Chapter Four, Where Friends Are Made

Snow White


Before she could say anything, I stood up and collected my things as I apologized. “ I am so sorry. I was just on my way... somewhere... and I needed to rest and I smelt your wonderful cooking and I sat here and I watched your companions leave and I didn't think about how wrong I was and-” She raised her hands and cutting me off began to laugh.

Clutching her sides she told me she understood, and asked me to come in and eat. We became fast friends, Maeri and I, and when her six brothers came home after successfully robbing the house for their benefactor, they welcomed me into their household with open arms. I finally felt safe to stay in one place, seeing as I was no longer under the Queen's jurisdiction.

Every day I helped Maeri cook and clean for her brothers, and every day I replayed what happened between Sunggyu and I over and over in my head. No, not Sunggyu- Your Highness, I bitterly thought to myself as I stirred the pot over the fire. In the meantime, there were two very important people searching far and wide for me- Sunggyu and the Queen.

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K-POPluva2292 #1
wow y sunggyu~