Chapter One, The Beginning of the Rest of My Life

Snow White


I was done. I was done with my work, but most of all I was done with my life. I don't complain, just keep my eyes on the ground and obey. That's all she wanted me to do. As long as know one remembered poor little Snow, no one would remember that she shouldn't be ruling. I've been walking since I left the palace, having sneaked out just before dawn. I can't really call this walking though. She made me kneel on rice as I scrubbed the floor with lye. My finger tips still burnt and my knees hurt all the time. I sat down on a large rock, and lifting my skirt I made sure my wounds didn't open again. I closed my eyes, enjoying the freedom. I left my skirt folded on my lap, the breeze feeling good on my legs. I opened my eyes hearing a faint rustling.

After looking around and not finding anything, I decided it would be best if I continued moving. I don't know what the Queen would do once she found me gone, and I didn't know under who rule this wood is under. After standing up I turned around and bent down to grab my satchel, but it was gone. I spun around, almost hitting a broad chest. Craning my neck I found myself staring into a smiling face, his almond shaped eyes almost invisible. Clearing my throat I said, “ Excuse me kind sir, but I m-must be on my way. C-can I have my bag please?” I lowered my gaze, feeling uncomfortable for holding his intense gaze for as long as I had. I was frightened. I had nothing to defend myself except a small dagger, which was in the bag he held in his hands.

“I will give you your bag, if you tell me your name.” His smile widened as my head shot up in shock. My old self, the me before the Queen broke my spirits, popped my hip to the side.

“And what would you do with my name, sir?” I made sure he cold see the differences between us. My dress was tattered and frayed, and the only thing keeping me warm was the rag shawl Cook had made me for Christmas last year. The stranger wore new leather boots, which shone in the rising sunlight, his large cape lined in fur. He had a longsword at his waist and most likely a dagger in his boot. I knew his type- the aristocrat who has never lifted a finger and never will.

“How am I expected to marry you if I don't know your name? I highly doubt the priest would allow me to call you the lady from the wood, now would he?” H. is smile widened. He no doubt was praising himself for being so witty.

I rolled my eyes. “Your pretty words won't flatter me sir. Now I demand you return my bag to me at once.” After he just stood there laughing, I reached forward to grab the bag from him. Just as I lifted my arm from my side, he raised the bag in the air. No matter how high I jumped, I was unable to reach.

“Its no fair! Give me my bag!” I humphed, a tear escaping my eye. Why is he picking on me? I need to get as far from the palace as possible. I could feel my freedom slowly slipping from my grasp the longer this man held my bag.

“No, don't cry!” He dropped his arm and ever so slowly wiping the tears from my cheeks. “Here! Here!” He lifted my arm and slung the bag around my slender shoulders. After a couple of hiccups I calmed down, and I wiped my face.

“I'm sorry, I just couldn't control it anymore...” The corners of his mouth turned down into a slight frown.

“Does this have anything to do with your legs?” He sheepishly looked up into my eyes.  

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K-POPluva2292 #1
wow y sunggyu~