
Infinite's Blood Related Love ♡


L.Joe stands frozen at your statement. Your eyes sparkle in happiness while you come closer to L.Joe. 

"O-o-oppa? Your oppa?"

"Yup! My oppa!! My oppa who has been with me for the past 16 years. Byunghyun oppa that I love so much!!"

L.Joe stands dumbfounded but he can't tell you the truth if that will make your beautiful smile disappears from your face. The only thing that he can do is smile back at you so he forces a smile to make you relieved. The beautiful smile of yours still painted on your face as you hold L.Joe's hand and drag him along. 

In the middle of your way home, someone blocks your way. The person has that deadly glare and that cool charisma. He's handsome. 

"Hi, Myungsoo. What are you doing here? Can you let us pass?"

L.Joe asks him politely. 

"Hey you, Lee Joo Young!! Do you have any idea who am I now?!"

"Oppa, who is he? How come he knows my name?"

"Wait.. What?? Oppa??! L.Joe?! Hello!! Jo Young-ah!! Are you awake??! Joo Young-ah, your oppa-...."

Before Myungsoo can continue his words, L.Joe cuts his sentence sharply.

"Joo Youngie, I'll talk with this guy first. Can you go home first? It's close to Hyori's house already. I'll catch up later."

"Ne, oppa."

L.Joe instantly drags Myungsoo away before Myungsoo can speak again.

"Dude! What the hell is wrong with you?!!"

"Keep your voice down, Myungsoo. I don't want her to hear us arguing."

"Okay... Okay.. But can you tell me why she calls you 'oppa' and why she doesn't know me? What did you do to her, huh?'

"Calm down, Myungsoo. I don't know either why she thinks that I'm her oppa. I thought last night when she asked who are you, she was just joking. But I think she's not joking Myungsoo."

"W-wh-what?!! That's impossible!!"

Myungsoo pulls his hair out of frustation. 


Myungsoo and L.Joe are not far from school building, in other words they are still in the school area. So as Myungsoo shout out the words, some students who go home late can hear him. 

Hoya and Dongwoo who are the officers of the school also go home late. That time they just done with their tasks and heading to their house. As they walk to the school gate, they can hear someone shouts.

"Dongwoo-yah did you hear that?"

"You mean the shout? Yeah I heard it."

"Let's check it out."

"Aaarghhh! I wanna go home and there's a problem here??!! Uuurrgghh!!!"

Hoya just rolls his eyes and walk toward the place where the shout was coming from. Dongwoo who just done mumbling out his frustation decides to follow Hoya. 

"Hahahaha.. You come too, Dongwoo-yah? I thought you are tired and wanna go home to meet your mommy."

"Cut it off Lee Howon!"

Dongwoo glares at Hoya while Hoya just laughs playfully at Dongwoo.

Within a minute later Hoya and Dongwoo reach the palce where Myungsoo and L.Joe are talking. They both stop walking for a while and look at each other, wondering what is the guys up to. Dongwoo nods his head, signaling Hoya to move along so they walk again until their presence is recognised by L.Joe and Myungsoo.

"What are you guys up to?"

Dongwoo asks bluntly. 

Instead of answering Dongwoo's question, Myungsoo mumbles lines of curse. Hoya raises one of his eyebrow and give a look at L.Joe who gulps nervously.

"L.Joe, mind telling me what happened earlier? I can guessed though that it was Myungsoo who shouted."

"Umm.. Actually Hoya hyung.. It was no-.."

"If you're going to say 'nothing' I'll make sure you get detention tomorrow, L.Joe, so you better tell me the truth."

That line of Hoya makes L.Joe confused, so he just rub the back of his neck. There's no other way to lie to Hoya and Dongwoo at that time. 

"It's about Joo Young-ah."

"My feeling says that it will be a long story, let's find a cafe! We can have some sips of coffee while listening to this."

The suggestion of Dongwoo is accepted nicely by the others. So the 4 boys walk to a cafe.

After ordering their drinks, they sit and start the talk about you. 

"Last night when she woke up, she seemed fine. Then sooner Myungsoo came over to check, when she looks at Myungsoo, she didn't recognise him. I thought that she was joking. So I let it be. Then another problem raised up just now. When I walk her home, she told me that I'm her oppa. I have no idea why she called me that. I'm so confused. And I think she wasn't joking when she said she doesn't know who is Myungsoo."

Myungsoo takes a sip of the coffee as L.Joe done telling the problem. But there's something that L.Joe didn't tell the boys, he didn't tell the boys the part where he wants to confess his feeling to you. 

Dongwoo, being the oldest there,close his eyes to think for the solution for the problem. 

"Why don't we bring her to the hospital to do a check-up?"

Hoya who was silent all this time suggested something. The others look up at him and nod in agreement. 

They decided to bring you to hospital that day. After finishing their coffees, they head back to their houses to clean up and prepare themself to accompany you to the hospital. 


L.Joe rings the bell in Hyori's house nervously. This time, Hyori is the one who opens the gate for him. 

"Hi, L.Joe! Joo Young is already asking for thousand times about you. Go ahead. She's waiting in the living room."

L.Joe smiles and walks to the living room. As soon as you realise that L.Joe is the one coming, you jump off the sofa and run to him to hug him.

"Yaa!! You said you'll catch up! Why take so long!!"

You pout after releasing the hug. 

"Mianhae, Youngie. Umm.. I would like you to go to doctor. You just recovered yesterday, it's better to do a check-up."

It's pretty easy to bring you the hospital. 

"Okay, oppa. Wait here for a while. I'll go change my clothe and we'll go!!"

You sprint up to your room. Within 10 minutes, you are done. You wear a simple long-sleeved shirt with a long jeans. You tie your hair in a ponytail. When you go down, you see Hoya, Dongwoo and a stranger who are sitting with L.Joe.

"Yo!! Oppa!! Let's go!! I'm ready!!"

You run to the sofa cheerfully, grab L.Joe's hands and pull him. Hyori can't join tho the hospital since she has to look after the house, so you go with the boys.

The hospital is not that far from Hyori's house. You arrive there in around 20 minutes. Luckily the patients are not so many that day, so sooner your name is called by the nurse to do the check up. 

After 15 minutes checking, the doctor asks one of the boys to follow him and talk about your condition. Dongwoo is left to accompany you while Hoya, L.Joe, and Myungso follow the doctor.

"What happen exactly to Joo Young-ah, doc?"

"Why can't she recognise me?"

Myungsoo's voice has raised a tone higher. Hoya who realise it, quickly pat Myungsoo's back to calm him down. 

"Okay, so let me say it to you guys. Her condition is just fine. She recovers in a good way. But there's this thing that might not be so good to hear for you, guys."

"Tell it to us quickly, doc."

'"orry to say it, she has temporary amnesia. There's some memories that she can't remember at this moment. And some of her memories are messing up. So if she forgets about someone, or having mistake in identifying someone, you guys have to understand. But you are not allowed to force her memories to come back, help her little by little to collect her pieces of memories. If she's forced to remember, she'll be depressed again."

Hoya, L.Joe and Myungsoo stare at the doctor. Still can't believe that you have an amnesia. The news is a great shock for Myungsoo, as he's the one whom you forgot. Soon Myungsoo's mouth hangs open as he realises the current situation that Lee Joo Young doesn't know Kim Myungsoo!





So I set up a goal of having 40 subscribers, and I got 42 subscribers~

Thank you guys~!! As I've promised, another chapter airs for you guys!!!

And I love this way where I get a lot of comments from you guys~ Love ya~!!

Since I'll start school tomorrow, I'll set a higher goal~ Kekekeke~

55 subscribers for the next chapter to air~


Help me out here, guys~!!!! ^^

Oh.. If the subscribers reach 65, I'll make a double-update~!!! xDD




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"Infinite's Blood Related Love": guys I will wait for the final poll result until tomorrow ~ Make sure you vote, okay? ^^ Your answer decides the story ~ xD


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nerdyviv #1
Chapter 43: dawwwwww the ending is so cuteee :DD
I like it!!!Good job!
Chapter 44: Kyaa~
This is really cute~!!!
Gewd Job!
pancake_lover #4
Chapter 43: Just done reading it today ~
So sweetttt! ~ <3 Glad that it is a happy ending! Aww... L.Joe is sooo kiinnddd ;A; /sobs/

Anyway, this is one great ff I read.. Thanks 4 making dis fic author nim! ~ ^^
Chapter 43: Hahaha cute plot and story
Chapter 43: Hahaha cute plot and story
Chapter 43: nice story. though i got sad cause ljoe didnt end up w joo young. LOL! :D
i enjoyed reading it. thank you ^^
whaa~ She chose Myungsoo *u* love it!
Though ... the thingy kinda feels weird for me (maybe because I'm not used to this thing OTL )
But overall ... love the story ^_^