
Infinite's Blood Related Love ♡


L.Joe and you bow once more and quickly walk to your next class. 

"Who are they, L.Joe?"

"The president of Student Council, Lee Howon. And the vice president, Jang Dongwoo."


The day of your school has finished. You wave goodbye to L.Joe and go to the gate to wait for Hyori and her driver to come and pick you up. You hum your favorite song as you are waiting for them. After waiting for a long time, Hyori and her driver come. You quickly go inside the care and the car starts moving to Hyori's house. 

"Mmm.. Hyori-ah, later I have to go back to my flat. I want to check if it's in a good condition or not. Okay?"

"Hmm.. Okay. When will you go back to my house and accompany me?"

"Maybe next week. Behave yourself when I'm not around. Promise me, Hyori-ah."

"I will."

The car stops in front of your flat. You say goodbye to Hyori and walk into your flat. You really love your room, it's so comfortable and it is just perfect for you. You throw your bag on your bed side and you drop your tired body on the bed. 

You starts to recall what happen in your first day of school. But your thought is always end up to L.Joe. There's something about L.Joe which is different from the other people. You can see it by his eyes. His movements are just the same with Woohyun oppa. Your tears start to drop as you remember Woohyun oppa.


You: 5 years old

Woohyun: 7 years old

"Joo Youngie!! I bring ice creams!! Want to eat it with me?"

"Oppa!! I want to eat stalbewwy ice cleam!!! (i want to eat strawberry ice cream)"

"Ne!! Here! I bought this ice cream for you."


Woohyun and you are sitting on a bench and eating ice cream. Woohyun loves you so much. He never leaves you when you need him.

You: 9 years old

Woohyun: 11 years old

"Oppa! Help me with this homework! It's so hard!!!! My brain is going t explode!!"

"Mwo? You are asking me a math problem?"

"Yes I am. Now help me oppa."

"Waeyo? I'm in math, sister."

"It's okay. I'll let you make those stupid beautiful lines for me later. So help me oppa."


Later on. . .

"...Roses are red... And sugar is sweet.. But not as sweet as you..."

You chuckle a bit and laugh as you heard those words from Woohyun oppa. 

"Oppa, you got a talent of being greasy!!"

"Yaaahh!! So mean!!"


Your tears fall as you remember those sweet words from your oppa. Not long from that day, the horrible accident happen and take away your oppa's life. You sob and cover your face with a pillow. The pain caused by the accident hasn't gone yet from your heart. 

As your tears stop falling, you stand up and look at the street from the window. Your eyes openned wider as you see someone in a hoodie walking on the pedestrian zone. 





Finally I'm able to update it~!!!!

I was SO BUSY with my projects and I wasn't feeling so well a couple of days ago~~

I'll try to update it again tomorrow~ So wait for it, arasso?


I really appreciate your supports~

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"Infinite's Blood Related Love": guys I will wait for the final poll result until tomorrow ~ Make sure you vote, okay? ^^ Your answer decides the story ~ xD


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nerdyviv #1
Chapter 43: dawwwwww the ending is so cuteee :DD
I like it!!!Good job!
Chapter 44: Kyaa~
This is really cute~!!!
Gewd Job!
pancake_lover #4
Chapter 43: Just done reading it today ~
So sweetttt! ~ <3 Glad that it is a happy ending! Aww... L.Joe is sooo kiinnddd ;A; /sobs/

Anyway, this is one great ff I read.. Thanks 4 making dis fic author nim! ~ ^^
Chapter 43: Hahaha cute plot and story
Chapter 43: Hahaha cute plot and story
Chapter 43: nice story. though i got sad cause ljoe didnt end up w joo young. LOL! :D
i enjoyed reading it. thank you ^^
whaa~ She chose Myungsoo *u* love it!
Though ... the thingy kinda feels weird for me (maybe because I'm not used to this thing OTL )
But overall ... love the story ^_^