Chapter Nine, The End of the Middle and the Beginning of the End

Snow White


The black fog dissipated as the pressure lifted from my lips. I slowly took in a deep breath, and inched my eyes open slowly. The first thing I saw was an openly weeping Sunggyu. I tried to move, to comfort him, but I my limbs were too heavy. Tear slid down my cheeks as I watched the man I loved in anguish. I closed my eyes and continued silently crying, my throat unable to work. Why is are you crying? My heart called out to him. If only I could lift my arms and hold him.

Suddenly, I heard a sharp intake of breath. I heard Maeri scream. Maeri, what's wrong? What is happening?

“Do you see that?” Maeri jumped up from her spot in the circle. I felt her fingers swipe across my warm wet cheek. “She's crying! She has to be alive! She's crying!” I heard someone walk forword and carry her off.

Gently Dongwoo said “Maeri, those are Prince Sunggyu's tears. Snow's dead. Please stop fighting.” He sounded so dejected and upset, I could hear the tears that had clogged his throat. I tried to call out, to let them know I was alive, but I still couldn't move. I tried to scream, to open my eyes again, anything, but all failed.

I began to cry harder, tears flooding down my face. I wanted to rip my hair out, I was so frustrated. I tried moving my hand, just once, and I managed to twitch. The twitch, mixed with the sudden increase of tears drew Sunggyu's attention. As he slowly stopped crying, he stayed transfixed, watching my fingers.

Ignoring all of Woohyun's attempts to console Sunggyu, he wiped his tears away and slowly reached out to touch my wrist. After a minute of not talking, he silenced everyone else.

“She has a pulse.” Those four simple words lifted an immense weight off my chest.

“What?” Dongwoo exclaimed. “I checked myself, she was dead. Gone forever.” After a brief moment Dongwoo remembered who he was talking to and added, “ Your Highness.”

Sunggyu ignored the notorious thief, and instead placed a hand under my nose, checking for breath. Feeling me exhale, he leaning down and gently placed his lips against mine.

Fireworks exploded behind my eyes, and my heart soared. I couldn't believe it. I was kissing Sunggyu. I guess I reacted in someway, because he deepened the kiss. Slowly tracing my lower lip, he slipped his tongue into my mouth. I groaned and kissed him back, relishing the feel of his lips on mine, of his tongue playing with mine. As I started to move my tongue in sync with his I felt someone pull him off of me.

Both Dongwoo and Woohyun had a shoulder each, and with worried expressions pulled the prince away. I opened my eyes, and after blinking a few times, I tried to raise my hand to stop them. How could they take away the man who just saved me from the dark abyss I had been headed towards?

My hand raised an inch at best, but it was high enough to catch Maeri's attention. She let out a blood curdling scream, and ran to my side. As she lifted up my head, I smiled, relieved to see my best friend. Lifting my hand to my throat I motioned for a drink. As one for Maeri's brothers ran to the tavern, Dongwoo Woohyun and Sunggyu were beyond words. Sunggyu was the first to respond.

“Are you okay? Who did this to you? I'll never let you leave my sight!” As he went to pull me into a hug, Maeri stopped him.

“Let her be for a second. She just came back from the dead, I think questions can wait for a second.” A glass of water was shoved into her hands, and she gingerly poured a small amount into my open mouth.

Clearing away the sandpaper feelings in my throat, I coughed, and slowly began to sit up. After successfully staying sat up on my own, I coughed again.

“I think the Queen is looking for me.” 

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K-POPluva2292 #1
wow y sunggyu~