Chapter 3

Taking Chances


"I… I… I…" Woohyun stuttered. I didn't mean for it to go this far…. I wasn't the one who started it anyways. Besides, why is Sungjong making it such a big deal? Sunggyu and I fight all the time…

"I what, hyung?" Sungjong demanded. He face was still red and puffy from all the angry and frustrated tears. "Do you think he'll forgive you? You're wrong this time, hyung. I think that you forgot that hyung loves you a lot! More than all of us in this beach COMBINED!"

Woohyun felt as if someone punched him in the stomach. He thought he was winning this war at first, but he learned that no war existed and his friendship with Sunggyu is much more valuable than anything in the world. He looked down at his feet and sighed heavily. "I can fix this."

Sungjong scoffed. "Good luck, hyung," he spat. "You're not getting any help from me." He crossed his arms and walked back to his other hyungs.

Woohyun was in the middle of either sitting back down with the others and be a pabo for the rest of his life, or go talk to his best friend and apologize, despite the fact that he did nothing wrong. He just really wanted to see his best friend smile again.

Without hesitation, Woohyun ran with all his might out to the open, only carrying a flashlight that he had picked up on the floor. "HYUNG!" he screamed at the top of his lungs into the darkness. "HYUNG!"

The light on the flashlight flashed in a few empty areas. Still no sign of Sunggyu. As he kept running, various voices entered his mind. They were all in Sunggyu's voice.

"Yah, Woohyun don't worry, I'm okay…"

"Woohyunnie, you never fail to make me smile, Ne?"

"Woohyun, your cheesiness is killing me."

"I promise to take care of you, as long as you do the same for me. Arasso, Woohyun?"

"Saranghae, Woohyunnie.."

Tears began to stream down Woohyun's face. He's never felt this weak in a long time. He was tired from running. He was tired of the drama. He felt like he had just stabbed his best friend in the heart. Along with that, he felt like he just stabbed his too... "Hyung…" he said weakly, lying down on the sand. "Hyung, I'm sorry…."

Just about as his eyes were about to close, he felt a presence next to him-- almost ghostly-like. The appearance sat down on the sand next to him. Woohyun couldn't really make out who it was. Suddenly, he felt a comforting hand on his kneecap. Woohyun suddenly recognized his hidden identity. "Hyung..?" he asked, swiftly wiping the tears on his face.


"What's going on, Sungjong-ah?" Dongwoo asked sternly. Everyone especially Sungjong, Woohyun, and Sunggyu have been acting weird lately, and he had to get to the bottom of this. "Why are you so angry at Woohyun? Him and hyung fight all the time."

"It's different…" Sungjong whispered softly. "I'm just really scared, Dongwoo hyung.. It feels like this family is slowly ripping apart." He curled up into a ball and began to cry even more.

"Ayish, Sungjong-ah. Don't be so over dramatic," Hoya said as he scooted closer to Sungjong. He placed a comforting arm around the maknae. "The two will make up in no time. They're practically like a married couple. Sometimes they hate on each other, sure, but they both know deep down that they love one another."

Sungjong couldn't take keeping dirty secrets anymore. He was tired of having to keep everything bottled up inside him. He wanted to scream it all out. But, he promised his hyung. Sungjong never breaks his promises. At least, for the right reasons. He suddenly felt queasy in the stomach.

"What's wrong, jongie?" Sungyeol asked as he stood up from his spot and sat with the others. Myungsoo followed him. "You look like you're about to throw up. Are you sick?"

Sungjong shook his head and sniffled. He felt his head ache all of the sudden, and nausea flowed over his entire body. Sungjong had to make a decision-- the right one at that. One single mistake could even end their entire career. "I wish I could tell you what's on my mind right now," he hiccupped. "I wish."


"Ne…" Sunggyu mumbled. They were both in the pitch-black darkness, not having a clue on what's going to happen and what their next move will be.

Woohyun flashed his bright light at his best friend for assurance. He sat up from the sand with a small grin, still noticing that Sunggyu's hand was still comfortably placed at it's usual spot. Woohyun felt his cheeks flush. Should I apologize now?

Before Woohyun opened his mouth to say something, Sunggyu interrupted him. "If you were about to apologize…" he began. "Don't. Save it for something when it's actually your fault."

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about, hyung.." Woohyun responded. He felt relieved that Sunggyu was not mad at him, but himself. "I'm sorry if.. my actions is what got you mad, or if my words did. Whatever I did.. I just…" Woohyun trailed off.

"You just what?" Sunggyu asked, as he furrowed his eyebrows.

"I just want you to smile, hyung," Woohyun admitted. He looked straight into Sunggyu's eyes and smiled softly. "Whenever you smile… even if I'm having a ty day… you just.. make it feel better. A lot better. I don't know why. You don't even have to say anything or do anything. Once I see you smile, it's like…" He felt his heart race even more as he kept continuing. "It's like all my troubles have disappeared, and it reminds me that whatever type of I go through, it doesn't compare to happiness."

Woohyun took a deep and heavy breath after practically confessing his feelings to Sunggyu. He nervously rubbed his hands together. A moment later, he felt a warm hand covering his. He looked at Sunggyu who was now smiling big.

"Woohyunnie…" Sunggyu stated calmly. He began to Woohyun's hands with his thumb. "Come here." He pulled Woohyun closer, and let his best friend rest his head on his shoulder. "Mianhae, Woohyun, mianhae," he cooed and looked out on the crystal ocean. "When I don't smile.. It doesn't mean that I'm not smiling on the inside. I'm always smiling on the inside.. especially when I see you."

A chuckle came out of Woohyuns lips. "Yah, Sunggyu-hyung you still have to smile on the outside."

"I'll just smile for you," he replied back.

"…. Hyung?"


"Are we… best friends again?"


Who knew that one single word could make Woohyun the happiest person in the world. He felt as if his world was coming back to life-- leaving its dullness. He never wanted to ever fight with his best friend ever again. He learned his lesson.

Woohyun began to stand up, his head not on Sunggyu's shoulder anymore. "We should get back with the rest," he said.

He felt a tight grip on his hand. "No.." Sunggyu interrupted and pulled Woohyun back now into his arms. "Let's stay here a little longer. The rest won't mind. Besides, I like it here better."

Woohyun nuzzled into Sunggyu's arms. Sunggyu held him close, and slowly, he began to close his eyes.


"2,000 won says they're dead~" Sungyeol said in a sing-song voice. Everyone was still sitting around the cackling bonfire. It was around five minutes until midnight. More than an hour since they last saw Woohyun and Sunggyu.

Sungjong whacked Sungyeol in the arm. "Hyung!" he yelled. "Don't joke about those things! Ayish.."

"Yah!" he yelped in pain. Sungyeol rubbed the section of his arm that was now tinted red from Sungjong's attack. "Calm down, calm down, Sungjong-ah! I was only kidding."

"Shut up everyone…" Myungsoo groaned. He was falling into a deep sleep. He was curled up under the thick blanket that Sunggyu had a while ago. "I'm trying to sleep here…"

Dongwoo, who was leaning against Hoya, laughed lightly. He was just as tired as Myungsoo. His eyes began to slowly shut. Hoya looked at him and smiled. "Good night, sleepy head," he ruffled Dongwoo's hair, and let him sleep on his lap.

Sungyeol, Sungjong, and Hoya all stared at each other awkwardly. "So…. " Sungyeol began, rubbing the back of his neck. "Did you guys have fun today?"

"One word to describe it, and it is daebak," Hoya said. "Dongwoo hyung and I were a little bit too aggressive so it was a little more tiring than usual. Then he pushed me in the water so I had to tackle him. Too bad we didn't get to ride a bike like you and Myungsoo did, though..."

Sungyeol laughed at Hoya's statement. "Believe me hyung. You're lucky you didn't. But at least you weren't stuck with someone as stubborn as Myungsoo over here."

"Yah!" Myungsoo murmured still with his eyes closed. "I heard that!"

"You didn't hear anything!" Sungyeol argued back. He petted Myungsoo's hair. "Shh, shh, shh. Go back to sleep," he cooed. He then turned to Hoya. "That's so creepy.." he mouthed.

Hoya laughed along, then noticing Sungjong who was playing around with the crabs in his pail. He muted everyone while doing it. Sungjong was thinking about the future in general… What it brings to him and the group in general.

"Sungjong-ah," Hoya said, snapping his fingers in front of him. "Sungjong-ah."

Sungjong snapped out of his thoughts and looked at Hoya. "Mm?" He replied. He looked down at the pail of crabs again.

"What's gotten into you? You've become someone who is four-dimensional.. One minute you're screaming at Woohyun hyung, then you were so happy, and now you're so quiet. What's really wrong?"

"Uh…" Sungjong said nervously. He began to feel his small palms sweat. "Uh…"

"Anneyong!~" A voice came from the distance. Sungjong sighed in relief. He didn't have to tell Hoya hyung the truth.. yet. He turned his back to see who they were and it was Sunggyu hyung and Woohyun hyung. A smile swept a cross his face knowing that the two made up considering the wide smiles on their faces. "HYUNGS!~" He yelled as he stood up and ran to them.

"Sungjongie!" Sunggyu yelled back, giving Sungjong a big hug as he ran towards them. "It's okay, we made up now," he whispered in Sungjong's ear.


"Yah, I would hug you right now hyung, but this pabo is sleeping on my lap," Hoya teased, pointing at Dongwoo who was in deep sleep. Sunggyu laughed.

"Same here, hyung," Sungyeol said, pointing at the sleeping Myungsoo who was curled up in the blanket. "I swear it's always these two who sleep the heaviest."

"Just let them sleep," Sunggyu answered. He placed an arm on Woohyun's back, telling him to sit down with the rest. Woohyun sat down, and leaned himself onto his best friend.

"So hyung.." Sungjong began to ask. "Did you tell Woohyun hyung yet?"

"Bwoh?" Sunggyu asked and raised an eyebrow. "What the hell are you talking about, Sungjong?"

Sungjong froze and hesitated. He gasped. "Mianhae!" He mentally slapped himself to remind him not to say a word ever again.

"What is Sungjong talking about?" Woohyun asked curiously and looked at Sunggyu. "What happened?"

"Nothing, nothing.." Sunggyu replied, shaking his head. "Don't worry about it."

Woohyun grabbed Sunggyu's arm, and looked at him. "Hyung, how am I supposed to look after you if I'm not allowed to know every little thing?" he asked. "I'm begging you. Please. I want to know."

Woohyun's eyes was what Sunggyu couldn't stand the most. They were just so innocent, and he didn't want to tell Woohyun that he was sick. How would he say it anyways? "Woohyun.. I have cancer. I'm going to die in a few months so love me." No.. He can't say it like that. He can't even speak right now.

Sunggyu took a big gulp and cleared his throat. "Do you really want to know?"

Woohyun nodded. "Ne. I don't care how bad it is. I just want to know."

Sungjong looked at Sunggyu with worry-filled eyes. This wasn't a good idea. He didn't know what he would say or do. He didn't know how Woohyun would react once he finds out.

"Woohyunnie," Sunggyu said as he grabbed Woohyun's hand and held it. "I have.. c-c-c.."

"C what?" Woohyun asked, begging for more information.

"C-c-c-cancer…" Sunggyu said in a small whisper. Did Woohyun and the rest hear him?


Author's Note: Anneyong~ my name is Jonah, and I like to leave cliff hangers because I love my subscribers so much! ^^ Here's your daily update! :) 

I acually wanted to wait until I reached 400 views to post this chapter but I couldn't help it. You guys deserved this chapter. 

Do you guys like the gif? I created it thinking of Woogyu^^ It resembles Woohyun when he hears Sunggyu's voices. I was also listening to Time (Woohyun's Solo) as I wrote this chapter... So depressing.

Oh and thank you for the subscribers! Some of you have noticed that I friended you. Please don't think I'm creepy~ 

And I was watching "You Are My Oppa".. that girl is so mean, omg. And when Hoya announced that Sungjong bought the girl pads.. I lol'ed.

Okay, that's it! Enjoy!


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guise, i'm planning on updating today! { and maybe finishing the one shot.. } stay tuned! (●´∀`)ノ♡


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naznew #1
Chapter 9: so their manager don't know that sunggyu have cancer?
Julettums #2
Oh please update soon. Pretty pretty pretty PRETTY PLEASE
Chocolato #3
the managers ... :( what the .
apink's eunji?:3
aish I really dislike their managers behaviour
actually I think that geonam,hyoan and jungryul are the best managers ever
but seeing them like this makes me upset
so much drama TT_TT
:OOOO moar dramaaaaa~ i like dramas XDD
/i'm an emotional person
i wonder who eunji is in woohyun's life..?
bittersweet-x #7
Wah but I love Eunji, she can't be a bad person! :(
auahaha I love sunggyu's thinking
just a while ago hyunnie told him that he always tops
but then gyu thinks that he's the man in the realtionship
you'te such a cutie pie gyu :3
what does eunji(ooooh I'm so waiting for their comeback) want?
she really seems like an ex girlfriend of woohyun :0
aaaaaw look who's jealous :3
Chocolato #9
nooooooo no drama :( Sunggyu needs no drama at this point hahas
woogyu's relationship is so touching :DDDD
aaaaw the idea with the jar is cute :3
and yaaaaay gyu did it :DDD
lol at yadongjong xDD
yaaaaaaaaaaaaay for myungyeol for finally getting together
myungsoo is a though xDD
and ahaha at hyunnie
"I try my best, hyung," Woohyun replied. "I try my best."