Another Problem Rises

Infinite's Blood Related Love ♡


*Sunggyu’s Pov*

Time passed so fast. It has been 2 days since Woohyun told me that he likes Lee Joo Young. My heart still aches when I recalled his words. But I just can’t let this feeling of mine makes him guilty for telling me his feelings. I feel like hating Lee Joo Young, but I have no reason for that. She deserves love anyway; she has the beauty, the brain, the tenderness and all.

I play with the ring that I’ve been saving this whole time. A ring with the word “WooGyu 4-ever” written on it which I planned to give it to Woohyun. I clench the ring in my fist. Maybe it’s not the time yet. I sigh and roam around to look for Woohyun and I see him sitting on a bench, after packing his stuffs.

Yeah, today is the last day of the camp. Everybody’s busy packing their stuffs. I’ve never took so long to pack my things, unlike Dongwoo, Hoya, Woohyun, Sungyeol and of course Sungjong. A smile formed on my face when I see Hoya and Dongwoo are struggling to bring their music player; as expected from the dancers of INFINITE.

Then I approach Woohyun slowly, he has his earphone with him and he looks like an angel when he’s enjoying his music like that. Yes, my angel. I sit beside him and he looks at me with a curve of smile on his lips.

“You done packing?”

“Yep! And I think I don’t have to ask you if you’re done packing cause you look like you’ve done it long time ago.”

“Hahaha. I never took that long to pack, you know. Maybe because I don’t have so many BB creams and so on.”

“Yah!! Gyu!! Stop teasing me! What will you do if I become ugly when I don’t put on my creams?!”

I stop his words by closing the gaps between our lips. I pull back and smile at him.

“You never look ugly to me. With or without your creams, you are still Nam Woohyun. The man that I fall in love with.”

I chuckle at my own words. Where does this greasiness come from? Maybe Namgrease virus has accumulated in me.

“Gyu, since when are you becoming greasy?”

“Few days ago.”

“Who taught you?”

“You taught me, babe.”

He smiles at my stupid words and for a while we stare at each other’s eyes. Then my stupid teacher screams out to get our things into the bus; disturbing my sweet moment with Woohyun.

“Let’s go, hyung.”

I nod my head and make my way to the bus. I take Woohyun’s free hand with mine and we walk hand-in-hand to the bus. As we walk, I can see Woohyun’s face lighten every time he sees Joo Young. If he knows how much he hurt me, will he still do that? I shut my eyes tightly just to think positively.

My adopted brother, Jonghyun seems to be in a bad mood too. He rarely smiles and he looks….gloomy. I wonder what happened.

While L.Joe and Joo Young look happy together as they intertwine their hands. Well… they’re ‘siblings’ at last. Hoya and Dongwoo are still talking about how they can bring their stereo to the bus without occupying too much space with struggle. Myungsoo, Sungyeol and Sungjong are nowhere to be found. But it’s obvious that their luggages are in the bus already.

The bus starts moving and this time, it’s free to choose our own seatmate. L.Joe is sitting with Joo Young. Myungsoo and Sungyeol of course. Sungjong is with Hyori. Hoya and Dongwoo are sitting together, sharing their music. Jonghyun is sitting with Chunji even though I know he doesn’t want to. His eyes wander somewhere as if his soul isn’t with him. And Woohyun is definitely my seatmate.

After a long torturing time for our butts, we are close to our school. I look at Woohyun’s sleeping figure, so lovable. I caressed his sweet face and he opens his eyes.

“Omo~ Mianhaeyo.. I didn’t mean to wake you. Go back to sleep. I will wake you when we arrive.”

“Ani.. Don’t worry. I get enough sleep anyway.”

I stare at his face again. I can’t enough staring at him.

“Why, Gyu? Is there something on my face?”

“Nope. I just can’t get enough looking at you.”

“There, my baby Gyu gets all cheesy again.”

“Why? You don’t like it?”

“I should be the one who is cheesy.”

He pouts so cutely. I peck his lips but the taste of his lips makes the kiss last longer. The kiss gets hotter and more passionate as time passed. He starts kissing me back. I bite his bottom lips and he moans a bit, my tongue meets his. We fight for dominance but as always, I win over him. Tasting his sweet lips is my addict.

But this time, I feel that this might be our last kiss. I deepened the kiss and his hands urge me to never stop. I don’t want to lose him. It’s just too painful to think that I will be separated with him. I want us to last forever. Woohyun and I.

I pull back from our kiss, and see him panting hard. I smile and remove a strand of hair on his face before giving him a sweet light peck on his lips.

For the rest of the journey, I keep my hand and Woohyun’s intertwined. I really have a bad feeling and I hope it’s nothing. I just want to spend my time with Woohyun. Nothing more.

The bus stops moving and everyone starts picking their stuffs and make their way home. Woohyun and I stand in front of the school gate before we go to our perspective house. He kisses my cheeks before he goes home. I wave him goodbye and start walking to my house.

My appa and umma welcome me at home and we are having our dinner together. The only suspicious thing in this house of mine right now is..Jonghyun’s sudden kindness to my dad. There must be something happening before I reach home.

After dinner, dad, Jonghyun and I are sitting comfortably on the couches in the living room while talking about random things. It’s so strange that Jonghyun talks to us. Umma is somehow doing some of her business and she can’t join our conversation.

After a while, Jonghyun excuses himself to the kitchen and comes back with three cups of tea for us. Appa smiles at his kindness while I’m thinking what is really happening right now.

Dad’s cup is the biggest on the table. But he has somehow problem with tea. So we exchange our cups. Jonghyun takes his leave again to the toilet.

I’m so tired and I really want to have a peaceful sleep right now. I take the tea and gulp as many as I can so it will be emptied soon. I just drink ¾ of the cups and Jonghyun runs to me and slaps the cup away.


And everything happens so fast. My eyes are blurry and I stumble on my feet before collapsing to the floor, hitting my head to my glass table.

“Bring him to hospital!!!!”

And in a split of second I am taken to the nearest hospital.

The last thing that I see is white room with so many people in white crowding around me. And I drifted to my long sleep.

*End of Sunggyu’s Pov*





What will happen to Sunggyu?????

What exactly happened there??

The answers will be revealed in the next updates ~~ *sing*


Annyeong my lovely readers~!! ^^
I am back~~ *dance*

So.... After my long tiring exams finally I'm able to update it~~ <3

Sorry for the short update though~ 

I hope you guys like it~!! ><

Thank you for those who subscribed and upvote my story ~ *cry*

I hope more people will read and love this fic of mine~~ ^^

Do comment and subscribe guys~~ I love you~~~ ^^ <3


From now on, texts in Violet will be my notes and my talks ~ 

And the texts in Purple will be talking about the update that just aired ~ ^^


So... I'll take my leave ~ 

I love you~!! 


There ~ Gyu leader for you ~ ^^



Love from Gyu ~~~ xD



Sweet, precious Woogyu moment ~ ^^ <3



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"Infinite's Blood Related Love": guys I will wait for the final poll result until tomorrow ~ Make sure you vote, okay? ^^ Your answer decides the story ~ xD


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nerdyviv #1
Chapter 43: dawwwwww the ending is so cuteee :DD
I like it!!!Good job!
Chapter 44: Kyaa~
This is really cute~!!!
Gewd Job!
pancake_lover #4
Chapter 43: Just done reading it today ~
So sweetttt! ~ <3 Glad that it is a happy ending! Aww... L.Joe is sooo kiinnddd ;A; /sobs/

Anyway, this is one great ff I read.. Thanks 4 making dis fic author nim! ~ ^^
Chapter 43: Hahaha cute plot and story
Chapter 43: Hahaha cute plot and story
Chapter 43: nice story. though i got sad cause ljoe didnt end up w joo young. LOL! :D
i enjoyed reading it. thank you ^^
whaa~ She chose Myungsoo *u* love it!
Though ... the thingy kinda feels weird for me (maybe because I'm not used to this thing OTL )
But overall ... love the story ^_^