Chapter 2

Taking Chances


The sun shone its brightest today, a perfect way to make this summer even better. Its sky was clear and blue; complimenting the dark blue ocean that met at the horizon. The weather was warm with an occasional cool breeze that finished it all off.

A black van pulled over by the sand. Moments later, four boys hopped off; Sungjong, Sungyeol, Myungsoo, and Dongwoo. Each of them carried their backpacks filled with the items needed to make this day run smoothly.

As soon as the little maknae's feet made contact with the warm sand, he immediately screamed with joy. "YAY~" he chimed as he ran in various directions. Sungjong has never felt this free in a long time.

Sungyeol examined Sungjong as he continued to scream on the top of his lungs. "Yah," he mumbled, still looking. "Such a choding."

Myungsoo, who was next to him smirked. "Hmph," he grunted, followed by a soft chuckle. "He's not the only one."

"What's that supposed to mean, L?" Sungyeol questioned. He stepped a little closer to Myungsoo until they were only centimeters apart.

"I'm being straightforward here, choding," Myungsoo teased.

Sungyeol huffed, and turned his back on Myungsoo. He crossed his arms. "Why are you so mean to me? Not even Sungojongie gets teased this much.." Sungyeol pouted.

A laugh escaped from Myungsoo's mouth. He wrapped his arms around Sungyeol's waist, and whispered in his ear. "I only do it because it irritates you, and you look really cute irritated. And because I love you~"

Sungyeol's cheeks turned into a dark shade of red. He smiled wide. "Stop it~" He said, unraveling his friend's arms from his waist. Even though he loved it when Myungsoo did that, it didn't feel right.

"Yah! Sunggyu hyung and the rest are here!" Dongwoo yelled as another black van pulled over next to theirs.

As the van came to a stop, Hoya stepped out of the van with his backpack, along with Sunggyu and Woohyun. They were now complete.

"Daebak! Daebak! Daebak!" Hoya chanted excitedly as he stood next to Dongwoo. "I don't know what to do first.. swim, play ball, eat, bonfire, or bike!"

Dongwoo looked at Hoya, and he couldn't help but laugh at his enthusiasm. "We should go play ball first!" he suggested, grabbing a ball from the trunk of the car. Hoya and Dongwoo placed their things down, ran closer to the ocean, and began to pass the ball to each other.

The rest of them laughed. Sungjong was still out and about on the beach. It was only Sungyeol, Myungsoo, Sunggyu, and Woohyun who were still undecided. "Why aren't the hyungs speaking to each other?" Sungyeol whispered into Myungsoo's ears. Myungsoo shrugged. He then coughed the ease the awkwardness. "Hyung?" Myungsoo asked.

Sunggyu was looking down at the sand in deep thought. Myungsoo's word interrupted him, causing him to look back up "Hm?" he replied.

"Is there something wrong with you and Woohyun hyung?" Myungsoo regretted saying those words but it had to be done. He didn't want any tension going on already on the first day.

Woohyun looked at Sunggyu who was thinking of a reasonable excuse to tell Myungsoo. "Uh.." he stammered. "We.. We.. uh, we're not.. we're just quiet. There's nothing wrong with us. I can guarantee you. You and Sungyeol should go join the others. I'll just sit down and rest."

Myungsoo and Sungyeol looked strangely at each other. Their eyes went back on Sunggyu. "But hyung--"

"Go," Sunggyu said, not saying another word. He was too tired to think, too tired to do anything, and far too tired to deal with drama right now. He was sure living the life.

Sunggyu noticed Woohyun's presence next to him. He quickly glanced at him. "Aren't you going with them?" he asked with no tone of expression. Sunggyu placed a blanket down at the sand, and comfortably sat on top of it.

Woohyun was surprised that Sunggyu spoke to him despite what had happened. He shook his head. "No," he replied, sitting next to Sunggyu. "Not until you tell me why you exploded in the car a while ago."


 The sun was slowly setting. The sky's light blue shade slowly dissolved into a dark blue. The moon was slightly appearing. The weather began to cool down.

Sungjong had his jeans rolled up to his ankles. He was walking barefoot down at the shore with a pail in his hands, collecting various objects that seem to have caught his eye. Inside lay shells, sea glass, and a few crabs.

As he was walking along, the water splashing on his feet, he looked to his left to see an old bald man weakly building a sand castle with a little girl. Sungjong smiled. The only person that popped in his head when he saw this was Sunggyu. "I hope you could live this long," he whispered, wiping a small tear sliding down his cheek. Suddenly, he heard someone call his name. "Sungjong-ah!" it yelled. "Come here!" he then noticed it was Dongwoo.

"I'm coming, hyung!" Sungjong yelled as loud as he could. He grabbed his pail, and ran to his hyungs.


"We're not lost, right?" Sungyeol asked, pedaling on a two seated bike with Myungsoo behind him.

Myungsoo let go of the handlebars, letting Sungyeol pedal for him. He looked around his surroundings and at the big crowds of people. "Yah, I don't think so," he replied. "They should be here somewhere.."

Sungyeol continued to pedal around the area to look for the rest. The weight was suddenly getting heavier for him. "Ooomph~" Sungyeol grunted as he kept pedaling. "Did you gain weight all of the sudden?" He looked behind him to figure out why. Sungyeol found Myungsoo's feet dangling from the bike, eyes focused on his phone. Sungyeol rolled his eyes. "Pabo!" Sungyeol yelled. "Pabo!"

Myungsoo groaned, and ignored Sungyeol as he continued to text. "Pabo!" Sungyeol yelled one more time, and flicked Myungsoo on the forehead.

"Agh!" he cried in pain. "What, what do you want now?!" Myungsoo said irritably. He slid his phone back in his pocket and paid attention to Sungyeol.

"We have to go find everyone before we die in this beach," Sungyeol exaggerated. "I don't want to die here! Especially alone with you!"

Myungsoo gave a deathly stare and Sungyeol who was too busy complaining about how he hates the world. Without saying anything, Myungsoo placed his feet on the metal pedals, and pedaled as fast as he could.


The sun was now down. The sky was now pitch black, covered with bright stars and a crescent-shaped moon. The waves were tamed, and the sound of people have died down.

Hoya and Dongwoo lit up a bonfire in the middle of their things. Everyone was gathered around, talking happily and roasting their food on the fire. Sungyeol and Myungsoo were still nowhere to be found. "Where are they?" Dongwoo asked. "It's late. I hope they're okay."

"Relax," said Sunggyu who was covering himself with a thick blanket. "They'll be here soon."

"Hyung?" Hoya asked Sunggyu who was looking at his warm attire. It wasn't even that cold out. Everyone was still wearing light clothing. "Why are you covering yourself with that? It's warm out."

"Don't worry about me," Sunggyu said simply as he took a small bite out of his sausage. It was the first time since yesterday he ate. He grabbed his bottled water and opened it to wash his food down.

Everyone was quiet for a moment. No one had nothing else to say. They just ate quietly, all in their train of thoughts.

"Ahhh!~" They all heard someone scream. They looked towards that direction and found Sungyeol and Myungsoo running to the warm fire. They all noticed the bike that they left lying on the sand. "We finally found you guys!" Sungyeol said happily as he took a sausage from Sungjong's plate.

"Where were you two?" Woohyun asked, finally speaking. "And why do you have a bike that has two seats?"

Myungsoo and Sungyeol looked at each other, and laughed. "It's a long story, hyung," Myungsoo replied, taking a bite out of Sungyeol's sausage. "We're just glad we found you. Finally glad to see Sungjongie here taking a rest, too." He glanced at the pail that was next to Sungjong. "What's in there?"

"Crabs," Sungjong chirped, and grabbed it to showcase. "I wish we could come here everyday!"

Everyone laughed besides Sunggyu and Woohyun. They were still looking at each other, but there were no words coming out of their mouths. As soon as the laughter died down, so did their smiles. They all transformed into worried looks. "I.. I thought you two were okay?" Myungsoo asked the two.

Woohyun scoffed, and glanced back at Sunggyu. "I would be okay with him," he said. "But he has to apologize to me first."

"Apologize?" Sunggyu spat, removing his thick blanket. "Why doI need to apologize when it's suppose to be you who apologizes?"

"I am not going to apologize when it's your fault," Woohyun argued back, suddenly getting even more frustrated. "I wasn't the one who yelled at their best friend for doing nothing!"

Sunggyu stood up and clenched his fists. "I wouldn't have to yell if it wasn't for someone here to piss me off in the first place! You piss me off, you know that? Sometimes I wish that you and I never met because you frustrate me so much!"

Woohyun felt his heart break the minute he felt those words sink in his brain. Did he really mean that? He stood up, trying not to make the first punch. "I HATE YOU, did you know that? Did you know that? I wish you never even lived in this world because I hate you so much and I'd be so happy the day you die!"

Sunggyu froze and suddenly felt everything in his world crashing down. His best friend wanted him to die. In fact, he'd be happy the day he dies. He never liked him. He hated him. That was the word that crushed him the most. Sunggyu began to shake violently, his face red with anger. Hot tears came out of his eyes and down to his cheeks. He quickly wiped them with his pale hands, and ran away.

Sungjong stood up from his seat and yelled. "HYUNG! Wait! Come back!" He began to run, but gave up when he found out that Sunggyu was too far. He began to break down and cry. "Are you happy?!" Sungjong yelled at Woohyun. "Are you happy that you broke hyung's heart?!"


Author's note: Dun, dun, dun, is the world ending?! I hope you like this chapter! Spring break is this week for me, so you get daily updates! YAY!

Also, thank you for subscribing and actually reading my story! Hearts for you all~ ^-^

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guise, i'm planning on updating today! { and maybe finishing the one shot.. } stay tuned! (●´∀`)ノ♡


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naznew #1
Chapter 9: so their manager don't know that sunggyu have cancer?
Julettums #2
Oh please update soon. Pretty pretty pretty PRETTY PLEASE
Chocolato #3
the managers ... :( what the .
apink's eunji?:3
aish I really dislike their managers behaviour
actually I think that geonam,hyoan and jungryul are the best managers ever
but seeing them like this makes me upset
so much drama TT_TT
:OOOO moar dramaaaaa~ i like dramas XDD
/i'm an emotional person
i wonder who eunji is in woohyun's life..?
bittersweet-x #7
Wah but I love Eunji, she can't be a bad person! :(
auahaha I love sunggyu's thinking
just a while ago hyunnie told him that he always tops
but then gyu thinks that he's the man in the realtionship
you'te such a cutie pie gyu :3
what does eunji(ooooh I'm so waiting for their comeback) want?
she really seems like an ex girlfriend of woohyun :0
aaaaaw look who's jealous :3
Chocolato #9
nooooooo no drama :( Sunggyu needs no drama at this point hahas
woogyu's relationship is so touching :DDDD
aaaaw the idea with the jar is cute :3
and yaaaaay gyu did it :DDD
lol at yadongjong xDD
yaaaaaaaaaaaaay for myungyeol for finally getting together
myungsoo is a though xDD
and ahaha at hyunnie
"I try my best, hyung," Woohyun replied. "I try my best."