Labyrinth: Chapter 4

"Mayday mayday, this is Commander JoKwon of Communications and Internal Security unit, urgently requesting medical backup on return helicopter. Mayday mayday." 

Jokwon's desperation was apparent. Despite his diva like attitude, he didn't have the ability to- what do you call it?- chill.

"Shut up, Kwon," Wooyoung breathed. "I'm fine."

"No, he's right. You're bleeding out," Taec said.

"Okay guys, we're almost there. I can see the copter," Sunggyu said from the driver's seat. "Looks like they heard you, Commander. There's a medic copter too."

Jokwon sighed in relief. He started to tighten the seatbelt that they had torn to tie a crude sort of tourniquet. "If I lose my arm, I'll kill you Kwon," Wooyoung grumbled as he got out of the car and limped towards the medics.

He stopped short in surprise as the medics completely ignored him and instead went to Junho who was carrying Haera, his face crusted with blood from the man he stabbed. Junsu watched, transfixed, as the medics tried to get her out of Junho's arms. He frowned at Junho's reluctance to hand the girl over and was it his imagination or did Junho just go a shade paler? 

Whatever it was, his old friend was acting unlike himself.

There was a reason they called him the Emperor. Charisma radiated off him, even at the tender age of 7, when he first broke his collar bone. The medics were scared to touch the strangely collected boy.

But what he saw today scared him to his core. His friends, his trainee's near death encounter... And the girl.

The girl scared him the most. Something raw had stirred inside him when she moaned, unconscious in the van. And the girl.. Why was she here? What was so special about her that the Captain dared to break such a rule?

The only girl that was allowed in campus was Ham Yiseul, Junho's bestfriend, daughter of Head Medic Ham. Once you got married, Hidden would give you a project or a place in their overseas counterparts. But not HQ. HQ was for the best of the best. The never ending amount of threats meant that everyone had to be diligent and wary. No loved ones that could be a target. Which is why they only took boys from unfortunate situations and killed their family. Not that Junho wanted to be reminded of that. 

He trudged slowly to his barrack to change, ignoring the stares from the others that his bloody face drew. He grabbed a random boy by the collar and said coldly, "Tell Infinite if I don't see them in the field by 4am later they're dead. And that includes Sunggyu." The boy nodded frantically and ran off.

this, Junho thought. Let's get this over and done with.

Junho pushed open the doors to the hospice where Wooyoung was being treated. Pain was registered all over his face but he was still joking around with Yiseul.
"Junho oppa!" the petite girl squealed and went to hug him. He awkwardly hugged her back and the apples of her cheeks pinked. Junsu snickered. Apparently Yiseul's crush on Junho wasn't so easily ignored.

"Yiseul-ah, can you leave us alone for a while? We need to talk."

Concern flickered on her face before she nodded, "Ok. I'm going to bed now, my shift is over. See you tomorrow Wooyoung oppa! And no fighting!"

They all waved weakly back at her before she left.  "Oh boy," Changmin rolled his eyes. "C'mon Junho, let's have it."

"Why didn't you tell me?" 

"Orders, my brother," Nichkhun said softly. "We didn't like it much either." "Have you been training without me?" 

"Not at all, only Jokwon knew we were going to save the girl early. We all knew yesterday," Seulong chided gently.

"Did you think, after all those years, we would just forget you, Junho?" Taec said softly and pulled Junho into a hug. 

He wrenched away, fury etched in every line of his features. "These past two years have been hell without you guys, I had to train Infinite without help. Every single day I look into their fiery eyes and be reminded of us, of how we worked so hard together. And everyday I kept on promising myself, if I ever turn Infinite into OneDay, I would kill myself!"

His face was suddenly salty with tears. He wiped them away angrily, refusing to show his hurt and loneliness.

"I missed us," Wooyoung said in a small voice on his hospital bed. "But things can never be the same."

"Oh come on, can you all just stop and think about how ridiculous you all look right now?" Jinwoon sneered from the hospital bed in which he had laid across, boots and all. "We had to do it or we would have died in there. If there was anyone to blame, it should be you, Em-pe-ror."

"What did you say?" Junsu stiffened. "Jinwoon, it's not his fault," Jokwon mumbled.

"Yes it was! You can put the blame on me for strangling Wooyoung but not for this! I didn't kill him! I loved him, just like you all did. And Wooyoung, I'm sorry but I did it to save him. He was too important to die in there," The maknae snarled.

"Stop it!" The Giant cried. "Just stop it, hyungs. If He sees us like this, he'll be so upset. PM and AM, we're family. He's gone so there's nothing we can do but do what we do best together. We'll do it. We'll finish what he set out to do!"

"What do you think the Captain will do now?" Junho sighed. He knew the Captain best, having lived here longer than the others. "I don't entirely forgive you Jinwoon but what Chansung said is true. Even if I'm alone, I'll finish it for him."

"Fair words, my brother. But PM is family and no one in the family gets left behind," Nichkhun drawled in his Thai accent.

"So it's OneDay mayhem again huh?" Junsu trilled in happiness. 

"Once we figure out how we're gonna do this," Taec said.

"The girl is a part of it," Jokwon said. "Theres no way we were chosen to get her by coincidence. And the Captain almost killed us tonight."

"Too bad we don't go down so easily," Jinwoon smirked. "So what's up with the victim?"

Kwon shot him a look of disgust. "You have absolutely no tact at all. I'm not sure why she's here and I'm sorry, Junho, I could get shot for telling you this but...

She's going to join Infinite. And-"

"We're going to have another Selection." Junho finished his sentence for him.
"Oi Gyu Hyung, hurry up!" a lean boy with tiny slits for eyes called out. Granted, he did have bigger eyes than Sunggyu though.

Sunggyu strolled across the track, relieved that the Commander still hadn't showed up. His muscles were still pretty sore from the mission and he walked slower than the rest.

Kim Sunggyu, Jang Dongwoo,  Nam Woohyun, Lee Howon, Kim Myungsoo and Lee Sungjong. Seven boys. Seven stories to tell, each more horrific than the other. They made up Infinite, the new 2PM. 

All of them fell in a row on the track and stood still till Junho came and spoke softly, "We have a problem."
Unknown to most, Jinwoon actually couldn't sleep most nights from the nightmares. Instead, he spent them running and doing drills in the field, preparing for the dream ahead.

But tonight, even running couldn't save him. He stuffed his fist into his mouth, biting it to keep himself from screaming. Blood trickled down his wrist. 

He could almost feel himself being in the Selections again. Not sleeping for about a week, exhaustion overcoming even extreme thirst. 

He stomach clenched at the thought of Wooyoung's jugular in his hands, his pulse racing, his flesh deep under his fingernails. Till today, two years later, he couldnt look at Wooyoung without feeling the primal instinct he once felt. 

He was sure the rest of One Day felt it too. When he ran at night, he could feel Changmin's eyes following him. See the flickering lights forming the help signal from Wooyoung's room. His eyes kept following Nickhun and Taecyeon who always had each other's back. Afraid for one another. The bruised shadows under Jokwon's eyes. The sullen mutterings that sprouted from Seulong. Jundyu, who slept on the rooftop, through rain or shine, shouting about Daegu when he woke up. 

And then there was Junho. Saw his eyes scrunch in pain when Woohyun and Sunggyu hugged each other. When Yadong and Sungjong raced playfully. Felt how protective he was of Infinite; just like how he was with BlockB.

Jung Jinwoon was commander of BlockB. And just like Infinite was 2PM, they were 2AM. Affectionately called Blinfinite, they were all close, although not as close as OneDay had been. But it killed both Junho and Jinwoon to know how easily they could end up like OneDay.

Which was why Jinwoon was torturing himself for having to tell BlockB they were going to have to survive or be killed by Infinite.
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theSpiritwithin-me #1
ZOMG ZOMG ZOMG T.T I sign in the AFF at almost 5 in the morning and I am greeted by your awesomeness. I am supposed to be sleeping T.T OHMYGOSHHHHHH.
So many feels right now... So Junho isn't dead, and I'm betting MBLAQ saved them? And Dongwoo T.T please don't die ohmyfiretruck. Please let him live and let him rejoin Hoya :'( Okay I have to admit I've never hardcore shipped Yadong before but I MAY JUST CHANGE MY MIND. The way you wrote about their past together. Its so simple and beautiful it makes me want to cry T.T
"Yet all he could think about was the boy who had kissed him in the forest in front of their friends."
/cries an ocean/
The Captain scares the ____ out of me :x
Thank you so much for this story. Thankyouthankyou thank you!!! I shall wait patiently for the sequel~~
hellopanda23 #2
let us now when the sequel is out...possibly MBLAQ SAVED Junho..omg... i was like...dying..wait what if its a tests... asdkfjdsalkfdsfsdf i am now more stressed about the sequel.. i hope you write one soon
thewolvesarecoming #3
@hellopanda23 hahah don't stress!!
hellopanda23 #4

ahhhh hoyaaaaaaaaa
thewolvesarecoming #5
@hellopanda23 yadongㅠㅠ
@theSpiritwithin-me thanks a lot dear! Means the world to me:)
theSpiritwithin-me #6
Ohmygosh ohmygosh OHMYGOSH this is a great story!!! It's so hard finding good fics nowadays, but you, my dear friend, write awesomely!! Thank you for such a suspenseful, action packed fic! ^^
hellopanda23 #7
LOL.. ha ha ha.... only your story could make me approve of yadong sad...they are all leaving and what not. ...

I guess...some people aren't commenting because they want to see what will happen next...when the big change is because the last few chapters have just been revelations and there isn't much to say to them
thewolvesarecoming #8
Haha no not weird! I love yadong c ouple!
hellopanda23 #9
This whole gay thing, ha ha ha I Guess I would freak out but considering they are around guys and only have one another, and everyone wants to be loved you will turn to what you have. And honestl speaking I like infinites bromance ha ha ha I know I am weirD