Chapter Ten *insert witty saying here*

Snow White


 Sitting at her vanity, the Queen played with the hair comb left by the witch. She picked up her most prized possession, the gold mirror, and after a few moments of admiring her great beauty, she chanted “ Mirror Mirror in my hands, Now I'm the fairest in all the lands.” She smiled broadly, emitting an evil cackle.

The mirror responded, “ Queen, as fair as you might be, Snow is still much fairer than thee.” The Queen stopped laughing, the smile gone from her face. Looking back at the note the witch left, the Queen stood up and stormed towards the door, the comb in her hand. As she stomped down the halls of the palace, she called for a carriage, and for someone to post a reward for the witch.

“Dead, alive, I don't care, I want her heart in a box!” She slammed the door to the carriage, and after hitting the front to notify the driver, set off to find her darling step-daughter.


“I think the Queen is looking for me.” I repeated. Sunggyu and Woohyun's jaws dropped, as Dongwoo walked around, furiously nagging and reprimanding everyone and everything.

“How do you know? Do you remember anything?” Maeri's concern was evidently displayed across her face. She grabbed my hand as I began to speak.

“The girl who gave me the comb, she.. her eyes- one was blue, a beautiful deep blue, whereas the other was green. After I fell, I saw nothing. Then those eyes appeared. I am not sure how, but I just know this was the Queen's doing, and that she will be mad when she finds out I'm still alive.”

Dongwoo stopped pacing, and looked up. “ Fu-”

“Don't finish that sentence if that is how you are going to begin it.” Maeri warned. Her eyes piercing daggers into her eldest brother.

“If the Queen is looking for Snow, shouldn't we go some place not so open?” Woohyun suggested. Everyone agreed, except Sunggyu. He still had done nothing but stare at me. He finally responded once Dongwoo lifted me onto a horse.

“No no no no no. She is riding with me.” Sunggyu pulled me doiwn from the horse, and with me still in his arms strode over to his horse. After gently placing me on the saddle, he hopped up behind me, placing his hands around my waist to grab the reins.

“Off to the house we go!” Maeri exclaimed as she and Sungyeol rode off. Sunggyu snuggled into my back as we rode infront of Dongwoo.

The youngest brother looked at the love sick Dongwoo and after gently pushing his elder's arm joked, “Hey, Dong, your jealousy is showing!” He scurried off to join his brothers in the front, as Dongwoo raised his fist to hit him.

“I'm not that jealous...” Dongwoo muttered as he caught up to the rest.

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K-POPluva2292 #1
wow y sunggyu~