Why so mean?

I'm his Beautiful target, He's My Handsome Target



Good Morning! It was a rather peaceful night! I should be thankful to Jinyoung for telling me to sleep in the couch.But last time i remember being in the couch was cold and there wasn't enough room to roll around. I womder what Jinyoung is planning today? I hugged the pillow next to me trying to get myself back too sleep. I felt Jinyoung walk on the side of the bed, he'll probably try to wake me up. But before I could even react he poured ice cold water on me, so I shot up quickly warming myself.

"Yah! Are you trying to drown me?" I sceamed.

"Planning to but I need to make your life miserable first" he shrugged, "Now get up and get dressed, we're going out"

“Where are we going?”

“Shut your mouth and get changed” Jinyoung pulled me off the bed harshly then pushing me in the bathroom and slamming the door which made me flinch.

I stared at the mirror and saw a girl who looks stressed and has dark circle under her eyes. Aish, why does he have to be s o mean? Well of course he is ruining my life that's why. Wait till I tell Minho your plan. I grabbed a hairbrush and started brushing my hair. I took the new clothes that Jinyoung bought, *this is so not my style* since I dont have any clothes with me, I have no choice but to wear this hidious piece of clothing. I heard a loud banging sound on the door assuming Jinyoung want me to hurry up. Well newsflash mister, I need to make sure that this skirt is not too short. I twirled myself in front of the mirror, *wow, I kinda look pretty*

"Will you hurry up, before I break this door?" Jinyoung said through the other side.

"Go on then break it...It's not like Im the one paying for it" I scoffed.

"The moment you come our of there, I swear-" I cut him off by opening the bathroom door revealing him myself in the clothes he bought for me.

"You swear what?" I looked up to him, who's face was leaning against the door frame.

"Aish just come with me, and dont forget to act like we're a couple.." he commanded me as he pulls me out our room. He stopped pulling me when he noticed two elderly people were walking our way. He quickly locked his hands with mine giving the elderly once a kind smile as we walk passed them. We stopped in front of the elevator and he pressed the down button with his free hands not releasing my hands which was locked together with his. The hall was filled woth utter silence and only our breathing can be heard. I wish he wont hear how fast my heart is beating right now...aish my heart is so messed up. Jinyoung's hands are so soft but Gongchan's is softer and touchable. The elevator door opened and we were welcomed by Sohyun and her friends, this is just great.

"Look who we have here, The Hottie and the Ugly Betty" she walked out being tailed with her friends with their arms crossed.

"Was she as good as me Jinyoung oppa? Or did she chicken out?" she laughed with her friends...the hell?

“DaEun, do you mind waiting here? I left something in our room” Jinyoung spoke.

Wow! He's leaving me here with these brats. Nice one Jinyoung, I bet you’re doing your victory dance cos you win! I can imagine his face right now, he’s smirking and laughing evilly. I glanced at Sohyun and her friends who was giving me that creepy look, I would've been dead by now if looks could kill and I was probably stabbed a million times in their minds. Isn’t Jinyoung such a nice boy?

“Well, well, well,” she clicked her tongue, “Love is really blind isn’t it?”

Psshh sure whatever, this aint love, this is fake, oh how I wish I could tell you this is fake but then if I did, Jinyoung would have to deal with me.

“You know, when you were gone yesterday, Gongchan ran to me... Heart broken, filled with anger, and sorrow” She whisped in my ear while she was walking around me, I froze, what the hell did she do to Gongchan?

“He said that, he needs someone to take his anger on, he wants someone to....comfort him” she whispered in my other ear.

I gulped down that ouch feeling in my throat, then in moved down to my heart, ouch. I feel like, Im being tempted by the devil...hang on a second, she is a devil.

“Speechless Daeun?” she scoffed, “Sooner or later, all the boys that is important to you will come to me...and i am not hesitating to include your brother in my list"

Okay, now she is going over the edge. I balled my hands and pinned her on the wall, giving her my deadliest glare ever.

“Dont you dare include my brother in this, you would have to go through me first!” I sternly whispered to her making her flinch, “ and about Gongchan, why should I believe you? You’re one of the top backstabbing liar in the school”

“You dare call Sohyun a liar?!” her friend complained

I released Sohyun and turned to her friend, “Want me to repeat it?”

Before I knew it, I was tackled down on the floor by Sohyun with her phone on my face.

“Look closely and take your time, that’s your lover boy Gongchan right there”

I took a look on her phone and saw that Gongchan was on her kissing her neck while she on the other hand takes a picture. This is fake right? Gongchan would never hit on a girl like Sohyun but there could be possibilities.

“That is it, you are such a !" I half shouted and tackled her back and grabbed her hair and in return she grabbed my hair too. Ya’ll know what happens next right? Our hands locked on each others hair pulling them, left right left right. If no one were to stop us now, we would be both bald by the time the sun sets. Sohyun grabbed my head and started slamming it on the wall while I slam her head on the floor. What were we fighting about again? Aish, this girl has strength, probably because she is more experienced. I felt two strong arms pull me off Sohyun but since I hand my hands locked onher hair a handful of hair went with my hands.

“ARRRGH! My extension!” she screamed.

“You’re lucky its just your extension, Next time I would really-” I got cut off by this dude’s hand over my mouth.

“Calm Noona, She’s not worth it” Minho whispered in my ear.

“Minho?” I turned around to see him and the rest of B1A4 behind him. Great! Let’s have a reunion!

Gongchan walked over to Sohyun and helped her up, so what? Are they the best of friends now?

“You okay?” Gongchan asked her.

“Y..yeah thanks” she dusted her clothes, “Did you see what she did Oppa! She’s bullying me!”

“What is wrong with you?!” Gongchan shouted at me.

“No! What is wrong with you? Why are you so close with her all of a sudden?” I hid behind Minho.

“Because we’re together!” Sohyun answered me instead of Gongchan.

I felt a bead of water fall down my eyes, they’re together? How did this happen? What the hell?! I’ve only been gone one day and this happened?

“You’re going to pay Daeun!” Gongchan tried to pull me from Minho who was protecting me. But before he can lay a finger on me, another hand gripped on Gongchan’s wrist.

“Dont you dare touch her in that way” Jinyoung shot glares at him.

Gongchan scoffed, “Oh yeah? Why do you care huh? This is all fake! It’s obvious!”

“This is not fake Gongchan” Jinyoung’s voice sounded so serious

“Prove it...kiss her, right here, right now” Gongchan demanded.

Jinyoung glanced at me and gave me a tiny wink that only I noticed. He then pulled me from Minho’s back grabbing my chin slowly leaning onto me face.

“S...stop!” Baro objected, “I dont want to see this” he looked down.

“Well then, I guess our conversation here is done. Let’s go Daeun” Jinyoung locked my hands with his again as we enter the elevator, I stared at Gongchan as the door closed.

I just noticed that Jinyoung had our stuff in his bagpack.

“T...thanks” I looked down.

“I dont need your thank you, I didn’t do it for you anyway” the door opened and Jinyoung walked out ast having me to tail him while we head back to our school.

I can’t help but think the fact that Gongchan and Sohyun are together. Nothing changed, I’m still a er with love, This is it, I am to grow old with fifty cats. I wiped my tears as I walk behind Jinyoung. Dont I have such a dramatic life? Ever since I came to this place my tears never run out seriously. I just want someone to hug me and comfort me, something that Minho can’t give me, because it feels different when a relative comforts you.

“Y..yah! Will you hurry up?” I heard Jinyoung spoke, his voice wasn’t cold like a while ago, it was more soft and comforting?

“N..neh” I bowed my head down trying to look away.

“Are you crying?”


“Yea, that explains why your face is soaking”

“Well if you knew! Why ask?”

“Because...aish! Will you stop crying? You’ll look uglier if you dont stop” He knudged my side. Here goes the funny side of Jinyoung.

“Wow! Is that how you comfort a girl? Thanks! That makes me feel so much better!” I sarcastically answered.

“You’re welcome”

It’s been a week since that cat fight in the hotel and when we got back, my life did becomd worse. I got bullied by Sohyun and her friends. One time, I went to my locker and when I opened it, piles of trash fell on me. When Im focused during class they would tape a piece of paper on my back that says ’Pinch me’ and obviously I get pinched whenever I walked passed people but I wouldn’t know unless Mina tells me. Yesterday, I found poop inside my bag, and it had a note in it saying that I look just like . During PE, we went swimming and when the session was done, I put on my shoes and realized it had gew in it. They would trip me in the dining hall making my food spill on the floor or on me. They would lock me in the Janitor’s closet too. They would put super glue on my chair and I end up being stuck and many more! Why did I become so weak? Im now their official clown. So...childish.

“Hey Daeun! How come I dont see you with Jinyoung anymore?” Mina asked as we eat out lunch.

I shrugged.

Mina sighed as she removed something from my head. I looked at her as if she’s weird.

“You had a tiny paper ball on your head” She rolled he eyes and threw it on the floor, “Why are you letting them bully you!”

“Because Im weak”

“No you’re not! Aish From now on I will protect you instead of that boring boyfriend of yours.”

“Actually, he’s not my boyfriend...he’s the one behind all this, this bullying, he’s purpose is to make my life miserable” I scrunched the tissue into a ball and dropped it on my plate.

“Ugh that son of a-”

“If you’re planning to beat him up, Mina no please...you’ll make this worse.”

“Fine, for the sake of your safety...but I swear I will beat up the person I see in action” she stretched her arms and clicked her fingers.
Mina left for her class and Im alone to go to my class again and I have a bad feeling somethine is bound to happen again. I looked around me and prepared myself. I walked fast and then someone snatched my bag off me.

“YAH! Give me my bag back!” I screamed and ran after the guy. I followed him as he turns to the right and saw him throw something in the bin. Aish no my bag.
I ran to the bin and searched for my beloved bag that L.Joe gave to me as a birthday present.

“Looking for this?” I heard Youngmin’s voice, I turned around and saw him with my bag on his hands.

“My bag!” I grabbed it from him, “Thanks Youngmin!” I swung my bag on my back and hugged him.

“ohh..y..your..w..welcome” he stuttered, “You need a body guard on your way to class?” he smiled warmly.

“I’d love that” I linked arms with him.

“First Jinyoung then Youngmin...wait till I steal Youngmin from you” Sohyun said from far away.
“Thanks for walking me to class Youngminnie!” I gave him a smile and gave him a friendly hug.

“No problem...hey Daeun?”


“Do you wan-” Before he could finish his sentence, Baro cut him off.

“Hey Daeun! Let’s get to class!” Baro pulled me in not even giving me a chance to talk back to Youngmin.

“Baro! That was kind of rude” I said to him as he sat beside me.

“Sorry, I just miss you, that’s why...we havent talked for a while”

“I agree”

“So, how are you? How’s life?” Baro asked a question where he already knows the answer.

“Do you need to ask that? I know you know, what’s been happening Baro”

I heard him sigh.

“Im sorry me, CNU hyung, and Sandeul hyung havent been trying to protect you” he bowed down.

“No need to say sorry, I dont need anyone to protect me anyway” I sighed, stood up and sat somewhere else.

“What did you do Baro?” I over heard Sandeul.
“Nothing, She’s upset with us”
“I feel like we’ve betrayed her Baro”
“We did.”

I stopped listening to their conversation and focused on the teacher. I feel guilty now making them feel bad. I should have just accepted his sorry he sounded sincere anyway.

While I was writing my notes, I felt someone throw another paper ball on my nape. When is this going to stop? I let that person do it until I get pissed of because that’s where Im bravest. I kinda ripped my page with my pencil as I was writing on my book. *One more and I will tackle you*

That person threw another paper ball and then I heard gasps filled the room. I turned my head to see the guy on the ground with a bleeding nose and an angry Baro and worried Sandeul pulling Baro away from that guy. This is another reason why I dont need protection, they get in trouble because of me.

“Any of you try to make a mean move on Daeun this is what you’re going to get! I dont care if you’re a girl!” Baro practically screamed in the class, releasing himself from Sandeul’s grasp.
When I got out of class I got welcomed by Jinyoung. So now he appears. I gave him an angry glance and walked passed him bumping my shoulder’s on his.

I felt him follow my path but rightnnow I dont care, I am going straight to our dorm and sleep, luckily Me and Minho won’t be coming because everyone has an exam and we aren’t included! Boo yeah!

“So, Daeun, how are you?” The boy behind me spoke.

“Never been better” I answered sarcastically

“You lovin’ it?”

“Yeah, very much” I rolled my eyes.

“I heard Baro got in trouble because of you” he said blaming me straight away, ugh the nerve.

“Newsflash, he chose to punch him. So don’t blame me! I dont need anyone’s help from this school!” I pushed him.

Jinyoung’s face was priceless, we was obviously shocked that I did that. Haha! He didnt expect that coming.

“Did you just push me?” he pointed at himself

“Want me to repeat it again?!” I pushed him twice and I got pinned on the locker! Yay! My favourite place to lean on.

“Watch your actions or I will make your life more miserable than it is now” he hissed.

“Go on! You win anyway! I dont want to pretend to be your girlfriend anymore! This all bullcrap!” I shouted at his face, pushed him off me and walked away like a boss.

“Who do you think you are?” he stopped me.

“I am Shin Da Eun! Who else would I be?!” I shouted, Jinyoung glanced at something behind me and then smirked. He pushed me as hard as he can and I fell in a large bin. I heard the crowd laugh as they witnessed what happened.

“Nice one Jinyoung Oppa!” I heard Sohyun giggled, “Pushing her where she truly belongs!”

Jinyoung peeked in the bin and said “You are still my girlfriend Shin Da Eun” he smirked and closed the lid, leaving me in the dark stinky rubbish bin.

After trying so hard to pull myself together, someone opened the bin and helped me get out...Mina. She wiped the dirt on my face and smiled at me warmly and hugged me even though I was dirty.

“They are so going to get it!” she hissed and looked at the people in the car park with her soul piercing eyes.

“Daeun, are you okay?” Cnu suddenly appeared followed by Sandeul and Baro.

“Does she look okay to you? If You guys didn’t hang with that , she wouldn’t be here!” Mina screamed on their face.

“Calm down! We are here to protect her too” Sandeul defended CNU

“CALM DOWN?! NO, WE DONT NEED YOU GUYS! Shoo! Shoo! Nne of you deserves to be her friend!” she pushed them away.

“Wait...Let Daeun speak!” Baro stopped Mina from pushing them, they all looked at me waiting for my responce.

“Mina is roght guys...sorry but you dont belong here” I looked down.

“See! Now screw off!” Mina shouted again.

“Even though you’re pushing us away, we’re still going to defend you Daeun” Sandeul shouted as they walked away from us.

“Aish...dont trust those guys. Kaja! Let’s get you cleaned up.”
I lied on my bed hugging my teddy bear just chilling since I dont have an exam today. And I have a break from Jinyoung’s evil minion Sohyun. Jinyoung is seriously succeeding with this.

“Noona, are you feeling better?” Minho asked and lied beside me.

“Dont call me Noona”

“But I want to”

“Just go away Minho.” I pushed him.

“Are you upset with all what’s happening to you?”

“Yes! Yes I am! Is it not too obvious? You could have at least protected me instead of watch me go down!”

“Well sorry then! But I have friends you know!”

“So friends are more important than family? You’re so selfish Minho. You dont deserve to even call me Noona!” I grabbed my coat and stormed off to the school garden to get some piece and quiet.

“Stupid Jinyoung, Stupid Minho! STUPID SCHOOL! STUPID GONGCHAN!” I screamed to the air. I am so angry! I want to kick and punch everything I see or what come in my way!

“Dont hurt yourself” the ghost boy appeared beside me.

“where have you been?” I asked him

“I found my body and Im in a coma” he frowned, “what’s wrong with you?”

“Long story...”

“You always say that Daeun” his chuckled, “I cant wait to get back in my body, so I can come here and be with you”


“I know you know that Im L.Joe” he stuck his tongue out.

“Ahh, yes.”

“I miss you, you know!” he beamed, “Cheer up! My heart aches seeing you cry..., someone’s coming” he disapeared.

“What did I tell you about crying?” Jinyoung sat beside me.

“Go away!”

“Nope” he shook his head.

“Fine then I’ll leave”

I left him sitting in the bench, I heard L.joe whisper in my ear telling me to cheer up even though I cant see him. Seriously, L.Joe is making me cry more. Go away tears! Go away!

My hands trailed on the pink roses, it was soft and it smelt nice. I wanted one but the gardener might get angry at me, so I left it where it belongs. I sighed as I walk around the garden for the fiftieth time. Ignoring Jinyoung who was still sitting on the bench watching me tire myself for walking around the garden repeatedly. Will I ever find that one guy who will stop me from crying? Protect me from people who brings me down?

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket so I pulled it out to read it.

Jinyoung: You tired yet?
Daeun: Do me a favor and delete my phone number and    leave me alone.
Jinyoung: No can do. You’re mine remember?
Daeun: No Im not yours. Piss off!

I shoved my phone in my pocket and ignored Jinyoung’s reply. I saw that Jinyoung was still sitting over at the bench so I turned back and walked to the path where I was just to avoid him. He was so mean yesterday now he’s kinda nice all of a sudden. I dont know what to believe anymore.

Suddenly dark clouds filled the sky and thunder cracked. No one said there was going to be a storm today. But I dont care, I am not going back to our dorm because I dont want to see Minho right now. A drop of water fell on the ground then two and it added up every second. I was soaking wet now, not caring if I get a cold, It’s just a cold after all, it’s not like a simple cold will kill me. I saw Jinyoung running towards me with his jacket over his head.

“Come on! It’s raining”

“You go, I dont want to see anybody’s face right now”

“Are you crazy? You will catch a fever!”

“No are you crazy? Last time I checked you wanted me to have a miserable life so why should you care if I catch a fever!”

“I..i- fine suite yourself” he hissed and stormed away inside.


“No are you crazy? Last time I checked you wanted me to have a miserable life so why should you care if I catch a fever!” she snapped at me.

“I...i- Fine! Suite yourself!” I hissed at her and headed back inside. Stubborn girl. She better not blame me when she catches a fever. I closed the sliding door that lead to the garden and watched her non-stop walking around the garden.

“Stupid girl” I whispered to myself.

My plan is a success, I wonder if I should stop now. Ahh! I know, stop this bullying and make her fall for me again and break her heart, that will make her life more miserable. Aish I am so mean, I love this. Next week no more bullying. Mission to break her heart...check.
The last bell of the day rang and my exams were done. 3 down two to go. I walked ut of the classroom my beloved fangirls chasing me around. I bumped onto Minho who looked pale.

“Jinyoung! Jinyoung!” he called me while panicking.


“Have you seen my sister?” he asked.

Awh . What do I say? Shall I tell him? Naah.

“No sorry, why?”

“Because, she went somewhere this morning and its been 5 hours and she still hasn’t come back.”

“What?!” my eyes widened, where did that stupid girl go now?

“Im worried about here...what do I do?” he kept on panicking.

“Hey Minho, what’s wrong?” Gongchan and the rest of my friends butted in.

“Daeun is missing” Minho said not wanting to repeat again.

“Well that’s too bad...I guess I’ll see you boys later?” I smiled but got held back by CNU

“You aren’t going anywhere until we find your girlfriend” He said.

“Actually Im out too” Gongchan said but was stopped by Baro.

“You’re part of this, Gongchan, now will you quit the act of not caring about her? I can see in your eyes you’re worried as hell, now why dont you, stop your act with Sohyun and help us” Baro held the collar of Gongchan’s uniform.

“and don’t forget to dump her...Daeun was really depressed, hope you’re happy” Minho said as a matter of factly.

“Alright, we will split up, Gongchan you check the dining hall, Sandeul you check the classrooms, Minho you check your dorm just in case she is back, Sandeul and me will do a run around the field, and Jinyoung...check the garden.” CNU instructed and we went to our places.

Aren’t I the lucky one to get the garden? It was raining heavily outside and I couldn’t see a sign of Daeun out there. I took my umbrella from my bag and walked outside.

“DAEUN! WHERE ARE YOU!” I shouted. Then I saw foot prints on the mud so I followed it. I texted CNU since I want some help.

Jinyoung: Hyung, I got signs of Daeun but I can’t see her anywhere
CNU: We’re coming we abouts in the garden are you at?
Jinyoung: near the creek behind the gazebo.

I looked around the creek and saw more footsteps from Daeun, why would she go near the creek? It was getting kind of slippy so I walked slow and saw another footprint. It looked like Daeun slipped so I went nearer to go take a look.

“Jinyoung! Where are you?” I heard the guys call for me.


I heard them rush to where I was and saw what I saw. Nothing.

“Where is she?” Minho asked.

“Look! The ground is moving” Sandeul pointed on the tiny hill of mud, then suddenly a person rose up.

“ARRHGGGGH?!?!? ZOMBIE??!ZOMBIE” Sandeul and Baro screamed.

“Aish! It’s Daeun...geez, CNU, hold on to me” CNU followed what I told him and pulled Daeun from the muddy mess.

“Daeun! What the hell? Are you trying to give us a heart attack?” Minho hugged his twin even though she was dirty.

“What happened?” Gongchan asked.

“Sorry Minho, for making you worry” She hugged back completely ignoring Gongchan's question.

“What happened Daeun?” Minho wiped the mud off Daeun’s face.

“I was walking around the garden when I suddenly, heard something in the bushes, behind the gazebo. I ignored it at first but when it didn’t stop after half an hour, I went and investigate what was making that noise. So I walked behind the Gazebo, it was getting muddy and slippy so I walked slowed and carefully. So when I was at the edge, I looked at the creek and I leaned forward too far and I slipped and made a tiny landslide burying myself, got unconcious for I dont know how long and this” she explained.

“Wow...are you okay?” Gongchan asked

“Yeah” she plainly answered.

“Dont you dare run off like that again! You here that? You’re lucky I found you here! Stop making us so worried abut you!” I snapped at Daeun.

“You’re worried about me?” A smile appeared on Daeun’s lips

“W...well of course! You’re my girlfriend” I glared at her. I saw Gongchan’s eye twitch with what I said.

I took my phone out and texted Daeun.

Jinyoung: You are enjoying this aren’t you?

“Omo! My phone is still alive!” Daeun jumped For joy and typed away on her phone.

Daeun: kekeke...You were worried :3

preview: "Im sorry, I hate myself for that"
       “no...it’s fine. Forget about everything”

       “I might’ve said I don’t hit girls in the past
         But I clearly did not Say I dont hit es
         like you.”

       “Why are you so affected?”
       “Because what?”
       “ Forget it!”

       “I had fun wiht you today...you weren’t so bad
         Than I thought”
       “ Sure...dont get use to it”


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UPDATE UPDATE!♥ NYAAAAAAA MinRin♥ I wonder if DaYoung will become a reality. CANT WAIT♥
To be continued in the exciting moment!!!
Update soon!!
Kyyyyyyyyyah Minho's romance~ SO sweet. I really liked it. "don't want to kiss random girls" *snap*
What's up with Jin? Did he really changed? I'm so confused~ Don't know if I'd rather like DaEun with JinYoung or GongChan... T_T (or YoungMin? Or L.Joe? haha)
ur name is juz like my friends name...hahax....
Long update. :D
At first, I was pissed at Gongchan. I wanted to strangle him. D:< Needs to dump Sohyun.
Thank you soooo much for this loooong update (and even a preview!! haha)
Please DaEun make up with GongChan now. (of course he should dump this y SoHyun first =_=)
Poor Daeun.. I'll cry hard of I be her..
maybe move school?
Kkk~ update soon!! ~^O^~
finanlly an update and it sure was a long one, anyway what the hell is wrong with jinjin?? And ps. Update soon~
new reader here ! Love your story, thanks for update ! :) gongchan <3
Chynna #10
Pls pls pls update soon!