Labyrinth: Chapter 14

He struggled against the ice-cold chains that clung tightly to his skin. Such irony, he thought as his consciousness wavered. It's cold but it's burning cold.

Struggling to stay awake underneath the blindfold, the teenager twisted his fingers and meditated as much as he could, imagining breathing through his eyes instead of his nostrils. Just like his commander had thought him.

Just opposite him, he could feel the labored breaths of the other boy. The boy kept whimpering and then grunting as he tried to bear the pain of the chains sticking to his skin.

He heard footsteps. The clicking of heels on the stone floor. The smell of leather and expensive cologne. And the distinct smell of gunpowder. His blood ran cold.

His blindfold was ripped off him, just like the other boy's, Park Kyung. Kyung looked horrible, in just a few hours after their capture, his face was bloodied and his body decorated with bruises and cuts. Kyung's pained glance told him he probably looked the same.

"Kyung," Myungsoo gasped and winced when he took a breath.

They were surrounded by men they did not recognize, dressed in smart black suits and glasses. Myungsoo and Kyung knew them to be smart bounty hunters or assassins. After all, they were too.

One burly man clutched the end of Kyung's chain with a gloved hand and  another did the same to L. Almost simultaneously, they quickly unwrapped the chains. 

Both boys screamed in agony as their skin stuck to the frozen metal tore apart. L tried to control the pain. That's what the Commander had taught him, breathe through it and the pain would subside. Think about what you have to live for and pray. Feel the pain evaporate away.

Yeah? Well he was finding that pretty hard at the moment. He had been shot and stabbed before but never tortured like this.

He felt Kyung's knees press into his and he tried to reassure them both. The men surrounded them said nothing as they chained them again. 

"L," Kyung whispered. L looked at him and for the first time felt fear. He would be fine with him dying but it would kill him to watch his own friend die. But Kyung wasn't looking at him, he was looking behind him. At once, he smelt it, piping hot metal. He could almost feel the heat too.

The men around them said nothing and some of them even looked bored, like this was a mundane task. The one behind him held his shoulder in place before the scorching metal touched him.

He screamed and thrashed around,his skin ripped as it stuck to the frozen chains but the pain was worse on his shoulder. He was being branded alive. And then he heard Kyung screams amidst his own and he willed himself not to look at his friend as black spots danced in front of him and then nothing.

L woke up to the sounds of battle. His neck hurt from his drooping head and his skin burned at multiple places. An arrow whizzed past between him and the still unconscious Kyung, missing his nose by mere inches. 

"Sorry. Not used to shooting arrows indoors," Junsu chuckled as he bent down to meet L in the eye. "Don't touch the chains," L whispered on the brink of fainting again. "It's frozen."

Junsu nodded and patted his head softly, "Hold on, ok." And then he went back to battle.

Suddenly, he felt a rough hand jerk him up by the hair, he moaned as the motion chafed his skin stuck to the frozen chains. A blade snuck around his throat. "Everyone stop before I slit his throat!" The man attempted to threaten but Taecyeon shot him squarely in the head, blood spraying onto Myungsoo.

Soon after, the nine men gathered around the two boys. "How are we gonna get them out?" L heard Seulong whisper to Changmin. 

It was as if a block of ice had slid down his stomach. "Don't," L pleaded. "Don't do it." His eyes met his Commander's who stared pityingly back. He crouched down to L's level. "I'm sorry, L. It's the only way, try to bear it ok?" The Emperor consoled him.

"No no no," L whimpered and then he felt his skin rip apart and he sunk back into an oblivion of pain.

 Taec watched as Junho and Jinwoon carried the two unconscious boys away into the car to get them to the hospital. Seulong paced around, "This is bad, this is very bad."

Khun shot him a glare as he finished tying up the sole gang survivor to the chair. "Alright, Junsu hyung.Wake him up," Jokwon said

Junsu grinned mischievously and placed his fingers strategically around the man's pressure points before plunging his fingers into the flesh. In an instant, the man woke up and screamed in agony.

Changmin scoffed, "He just asked you to wake him up, Junsu. You didn't have to do that."

Taec ignored them all and gave the man a blow to the face. "Tell us who you are," Taec snarled. 

The man's head lolled to the side as he scoffed lightly, "Even if I tell you, you wouldn't understand a thing. You, who have lived at Hidden for years, you'll still know nothing, Ok Taecyeon."

A stunned silence rang through the room. "How do you know his name?" Jokwon asked calmly.

"Oh I know all your names, Jokwon. Lee Changmin, Im Seulong, Kim Junsu, Nichkhun. And of course those two, Jung Jinwoon and the famous Lee Junho," the man chuckled. "And where is dear Wooyoung? I didnt see him at all. Has he not recovered from the attack at the girl's house?"

"How did you know that?" Nichkhun snarled protectively.

"What did you mean by 'The Famous Lee Junho'?" Junsu asked.

The man smiled sinisterly, "My dear boys, you know absolutely nothing do you? Did you even know Jay Park's full intention when he tried to get you all out? Of course, we had to stop you, it would have destroyed everything we've worked for. You were going to be ours, OneDay. But your captain was careless and Jay Park was too.

Since you're one short and injured after those days in the forests, we had to settle for the younger crop. And you've just interrupted our first two tests too. All we needed is the girl to start the tests. But I must say, Park Kyung and Myungsoo did pretty well, or should I call him L?"

"That's it," Changmin swore and cocked his gun, aiming it straight at the man's head. "Start explaining or ill pull the trigger."

Hi guys another set of exams start tomorrow so I won't be able to write for about a month or so! That's why i decided to update today! The next chapter should be fairly interesting, all will be explained^_^
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theSpiritwithin-me #1
ZOMG ZOMG ZOMG T.T I sign in the AFF at almost 5 in the morning and I am greeted by your awesomeness. I am supposed to be sleeping T.T OHMYGOSHHHHHH.
So many feels right now... So Junho isn't dead, and I'm betting MBLAQ saved them? And Dongwoo T.T please don't die ohmyfiretruck. Please let him live and let him rejoin Hoya :'( Okay I have to admit I've never hardcore shipped Yadong before but I MAY JUST CHANGE MY MIND. The way you wrote about their past together. Its so simple and beautiful it makes me want to cry T.T
"Yet all he could think about was the boy who had kissed him in the forest in front of their friends."
/cries an ocean/
The Captain scares the ____ out of me :x
Thank you so much for this story. Thankyouthankyou thank you!!! I shall wait patiently for the sequel~~
hellopanda23 #2
let us now when the sequel is out...possibly MBLAQ SAVED Junho..omg... i was like...dying..wait what if its a tests... asdkfjdsalkfdsfsdf i am now more stressed about the sequel.. i hope you write one soon
thewolvesarecoming #3
@hellopanda23 hahah don't stress!!
hellopanda23 #4

ahhhh hoyaaaaaaaaa
thewolvesarecoming #5
@hellopanda23 yadongㅠㅠ
@theSpiritwithin-me thanks a lot dear! Means the world to me:)
theSpiritwithin-me #6
Ohmygosh ohmygosh OHMYGOSH this is a great story!!! It's so hard finding good fics nowadays, but you, my dear friend, write awesomely!! Thank you for such a suspenseful, action packed fic! ^^
hellopanda23 #7
LOL.. ha ha ha.... only your story could make me approve of yadong sad...they are all leaving and what not. ...

I guess...some people aren't commenting because they want to see what will happen next...when the big change is because the last few chapters have just been revelations and there isn't much to say to them
thewolvesarecoming #8
Haha no not weird! I love yadong c ouple!
hellopanda23 #9
This whole gay thing, ha ha ha I Guess I would freak out but considering they are around guys and only have one another, and everyone wants to be loved you will turn to what you have. And honestl speaking I like infinites bromance ha ha ha I know I am weirD