Infinite's Blood Related Love ♡


“Okay. I think it’s the time for me to tell all of you the true story.”


[*20 years ago*]

A couple and their son are smiling so widely, welcoming a newborn member in their family. A baby that looks like an angel is sleeping soundly beside the mother.

“Woohyunnie, look at your dongsaeng.. Isn’t she cute?”

The boy nods his head vigorously with a wide smile spread on his face.


Small Woohyun utters the word to his parents, curiosity of his sister name forces him to utter the word correctly. He smiles proudly as he is able to say it properly.

“Joo Young. Lee Joo Young.”

“Y-y-young…? Yo-you—youngie?”

Mr. Lee nods and smiles at his dearest son.

“Youngie!! Youngie!!”

“Ssshh.. Woohyunnie, Youngie is sleeping. Be quite, arasso?”

“Oops.. Youngie sleeps.. Mian appa..”

Woohyun smiles; his 2 teeth are showed.

After a week, they are discharged. As they reach home, they plan for a welcome party for the newcomer. They invite their close friends and some neighbours.

“Cheers for Lee Joo Young!!”

The crowd cheer and soon they enjoy the prepared meals. In the corner of the room two buddies are chatting happily.

“Ya, Nam.. Will you be the godfather of Joo Young?”

“Again? I’m becoming the godfather of both your children.”

“What? You don’t want?”


“Ya!! Are you really my best buddy?!”

“I’m kidding.. Of course I will. Since when I can reject your request anyway?”

The men laugh wholeheartedly, welcoming the upcoming years.


[*17 years ago*]

Little Joo Young is playing with Woohyun in the living room when their parents are heading outside. 5-year-old Woohyun runs to his dad.

“Appa, where are you going? Can Youngie and I join?”

“Ani, Hyunnie. Appa will go for appa’s job. You stay home and protect Youngie, ne?”

“Protect? Will there be aliens that attack, appa?”


“Then I should get going to prepare my guns for counter attack!!!”

Mr.Lee smiles and ruffles Woohyun’s hair.

“Hyunnie-ah, umma and appa will go now. We’ll be back soon.”

“Ne, umma!!”

Woohyun holds Joo Young’s hand and waves at his parents.

“Now, Youngie.. What should we do?”

“Oppa! Watch! Play!!”

Joo Young jumps in excitement.

“Okay. Let’s play!!”

After playing for 2 hours straight, the two of them fall asleep on the couch. Their parents come back and see them snoring cutely; their hands intertwined. Mr. Lee carries Woohyun to the bedroom and Mrs. Lee carries Joo Young that snuggles closer to her umma.


[*14 years ago*]

Joo Young can’t ask for anything else. Her life is just perfect. No other words can describe her current life. She has parents who love her so much and her oppa, Woohyun.

Woohyun is just simply her everything. There was a time when a quote appears in her school. ‘Try to mess up with Lee Joo Young, you’re gonna be beaten up by her oppa.’

Woohyun loves Joo Young so much. Joo Young’s happiness is his everything. No one, not even a fly will be to hurt Joo Young as long as he’s with her.

Woohyun and Joo Young are always together. This continues until Hyori comes to their life. Both feel comfortable with each other’s company. Soon Hyori and Joo Young become best friends. This way, Woohyun doesn’t have to be there all the time. The only problem is Hyori goes to a different school. They can only meet if it’s not school time.

Both parents know about their friendship and they get closer to each other too.


[*9 years ago*]

They are going to a camping trip. Woohyun and Joo Young are just so excited. Hyori’s family follows right behind their car. They are planning to spend their holiday together in a vill that was owned by Hyori’s dad.

That day was supposedly become the happiest day fro Joo Young and Woohyun. But reality didn’t allow them to live in happiness all the time.

As their car moves toward a u-turn road, a truck with high speed is coming from the other side of the road. Mr. Lee stir he steering wheel to the left quickly and unfortunately, the car hits the roadside.

Soon the rescuing team comes and they try to help the family. The rescue team just can’t take too much risk since the car is hanging, threatening to fall from the cliff.

Mr. Lee can’t see his family died. He tells the rescue team to help Joo Young first. It needs a lot of struggle since one wrong move can cause the car to fall. Slowly and carefully, the rescue team pulls Joo Young’s body out of the car.

And this is where everything turns wrong. Mr. Nam, as Woohyun’s godfather can’t see Woohyun in the edge of death. He sneakily tries to get Woohyun out of the car without the others knowing it. Mrs. Nam just supports her husband by holding the rope that is used by her husband.

As soon as Joo Young is released, the car falls from the cliff with Woohyun’s parent in it. At the same time, Mr. Nam successfully get out of the car and reach the edge of the cliff. The rescuing team thinks that they haven’t help any other passengers, thus they bring Joo Young to the nearest hospital, followed by Hyori’s family.

Woohyun is spacing out, calling his sister desperately while Mrs. Nam is trying to calm Mr. Nam down. None of them notice another disaster to come. Woohyun walks to the middle of the road, still calling for Joo Young. A car from the other direction moves in full speed to him. Woohyun doesn’t have the time to dodge and his body is hit by the car and thrown for almost 4 meters away. Mr. Nam and Mrs. Nam that just notice it scream hysterically and hurry to help Woohyun. They bring Woohyun to the hospital.

However, the hospital where Joo Young is treated at is different from Woohyun’s hospital. Mr. Nam is not so close to Hyori’s dad, he can;t have any further contact. Due to the hit from the car, Woohyun loses his memory. Since then Mr. Nam takes care of Woohyun as his foster father.

On the other hand, Joo Young is taken care by Hyori’s family. She still has that trauma of seeing her parent and brother in such dangerous situation. She is having a mental breakdown when she hears the news that there’s no more survivor from the accident. Starting from that day onwards, Joo Young lives with Hyori with a false reality of losing her parent and brother.



Your tears fall as Mr. Nam tells you the whole story.

“Godfather? My godfather?”

Mr. Nam nods and smiles at you; caressing your hair.

“Where’s my brother? I want to meet him!”

“Joo Young-ah, you should rest first. You just transfused a huge amount of blood.”

“I don’t care! I want to meet him.. Jebal..”

Sunggyu and the others sigh heavily and they finally bring you to Woohyun’s room.

Your tears stubbornly flow like river as you see Woohyun; your-suppose to be brother and the man that you’ve been dating for these past 2 years.

You caress his face and trail his features.

A word escapes from your trembling lips.




Hello ~!!!

Finally the truth is revealed!! *party*

OMG..... I spent 2 days writing this chapter... LoL

Pretty long, right? xD

So.. I hope this chapter is satisfying ~ ^^

Leave comments guys ~ 

I'm waiting for them ~ 


Okay then.. I'll take my leave..

See you soon!!! <3

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"Infinite's Blood Related Love": guys I will wait for the final poll result until tomorrow ~ Make sure you vote, okay? ^^ Your answer decides the story ~ xD


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nerdyviv #1
Chapter 43: dawwwwww the ending is so cuteee :DD
I like it!!!Good job!
Chapter 44: Kyaa~
This is really cute~!!!
Gewd Job!
pancake_lover #4
Chapter 43: Just done reading it today ~
So sweetttt! ~ <3 Glad that it is a happy ending! Aww... L.Joe is sooo kiinnddd ;A; /sobs/

Anyway, this is one great ff I read.. Thanks 4 making dis fic author nim! ~ ^^
Chapter 43: Hahaha cute plot and story
Chapter 43: Hahaha cute plot and story
Chapter 43: nice story. though i got sad cause ljoe didnt end up w joo young. LOL! :D
i enjoyed reading it. thank you ^^
whaa~ She chose Myungsoo *u* love it!
Though ... the thingy kinda feels weird for me (maybe because I'm not used to this thing OTL )
But overall ... love the story ^_^