Labyrinth: Chapter 10

Hoya paced up and down, his anxiety apparent. Jinwoon grinned, "The SWAT boy's nervous huh?" Junho shot him a scathing look but it only made Jinwoon smirk.

"Relax, you're probably the safest out of all of us on that roof," Junho said lightly.

Hoya frowned and said, "I know that. It's not me I'm worried about."
All of them were evenly spread out near the port, Haera again, as bait, Hoya as the Hawk. Strangely enough, she wasn't nervous. Having to die now, she thought, would probably be less painful than in the Selections.

"The ship's docked. Okay Haera, your call," B-bomb said from his mouthpiece. Jinwoon gave her his signature eye-smile and squeezed her hand before she went out to greet the Dragons.

"Hey boys," she smiled.

The Dragons' faces all turned to that of glee. But their American leader, a grungy bulky guy called Sam walked up to her and gave her a disgusting sloppy kiss, with tongue and all. His hand ran through her hair and jerked it back,  breaking the kiss.

"Well well, look who's back? Did they send you here?" he sneered. Her heart jumped, they knew. She tried to twist away but he turned her around and locked his arm around her, pushing a gun to her head.

Immediately shots rang out in the night and some of the Dragons dropped dead to the asphalt. Haera immediately kneed Sam in the place that didn't shine till he screamed in pain and kicked him in the face, sending him sprawling. U-Kwon rushed over and finished him off. Haera winced as the blood sprayed. 

They both ran off in the direction of the ship, Hoya covering them both, shooting the Dragons who approached them. Jinwoon sprinted after them. 

The trio ran up the plank to the ship. It was dark in the ship, only dim yellow lights guided them. 

Junho, Hoya and B-bomb joined them, B-bomb nursing a sprained shoulder. Jinwoon and Junho scouted ahead and made their way to the Captain's room while the rest made way to the hull, knowing from their preparations that that was where the prisoners were kept.

Suddenly, a mass of people came at the four from all sides. Shots rang out as they shot at them. Hoya yelled and kicked one in the stomach, causing them to topple into each other. One grabbed B-bomb's arm and twisted it even further making him scream in agony.

Haera smashed the of her gun into the man's head and Minhyuk pushed her forward. "Go, we're right behind you so go!" he said urgently. Haera nodded and took off. 

The lights in the ship were darker than ever as she made her way lower and lower. Junho and Jinwoon should be on the way to the hull to meet them by now. She could still here shots and tells from above and the sound of footsteps coming toward her made her run faster, friend or foe unknown.

She stumbled slightly as she rounded a corner and nearly screamed as she crashed into Junho and Jinwoon. "Where are the others?" Junho asked, panic laced into his voice. "Jokwon and the rest are coming by copter but they won't be here until later than we expected. We need to get this ship moving before the mainland Dragons come up board."

"We're almost there, Commander," Hoya replied him through the ear-piece. "Both U-Kwon and B-bomb are hurt, slowed us down a little."

Jinwoon grabbed Haera and signaled for her to go. The trio ran along a corridor. Suddenly a door slammed into Jinwoon's face and he toppled back onto Haera who managed to stabilize them both. The man screamed as Junho got him in a headlock and snapped his neck with a sickening twist. He dropped to the floor, dead.

Hoya and  the injured rest rushed up to them, UKwon sporting a bloody nose and Minhyuk cradling his arm. "Fractured my forearm again," he muttered in pain when Jinwoon shot him a look of concern.

"Locked the ship behind us, Commander. But I can't guarantee they won't find some other way in," Hoya reported.

"No choice then," Jinwoon smirked. "We have to do it before the rest gets here. You ready, Hyung?"

Junho glared at him, "The rest of you carry on. We'll take out the rest of the crew and steer off. The rest of you get the crew near the hull and unlock the prisoners."

"Just the two of you, Commader?" Hoya asked, fear immediately apparent.

"You've got the back hand here, Hoya. Don't be worried for us. Let's go, Hyung."

The man slammed her hard, making her see stars. On the floor, B-bomb was on the floor and clutching his arm. She had to defend both of them but she weighed next to nothing when it came to men. She grunted as she twisted his arm back, making the man yell. She put all her force into her foot and crushed his knee. As he screamed, her arm circled his neck and she winced when blood gurgled in his throat as his bones splintered at her twist.

Around her sounded shouts from the enemy and grunts of efforts from her fellow comrades. They were one of the last crew they knew they had to take down. Blood pouring down the wound from her head, she took down another man as Ukwon and Hoya shot theirs off.

She supported B-bomb up as Hoya and Ukwon shot the door to the hull and kicked the door open.

The smell of urine, faeces and vomit made her eyes water even more. She stopped short at the sight. Women, men and children were dressed in rags, their grime covered faces pale even in the dark. Some were bleeding, others near dying. Babies opened their mouths but for soundless cries. Lack of milk and food had made them weak.

"What the is this?" Ukwon choked in horror. Hoya had snapped out of his trance and began moving to use his jacket to cover up the babies. 

"Hey," he smiled softly at a young girl of about ten. She looked up weakly and shrank back in fear. "It's okay, I'm here to help."

The girl shook her head and pointed her head towards Minhyuk. Still not comprehending, he turned back. 

"! Haera, look out!" he yelled. 
But even then he was too late.
Hi guys! Sorry I haven't updated but please keep the comments coming:( I feel really sad when I see no one commenting! 

I hope to write more and reply comments soon! Sorry for being so busy:(
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theSpiritwithin-me #1
ZOMG ZOMG ZOMG T.T I sign in the AFF at almost 5 in the morning and I am greeted by your awesomeness. I am supposed to be sleeping T.T OHMYGOSHHHHHH.
So many feels right now... So Junho isn't dead, and I'm betting MBLAQ saved them? And Dongwoo T.T please don't die ohmyfiretruck. Please let him live and let him rejoin Hoya :'( Okay I have to admit I've never hardcore shipped Yadong before but I MAY JUST CHANGE MY MIND. The way you wrote about their past together. Its so simple and beautiful it makes me want to cry T.T
"Yet all he could think about was the boy who had kissed him in the forest in front of their friends."
/cries an ocean/
The Captain scares the ____ out of me :x
Thank you so much for this story. Thankyouthankyou thank you!!! I shall wait patiently for the sequel~~
hellopanda23 #2
let us now when the sequel is out...possibly MBLAQ SAVED Junho..omg... i was like...dying..wait what if its a tests... asdkfjdsalkfdsfsdf i am now more stressed about the sequel.. i hope you write one soon
thewolvesarecoming #3
@hellopanda23 hahah don't stress!!
hellopanda23 #4

ahhhh hoyaaaaaaaaa
thewolvesarecoming #5
@hellopanda23 yadongㅠㅠ
@theSpiritwithin-me thanks a lot dear! Means the world to me:)
theSpiritwithin-me #6
Ohmygosh ohmygosh OHMYGOSH this is a great story!!! It's so hard finding good fics nowadays, but you, my dear friend, write awesomely!! Thank you for such a suspenseful, action packed fic! ^^
hellopanda23 #7
LOL.. ha ha ha.... only your story could make me approve of yadong sad...they are all leaving and what not. ...

I guess...some people aren't commenting because they want to see what will happen next...when the big change is because the last few chapters have just been revelations and there isn't much to say to them
thewolvesarecoming #8
Haha no not weird! I love yadong c ouple!
hellopanda23 #9
This whole gay thing, ha ha ha I Guess I would freak out but considering they are around guys and only have one another, and everyone wants to be loved you will turn to what you have. And honestl speaking I like infinites bromance ha ha ha I know I am weirD