Chapter Fourteen, the epilogue

Snow White


 The wedding was held two months later. Snow looked beautiful as she walked toward Sunggyu. He was smiling so wide his eyes had completely disappeared. The church was filled with well wishers, including the thieves and their teary-eyed sister. After Dongwoo and Sungjong had come home drunk from the night after, no one brought up his love for Snow. As the days went on, the pain in his heart lessened, and he was just as happy for the couple as the next person.

The reception was filled with drinking and laughter. And after hours of dancing, the happy couple departed to go to bed. Once they arrived in Sunggyu's royal suite, they began going through presents. One in particular caught Snow's attention.

“I am going to open this one first.” She called to her husband as she ripped open the envelope. Something fell out as read pulled the letter out. Ignoring the fallen object, Snow read the note.

“Dear Princess- I am truly sorry for the way we last met, but that is how I secured my freedom. The spell I put on that comb was designed to expire once the comb was broken and the cursed had true loves first kiss. I hope you can forgive me. As a peace offering I placed within this letter something special. It will help fill your life with strong healthy children. -Your Obedient Servant.” Bending down to pick up the necklace, Snow could have sworn she saw the witch's eyes under the bed. After retrieving the pendant, Snow studied it.

As she was focused on a simple necklace, Sunggyu sat behind her, and leaning his chin against her shoulder peered at what she was holding.

“What's that?” He asked. Snow lifted the necklace, and placing the apple amulet around her neck, she turned and faced her husband.

“Its a beautiful gift from an old friend.” She laughed as hugged his neck.

Sunggyu pulled back and looked into Snow's eyes. “Instead of opening all these presents, let's do something else...” Snow looked at him questioningly.

“What did you have in mind?”

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K-POPluva2292 #1
wow y sunggyu~