Chapter Eleven, Return of the Queen

Snow White


The Queen arrived in the town outside Sunggyu's castle, just as the group entered the woods. After visiting the tavern, the Queen found where they were headed. Walking back to the carriage, the disheveled Queen murmured aloud her plans. Sitting on the red velvet cushions, the Queen looked down to the comb in her hands, then further down to the muck that had now stained her gown and the carpet in the carriage.

After hitting the front of the carriage, she began changing into a dress she had before she married the king. As the carriage slowly entered the woods and began the trek to the thieves' house, the Queen began to transform into the pathetic old crone she was on the inside.

She abandoned her carriage half a mile away from the cottage. Slowly she hobbled up to the small house surrounded by horses, most were not high quality, but two were. They held the royal seal of the kingdom upon their halters.

“So that brat caught herself a prince, huh? Just wait. I will be the fairest in the land!” She continued closer to the house and pretending to trip over a branch, fell to the ground with a yelp.



Snow, after hearing the 'distress' call, ran out of the cottage, with Maeri following her. She came to the aid of the old beggar, feeling compassion. The old woman repeatedly gave her thanks.

“Oh, sweet child! Thank you so much. May God's good blessing be on you and your kin.” The woman tried to leave, but Snow insisted.

“Please, we insist! You have to come inside so we can make sure you didn't hurt anything. And after a good bowl of stew, if you can walk, we will send you on your way. Please?” The girls begged.

“Alright but not for very long.” The girls escorted the woman into the cottage, and set the Queen's plans in motion.

After a quick examination, the woman was deemed unfit to walk. “But I must be on my way! I am to be a grandmother soon, and my daughter is in desperate need of my help!” She argued. Finally they came to an agreement. After calling for Sunggyu, Snow asked Dongwoo to help also.

“Could you guys go fetch a carriage for this poor woman? She needs to go help her daughter, but cannot walk.”

“I can not, unfortunately. I and my brothers are heading out to search for the witch.” Dongwoo apologized and walked out into the front lawn.

“For you my darling, anything.” The prince leaned down and kissed Snow's forehead. After sending Maeri to the village for more bandages, Snow and the Queen were left to themselves.

The Queen stood up, and walked over to Snow, no limp no nothing. Snow looked confused. As the Queen raised her arm to strike down Snow, she exclaimed “Now who's the fairest!” then all went black as Snow crumpled to the ground.

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K-POPluva2292 #1
wow y sunggyu~