Chapter 2

I'm his Beautiful target, He's My Handsome Target

So, first day of school, here we are standing in front of a massive school at 3am. I am seriously mind blown, i did not expect the school would be this huge, this is just something I need to get use to. I looked over to my brother and he was grinning...I thought he didnt want to leave...aish, boys these days.

"Sweet.." he grinned while nodding. I looked at him with my eyes wide open and my mouth on the shape of an O, I feel betrayed.


"Appa, i think, I want to go home now" I made a run for it but Minho chased after me before I could safely lock myself in out car. He lifted me up to his shoulders as a squirm like fish in air.

"Way to go sis, no turning back now, we're in this together remember?" he teased me, i punched and kick as a responce ...not working.
Minho carried me until we got to the school office with our parents


"Umm you can put me down now" I said to him trying to act innocent as I can and gave mum an innocent smile who was behind Minho

"nope, you'll run" he responded, aish is he reading my mind?

"if you dont put me down, i still have that picture of you doing you know..." I replied with an evil tone. Yes i use that picture of him for blackmail, It was when we were at a party and we were daring him to do this types of poses a girl does, made him wear wigs and make up, and it turned pretty horrendous for him but hilarious to our friends. We took a couple of pictures one was he didnt have a shirt on and he was touching his s with his two fingers while posing with a duck face, and the other one when he didnt have his s covered we edited it and put a cencored bar infront of it, it ticked him of when he sees that.
I heard him click his tounge in defeat and got me down, I fixed my unifrom and made a run for it again but King of Reflexes Minho never fails to catch me.


"where do you think you're going sis?" he smirked as he wrapped his arms around my waist making sure I dont get out of his grip.
This is ridiculous, first day of school and Im not liking this...this school, the receptionist looked like she eats little kids for breakfast and now we're in the principal's office, the big bad wolf. She's reviewing our reports to see if we are smart enough for the subjects given, and yes! We are smart enough for the subjects that are and Minho won the Mathletics and Spelling Competition.

At last we were escorted to our rooms...sad music please. Luckily the principal agreed that me and Minho stay in the same room, I totally disagree with that,Minho is a pig. But i am still thankful we arent seperated.
The Pricipal left us in our room which was fairly large, our room is on the 4th floor like the very top.


"WOOOOO!!!! Alone at last!" Minho screamed and did his happy dance


"no you're not, I'm here!" I butted in to his bubble, he stuck a toung at me and helped me unpack our stuff. We made a deal with each other not to touch his belongings and he is not allowed to touch my belongings unless we have permission too. The room has two queen size beds and a large bathroom with a tub seperated from the shower and of course the toilet...who would forget that.
Above my bed was the ceiling with a window... Odd place to put a window.


It was now 4am still have enough time to sleep before school starts, I am really nervous! Well actually as long as Minho is by my side I think I'll be fine. Since i cannot sleep, I'm on my laptop facebooking and some other stuff, i never thout that the school would have a wi-fi that can allow students to go to social networks, my old school doesn't have these, they blocked it so we can't use it.

"yah Minho! They didnt block facebook and awesome is that?" I whispered loudly, he responded with a sleepy groan. Thats what you get for carrying me around.
Me and Minho left the room and got escorted by one of the teachers in the school hall for assembly... This is an off day for me, me and Minho got seperated cos we dont have the same class section. Now i am nervous.
I saw the principal speaking in front and up the big stage, telling some type of morals. I am getting cold sweats, I cant stop fidgeting, and I feel sick. I flipped my hair to the side of my forehead, and sighed loudly. When are we going to sit down? This is one long moral.


"how long is this going to go for" I complained in a mumble, glaring at the principal at the front.

"One hour" the guy beside me I that loud? I looked over to the left to look at the guy that answered me," Hi I'm Sandeul" he gave me his hand so I can shake it, being shy, I ignored it, "okay then, I see, I havent seen you here before, you must be the new girl" he smiled cutely

"yeh...I am new" I said, Omo!! A very hot guy is actually talking to me, this is the first.

"Nice to meet you, DaEun" he smiled, how did he know my name?

"h-how?--" I got cutted off by the principal calling me out to go up the stage, I walked quickly towards the stage to get this over and done with, I met my brother halfway and my nervousness faded away, he held my hand as we were going up the stairs and while we were being Introduced.
The principal gave me the mic. And told me to introduce myself, I hate introductions


"A...Annyeong Haseyo, Shin DaEun imnida...Im hope w..we, I..uhh.." i stammered in nervousness and my brother took the mic. Off me saving me from something embarrassing

"Hi! Um sorry just excuse my sister she's a shy type, Im Shin Minho, nice to meet you guys, I hope to make good friends with you guys." he said with confidence, I've never seen him like this especially in front of hundreds of students..."gwenchana?" he whispered. I nodded in reply.

As we were walking back to our seats, I heard whisperes from girls and boys like, 'omo! She's so cute when shes shy'

'her brother is hot...and she's so cute'

'told you hyung, theres new students'

I am feeling a bit calmer now by hearing these positive whisperes from students. The assembly went on and on for One hour what's his name? Sandeul? Yes Sandeul.
Just like he said, the principal told us juniors to head out, it was getting crowded and I have a feeling I would get lost but someone grabbed my hand, I couldn't seewho it is since I was being sandwich with people.
The students cleared and it was only Sandeul,oh thank goodness, I'd totally freakout if it was some random student.


"Come with me, the teacher said Im your school buddy until you get use to this school." he let go of my hand walked beside me.

"where are we going?" I asked not looking to him

"Art" before he could say something else someone called him

"Sandeul Hyung wait up! Im in the same class as you" he jumped on his shoulders, "oh hey there! Didn't notice you Im Baro" he introduced, I gave him a smile in responce, I am so shy..this is something new for me, I've never been surrounded by two boys.

"Yah! Say something, I would like to get to know a pretty girl like you" Baro walked backwards in front of me and held my hands.

"Baro! Back away, finders keepers" Sandeul slapped Baro's hands off me," I'm her school buddy right DaEunnie?" he asked and held me away from baro.

"um..uh ne" i looked down, this is so awkward I just met these guys and they are treating me like their best friends already.

"aww, it's so cute the way you're all shy" Baro pinched my cheecks, and what are you alking about? finders keepers my Hyung you already have Mina" he stuck his tounge out and Sandeul rolled his eyes
We finally arrived in Art class and it didnt have any in it yet except from this one guy.


"Gongchan! There you are! Are you superman or something one time youre beside me then I find you in the classroom!" Baro sat beside him, this Gongcham guy looked up and wow...he Im in complete trance now, Im surrounded by Hot boys...IM SURROUNDED BY HOT BOYS!


"Hi Im DaEun" I said with confidence giving my hand for him to shake, Baro and Sandeul looked shocked from what I just did and so is Gonchan, shocked that a shy girl suddenly introduced herself with confidence.

"H..Hi Im Gongchan" he took my hand and shaked it,"looks like you've gotten more confident" he smiled, omg...he has the smile I would fall for.
Since It was nearly exam time the teachers didnt give me stuff to do since they have no choice but to let me miss these exams. I just sat hear sketching them, Sandeul sat beside me since he wont let me go with the other two, somehow he's like over protective, I like having his attention and Gongchan's....and Baro's. I never really had these attention in my old school.


"Yah! Sandeul Hyung, me and DaEun have the same subject next see ya!" Gongchan said and pulled me away from Baro and Sandeul before they could say anything else.

"you can let go of my hand now" I laughed

"oh right, sorry" he apologized and blushed," we have a ten minute break before going to the next class, wanna meet the rest of my friends?" he asked and I just nodded.  The walk in the corridor was awkward me and Gongchan never really talked that much, he had his hands in his pockets so he could prevent the back of our hands touching.
He walked towards a guy with glases that has his hair in a half ponytail and a dude who has a cold expression.


"Annyeong Hyungs!!" Gongchan greeted them with a cheerful tone," meet the new girl, DaEun"

"Hi! Im Shinwoo but you can call me CNU" he said," haha I rhymed again" he laughed, the dude didnt greet me, how rude! Cnu, elbowed his side.

"hi, Im Jinyoung, nice to meet you" he gave me his hand and I took it, he started moving to to his lips and Gongchan grabbed my hand, AISH...he was going to kiss my hand.

"YAH! Dont hit on her, she's innocent" Gongchan snapped at his hyung.
Jinyoung just scoffed," look I need to get to class, see you guys later....Bye DaEun" Jinyoung squeezed my arm gently as he walks past me. I think I am In Love with that guy I just met.
Minho's POV
Aish...I lost my noona, wait did I just say noona? Yuck. I bet she's freaking out right now, her face turned pale when we stood up on the stage introducing ourselves. I really think I'm going to have a nice time in this school, A lot of people are approaching my unlike back in our place...people avoid me like Im some type of nerd but I have to admit I am a nerd, I just dont have the ugly betty style, I like to look good.
So yeah, first class over and this Sooyun girl doesnt seem like she's going to let go of my arm any time, arrgh, I need to get use to this. Sooyun keeps babbling on and on about her being the Queenka of this place, pshh...I dont care girl, get off of me. I wish I could say that to her but she looks like a to be honest...I do not want to make a scene.


"Oppa, you really look like Lee Min, you're so handsome and you have the same name as well" she giggled leaning onto my shoulders and I pulled my arm away from her giving her a signal to goooo awaa--it...I look like Lee Min Ho?

"Minho-ah wait up!!" She starts to run after me and then cling onto my arm again.
This girl is annoying, is there any other girl apart from Sooyun? Cos Walking with a cold expression is not me and boys are giving me death glares right now, especially that boy in the wrong uniform, he's wearing a yellow hoody and Sooyun gave him a glare...that boy must be the school jerk and he is talking to my sister along with his friends, I left Sooyun with her friends and walked towards my sister. That dude in the yellow hoodie walked my sister a genle squeeze on her arm.


"hey, DaEun, ive been looking for you everywhere" I said to her while pulling her away with those boys, I know its rude but whatever.

"What are you doing? Dont you have any manners?" she weakly slapped my arm not causing me any pain, hahaha what a weakling.

"oh sorry to interrupt the flirting" I smirked at her

She gasped" I am not flirting"

"oh really? I can hear you giggle from the other side of the corridor" I teased


"Ugh!! You! I dislike you right now...but come on, Ill introduce you" she said from sad to cheerful, she pulled me to those group of boys who is waiting for her return.

"Hi guys this is my brother Minho" she introduced me

"Hey" he greeted and they all smiled

"This is Gongchan, CNU, Baro and Sandeul" she pointed at each of them," and the other one who just left when you came is Jinyoung" she giggled, aish, its so obvious this girl likes him, just by the way her face lights up when she says his name.

"Hey Nice to finally meet you" the Sandeul guy told me

"you too" I smiled," soo, im not sure about you guys but Im going to class"

"What do you have?" harry potter said...haha joking that guy with round glases said, I forgot his name, I dont really have a high IQ when it comes to names of people.

"Um Math Extention C" I smiled with pride, you know why? Because it's the highest math!

"Awe yeaa!" harry potter fist pumped and gave me a low five,"Let's go DaEun's twin." Harry potter put his arm on my shoulder acting like we're close buds already.

"So umm sorry I forgot your name" I broke the awkward silence

"Shinwoo but call me CNU the chicks prefer it" he bit his lower lip as girls walk past us giving them a flirty wink as well while I...look straight with a cold expression on my face.

"what about you? Whats your name again? Is it in any case Minho? Cos bro, girls are gossiping about you...they're all like talking about how much you look like Lee Min Ho" he laughed as if it wasn't possible

"My name is Minho" I scoffed, wow girls are gossiping about me? Awesome.

"well you're mame will be easy to remember...saay since you're already school popular, wanna be part of our group?" CNU asked

"Does that mean I hang with you guys?" I replied with a question

" yep" he made a popping sound

"sounds good to me." I shrugged

"Congratulations Minho, you are now a Kingka" he patted my back and entered our room, leaving me in front of the entrance while he gives low fives with the other Kingkas

"dude? What are you waiting for sit with us!" CNU invited me.
This is just the start of a new life and I am loving it so far...I wonder what's happening with DaEun, hope she's coping well woth his new school.

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UPDATE UPDATE!♥ NYAAAAAAA MinRin♥ I wonder if DaYoung will become a reality. CANT WAIT♥
To be continued in the exciting moment!!!
Update soon!!
Kyyyyyyyyyah Minho's romance~ SO sweet. I really liked it. "don't want to kiss random girls" *snap*
What's up with Jin? Did he really changed? I'm so confused~ Don't know if I'd rather like DaEun with JinYoung or GongChan... T_T (or YoungMin? Or L.Joe? haha)
ur name is juz like my friends name...hahax....
Long update. :D
At first, I was pissed at Gongchan. I wanted to strangle him. D:< Needs to dump Sohyun.
Thank you soooo much for this loooong update (and even a preview!! haha)
Please DaEun make up with GongChan now. (of course he should dump this y SoHyun first =_=)
Poor Daeun.. I'll cry hard of I be her..
maybe move school?
Kkk~ update soon!! ~^O^~
finanlly an update and it sure was a long one, anyway what the hell is wrong with jinjin?? And ps. Update soon~
new reader here ! Love your story, thanks for update ! :) gongchan <3
Chynna #10
Pls pls pls update soon!