially Jinyoung hyung he looked pissed he glared at me and walked off. I pulled out of the kiss and saw Daeun blushing.

But right on time the bell did its job everyday and shooed us students to our subjects,"I'll take you to class" I offered Daeun
"u..umm no Im alright, I can take care of myself" she looked down and walked to her class fast leaving me in a daydream about that one special kiss that just happened.
"GONGCHAN! We need to have a talk with you" my hyungs approached me after class and of course Minho is included he is one of use now.


"talk about what?" I cheerfully asked, pretending to not know the reason why they need to talk to me, honestly I'd like to brag about it.

"dont act innocent Channie,"Cnu hyung snapped,"now what does her lips taste like?" CNU hyung's angry face disappeared and became cheerful like mine and that goes for the others except Jinyoung Hyung.

"it was..." I got cut of by Jinyoung hyung

"We dont need to know Gongchan" he grabbed my collar and lifted me off the ground a bit,"you stay away from her and we wont have a problem."

"Hyung calm down, you arent the only who likes her" Baro hyung pulled her off me

"Wait a second...are you implying that all of you likes my sister?" Minho asked

Me and my hyungs gulped at the same time except for Jinyoung Hyung"yes" we said in unison minus one

"Sandeul, you have a girlfriend what are you suppose to say for your self" Minho asked Sandeul hyung who was spechless for a couple of seconds

"I dont know but if I start to love Daeun I have not choice but to leave her" Sandeul hyung unsurely answered

"and you, you took my sister's first kiss" He pointed at me

"I...I was her first kiss?" I stuttered, As soon as the hyungs realized what I just said they gave me that undesirable look again

" took my girl's first kiss" Cnu hyung asked and gritted his teeth,"ahhh whatever atleast she'd be more skilled when i kiss her" he smiled

"Hahaha okay.." I laughed and realized," Wait what?! Oh hell no no I am not going to let you steal her away from me" I scoffed

"huh...we'll se about that you should see the way she looked at me when She first saw me, Its obvious." Jinyoung hyung scoffed and left.

"whatever...but I am not going to let our group fall apart because of a girl...all Im saying is may the best boy win" Baro hyung smirked and followed Jinyoung hyung.

May the best boy win you say? I think im already ahead of you guys we'll see about that.

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UPDATE UPDATE!♥ NYAAAAAAA MinRin♥ I wonder if DaYoung will become a reality. CANT WAIT♥
To be continued in the exciting moment!!!
Update soon!!
Kyyyyyyyyyah Minho's romance~ SO sweet. I really liked it. "don't want to kiss random girls" *snap*
What's up with Jin? Did he really changed? I'm so confused~ Don't know if I'd rather like DaEun with JinYoung or GongChan... T_T (or YoungMin? Or L.Joe? haha)
ur name is juz like my friends name...hahax....
Long update. :D
At first, I was pissed at Gongchan. I wanted to strangle him. D:< Needs to dump Sohyun.
Thank you soooo much for this loooong update (and even a preview!! haha)
Please DaEun make up with GongChan now. (of course he should dump this y SoHyun first =_=)
Poor Daeun.. I'll cry hard of I be her..
maybe move school?
Kkk~ update soon!! ~^O^~
finanlly an update and it sure was a long one, anyway what the hell is wrong with jinjin?? And ps. Update soon~
new reader here ! Love your story, thanks for update ! :) gongchan <3
Chynna #10
Pls pls pls update soon!