Chapter Six, in Which We Will Go to The Fair

Snow White



I gently stretched awake, the sunlight peeping through the window at the end of the room I shared with Maeri. I jumped out of bed and quickly got ready for the day. I had been staying with the thieves for almost a week, and today they were bringing us to the kingdom's fair. I told them my story the first night and they assured me that the Queen would not find me. Maeri had left out a beautiful azure blue gown for me to use, my old brown rag having torn as I chopped wood for the fire yesterday.

Walking into the kitchen, all eyes were on me. The eldest brother laughed and asked “How can a princess cut as much wood as I did yesterday, yet look so becoming today?” Blushing I lightly punched his shoulder. Almost every other brother took their turns joking and harmlessly flirting with me,until Maeri announced that we could break our fasts.

Once the fasts were broken we all hurried to the horses, Maeri climbing on with her second eldest brother, and I with the eldest. Dongwoo reached for my hand to help me up, but I gracefully jumped up onto the gelding's back. Surprised, he just laughed, his bright smile lighting up his entire face. Climbing up behind me he grabbed the reins and we headed towards the village.

It was about an hour's ride to the village, and as we approached I became more and more excited. The main road was decorated with ribbons and flowers, and as we got closer to the heart of the town and the heart of the fair, vendors lined the path. The brother tied their horses up to a post in front of the tavern, and after helping Maeri and I down, left to go drink and make merry. As we walked in the opposite direction, Maeri and I could hear Dongwoo's bawdy laughter.

Walking the lane, Maeri and I peered at what each booth had to sell. As we shopped and laughed, differentiating between good quality and the useless baubles designed to break, we caught the attention of a group of village boys. The group approached us as we surveyed hair ribbons. Maeri flirted, and caught the admiration of the tallest boy. I couldn't even look at the group, for each time my heart would seize and Sunggyu's face would appear before my eyes.

“Snow. Snow!” I looked up to see the group of boys and Maeri staring at me. “Did you hear anything I said?” I gazed at her apologetically.

“Sorry Maeri, my mind had wandered again. What is it you said?”

The corners of pulled down into a frown. “Were you thinking of your stranger in the woods again, Snow?” I nodded and bashfully stared at my feet. “Sungyeol offered to buy me lunch. Will you be okay on your own? I'll just be at the tavern with everyone else.”

Looking at my friend, I nodded. “I'm a big girl Mae, I can look after myself.” The group departed, all except one.

I had gone back to the ribbons, when I heard one man clear his throat. I turned and saw one of Sungyeol's friends, I think it was Woohyun, standing behind me scratching his head.

“Yes?” I asked, waiting for him to say something.

“You're name is Snow, right?” I nodded. “What was Maeri talking about, the stranger in the woods?” I sighed, my heart turning at the thought of him.

“Well before I met Maeri, as I was running away from my home, I came across a man in the woods.” I sighed again, my hands naturally coming to my heart. “He was a handsome man, tall, with sandy brown hair, and eyes so slanted when he laughed his eyes disappeared all together. He was strong, yet gentle. And so caring.” I slowly returned to the present, a tear escaping my eye.

Brushing away the offensive liquid from my cheek, I laughed. “I'm sorry. How silly I must seem! A girl crying over a man she met for a minute in the middle of the woods... He probably won't remember me.” I laughed again, trying to shake off the uncomfortable atmosphere. “Why do you ask?”

He stopped staring at his boots, his eyes filled with an emotion, but one I could not tell. “Oh, ummm, no reason really. Will you be here later? The fair is three days long and this is the laast, so there will be fireworks.” I nodded and he smiled broadly. “Great! I, ermm, have some one- some THING- I have to tell- er do. So yeah. Later? Farewell!” He gradually backed up and as he said his goodbyes turned, ran towards his horse and headed towards the outskirts of town, in the same direction as the castle belonging to the ruler of the kingdom. 

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K-POPluva2292 #1
wow y sunggyu~