Together.. Again?!!!

Infinite's Blood Related Love ♡


"Chunji! Stop clinging around me and stop following me around. It's so embarassing!"

"Waeyo? I wanna be with you, hyung."

Then your eyes widen in shock as Chunji hugs L.Joe. 

Are they...-??!!


Still staring at them, shocked, your shoulders are tapped by someone. And you see a tall guy with a very big smile on his face. 

"Annyeong, Joo Young-ah!! What are you staring at?"


"I was looking for you. You didn't show up in the class, I thought you were lost."

"Ani. I woke up late this morning. So why are you looking for me?"

"Yea, I almost forget. Have you decided the curricular activity that you are going to join to?"

"Erm.. Not yet. I haven't even get the form. I don't know what to join."

"Here, I was given this form and asked to give it to you."

".... Dance? Sing? What if singing while dancing?"

"There is one activity like that. You want? The interests to join that activity is the least from all."

"Alright! I'll take that!"

You sign your name on the form and walk to the staff room to give the form to your teacher. But your teacher was not in the room. So instead of giving te form to your teacher, you give the form to a young teacher there.

"So, you join the new club?"

You nod and smile.

"I'll be the teacher there. We'll start the activity within this week. I'll let one of my students tell you. See you during the activity."

You bow politely and leave the room. As you step outside the room, you are hugged by someone.

"Lee Joo Young!!!! Why were you late? I was so worried about you!! I thought you collapsed or you drank drugs!!!"

"Easy, Hyori-ah. I just woke up late."

So you walk side-by-side with Hyori to the cafe. In the middle of the corridor you met Myungsoo, so you smile and greet him. But what does he do? Walk pass through without even glancing at you. What an annoying brat guy!! You stomp your foot and drag Hyori to the cafe. 

When you are going to eat, L.Joe comes and sit beside you. He's pouting like a kid while eating his food.

"Waeyo? You look gloomy."

"Just be able to escape from a crazy guy."

"Aa~ Who was that cute guy following you before? Your dongsaeng?"

"Ani! He's the crazy guy I meant. So ANNOYING!"

L.Joe emphasize his last word. You stop asking him about the guy because you feel that L.Joe is definitely annoyed. As you finish your meal, you wave goodbye to Hyori and go to your next class with L.Joe.

"L.Joe, what club activity you are in?"

"Dance and sing. The new club here."

"Jinja??! I join that club too!!!"

"Means that we are going to meet again during club activity!!"


Someone knocks the door and when a cute guy comes in. The teacher glances a bit at him.

"Jaejoong, why are you here? Club activity again?"

The cute guy nods his head. 

"Who join the new club? Raise your hand."

You raise your hand together with L.Joe and....... Myungsoo!!! Your eyes popped out as if hey are going to be off from the eyelid. 

"The club activity will be starting on Thursday this week. Please tell the other club members."

After saying the things that he has to say, Jaejoong bows to the teacher and gets out of the room.

"So, I'll be together with this weird girl even during my club activity, huh?'"

Myungsoo shows his annoying smile as he looks at you. 


"Folllowing me, huh?"

"No way! Now shut up."




End of chapter~

Finally I update it!!!! xD

Sorry for the late update~ 

Jut wait patiently for the updates, arasso?

This late problem is caused by my slow brain access lately, so forgive me~ ^^

Please read, comment and subscribe~!! >.<

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"Infinite's Blood Related Love": guys I will wait for the final poll result until tomorrow ~ Make sure you vote, okay? ^^ Your answer decides the story ~ xD


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nerdyviv #1
Chapter 43: dawwwwww the ending is so cuteee :DD
I like it!!!Good job!
Chapter 44: Kyaa~
This is really cute~!!!
Gewd Job!
pancake_lover #4
Chapter 43: Just done reading it today ~
So sweetttt! ~ <3 Glad that it is a happy ending! Aww... L.Joe is sooo kiinnddd ;A; /sobs/

Anyway, this is one great ff I read.. Thanks 4 making dis fic author nim! ~ ^^
Chapter 43: Hahaha cute plot and story
Chapter 43: Hahaha cute plot and story
Chapter 43: nice story. though i got sad cause ljoe didnt end up w joo young. LOL! :D
i enjoyed reading it. thank you ^^
whaa~ She chose Myungsoo *u* love it!
Though ... the thingy kinda feels weird for me (maybe because I'm not used to this thing OTL )
But overall ... love the story ^_^