Chapter 9

Taking Chances


Sunggyu and Woohyun sat quietly inside the black van, nothing but the soft sound of the latest Korean pop songs playing in the atmosphere. Sunggyu was looking down to his hands in complete thought. He couldn't get over what just happened a few minutes ago. Woohyun was behind the wheel, tapping his fingers to the rhythm of the music. He, on the other hand, felt as if he had dodged a close one. No one bothered saying another word.

Sunggyu cleared his throat. He wanted to know who she was. He wanted to know how big she played in this life, and why all he did wassmile when he was around her. He had to admit that it did hurt him inside. He would confront to him about how he's feeling, but he was pretty sure Woohyun wouldn't want a clingy boyfriend. "W-woohyunnie?" He asked softly.

The sound of Woohyun's rhythmical tapping was put to a stop. His eyes were still fixated onto the road, but his attention was fully on Sunggyu's. "Hm?" he asked him.

"Who... who was... if it's not rude, but.. who was that girl in the parking lot..?" Sunggyu finally spat out from it being in his thoughts too long. He already felt himself trembling slightly from trying to say those words. "I.. I was just curious, I'm not being nosy at all I just--"

"Save it, hyung," Woohyun replied calmly, interrupting Sunggyu from rambling further. He knew how he feels like. He's been through it before. He chuckled at his nervousness, and grabbed his boyfriend's hand gently, holding it tightly. It made Sunggyu's cheeks turn a shade of pink. "Eunji's just an old friend of mine back in primary school. Our parents are good friends," he reassured, and squeezed his hand.

Sunggyu looked at him with relief, and smiled wide. He chuckled. "I was just curious, not worried or anything."

Woohyun laughed. "Knowing you, hyung... I knew you were worried. I could already see the creases and wrinkles forming from age and stress of being such a leader," he teased and stuck his tongue out playfully.

"Yah!" Sunggyu slapped his best friend's arm once he heard the insult. "24 is not old, and I happen to be the most daebak leader in all of Korea," he triumphantly said. He gave him an eyesmile and laughed along with him. No matter what they label their relationship now, they still see each other as best friends. They goof off, have fun.. nothing has changed between them. Hopefully nothing ever will.

"Annyeonghaseyo appa!" Woohyun teased more, and bowed in an angle in his driver's seat. His eyes were still fixed on the road. "It's time for me to give you your daily bath and scrub off the old, nasty  dead skin cells in your body~"

Sunggyu pouted at him, which caused Woohyun to instinctively poke his pout. A small smile formed in Sunggyu's face. "Bath.. huh? Will you be in the bath with me too?" That smile transformed into a sly smirk, which caused Woohyun to break out into a contagious laugh.

Woohyun shook his head embarrassingly at him. He felt his own cheeks grew hot despite the cheesiness in his boyfriend's words. "Ayish, being dirty does not go well with you.." he chuckled even more. "I can't take you seriously like that, hyung."


The Infinite dorm was a little quiet today. Without Sunggyu and Woohyun there to keep them entertained, it was pretty boring. The weather was not helping with it's intense heat due to the summer time either. Everyone was in their own bedrooms in deep sleep, except for Myungsoo and Sungyeol.

"Hyung, I don't think that's how the cupcakes are supposed to look like..." Myungsoo shot a questionable look at him as Sungyeol pulled out a metal tray filled with cupcakes that are over cooked from the oven. They were a dark shade brown, with a slight tint of black. The cupcakes weren't even chocolate.

Sungyeol looked at Myungsoo and sighed heavily in disappointment. "I think vanilla cupcakes are supposed to be dark these days.." he said, trying to make himself feel better from his failure of a creation. "The last lemon cupcake Jongie baked for me the other day was as dark as this... then again, it did have chocolate frosting..."

Myungsoo chuckled at him and wrapped his arms around Sungyeol from behind. The feeling of his arms around him made Sungyeol giggle like a girl softly and blush hard. He has never felt like this before. Not even with the past girls he's been with. "Well, at least we tried.. why don't we just buy from the bakery and say we baked it, hyung?" He asked with a smile.

"Let me taste the frosting first," he said and chuckled. He scooped a small wad of pink frosting with his index finger. Sungyeol showed Myungsoo that he was aiming for his mouth, but a few seconds later, turned around and spread the sweet cream on Myungsoo's lips like it's lip balm. He leaned in closer until their bodies were pressed together. Sungyeol crept his fingers up Myungsoo's chest and bit his own bottom lip.

Myungsoo felt his heart pulse quicken when he felt the touch of Sungyeol's fingers creeping up from his chest to his lips. He looked at him straight in the eye, having the urge to just kiss him. "Agh, just ing kiss me already," he finally said and without a warning, pressed his lips hungrily on Sungyeol's. Sungyeol soon reacted to the kiss and could taste the sweetness of the frosting in his mouth. He smiled softly through the kiss. He didn't want to stop now.

Before Sungyeol could ever let Myungsoo's tongue enter his mouth, they heard the voices of Sunggyu and Woohyun entering through the front door. "WE'RE HERE~" they both yelled, coming inside. "We bought the groceries and we need help bringing it in! We bought lemon candy for our baby Jongie too!"

What was once a strong kiss disappeared between them. Myungsoo quickly unraveled his arms around his best friend's waist and coughed to ease the awkwardness. He wiped the left over frosting in his mouth with his arm quickly. Sungyeol pretended to spread the icing on the burnt cupcakes, whistling to the tune of EXO's History. Myungsoo pretended to do something too; grabbing a rag and beginning to wipe the dirty counter.

Sunggyu and Woohyun entered the kitchen with a couple of plastic bags filled with groceries on each hand. Woohyun was carrying more bags, since he knew Sunggyu was still weak. "Thanks for not helping us," Woohyun said sarcastically and placed the bags on the counter. He then grabbed Sunggyu's bags and placed it on the counter top as well. They both sighed in relief now that it was all done. Woohyun looked at the two who were looking back at him strangely. He noticed the cupcakes that Sungyeol had been icing on the counter. 'AWW, LOOK HYUNG!" He exclaimed in disappointment, and pointed at the tray. "THEY BEAT US TO IT!"

Myungsoo and Sungyeol both raised an eyebrow at him. They both turned to their leader for a reasonable explanation. Sunggyu chuckled and shook his head embarrassingly. Woohyun could act like a child at times. "I promised Woohyunnie I'd bake a cake with him once we got home," Sunggyu explained to the two. "But.. by the looks of things, you guys beat us to it. I bet you guys had a lot of fun too." He gave a small wink at Myungsoo for he'd noticed the left over icing on their lips.

Sungyeol and Myungsoo both froze and hesitated. Their cheeks flushed into a deep shade of red. Ayish, how does he know all these things? Sungyeol thought as he rubbed the leftover icing from his lips. He then looked at Myungsoo who was looking down on the ground in shame. Shameful that he had gotten caught by Sunggyu. While the awkward silence was going on, Woohyun had already started putting away their groceries in the proper shelves and drawers. "Aren't you going to help me?" he asked all three of them. Of course, the three followed his request and began to clean up with him.

Dongwoo came inside the kitchen on the phone a few minutes later. He leaned on the counter, talking to someone who sounded like their manager hyung.

"Nae, hyung, I understand, but it's vacation.."

".. Ayish, why did you book it then?"

"Sunggyu hyung? arasso…"

Groaning in frustration and anger, Dongwoo approached Sunggyu and handed him the phone. Sunggyu covered the phone's speakers and leaned in closer to him. "Who is this?" he whispered, making sure that the person behind the phone couldn't hear their conversation.

Dongwoo rubbed his temples, and shook his head. "Manager hyungs," he whispered back. "Talk some sense into them, hyung! They're being unreasonable.."

Sunggyu nodded slowly at Dongwoo, and placed the phone next to his ear. "Annyeonghaseyo, hyung," he said through the line.


"You wanted to talk to me, hyung?"

"Nae, I need you to take everyone to the practice rooms today. I booked us a concert a few weeks from now, and you need to all practice again."

"B-bwoh? hyung, it's summer, and the kids are tired, they need their rest and--"

"No excuses, Sunggyu-ah. Bring them now, or I'm taking away your privileges again."

"Ah, arasso, arasso. I'll bring them in now."

And with that, Sunggyu gave a long sigh of disappointment. He couldn't believe he was giving in that easily. Especially at a situation like this.

"So.. hyung?" Dongwoo asked eagerly at him.

Sunggyu took a deep breath. "Dongwoo-ah, go wake up Hoya and Jongie. Everyone else get dressed. We're all going to the practice room. We have a show coming up."


"I was having such a good dream!" Hoya whined, as they were all entering inside the practice room. He was on the floor, practically rolling himself inside. He was too lazy and too sleepy to even function today. He groaned more and more, wanting to just go back to his comfy bed and sleep the whole day away like he was intending to do in the first place.

"Yah, Lee Howon!" Dongwoo yelled through the room, grabbing his best friend by the ear. Hoya then soon screamed in agony as the pain in his ear grew worse. His ear also began to turn red. He yelped in more pain, standing up as quick as he could so that Dongwoo could let go of his ear. Dongwoo chuckled as he saw his best friend stand up. He then put Hoya in a headlock position, ruffling his hair up in the process.

Sunggyu was on his phone, leaning against Woohyun as he texted the managers about their arrival. Woohyun rested his head on Sunggyu's, and sighed. "I don't get why we have to do this damn rehearsal," he murmured lowly. "The hyungs give us vacation, and then they throw us with work. I wanted to bake a cake." He pouted.

After the text was sent, Sunggyu glanced at Woohyun who was still pouting and chuckled softly. "You're still not going to get over that, are you Woohyunnie?" he asked and poked his lips which caused Woohyun to smile. Woohyun nodded slowly responding to Sunggyu's question. He wrapped his arms around Sunggyu and pulled him closer, not caring if the others were watching him.

Myungsoo and Sungyeol were sitting next to each other on the floor with their legs crossed. When Myungsoo had spotted his hyungs snuggling from the distance, he leaned towards Sungyeol's ear and whispered something. Sungyeol's eyes widened at his words, and violently slapped Myungsoo on the chest which caused him to scream in pain. "Mianhae," Sungyeol apologized sweetly after, and rubbed Myungsoo's chest.

The managers soon came after a few minutes, entering the room and sitting on chairs to supervise the group as they practice. Everyone completely stopped being in their trance, and swiftly their working mode. Woohyun hurriedly walked up to the stereo system as the rest arranged themselves into their starting position for their first song. "Chaser, nae?" Woohyun asked, looking through the song choices on the iPod.

Sunggyu gave him a small nod. Once the intro began to play, Woohyun scooted over to his position and waited for their first move.

"Mianhe ma… Dokhage nal borigo ttonado dwe.. Niga wonhandamyon geure goodbye…"

Everyone was synchronizing well, their moves are sharper than ever. They moved in a perfect rhythm, making their choreography seem almost effortless to others. It was almost perfect. Infinite worked hard together. They were a team.

It was already their second time running through the song. This time, they were adding the vocals as well. The heat inside made the boys work almost twice as hard. Beads of sweat began to stream down their focused faces, some already seeping through their cotton shirt like Dongwoo and Hoya. Despite their current situation of the room not being air conditioned, they still put as much effort into it.

Through Sungjong's solo, Sunggyu started to feel.. weak. Not as in "tired and wanted to rest" weak, but "so exhausted I'm going to faint" weak. He soon felt himself breathing heavily-- almost grasping desperately for air. He placed his hand on his chest, and suddenly collapsed to the floor. The loud thump of his fall caused everyone to turn to his direction and run to him with worried looks on their faces. Woohyun was the first one to approach him, slightly picking his best friend up and wrapping his comfortable arms around him. "Get water. Hurry. Please," was all he said. Sungjong quickly made his way to a table to grab his hyung a water bottle.

Everyone was still hovering around the leader. Everyone except the managers. They just sat quietly in their seats, nothing but blank stares in their faces like they weren't amused. "Yah, Sunggyu-ah.. if you're really that tired, you can stop dancing," one manager said, not even looking at them. Sunggyu coughed dryly from looking at their expressions, and looked and the others with apologetic eyes. He felt disappointed. He was the leader, and yet he seemed to be the one who puts less efforts in their works. No one said a word to each other.

Woohyun was caressing Sunggyu's cheek with one hand, holding the water bottle Sungjong had brought with the other. "Do you need water, hyung?" he asked softly. Sunggyu shook his head slowly, standing back up to continue practice. I'm not going to let one thing stop me from working… he dusted his clothes off from dirt and clapped his hands together. "Come one guys, don't mind me let's get practicing again!" he yelled as loud as he could, trying to become the strict leader again. Everyone was did what they were told without any hesitation, and went back into their starting positions.

The music from the began, playing where they have left off. Sunggyu took a deep and heavy breath, hoping that nothing wrong would happen again. He knew that if he collapsed one more time, the managers would be really disappointed in him and the group. They may even cancel the show because of his inability to dance. There was no way he was going to let his fatigue get in his way. He began to count in his head, the number of beats and steps-- already becoming ahead of the game.

"Aiya monjo ga… Ogiya diyoracha… Ogiya diya dwechajeulkkoya…"

The group began to move gracefully together once again. Their vocals were harmonizing perfectly during the process as well. Woohyun looked at Sunggyu through the mirror, and gave him a little playful wink, causing Sunggyu to smile slightly and turn pink. Woohyun chuckled and stopped singing for a second. He was glad to see that he was back and smiling again.

That stopped again. Sunggyu suddenly felt a sharp shooting pain on his lower back, feeling like someone had gotten a gun and shot him there. He stopped dancing, and held the pain in; taking deep breaths. The pain soon became unbearable, causing him to fall--- this time hitting his head directly on the hard floor. "," Myungsoo cursed under his breath as he witnessed what happened, and ran over to him again along with the rest. Woohyun knelt down next to the body of his best friend, flipping him so that he could get a clear look of his face. Sungjong gasped. Sunggyu's forehead had a small cut, with blood coming out probably from hitting something hard or sharp on the floor.

The managers soon noticed the commotion once again. This time, they saw the open would on Sunggyu's forehead. "Get him out," one manager said with frustration. He pointed out to the door. Rather than caring about Sunggyu's condition at the moment, he wanted to focus more on their upcoming show. "Bring him back home, please. Treat him as well. He's had enough for the day," the other one said.

Woohyun nodded at the hyungs, and carefully picked up his best friend. He asked Myungsoo and Sungjong to help carry their leader and take him back home. The three formed into a line, each of them carrying a region of Sunggyu's body. "Mianhae, hyungs.." Woohyun managed to say before they left the door to where the van was parked. Sungjong opened the door for them to exit.

The managers looked at one another with disappointed looks in their faces. "Ayish, if we continue to have complications like that through practice, I'm going to give up.." one said.

Hoya was listening through their whole conversation. Once he heard the words 'give up' he gasped softly, bringing down his mood completely. What did they mean by give up?


Author's Note; Hello guys! Long time no update! Sorry, I've been busy with school, but since school is over for me you guys get.. more updates! YAY! ♥
Anyways.. dun dun dun. What's going to happen to Sunggyu? Drama is stirring up~~~

I also promise to finish the one shot soon.. sorry it's taking so long ;~;

Thank you all for reading/subscribing to my crappy fic!  :3

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guise, i'm planning on updating today! { and maybe finishing the one shot.. } stay tuned! (●´∀`)ノ♡


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naznew #1
Chapter 9: so their manager don't know that sunggyu have cancer?
Julettums #2
Oh please update soon. Pretty pretty pretty PRETTY PLEASE
Chocolato #3
the managers ... :( what the .
apink's eunji?:3
aish I really dislike their managers behaviour
actually I think that geonam,hyoan and jungryul are the best managers ever
but seeing them like this makes me upset
so much drama TT_TT
:OOOO moar dramaaaaa~ i like dramas XDD
/i'm an emotional person
i wonder who eunji is in woohyun's life..?
bittersweet-x #7
Wah but I love Eunji, she can't be a bad person! :(
auahaha I love sunggyu's thinking
just a while ago hyunnie told him that he always tops
but then gyu thinks that he's the man in the realtionship
you'te such a cutie pie gyu :3
what does eunji(ooooh I'm so waiting for their comeback) want?
she really seems like an ex girlfriend of woohyun :0
aaaaaw look who's jealous :3
Chocolato #9
nooooooo no drama :( Sunggyu needs no drama at this point hahas
woogyu's relationship is so touching :DDDD
aaaaw the idea with the jar is cute :3
and yaaaaay gyu did it :DDD
lol at yadongjong xDD
yaaaaaaaaaaaaay for myungyeol for finally getting together
myungsoo is a though xDD
and ahaha at hyunnie
"I try my best, hyung," Woohyun replied. "I try my best."