Chapter Five, the Prince and the Queen

Snow White


Carrying the gold framed mirror, the Queen held it up to her face. She was beyond angry, beyond livid, beyond sane when she found Snow gone. “That little Snow brat, messing up everything for me.” She sat down and fixed her dress, and looking into the mirror once again she chanted “ Mirror Mirror in my hand, who is the greatest beauty in all the lands?” Preening and fixing her appearance some more, the Queen waited for her magic mirror to respond.

“Though thou art the fair there still is Snow, the beauty in another land though.” The mirror proclaimed. Furious, the Queen slammed the mirror onto her vanity, and called in her trusted servant.

“Bring me the witch from the dungeon. NOW!” Her blood boiled. The jealous Queen could never standing being second best in anything. She got what she wanted, and right now what she wanted was the corpse of Snow.

Passing back and forth the Queen slowly became more and more impatient. As she walked the length of her chambers, she plotted. Her foots followed the same path, back and forth, across the red and gold rug, the rug she placed in the room after the death of the late king. That was another death she plotted, one much easier than this. The king had been in love, let alone not smart enough to run as Snow had.

Thinking of the girl made the Queen angrier. So angry that the guard, upon entering the room to announce the prisoner, was so frightened he ran once being dismissed. When the door opened a second time, the Queen's demeanor changed completely, and she quietly sat back at her vanity.

The witch was pushed into the Queen's bed chamber, and fell to her knees. Rising, the Queen walked over to the young witch, and gently she lifted her chin. Looking into the witches' mixed eyes, one a bright blue like the harvest moon, and the other a lazy green, the same color as the lagoons at night, the Queen sweetly spoke.

“Darling, I need a huge favor of you. And if you succeed, you will gain your freedom. All I need is for you to cast a spell and keep it secret. Can you do that for me?” She smiled, trying to gain the girl's trust.

The witch just laughed. “A spell fer me freedom? I'd kill for that opportunity.”

Laughing the Queen replied, “Excellent. Let's begin shall we?”


Sunggyu ran from the meeting as soon as it was over. I was quarter after four, and this was the time he went to the woods to find her. Woohyun, his best friend and right hand man, already had the horses ready for their track into the woods. Running up, the future king wiped his brow and bent over panting.

“Tell me, again, Gyu, why we're searching the woods today? Last time we ran into a bear, and I am not trying to do that again.” Jumping onto his inky black steed, Sunggyu glowered at his friend.

“I won't rest until I find her Woohyun. I can't forget her face.”

He lowered his gaze and began fixing his gloves and preparing to depart. “Every day I wake up with the thought of her ebony black hair, its ringlets softly bouncing. While I break my fast I don't think of my day's upcoming schedule, but of her smooth porcelain skin, slightly flushing red with my gaze. At my evening meal I don't taste the food, for I am so focused on the fiery gaze her sultry chocolate eyes, and how they turn blue around the edges after she cries.” Looking at his companion, the prince sighed. Dropping his head again, he continued. “ At night I can only think of her blood red lips. My mind traces the perfect bow of them and I constantly wonder if they are as sweet as they look... I want to-”

Cutting him off, Woohyun exclaimed, “Okay! Okay! I get it. You are distracted by love. No need to go on, Your Majesty. I get it.” He slightly pushed his friend, attempting to lighten the mood. Sunggyu looked up, and with determination filled eyes pushed his friend back.

“Are we ready to go or what? We don't have all day, you know.” The two friends laughed and set off on their quest.

Everyday I was the same thing, they left, they searched, they found nothing, they came back, and they tried again the next day.

“Where could she be?” The forlorn prince sighed as he turned towards the window. Lying back down on his luxurious pillows, he prayed to find her. His heart ached as he silently whispered one word- “Snow.”

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K-POPluva2292 #1
wow y sunggyu~