Chapter 5

Taking Chances


Sunggyu came out of his room all dressed up for the day ahead. He was wearing a simple graphic shirt along with plain jeans. As he came out of the dorm, he spots the rest of his roommates lying on the hard wooden floor. Their expressions looked like they were in pain. "What happened to you guys?" he asked, looking at all of them.

"Yah, it's so hot!" Sungyeol whined. His face was around two centimeters away from the small fan. He was practically -- he only had boxers on. "I think I'm going to die! It was nice.. knowing you guys…"

"Sunggyu hyung~!" Sungjong whined. He had his sweat pants rolled up to his knees, and his shirt's sleeves were also rolled up. "I'm on fire!"

Sunggyu looked at the rest. Dongwoo and Hoya were leaning on each other; both wearing shirts and boxers. They looked like they just took a shower with their own sweat. Myungsoo was wearing a wife beater and his boxer shorts. He was sleeping soundly on the floor. Sunggyu scratched his head. "Uh.. Dongwoo-ah, the gas tank is still full in both vans, nae?" he asked.

"Nae," Dongwoo replied. "Wae?"

"Take them to the community pool," Sunggyu replied. "They look like they are about to die. I feel bad for them. They need to cool off. Wake up Myungie too."

Sungyeol tapped Myungsoo in the back. "Myungsoo," he said, as kept on tapping. "Wake up, Myungsoo, we're going to the pool~"

Myungsoo opened his eyes sleepily. "Pool?" he asked. "All of us?"

"Except for Woohyun hyung and Sunggyu hyung," Sungjong replied. He groaned. "Yah~ Let's go already! I'm burning~"

Myungsoo mumbled something that no one could really make out. He groaned. "Pick me up Sungyeol-ah~" He begged. "Take me to me and Dongwoo hyung's room~"

Woohyun came out of his room seconds later. He was already finished dressing, wearing a graphic tanktop and jeans. He placed his wallet in his back packet. "What's going on here?" he asked, looking down at Sungyeol and Myungsoo. He was carrying the notepad that had all his plans on it. Sungyeol was struggling to carry his friend up. Woohyun laughed.

"They're going to the community pool," Sunggyu replied. "Dongwoo's driving them."

"Ah.." Woohyun said. He looked at the watch on his wrist and tapped Sunggyu on the shoulder. "Sunggyu hyung.. we should.. get.. going for our dat--trip."

Sunggyu blushed slightly and nodded. "Nae. We should." He stood up from the floor, and brushed down his shirt. He took the keys of the van from the top of the shelf, and stepped out the door. Sunggyu stopped and looked at the others who were still on the floor. "Dongwoo-ah," he said. "You're in charge for today. Be responsible."

"Don't worry, hyung I will be," he said. He stood up from his seat, and clasped his hands. "Okay~ Everybody go change into your swimming gear. Sungyeol, you and Myungsoo can--"

"Let's go, hyung," Woohyun said, as he grabbed Sunggyu's arm. Sunggyu and Woohyun stepped out of the house and into the van. Sunggyu sat on the driver's seat, and Woohyun sat on the passenger's. He looked at the front mirror, and started the car. "Where are we headed first?"

Woohyun checked his notepad. "Park," he said with a smile. "The park with the fountains."


The black van pulled up at the park's parking lot. The sun was shining brightly, and the weather was very hot and humid. Sunggyu and Woohyun stepped out of the black van. Their shoes finally made contact with the floor. Woohyun met up with his best friend on the back. They both looked out on the green park, and the fountains where the children were playing happily in.

"Come on," Woohyun motioned, grabbing Sunggyu's hand again. He carried the notepad in his other hand.

"W-where are we going?" Sunggyu questioned. He looked around. They were walking past the picnic tables and the playgrounds. Sunggyu soon felt himself to the stop. "Where are we?" he asked. Sunggyu  turned around to see what was in front of him.

"Surprise~" Woohyun chirped. Sunggyu looked at the water that was shooting up in the air, and the kids who were splashing each other with it. He was still slightly confused on why they were standing in front of the fountain.

"What are we doing here?" Sunggyu asked.

"… didn't you look at the list I gave you this morning?"

"I… don't remember."

"Well, go in," Woohyun ordered. He pointed to the fountain.

"I-in?" Sunggyu responded nervously. "Bwoh? As in.. run in and get wet?"

"Nae!" Woohyun replied. "Now go~"

"But.. I'm not wearing anything to get wet in," Sunggyu said, scratching his head.

"YAH!" Woohyun said, irritated. He held his best friend at the waist, and carried him towards the fountain.

"WAH~" Sunggyu yelled as water slashed everywhere on him and his best friend. "Woohyun, I'm going to kill you for this!"

"Saranghae, Sunggyu hyung!" Woohyun yelled to Sunggyu, as he kept running.

After a few minutes of running around the fountain, Woohyun finally set Sunggyu down. Sunggyu was sitting down on the wet floor for a few minutes with water shooting at him. He didn't care. It was like taking a nice cold shower on a hot day. After cooling off, Sunggyu stood up to run and get revenge.


"CANNONBALL~" Hoya and Dongwoo both yelled, as they jumped in the deep side of the pool. The pool made a loud splash. "WHOO!" Dongwoo screamed as he floated back up. "It feels good being in cold water!"

"I KNOW!" Hoya screamed back happily as he floated up. He looked over at the shallow end to see Sungjong sitting on the side of the pool. "Sungjong-ah!" he yelled.

Sungjong was tracing the water with his finger. Hoya's call distracted him. He looked up. "What, hyung??" he yelled back.

"Come swim with us!" he screamed cheerily.

"NO!" Sungjong yelled.

A few moments later, Sungyeol and Myungsoo quietly crept behind the little maknae, and pushed him into the pool. "YAH!" Sungjong screamed. "You two pabos are lucky that I was by the shallow end!"

"INCOMING~" Sungyeol and Myungsoo yelled, holding each other. They both ran as fast as they could, and jumped in the cold pool. "Yah, that feels so good!" Sungyeol screamed to the top of his lungs. He pushed his hair back and laughed.

Myungsoo floated up with his cheeks puffed out. Out came water from his mouth; splashing Sungyeol in the face. Myungsoo smiled cheesily and began to snicker.


The sun was beginning to set. Sunggyu and Woohyun sat on a checkered blanket on the clean cut grass. A bike with two seats was parked by the tree. Everything began to quiet down around them. "Say Ah~" Woohyun asked as he picked up a grape from the container.

"I'm a grown man, Woohyunnie!" Sunggyu said grumpily. He crossed his arms, and opened his mouth. "Ah~"

Woohyun plopped the grape in Sunggyu's mouth. He smiled happily. "Yay~" he cheered. "You're probably tired.. huh, hyung?"

"Sometimes you forget you're tired when you're having fun," Sunggyu replied. He took a bite out of his chicken. "I had fun today, Woo," he said, smiling. "I really did. Thank you for taking the time to do all of this.."

Woohyun scooted closer to Sunggyu, and leaned his head on his shoulder. "Of course. You're my best friend. Someone that I truly care about.. until the.. end.." he wiped a falling tear from his face. He couldn't stand the thought that Sunggyu could be gone in a couple of years, or even months. He wanted to grow old with him.

"Don't cry, Woohyun..," Sunggyu cooed as he caressed Woohyun's hair. "I promised you that everything will be okay. I'll never leave you.. I told you, didn't I?"

"Ne, but.. not everything turns out the way they want it to be.." Woohyun croaked. This morning, I woke up thinking that everyday, you're close the dying. That the disease is slowly killing you alive, hyung." He began to sob even more.

Seeing Woohyun like this made Sunggyu tear up a little. He didn't like seeing his own best friend like this, but he didn't get cancer on purpose. It wasn't his fault that a cancer cell divided within him. "Woohyun.. I have to tell you something," Sunggyu gulped. "It's kind of important.."

Woohyun sat up, and looked at him. "What is it, hyung?" he asked. He better not be making up the whole cancer thing all along.. I'll beat him up if I have to.. "If you're lying about what you have right now, I swear, I'll crush you like a---"

"I love you."

"I know, you love me, you're like a brother to me. But seriously, hyung, if you--"

"I mean that I love you.. more than that."

"BWOH?!" Woohyun yelled a little louder than usual. "You're.. y-you're gay?"
Sunggyu shrugged. "I guess.. I mean, I don't like to think myself as one.. It's kind of complicated. But, nae. I do love you like that." He grinned widely at Woohyun. He didn't look scared or nervous at all.

Woohyun was once again confused. Was he in a sweet dream? Or a nightmare? His best friend just told him he loved him.. Did he love Sunggyu back in that way? Was he gay too? There was so many questions popping up in his head. He nervously rubbed the back of his neck. He suddenly felt dizzy.

"Woohyun? Are you okay?" Sunggyu asked, waving at him. ". I knew I never should have told you--"

As Sunggyu kept going on and on about his problems, Woohyun leaned in closer to Sunggyu and kissed him. Their lips crashed in just a matter or seconds. Sunggyu was a little shocked at Woohyun's actions, but, he closed his eyes and.. he kissed back. It was a weird feeling; but he somehow liked it. Woohyun then later pulled back.

"I.. I think I love you too, hyung," Woohyun whispered and bit his lower lip. It was something he had never experienced before. He pulled in close again, allowing their lips to touch one more time.


An hour had passed by. It was around nine in the evening, and Dongwoo, Hoya, Myungsoo, Sungyeol, and Sungjong were back in the dorm all showered up and tired. Overall, they had a fun and productive day. Hoya and Dongwoo taught Sungjong how to swim in the deep end, and Myungsoo spend his time running away from furious Sungyeol.

They were all sitting in around in a circle. They all had their legs crossed, but Myungsoo was on his stomach playing with the bamboo pillow. It was silent.

"… I wonder where the hyungs are," Sungjong asked suddenly, trying to steal the pillow from Myungsoo. He failed.

"Probably still out on their 'day of fun'," Hoya replied. He was playing with his own fingers and concentrating on the floor. "Did anyone even see what was on that list?"

"I saw the words 'picnic by the ocean'," Dongwoo replied. He looked up to the ceiling. "That must've been fun." If only he could treat Hoya into something like that.

The front door's handle began to move and Sunggyu and Woohyun came inside. "Hyungs~" They all chirped. "You're back!"

"How was your picnic on the beach, hyungs?" Myungsoo teased and smirked at the two.

"…. Fine," Woohyun answered bluntly. "How was the pool?"

"DAEBAK!!" All of them yelled in unison. "Sungjongie knows how to swim now thanks to Dongwoo hyung and I," Hoya said proudly.

Sunggyu and Woohyun looked at each other and laughed. "Yay~" They both cheered. "It's about time," Sunggyu said.

Woohyun faked a yawn. He stretched out his arms and closed his eyes. "Yah, I'm tired.." he said. He looked at Sunggyu to send as a type of signal.

Sunggyu looked at him and winked. "Yah, same here." He stretched out his arms and faked a yawn. "I'll be going to bed. Good night, dongsaengs~"

They all waved their leader goodbye as he went inside his room. "I-I should get going too," Woohyun said. "Goodnight~"

When Sunggyu came inside his room, the first thing he did was feed his tiny friend. "You must be really hungry," he said, pouring flakes into the tank.

Woohyun came into the room seconds later. Ever since that kiss with Sunggyu, it was a little bit awkward. They see each other differently now. "We still have one more thing to do on the list, hyung," Woohyun pointed out. "Video games until we sleep.."

Sunggyu was done poking at the tank's glass, and looked up at Woohyun. "Right.." he said. "Let me go change first." He headed for his drawer, and stepped in the bathroom to change.

Once he stepped out, Woohyun was already in bed with his comfortable clothes on. He had his controller ready in his hand. He glanced at Sunggyu. "Come on, hyung!" he said, patting an empty spot next to his bed. Sunggyu couldn't turn down that offer. He cuddled himself next to Woohyun in the bed, grabbed the other controller, and began to play.

The two had been playing for over three hours. "Yah, I think I can beat you now hyung," Woohyun said, pressing buttons in his controller rapidly. There was no response. "Hyung?" he asked. He looked at his shoulder, when he sees Sunggyu leaning on him with his eyes closed. Woohyun chuckled softly.

He carefully lifted Sunggyu's head, and placed it comfortably on a pillow next to him. He stood up to turn off the video game and the lights.

Woohyun made a long yawn. It had been a long, but great day. He went back in bed next to Sunggyu, pulling the bed sheets over the both of them. He kissed Sunggyu in the lips one more time.

"Good night, hyung," he whispered. "Saranghae."

Author's Note: YAY~! So much fluff and cheese in this chapter^^ Sorry if it , I kind of rushed into it. D: It will get better, I promise!

WOW~ Almost to half of a hundred subbies! I love you guys way to much. Thank you for reading~♥
(ps: enjoy a gif that I enjoy the most.)

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guise, i'm planning on updating today! { and maybe finishing the one shot.. } stay tuned! (●´∀`)ノ♡


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naznew #1
Chapter 9: so their manager don't know that sunggyu have cancer?
Julettums #2
Oh please update soon. Pretty pretty pretty PRETTY PLEASE
Chocolato #3
the managers ... :( what the .
apink's eunji?:3
aish I really dislike their managers behaviour
actually I think that geonam,hyoan and jungryul are the best managers ever
but seeing them like this makes me upset
so much drama TT_TT
:OOOO moar dramaaaaa~ i like dramas XDD
/i'm an emotional person
i wonder who eunji is in woohyun's life..?
bittersweet-x #7
Wah but I love Eunji, she can't be a bad person! :(
auahaha I love sunggyu's thinking
just a while ago hyunnie told him that he always tops
but then gyu thinks that he's the man in the realtionship
you'te such a cutie pie gyu :3
what does eunji(ooooh I'm so waiting for their comeback) want?
she really seems like an ex girlfriend of woohyun :0
aaaaaw look who's jealous :3
Chocolato #9
nooooooo no drama :( Sunggyu needs no drama at this point hahas
woogyu's relationship is so touching :DDDD
aaaaw the idea with the jar is cute :3
and yaaaaay gyu did it :DDD
lol at yadongjong xDD
yaaaaaaaaaaaaay for myungyeol for finally getting together
myungsoo is a though xDD
and ahaha at hyunnie
"I try my best, hyung," Woohyun replied. "I try my best."